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Cape Crooner

Gastric Sleeve Patients
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Posts posted by Cape Crooner

  1. You may have seen my extensive post titled "Oh, the lying". I think it's best to take a "tell everyone" or "tell no one" approach.

    The middle ground (which I stumbled into) is very stressful and something I would advise against.

    As far as you son goes, perhaps you can use something like I'm using these days. I am so sick of answering the question, that I now just say "I did EXACTLY what my doctor told me to do". If they persist, I tell them to go talk to their doctor.

    In your case, you could tell him something like "my doctor has me on a program to lose weight, get healthy, and live a long life. It means I eat a lot less and exercise. It's working and I'm so happy that I'll be around for a very long time."

    You could also tell him that what people discuss with their doctors is private and ask them to try to keep it so. 8 years old may be too early to understand the nuances of WLS, but it's a could time to learn about private matters.

  2. I did discover the sole expert on the OC Staff (see below). Probably knows more than us, but I wouldn't say his advice trumps our surgeon. Also, as cited above, his article didn't say soda will stretch your sleeve!


    Dan AbelingEditor in Chief, Dan Abeling

    After getting his Bachelor’s of Science from Cal Poly, San Luis Obispo, Dan worked as a EMT/Paramedic for 4 years in San Jose, CA. Fascinated with medicine, Dan took a job working for Covidien, a medical device manufacturer. During his 8 years with Covidien the majority of his time was spent in the operating room with Bariatric Surgeons.

    Witnessing well over 300 bariatric surgery cases, working directly with bariatric surgeons on a daily basis, and witnessing amazing patient transformations, Dan now runs ObesityCoverage.com full-time.

  3. http://www.obesitycoverage.com/gastric-sleeve-reference-manual/ CAN IT BE STRETCHED?

    You can stretch your stomach after gastric sleeve surgery. The inside of your stomach is lined with rugae. These are folds of tissue that expand and contract in relation to the amount of food that enters your stomach.

    When they expand, your stomach sends a signal to your brain that you are full. When they contract, they push the food into your intestines for further processing. Once the stomach is empty, a hormone called ghrelin is released that triggers hunger again.

    These signals can get skewed when your stomach is constantly stretched from too much food. This article details how this happens and why it’s important to get back on track quickly after binging.

    Below are a few tips to reduce the risk of stretching your stomach.

    • Drink Water an hour before and an hour after you eat. This gives your body time to digest the food and make room for fluids and vice versa. Don’t eat and drink at the same time.
    • Don’t drink carbonated beverages. The carbonation can put unneeded pressure on your stomach.
    • Eat small, healthy Snacks if you get hungry in-between meals.
    • Plan your meals. Focus on small portions of nutrient dense foods. Nutrient dense foods keep you full longer and give you the nutrients that you need.

    Remember, if you overeat once, you haven’t ruined your new stomach. Get back on track as quickly as possible.

    A couple of things. My surgeon isn't worried about stretching. Also, as I said, I'm talking about one can of soda over a few hours.

    Finally, I did look for medically accredited reports on stretching the sleeve by drinking soda and I couldn't find any.

    This link goes to a website, not a hospital or a doctor. The story was written by the anonymous "OC Staff". Are they licensed surgeons - I doubt it.

    Also, the "article" the OC Staff link to as a reference was also written by them and is says nothing about soda (see below).

    My point is that a sleeve is less stretchable than our original stomach. As I said, constant over consumption of anything will cause weight gain and stomach trauma...


    Eating one or two large meals will not lead to a permanently stretched stomach or issues with your hunger and fullness triggers. However, doing this multiple times can lead to issues.

    The list below hi-lights key points to reduce the risk of stretching your stomach after gastric sleeve surgery.

    Limit volume not sweets. Instead of totally limiting every aspect of your diet, give yourself a reward once a week with a special treat limited in size. But do not go out and eat a large meal – regardless of the type of food.

    Do not drink when you eat. It’s better to drink your fluids an hour or two before eating and/or an hour or two after. This lets the fluids digest and they won’t increase the amount of gas that can build or limit the amount of space for nutrient dense foods.

    If you do have a bigger than normal meal, make your next meal small and make sure you don’t make larger meals a habit.

    If you are always feeling hungry, then eat small amounts of healthy Snacks in between meals. Almonds are a delicious and healthy way to feel satisfied in between meals.

    Get a good book with healthy recipes that are geared for people who have gone through gastric sleeve surgery. We’ve got a list of our favorite books here.

    DO NOT get discouraged. If you fell off the wagon and binged one or two meals or even the entire previous week. The stomach and the mind is an amazingly resilient thing. Start over and start eating normal meals again. Call your surgeon and ask for help before it gets too far out of hand.

    Get on the online forums and ask others for help. Don’t be embarrassed to ask for help. Here is a list of our favorite forums.

    So stretching your stomach after gastric sleeve surgery is not a myth. It can happen and it does happen. Be aware of it and prevent it.

    Remember how hard the surgery and recovery was? Remember what a big decision you made? Its never too late to change your habits and get back on the right track.

  4. I think the reason you see so much disagreement is twofold:

    1. Soda and WLS issues can vary by the type of surgery you have. The sleeve cannot stretch, but the pouch can. Of course, you can stretch a pouch by overeating anything. I don't believe soda expands in your stomach.

    2. Some people have addiction issues with soda and tend to drink way too much. I have read about people who drank 12 cans a day before WLS (diet or regular). Resuming this after ANY WLS will cause problems.

    In my case, I was never a big soda drinker. I did have a Diet Coke or a Fresca with lunch or dinner and I no longer do that.

    I do have some Diet Coke or Seltzer occasionally in my cocktail (vodka seltzer or rum and diet). I use to love both of these and as far as cocktails go, they are very low cal (under 100 calories).

    That said, I do notice that they feel funny in my stomach and I may or may not have them much again. Also, I'm talking about 12 ounces over the course of 3 hours.

    So, if you have a sleeve and you're talking about very moderate consumption, I'd try it and see.

    If you have a pouch or think you'll drink them to excess, I'd steer clear.

    It seems to me that is purely personal choice and also where you are in relation to your goal weight. It seems those that are closer to their goal tend to adopt a more liberal attitude towards the "rules" while those of us that are newly sleeved or still a long ways from our goal are a little more cautious.

    Unless you're drinking regular soda, I don't think it has anything to do with losing weight and achieving your goal. It's more about that funny feeling you get in your stomach. It's not something you'll likely enjoy.

    I have had maybe 4 cans of Seltzer total over the past 4 months and I do think that funny feeling is diminished.

    Will it go away altogether one day, who knows?

  5. I think the reason you see so much disagreement is twofold:

    1. Soda and WLS issues can vary by the type of surgery you have. The sleeve cannot stretch, but the pouch can. Of course, you can stretch a pouch by overeating anything. I don't believe soda expands in your stomach.

    2. Some people have addiction issues with soda and tend to drink way too much. I have read about people who drank 12 cans a day before WLS (diet or regular). Resuming this after ANY WLS will cause problems.

    In my case, I was never a big soda drinker. I did have a Diet Coke or a Fresca with lunch or dinner and I no longer do that.

    I do have some Diet Coke or Seltzer occasionally in my cocktail (vodka seltzer or rum and diet). I use to love both of these and as far as cocktails go, they are very low cal (under 100 calories).

    That said, I do notice that they feel funny in my stomach and I may or may not have them much again. Also, I'm talking about 12 ounces over the course of 3 hours.

    So, if you have a sleeve and you're talking about very moderate consumption, I'd try it and see.

    If you have a pouch or think you'll drink them to excess, I'd steer clear.

  6. You have a lot of great advice in this thread. I was 62 when I had my VSG last October and although I was obese, I probably wouldn't have done any of the other WLS options (gastric bypass or switch) unless I had more to lose.

    Keep in mind that VSG didn't even exist as a WLS option in 2004, so no one in this so-called study had the operation you had.

    I definitely rushed into my surgery (less than 2 months from orientation to surgery) and I never regretted it.

    Partially because the actual surgery was so minor (I was out for less than 50 minutes) and partially because I knew once I healed, all my anatomy would be normal with exception of my child sized stomach.

    But the main reason I had zero regrets was because after 50 years of dieting I KNEW nothing else would work - because I had tried them all and failed at them all.

    I know I added 10-15 years to my life, but if I had been 320 at 22, I may not have even made it to 62.

    You made a GREAT decision and I pray you come to realize it sooner rather than later.

    One more thing, while you may think you could have done it on your own, I seriously doubt it. Read this study on the winners from The Biggest Loser who discovered the truth about " doing it on their own".

    Quite sad for those who try to do it themselves. It really shows how fortunate we are to have the WLS option!


  7. I have endured many slings and arrows on this forum, so you can check out my posts if you'd like.

    Here's what I know:

    1. The number one issue early on is preventing ulcers. The sleeve is fairly well healed after 6 weeks and that seems to be the earliest point any doctor suggests a return to alcohol consumption.

    2. Transfer addition is the number 2 issue. I think it's very serious for people who were food addicts, not so much for people who became obese for other reasons. My test for addiction syndrome is to ask yourself the question:

    " ...after I start [eating/smoking/drinking] the thing I'm addicted too, do I almost mindlessly consume more?"

    If this is your mindset, you could be at risk for alcohol transfer addiction.

    3. Alcohol has calories that can easily cause obesity along with the slider foods we tend to go to once we get drunk. My advice is to avoid high calorie (sugary) drinks, plan what you're gonna eat after you've had a few, and log it all so you can figure out why your Weightloss failed - if it happens down the road.

    Me, I started back slowly after week 7. I followed my guidelines above and since then, I've gone from 225 to 182 (8 lbs below goal).

    What you drink and eat matters greatly. You can easily consume thousand of calories in a few hours drinking sweet cocktails and washing down chips!

    Like everything, there is no free lunch...

  8. I'm a firm believer that it's impossible to eat something at home that never leaves the grocery store, so I buy into that philosophy and I do avoid that aisle as much as possible.

    That said, we all need to develop new habits that work over the long term and I find painful abstinence almost always fails during our weaker moments.

    So here's another strategy that might work -- earn your carbs...

    Basically, you're not fighting the carbs, you're fighting the "green light mindlessly consuming the entire bag". To me the key is not avoiding the potato chips like kryptonite, but rather removing the taboo by inserting consequences I can manage and live with.

    1. I can eat as much as I want of anything, but if I'm over my goal weight, I MUST log it so I don't forget that I ate it. Yes, I have logged 7 ounces of potato chips and the 1200 calories that went with them.

    2. If I do this, then I'm unlikely to eat anything bad when I'm near or over my goal weight, the risk comes when I'm down a few pounds.
    3. If I'm 5-7 pounds below my goal weight, I might allow myself one of these evil indulgences, but do so deliberately, not mindlessly.
    4. Understand that while I can have some anytime, I CAN NOT have as many as I want all the time unless I want to be obese all over again.
    5. Mentally associate the consumption of these bad foods with the painful work that's required to consume them responsibly (working out an extra 30 minutes, counting calories for 2-3 days, etc).

    Essentially, it's a mental exercise that teaches your brain to avoid these bad foods...

    So far so good, but I'm only on month 3 of maintenance.

  9. @ Brenda Sherwood - I know about losing and gaining more back, I did it for 50 years, but this time will be different because you have such a bright light at the end of the tunnel.

    I remember waiting and wondering if I'd get approved and I ended up going to a hypnotist. He helped me stick to the pre op diet and all the anxiety of the big unknowns!

  10. I was October 6 and lost about 30 lbs pre op. Hit my goal in February, but really started eating normal foods in micro portions around week 6.

    I still love food, but now I find it much better than before. Back then, I could easily overeat and feel badly for having done so.

    Now I'm a "good boy" all week and most of the day on the weekends. When I go out to eat, I order whatever I want and then pick at the foods that are the most tempting (always order fries).

    Of course I can only eat a maximum of 7/8 ounces and everyone shares my fries.

    I feel like I've become that skinny girl who can eat anything.

    Oh yeah, I know everyone's surgery is different, but mine was totally pain free (easier than getting a crown at the dentist).

    I hope you have the same experience!

  11. Brenda, you should connect with @marcian. She was denied for health reasons and almost gave up. She stuck to her diet and eventually got approved. She was down a ton of weight by surgery and this is getting to goal very quickly.

    Also, you can lose the weight on your own (people do it), but the WLS is really needed to keep it off, so just keep losing and fighting!

  12. It makes me feel better to hear that many of you are facing similar struggles. It really felt so easy in the beginning and I guess I took it for granted. Now I have to work.

    My snacking has been carb-loaded and it triggers cravings for sure.

    I've decided (AGAIN!) to do the pouch reset. I need to get these cravings under control.

    As for working out, I'm definitely not hitting the 2-3 hours you mentioned. Wow! I work out 3-5 days a week for 1 hour. It's been slow loss lately but I know it's the carbs.

    Ok back on track. I want to hit my goal. I keep scrolling the progress pics chats for inspiration. When you've been fat 130 or less seems like a dream. But people on here have done it. If they can, we can. Right?

    I love my carbs too, but what I'm doing is deferring carb eating as long as possible in the day. For Breakfast, I have an egg white and chicken sausage omelet.

    Mid morning, veggie burger - no bread. lunch is leftover Protein or chicken meatballs.

    Then mid afternoon I'll have a small bowl of skinny pop and meat/green veggies for dinner.

    At this point, I've eaten well and hit my protein goal. I've only eaten about 800 calories and then I can have a 250 calorie no sugar desert and a 100 calorie snack before bed.

    That's 1150 an combined with 70 ounces of Water and an hour of biking/walking, the pounds keep dropping off.

  13. My Dad knows I had surgery and still asks how my "diet" is going. I tell him I'm not on a diet. Mom "gets" it but he is still confused. I try to explain but just accept that he is well meaning and move on.

    Pre op due to be sleeved next month. My dad and aunt said they just do not understand the surgery if I am losing weight on pre op diet. Like have I ever kept it off?? It is my job to take care of myself hopefully they can figure it out. It is not a diet but a complete lifestyle change. Good luck!!!

    Sent from my LGLS990 using the BariatricPal App

    I can't speak to gastric bypass, but in my case, VSG has been a miracle procedure. My goal was 190 and I blew through it in less than 5 months.

    My wife tells me to stop losing, but she wants to lose weight and I'm the home chef, so I'm eating what I cook for her.

    After a stall at 187 due to parties and eating out, I lost 5 lbs this week and I'm at 182 (down 99 lbs).

    Don't fret your success, just watch out for slider foods and exercise, the pounds will melt away...

  14. I am 14 years out from my gastric bypass and have started drinking and now I think I am replacing one bad habit with another. Can anyone help me?

    Drinking may or may not be a serious problem. How much do you drink, how often do you drink, what situations cause you to want to drink, what makes you stop?

  15. Reading this makes me wonder why so many keep it a secret. I just had my sleeve done April 20. I am blasting all of it on fb. I made this decision with a heavy heart but I knew I had to do it. We should all stand proud of what we've done because there is no shame in saving your own life. Love to all of you!

    Sent from my SM-N900V using the BariatricPal App

    If you look at my other posts, you'll see why I'm incognito. I have no shame in my WLS, my shame is in lying to 100+ close friends before I really thought it through.

    It's worth noting that I was kind of a low BMI (38) and most of my friends had no idea I was near 280. When people ask me what I lost and I just say "a lot", most come back with 30-50 lbs, which is no where WLS country for most men my height. As of this morning, I'm down 97.

    All that said, I had it to do over, I would have told my 40-50 closest friends, now it's really too complicated, and like I said, I'm almost through it.

    BTW - My latest line to the question about my weight loss is "after 55, all the fad diets stopped working, so I just did exactly what my doctor told me to do for 6 months".

    Since my PCP suggested WLS, this is very much true...

  16. @@LipstickLady, I don't think he should "suck it". I suppose I would have been happier if he'd said nothing, but he's just saying what he's thinking and I've heard many other good friends make similar comments.

    None of them have ill will in their hearts, they simple don't understand what we've been going through.

    That said, I'm thinking of some wiseass answer to come back with, something like "actually, I'm so sick of talking about my Weightloss that I'm trying to put 20-30 lbs back on."

    Might work...

  17. My skin is plenty thick. The issue is what's going through my brain and recalling all I've been through trying to lose weight for the last 50 years.

    I know my friend meant no harm, it's just that skinny people have never walked in our shoes.

    My daughter had anorexia years ago and I recall how anything anyone said about what she was eating would send her into a fit.

    I think that's kind of what's happening to me...

  18. So, I'm living incognito regarding my WLS (long story, see other posts).

    Anyway, I'm back at my summer home, 90 lbs lighter than when I left and dealing with answering a million questions without actually telling the truth (my latest response to the question about how I lost some much weight is "I went to a doctor and did exactly what they told me to do").

    I was an event Friday night with passed heavy appetizers (my fav) and the first thing to come by was a mini burger/slider. I grabbed one (planning on having it for my entire dinner) and a skinny friend shrieks out "that's on your diet?" And then gave me a shocked look.

    I guess it will pass, but kind of crummy and definitely ruined my meal (I took one bite and threw it away).

    I suppose people expect me to eat grapes and carrot sticks!

    Oh well...

  19. Well whatever works for you. Me, I was a low carb dieter for 45 years. I got fat eating cheese, cold cuts, and nuts (without counting calories like most low carb eaters).

    Most of my meals are heavy Protein and that's 90% of my calories. The topic of this thread is "snacks" not meals.

    I also don't think all carbs are inherently bad. Some have a lot of calories and I avoid those. For me, the biggest issue is when in the course of the day I eat carbs.

    If I eat them early, I'll be hungry all day long. If I eat under a 100 calories of rice cakes late in the day (2 hours before my Protein laden dinner), it works quite well FOR ME...

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