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Everything posted by hollybower

  1. hollybower

    Legs please!

    Crossing my legs is one of my goals!
  2. hollybower

    Beginning my journey ????????

    I have my second appointment of SD coming up on November 9th. I was going for the sleeve but am having second thoughts now and looking at the bypass as well.
  3. hollybower

    Women only lol!

    I had a complete hysterectomy at the age of 30. EVERYTHING is gone! Uterus, cervix, tubes, ovaries!! That seems to be when I gained the most weight. For the women who don't have ovaries for hormones are u on a HRT? And if so, how is that affecting weight loss?
  4. But a bag of frozen tilapia. Set a few pieces out the night before in the fridge. 3 min each side and perfection!!! Or "scramble" it and throw it in salad!
  5. no hair loss..actually it is growing..I asked twice about protein and he said if I wanted to continue to lose eat lots of good protein 75% & 25% of complex carbs. I'm still at soft foodsThis comes in several flavors i just tried that yesterday and it tastes like canned tuna! BARF!
  6. I have seen some people mention that they are taking anti-anxiety medications and or benzodiazepines. When they go to their psych evaluation, The psychiatrist has either not mention the medicine, or has ask the patient to get further counseling. Is there anyone here who is or has been on anti-anxiety medications, and how did the psych evaluation go for you?
  7. hollybower

    Private Fat loss

    I don't think y'all get bigger, your gut goes away so your just able to actually see it! LOL
  8. Mmmmm - that sounds good. I just picked up some Tilapia for tomorrow night. -sd oh I Love it! I'm just starting my journey. I have 5 more visits to my PCP. Next week I see the psych and NUT, but I'm starting to to make changes already in order to be prepared for the post op life changes.
  9. I cooked chili for the kids and hubby tonight. Then I made myself Tilapia over lettuce, spinach, radishes, tomato, low fat cheese, cucumber and rice wine vinegar. YUM!
  10. hollybower

    Am I being a dishonest Christian?

    The bible says our bodies are a temple. Well you don't go to your Temple (place of worship) and disrespect it or eat junk in it or throw trash around do you? NO! So why should we treat our temple (our body) like trash? We should keep it the best we can and as clean as we can and as healthy as we can. The surgery isn't going to send you to hell and it's not being dishonest! It's frankly no ones business! You have shared how you lost the weight and like you said it IS true, just because you don't offer the entire details doesn't make you dishonest. It is after all a medical thing so that constitutes as keeping it confidential.
  11. hollybower

    SW Florida, anyone?

    I'm in Virginia looking at March or April to be sleeved!
  12. hollybower

    Anxiety Meds

    thank you!! I'm not ashamed that I need to take a med to help balance me. I've been through some crap and suffer from PTSD. But I am better now and am currently weening off the med. I'm so ready for my new chapter to start! Well it has started but I mean for the surgery to happen!
  13. hollybower

    Anxiety Meds

    Thank you! It's just so nerve racking through this entire process that we wait so long for something and then it gets stalled for one reason or another.
  14. hollybower

    Feeling beat down...

    I too take an anti anxiety med. does this mean I'm going to have issues as well?
  15. I've had my first appointment of 6. My last appointment is in March so maybe a April sleeved?
  16. My last appointment is in March!!! I'm so excited!!! Seems like forever away!
  17. hollybower


    I was told they used to take up to 90 days BUT now they HAVE to make a decision within 14!!
  18. hollybower

    Concern about WLS and my fat cat!

    thats what I have to deal with, X'2! King is on me and I have another Irish Setter Scarlett who is up my rear ALL THE TIME!
  19. hollybower

    Concern about WLS and my fat cat!

    i also thought you were talking about the "downstairs" LOL!! I have asked that question but NO ONE WILL ANSWER ME!!! How does it end up? I mean if your cat is fat and you lose weight, does it hang? Will you need a "cat lift"?
  20. hollybower

    New to this

    I have seen my surgeon, and have had visit 1 of 6 with my PCP. Next week I go meet with my NUT and right after that I head to get the psych eval. I'm just getting everything done so all I have to do is finish my other 5 visits and I'll be ready to submit to insurance.
  21. hollybower

    New to this

    that is no big deal! I too am on an antidepressant. The psych eval is just really to make sure you are going to be able to cope with this huge lifestyle change and that u have a support system.
  22. hollybower

    New to this

    My insurance which is anthem health keepers plus (Medicaid through va) doesn't require a specific amount.
  23. hollybower

    New to this

    You will have 6 visits to your PCP. The first visit it all starts! Don't gain!! You can lose but try not to lose so much that u fall your current BMI!
  24. I was told I could lose just not so much to go below the 40BMI. But I absolutely could not gain.

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