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Posts posted by heather5565

  1. I had a real challenge in this department as well. Especially once I started half marathon training. I burn a LOT of extra calories through cardio almost every day now. I had to start tracking my food again, but this time to make sure I'm eating ENOUGH. I added more calorie-dense foods. Every day for lunch I have cheese and peanuts, for example. I also added in more Protein bars as "snacks". In order to not lose weight, I need to eat 2300-2400 calories a day which is a challenge. Here's what my day is looking like lately:

    Breakfast: coffee with cream followed by a Combat Crunch bar

    Morning Snack: something carby, like a piece of whole grain toast with some Peanut Butter

    Lunch: 2 oz. of cheese (I like to experiment with fancy cheeses now) and 1 oz. peanuts

    Afternoon Snack: coffee with cream followed by a Combat Crunch bar

    Pre-workout Snack: Clif Bar

    Dinner: Meat! (usually 3-5 oz. of whatever meat my husband is having for dinner)

    Evening Snack: Halo Top ice cream sundae (half a pint, plus some kind Syrup and crushed cookie on top)

    Bedtime Snack: Coffee with cream followed by a Combat Crunch bar

    See, lots of Protein Bars in there and I've had to add back a lot more carbs. But so far so good. I haven't lost anymore weight since about 2-3 weeks into my half marathon training (I'm on week 14 now with the actual race this Sunday!).

    How'd your race go?

  2. @@heather5565 I hope some of it prooves helpful. With your plantar fasciitis and knee issues, you will definitely want to take is slow and carefully. There are some techniques you can use (stretching, taping, PT exercises, icing, etc.) that can reduce your risk of further injury and help you deal with pain/discomfort, but definitely best to be cautious.

    You might find that you get some relief from those things just by losing weight as well.

    What's so odd is that both my feet and knees have gotten WORSE since I've lost weight!

    I know, weird right?!

    Maybe because when I was huge and inactive they didn't hurt so much but now that I'm way more active and doing a bunch of high impact exercises - that's why?!

    But even going to the beach and walking into the Water (against the current and waves, mind you) it hurts.

    It hurts to ride my road bike on even pavement without even a touch of incline. Ugh!

    I have another appoint with my knee surgeon in June, who knows, maybe this will be an appoint to book for a knee replacement! Yikes I'm way to young for one but if it helps....

    Although he has told me in the past that I need to stop running so he'd be pretty pissed if he was doing a replacement just so I can start wrecking it hahaha

    We shall see. I used to run (poorly and painfully) - maybe I just need to let it go.

    I love biking and hiking mountains too so maybe I just need to accept that I am not a runner!

    I saved your post anyways. .. Heeheehee ;)

  3. I appreciate this, thank you!

    I'm going to figure out how to save it so I can use it when I'm ready to start running again.

    I STILL suffer from plantar fasciitis after 3.5 years and many different treatments.

    (Some very expensive that weren't covered under medical)

    I have a really bad knee too which I've already had minor surgery on it and it looks like that isn't going to be the last one.

    Thanks again!

  4. So for the first time in my life (57 years old) I passed out. Fainted, face planted...whatever you want to call it. I was with my sister on line waiting to purchase tickets to a show we want to see. Was doing fine...my sister, who is obese, was sweating and had to take off her coat. This is what happens to her when we're just walking quickly, which we were. Doesn't happen to me anymore. I stood on line with her with my jacket closed and not a drop of perspiration (thank you lapband!!) Suddenly I got light-headed and dizzy. Sounded like everything was under Water and told sis I needed to sit down. That was the last thing I remember till I woke up with sis in my face calling my name.

    The theater manager called 911 even though I asked them not to. The EMTs come running in, take off my coat, put a BP cuff on and ask me questions. I know they're checking my cognitive function. They knew I was OK when they asked me to get in the ambulance so they could do a quick ECG and I said OK as long as my sister stayed on line for the tickets.

    So..here's the NSV. First one...no embarrassment over this. No feeling like ugh..the fat woman is sick. She must have done something to herself. No one staring at me..only concern on their faces. Second NSV..Being able to climb into the ambulance. Never had to do that before and I know that when I was heavy, it would have been impossible. Third...no worry that the BP cuff would fit. Fourth..no worry when they asked me to sit on the 'bed' which was really just a shelf with a plastic cushion. Fifth...and truly the best NSV...the relief that my weight would not be an issue or even be mentioned. I'm normal sized now and that's what everyone sees.

    So I'm fine today and will wait to see if my doctor wants me to come in. I did tell the nurse what happened and she said she'd let me know if I need to come in. But that's not really the point. The point is that I felt like a normal person and was treated like a normal person in a rather unusual situation. Those of you who are/were morbidly obese as I used to be will understand where I'm coming from.

    I was trekked out of the bush last year via a 4x4 stretcher by 4 EMTS/firemen. I was more humiliated feeling like the fat whale on the stretcher than the bike crash itself.

    If that was to happen now - my weight wouldn't be an issue at all. It would be all about the crash and whatever is hurt that I'd need that stretcher and it would be about the ride in the ambulance to the hospital. Seriously, being this whale being pulled out of the bush by 4 grown men was the most embarrassing part of that experience!

    I know EXACTLY what you're saying!

  5. I completely believe in the super natural. When my husband's grandmother died of natural causes in her recliner, upon her death his mother inherited her house. They in-turn gave that house to my husband. For a few years my son and his family lived in the house. They told me on many occasions they would wake up to the sound of cupboard doors slamming and items moved from the place she sat everyday to do the cross word puzzle.

    She was a mean old woman... so i would have to say, it depends on the person that lived and died there. If they were a nice old lady or man... sure.... mean and hateful... hell no.

    October 30, 2011.... All hollows eve... me and a group of girls thought it would be fun to go sleep at http://myrtlesplantation.com/ Yes it has been named one of the most haunted homes in america.... We slept in the caretakers cottage.... i promise you in the middle of the night we were all sleeping and a painting just fell from the wall... Earlier that night we were outside by the gazebo ... this area is surrounded by Water and dense trees ... and go look it up, there was no moon that night... These two photos were taken. A month or so later i went to my card reader and she told me that i have a spirit that protect me and is always with me.... I truly believe that. I have had too many close calls not to have some one watching over me.

    Eeeekkkkkk what's above your head?

    Sent from my SM-G900W8 using the BariatricPal App

  6. Id have waved such stuff off as superstitious mumbo jumbo until a recent experience had me raise my eyebrows and take note.

    Was staying in a hotel......it was a house that had been converted into a hotel. Old. Charming. Ambiance.

    The room in my floor was creaky & squeaky. Anyone walking was easily heard.

    My first night there I heard someone walking beside the bed, pass in front of the bed and go into the bathroom. I was wide awake when it happened and had plenty of light filtering through an adjacent window to confirm that I was alone.

    I have no deeper explanation for this other than it happened. I did get up to check around and the rooms were empty of course.

    Crazy times. Stayed a few more nights and nothing even remotely strange like that happened again.

    That's a big fat NOPE for me!

    I would've been outta there lickity split.

    I think I shuddered just reading your post.

    Sent from my SM-G900W8 using the BariatricPal App

  7. Erma Bombeck was a satirical newspaper columnist who shared her views on love and living. This was one of her articles:

    Diet Totals 758 - Pound Loss

    I have dieted continuously for the last 2 decades and lost

    a total of 758 pounds. By all calculations, I should be

    hanging from a charm Bracelet.< /span>

    I have done a lot of kidding around with Weight Watchers,

    but it is the only organization in which I ever lost a

    great deal of weight. But I fought them. Every Tuesday

    morning, a group of us had to " weigh in " before the

    lecture. Our ritual was enough to boggle the imagination.

    We got together a check list of precautions before we

    actually stepped on the scale.

    Bathroom? Check. Water pill? Check. Have you removed

    underwear, wedding rings, nail polish? Check. Set aside

    shoes and earrings? Check. Are you wearing a summer

    dress beneath your winter coat? Check.

    The first week I stepped on the scale and my instructor

    said, " You have gained. " ( Next week, I cut my hair. )

    The next week, she said, " You have lost 8 ounces,but

    that is not enough. " ( I had the fillings in my teeth

    removed. )

    The third week, I had dropped a pound, but my instructor

    was still not pleased. ( I had my tonsils taken out. )

    Finally, she really chewed me out. She accused me of not

    sticking to the diet and not taking it seriously. That


    " I didn't want to tell you, " I said, " but I think I am

    pregnant. "

    " How far? " she said coldly, clicking her ballpoint pen

    to make a notation on my card.

    " Possibly 3 days, " I said.

    She glowered. " Any other excuses? "

    " Would you believe I have a cold and my head is swollen? "

    " No. "

    " How about I was celebrating the Buzzard's Return to

    Hinkley, Ohio and had butter on my popcorn? "

    She tapped her pen impatiently on the card and stared at

    me silently.

    " Lint in the navel? " I offered feebly.

    " How about first one to the trough? " she asked dryly.

    I learned quickly never to argue with a woman who had the

    scales on her side.

    I saw my old instructor the other day and she eyed me

    carefully and said, " When are you returning to class? "

    " As soon as I have my appendix removed, " I said

    returning her gaze.

    I'm not sure, but I think I heard her moan.


    Also, clean and trim your fingernails and toenails, pluck your eyebrows, and shave your body.

    I LOVED this!


    Sent from my SM-G900W8 using the BariatricPal App

  8. Lol I so weigh naked , no jewelry, no glasses ! I even weigh before I shower because I have long hair and don't want to weigh my wet hair! Lol

    We shall take a peek when I get home and if not...tomorrow is my day! ????

    I even take off my watch and wedding rings


    It's an extra special bonus if by some miracle I have to have a number 2 (and of course always number 1) first thing in the morning before drinking Water and weighing myself!

    Sent from my SM-G900W8 using the BariatricPal App

  9. Okay, here's my starter list....

    Miss: ice cream

    Don't miss: 1/2 gallon of ice cream

    Miss: Brazilian allthemeatyoucanstuffintoyourface restaurants

    Don't miss: fat-overs (like hang-overs from eating too much fatty food)

    Miss: Cookies

    Don't miss: a whole sleeve of Cookies

    Miss: spicy BBQ potato chips

    Don't miss: the whole bag

    Miss: the first sip of Coke Zero

    Don't miss: Coke Zero, I love my Crystal Light iced tea

    Miss: Wheat thins on car trips

    Don't miss: Wheat thins 'cause beef Jerky on car trips is even better!

    Miss: after lunch snooze in my car

    Don't Miss: the apnea that caused them

    Miss: that last pig out before starting a new diet

    Don't miss: starting a new diet every Monday (or every day) of my life

    Truth be told, I don't really miss any of that stuff. This new life is waaaaaaay better!!!

    Oh my god that was the BEST!

    Like the very best!

    I even read it out loud to my mom!

    I loved this post. Might save it hahaha

    Sent from my SM-G900W8 using the BariatricPal App

  10. Hey guys , I was just wondering if anyone is scared to lose more than their goal weight ? I'm few days post op and I have a long way until I reach my GW but I was just wondering. I don't wanna be too thin , everyone keep scaring me that I won't look good smaller (not that I care what people think) but honestly I don't want to be too thin?

    too early to think about this ??

    Sent from my iPhone using the BariatricPal App

    Hahaha yes....too early. You have many other things to concentrate on - only being a few days post-op.

    Worry about that if or when it happens, k!

    Good luck on your wl journey!

    Sent from my SM-G900W8 using the BariatricPal App

  11. It might be just what you ate. Maybe 2 Cookies would've made you dump... maybe one cookie will make you dump next time. I think it's always going to be a test. Everything you eat is "testing."

    I haven't ever dumped... fully ... but I do get a racing heart sometimes and that's from my Protein shake in the mornings. I get that when I drink them too fast.

    Anyways... no idea the point of my story ... Hahaha

    Sent from my SM-G900W8 using the BariatricPal App

  12. I don't think you even have to tell your own boss what surgery you are having. You just need to say "I'll need blank amount of weeks off as I am having surgery such and such date."

    You are not obligated to tell them anymore and they aren't allowed to ask.

    Surgery is surgery - they have to give you the time off required without question.

    Nobody else needs to know details.

    I believe this is correct information I am giving anyways hahaha

    Sent from my SM-G900W8 using the BariatricPal App

  13. Yes and no.

    Yes with strangers, No to friends and family.

    When I was 82 pounds heavier I was miserable and wouldn't talk to or look at other people. I'd get grumpy easy and would speak my mind if someone pissed me off. Even if it was something so minor - ex: me holding the door open for someone and they'd walk thru without a "thank you" or a smile, nothing. I'd say loudly "you're welcome!!"

    Now because I'm happier and much more pleasant to be around, I think this reflects and radiates so I'm being noticed more.

    I'm much more talkative & I look at people (like at their actual face!)

    Because I'm more outgoing I believe this is why I'm being treated differently.


    Although I think I'd still say "you're welcome!!" even now, because that's just rude! When someone stands there and waits for you while holding a damn door open SAY THANK YOU!

    Sent from my SM-G900W8 using the BariatricPal App

  14. I was flipping through my kid's books the other day trying to find him a bedtime story and we read a book about a fish who wanted to get big and strong so he went to a restaurant and ate a bunch of high fat food. He ended up getting fat instead and all his fish friends laughed at him and made fun of him so he went on an exercise program to lose weight.

    I was appalled. Fat shaming and food issues start at a very, very young age. I'm giving that damned book to Goodwill.

    I am very early in my weight loss phase (22 pounds down! Yay!) but I can attest to feeling invisible. I get horrified looks from men when I talk to them, as if they're afraid I'm interested but they don't want anything to do with me so they try to ignore me (I'm gay, a*****e). I'm going to be very peevish towards men who hit on me when I reach a normal weight. Likewise, I get a lot of pitying looks from women, looks also tinged with fear - and I know they're thinking "thank God I'm not that fat" or "I hope I never get THAT fat."

    Obese people are treated very poorly in our country. Folks who have never had a weight problem before have no idea how hard it is.

    First of all: burn that f**king book!

    Second: congrats on your weight loss so far!! Yay!

    Third: I know those looks from men ans women! Sheesh, it's like you went and dug around in my head for those thoughts!

    And lastly: did you burn that book yet?

    Sent from my SM-G900W8 using the BariatricPal App

  15. Hi Chrystee

    I really hope it all works out for you and your hubby realizes what an amazing gorgeous loving wife he has!

    And I hope you continue to be proud of yourself and your accomplishments. And I really hope you continue to feel attractive and build that self esteem.

    Cuz ... we can see your BP profile picture and woman, you're a hottie!

    Also, I love your haircut.


    Sent from my SM-G900W8 using the BariatricPal App

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