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Gastric Bypass Patients
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Everything posted by psvzum

  1. psvzum

    Before and after, yowwwza.

    You're a stunner! Congratulations on your hard work.
  2. Hi everyone, I'm 56 and had my bypass 12/2/15. Feeling great so far and looking forward to shaving with ease. Breathing too for that matter.
  3. Wow, that's one big bruise! Perfectly normal!! I had some bruising around a few of my incisions too. I have to force myself to not think what they were doing to cause them. Take your pain meds and walk. If the medication isn't doing the trick, have your doctor prescribe something stronger. And keep up with it-don't let it wear off. Your just a few days over surgery. It gets better, honest. Focus on pain management. It'll make recovery much easier. Hugs
  4. I LOVE hearing stories like this! Congratulations!!
  5. @@kimb926 the Protein bread is P28 Protein bread. Link below. I got mine from Netrition.com as I was buying other items there. It came very fresh and soft. They say to freeze it if you won't be eating it for a while. I couldn't help myself. I toasted a slice and ate a small piece (at 8 days post op). It is very filling. Once I get to Stage 4 I'll toast it with a tiny bit of Peanut Butter. Or SF jam. Or a little bit of both https://www.p28foods.com/baked-goods/p28-high-protein-bread
  6. psvzum

    Day 1 post op RNY

    Are you taking your pain meds? This really helped me get by the first few days.
  7. Congratulations and best wishes for all the December surgeries. I had mine 12/2/15 and feel wonderful. My belly doesn't feel "normal" yet but I don't expect it to for a while. At this point, I'm just tired. Protein drinks......I've had some horrible experiences. I bought a bunch of samples and am working my way through them. Today I had strawberries and cream with soy milk. I always refrigerate for as long as possible because it does help with the taste. I took the shake with me while helping a group assemble holiday gifts. It was horrible. I had to hold back gags and ended up drinking it as quickly as possible. I try to drink one 28 gram protein shake/day. I'll have 15gram chicken broth and yogurt. I just started cottage cheese so that's adding to the daily goal. I know I need to get in more protein but I should be able to have pureed Soups tomorrow (post op visit). I make a mean lentil Soup that'll be delicious and protein packed ala pureed. It's interesting to read the differences in post surgery diet phases. I was on small amounts of Water the first day and then straight into Protein shakes the next. My food tray would come with one Protein Shake, Jello, broth and a big water. Nice choice! I'm supposed to stay on protein shakes and clear liquids (sf popcycles, sf jello etc.) until my post op follow up. I added cottage cheese a day ago (have to remember not to shovel it my mouth) and did fine with it. I have also started eating high protein oatmeal. It's very liquidy and there's really nothing to chew. Not the best oatmeal I've had but it's high in protein and doesn't make me gag. I also found a high protein bread for down the road. It's got 28 grams of protein / 2 slices. Good reviews too. I'm a vegetarian so I've been looking for tofu recipes. Tofu is in the same bracket as Protein Drinks with me. But, I'm going to give it a shot. I think if I get it really crispy and use a tasty dipping sauce, I'll be good. Pam
  8. It's really different for everyone. I just had surgery 12/2/15. The first week I was really tired-even after getting off pain meds. The surgery pain was minimal. I have my post op visit tomorrow and will get my back to work letter then. I will say, I overdid it today picking up gifts and wrapping them. You need to take it easy if your home or at work. GOod luck
  9. psvzum

    Post op

    Yay you!!!!!
  10. My pain was minimal. I did keep my finger on the medication button, however but was off all medication within 3 days. I felt much better once off the pain meds-not as tired or fuzzy headed.
  11. Hi Phat I TOTALLY relate to your struggle with Protein powders. I'm only 11 days post op but will share what's helped me. I bought a bunch of samples from Nashua Nutrition. http://www.nashuanutrition.com/store/protein-powders/protein-powder-samples-1-serving.html I'm just learning to refrigerate the shake for at least 20 minutes before drinking it. I'm also using soy milk. So far the three shakes I've had are actually not bad. I've also bought Soups that have 15 grams of protein and they're very drinkable when doctored up with spices. In preparation for my next phase "Soft", I've gotten oatmeal with no sugar and 15 gr protein. If it's disgusting, I'll switch to be favorite irish steel oats and add, SF maple syrup, applesauce and Protein powder. Feedback I've seen on the protein oatmeal is the consistency is pretty bad. Looking to yogurt and cottage cheese
  12. I'd speak to a lawyer (or 2 or 3) and see what they think. It doesn't cost anything for the phone call consult. It sounds like The Butcher isn't willing to "fix" your bypass. And to tell you he wants to see you after the new year? That's just crazy. Tell the doctor you need to see him, asap. One of the main reasons we get RNX is to reduce hunger. He needs to complete the job he was paid for. I'm sorry you have to go through this b.s.
  13. I don't think it's an issue at this point-surgery 12/2/15. I was told not to worry about meeting Protein or Water req's so soon after surgery. I was only able to drink 17 oz of water at first. Yesterday I drank 34 oz. But, I am also eating alot of sugar free popcycles. I'd say they're my savior. Do the best you can without making yourself sick.
  14. psvzum

    I won't regret this...right?

    10 days out for me. I had similar thoughts prior to having the surgery. I know I need this tool to help me revise and develop good eating habits, lose weight, get healthy and be able to do things I'm limited to due to wait. My experience has been very positive. The incisions are tiny and my pain was minimal. I was on painkillers for 3 days and Tylenol for 1. It is wonderful to feel full after drinking such a small amount. Yes, some of the shakes are horrible. I've found mixing the powder with soy milk and letting it sit for a while really helps. Nashua Nutritions sells samples of the majority of powders. I bought a bunch to try before buying a big container. You're going to do just fine. Waiting is the worst.????
  15. psvzum

    Affirmation Needs?

    I'm speaking from experience. I lost over 100 lbs, had a tummy tuck and saw how people looked at me differently. I loved it, craved it and looked for it. My husband didn't treat me any different then when I was obese. I ended up "falling in love"/lust with two men and having flings with four others. I justified it by telling myself my husband didn't pay attention to me, didn't understand me. These men wanted me and two were in love with me. I ended up ruining someone's marriage and broke his heart when I stopped the relationship. The other man broke my heart and it took me years to get over it. I've come to learn, I'm an addict. If it feels good or causes a heightened adrenaline rush, I can't get enough. I'm still with my husband. Although he didn't change the way he looked at me, he continued to love me. He loved me fat and thin. Don't think for a second the men who are eyeing you now would give you the time of day when you were fat. And fall in love with you, marry you? Very doubtful. You may not be able to relate to my experience but I think some will ring true. Get into therapy. You are a new person with new feelings to sort out. Stay strong! Hugs Pam
  16. December 2nd!!! Goodbye stomach!
  17. I have an appt Monday to get the ball rolling for mine. Good to hear positive feedback! 56 yrs

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