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Posts posted by heather5565

  1. You look really beautiful :)

    Thank you so much!!! ????


    I've quite sure it is both of the things you mentioned...

    For the record tho, an arse doesnt have to be 'teeny' to be 'good to look at'...

    Just sayin...

    Also Your Honour, I'd like the record to reflect that at no point did I request evidence of any type in regard to your arse's teeniness nor its good-to-look-atness...

    The defense rests...

    My neck is the worst of my loose skin problems. I was positive I would need plastic surgery. But in the last few weeks it does seem to be tightening up, so there is hope. I am over 40 also.

    Nice! I have a bit of bat wings and tummy droop.

    Oh well!

  2. I teared up Christina... I teared up reading this!

    So proud of you!

    I'm at my lowest size in my closet too. If I (oh and I will!) Lose anymore weight I will have to go for a full on full clothes shopping spree for a an entirely new wardrobe.

    Not sure if my husband can fully grasp that idea yet. .. but it gonna happen!


    Thank you so much! wish we could go shopping together! one month later and I am now having to remove a lot of the skinny clothes and buy some new ones. TJ maxx tomorrow and Good will on Sunday (99c day) because things are too baggy for me to stand it. I *have* to tuck my shirts in to keep my pants up. I would not have believed you three months ago had you told me.

    Ok so if we are planning this... where do you live? I can cross the US border near Vancouver BC But if your like in Texas or Australia.. that might be a little more difficult. Lol

  3. A couple for me this past week:

    A total stranger asked me if I go to Goodlife fitness. - I said yes

    She said "well yeah, whatever you are doing, keep doing it because people are noticing and talking about you whenever you walk by because it is so noticeable how much you've lost!"

    She also said she can tell that when I'm there I WORKOUT MY ASS OFF and don't just go fluff fluff around.


    Yep, I walk out of there like I just stepped out of the shower.

    Another is - this week I've vamped up my hiking bit - I've been putting weighted plates in my pack and walking up huge steep hills.

    I'm always first to the top. I need way less breaks than my friend. And I power walk thru the easier parts where my friend is begging me to slow down hahaha

    I can't help it, it's like this burst of power energy to get me going so I go!

  4. 2 months out from surgery. Had some of the grown kids over for dinner. Got up this morning, took dog for a walk, went to church, stopped at store, fixed dinner and visited for hours. no blood sugar issues, no needing to rest, no loving having them here but wishing they would leave so I could lay down. it was WONDERFUL.

    So many here I couldn't get everyone in a picture, this just shows three of my grown boys.

    In addition, like most ladies I had my fatty clothes, my normal clothes and my skinny clothes. I am now only wearing the skinny clothes. the rest are gone. I will need to shop soon. I kept the same clothes on all afternoon after Church and never felt like I needed to change into something else, because dressing to go out I used to not feel so comfortable in my clothing. Everything is better. I am so pleased.

    I teared up Christina... I teared up reading this!

    So proud of you!

    I'm at my lowest size in my closet too. If I (oh and I will!) Lose anymore weight I will have to go for a full on full clothes shopping spree for a an entirely new wardrobe.

    Not sure if my husband can fully grasp that idea yet. .. but it gonna happen!


  5. Had sleeve surgery in mid October last year.

    Saw my mother at Thanksgiving and again the week after Christmas. Haven't seen her since.

    This past Saturday I just happened to be sitting at "her" table at my parent's favorite Breakfast restaurant when they arrived.

    Mom walked in and saw me sitting there, turned around and told Dad there was somebody already sitting at her table. Dad laughed and told her to look and see who it was.....she turned back....stared for a second and I couldn't help but bust out laughing at her.

    Funny stuff when yer own mom doesn't recognize you. It was a great trip home and that was an awesome way for it to begin. Good times seeing the family.

    That's just so priceless I almost can't even handle it!

    I think it's going to be the exact same situation this weekend when my dad comes to visit me.

    He will be like "where's Heather?"

  6. OK, some of mine; some might be a little X-rated or offensive, sorry 'bout that but we've all been there:

    1. Not having to be a contortionist to wipe your butt. Sorry, I warned you.

    2. Being able to glimpse the hoo-hoo in the shower over the belly which is getting smaller.

    3. Being able to feel the "C" down below whereas before it was hiding like a turtle and you had to hunt for it with both hands.

    4. The "U-Touch" works much better now because the nerve endings are much closer to the skin since the fat's gone. (If you need an explanation of what the U-Touch is, think I-Touch and you'll get the picture.

    5. Crossing legs is a matter-of-fact position rather than a pretzel twister.

    6. You can undress in front of your significant other instead of hiding in the closet with a warning DO NOT ENTER sign on the door.

    7. Your jammie bottoms keep falling off you when you turn over in bed cause they're so loose.

    8. You're beginning to give yourself some credit for doing all this hard work instead of slamming yourself for how you got into this situation.

    9. You look into the mirror and smile focusing on your achievements instead of all your imperfections.

    10. You need a calculator to figure out how much you've lost on any given day instead of having it in your head at all times.

    11. You catch guys looking at you out of the corner of your eye because you've removed the blinders that didn't want to see anyone looking at you before.

    I'm sure there's more, but these come to mind first.001_tt2.gif

    This. Was. Perfect.

    Sooooo true

    I can see and feel my collarbones ! ! ! I can't even remotely remember the last time I was able to see my collarbones, maybe junior high? ? ?

    I know, right! Theyve been hiding!

  7. You'll be under "conscious sedation" not full on sedated. You may actually hear the docs and nurses talking but it won't make sense - you may feel like you're gonna gag yourself silly but you may not.

    Some people come out of anesthetic faster than others or need more than others to be sedated but either way - it's so quick that they should be able to see what they need to see and do what they need to do in that very short time.

    I have had a gastroscopy twice and one time I don't remember it but the doc afterwards told me that he didn't realize how strong I was and had to get reinforcements to hold me down to finish the procedure.

    Then the next time I remember gagging so effing hard and the doc said that he's never seen someone gag so hard.


    I was unconsciously trying to pull out the tube.

    Thankfully he got the procedure done before I succeeded with that.

    I've always been one that doesn't like anything attached to my face - severe anxiety so something attached to my face AND tubes going down my throat apparently brings out the hulk in me.

    You'll feel totally fine afterwards ... maybe a tad of a sore throat if you fought it like I did hahahaha but that's it

  8. You look fantastic thank you for sharing!!! What an inspiration, I'm glad to see someone around the same age looking so good. I see a lot of younger people bounce back and I worry cuz I'm not as young as these 20 or early 30's. You go girl!

    Sent from my iPhone using the BariatricPal App

    Hahaha Yeah being 40 kinda sucks. Lol

    But I do what I can with what I got!

    I do have some loose skin but maybe just maybe it'll tighten up a bit .. eventually.

    If not, then whatever. I'm still way better off now then when I was huge, unhealthy and so unhappy with my life.

    I'll take mild flappy wings over not being able to walk up a flight of stairs without feeling like I was gonna pass out.



  9. 8496bda480c1a3212505cb5ee12bf22a.jpg

    This was me then.

    This is me now.

    This will be me forever.

    21 pounds to go!

    I thank myself everyday.

    If I can inspire just even one person to get their life and health back... or for their first time - then I'm happy.

    I'm happy anyways! ????


    You look amazing. I don't even think you need to lose 21lbs. You have done very well and should be sooooo proud of yourself. I hope to be that successful.

    Sent from my SM-G925T using the BariatricPal App

    Thank you so much!

    People keep saying that but I am still 27.6 BMI and I do still have some chub. Lol

    Not a whole lot but hopefully it'll be gone 20 lbs from now :D

  10. Heather, you look amazing! Looking at your before and after pictures give me hope. I am scheduled for surgery June 7th. I am your height, and at your starting weight. Even your before picture is similar to what I look like now. My name is also Heather. Here's to hoping I have just as much success as you :) Any advice/tips?

    Oh wow we do have a lot in common...! Do you also live in Canada...? Hahaha

    Advice or tips..... Hmmmm... follow your eating plan, eat your Protein, drink your Water, take your Vitamins, go low carb, no sugar, exercise, as you lose weight & get into better shape - keep revamping your exercise, don't sweat it if you don't lose every day or every week - it's gonna come off so don't dwell on it, enjoy the journey because it goes fast, don't obsess over it (try not to anyways) - enjoy other things in your life, Celebrate weight loss with non-food things, if you do go out to eat at a restaurant - don't get too anxious; you're gonna have healthier option but even if you do choose unhealthy you're only going to have a small portion so it's not gonna hurt your progress (just don't make it an everyday habit)

    Stay away from trigger food - they can get you into trouble... mine is popcorn. (Or aka crackcorn)

    Enjoy the compliments - don't turn around with a negative comment like "yeah but I have loose skin or I still have X amount of weight to lose"

    Just smile and say thank you - you know you deserved that compliment and know how hard you worked to get to where you are...

    Don't let anyone get you down with saying shitty things like "I knew of someone that lost all the weight only to gain it back" --- you are not that person they are referring to.

    Really push yourself with exercise (later on) - you won't die even though you may feel like you are. See what you're made of!

    You'll feel so good afterwards knowing that "I just did that!"

    It's addicting. You'll want to continue to push your own limits.

    I'm thinking of joining this obstacle even thingy in June called Mud, Sweat & Tears.

    It's a tough obstacle course.

    There's other called Tough Mudder and such.

    I never ever would be thought about doing any of these things a year ago.... but here I am about to sign up thinking it ain't no thing!

    So weird!

    Anyways, you can do this!

    If there's any other questions - just ask :)







  11. Oh man that sucks! The thought of it already being post poned once and now MAYBE again!? Heartbreaking for you, I'm sure!

    But you know what? It's three weeks away - if you're on good antibiotics your bronchitis could be fully cleared up in a week. Two max. With hopefully a week to spare in good health again!

    So let's hope you are or get on antibiotics really quick and kick that bronchitis to the curb!

    Good luck again let us know what the surgeons says

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