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Posts posted by lorri716

  1. Hi everyone! I had my surgery on 9/21/15. I lost 37 lbs before the surgery, I'm down 41 pounds and about 60 inches since the surgery. I thought I would be farther along than I am by now, but in January I only lost 2.5 bs. For the whole month!! YIKES! I finally started losing again a few days ago, so that's good. I still rely on Protein Shakes, my doctor told me not to count calories, cause I should just be eating the 4-5 ounces at a time and it should be Protein first, so I don't count them. I found I love smoked turkey. I'll get one and put the meat in separate snack baggies, then those into a gallon freezer bag and grab as necessary. I make Soup, eat it as a snack, or put it in salad. What I eat has changed alot. I don't care for boiled eggs any more, or eggs in general, really. I'm trying to figure out what I can eat that doesn't make my stomach hurt. Sometimes hot stuff is not good, or cold or warm. Just depends. I don't like Water without flavoring. I don't tolerate spicy things, and have only had red meat once. I found that if I take instant sugar-free/fat-free pudding and mix it with 1.5 cups milk, and one scoop Body Fortress protein powder(30 grams a scoop), it gives me a yummy 'sweet something' if I need it. The Protein Powder mixes really well with the pudding and in smoothies, it isn't grainy. I'm starting to feel like a person again. I can breathe much easier, my knees and hips don't hurt near as much either. I can sit cross-legged on the floor(and get up!) and tie my own shoes. Amazing the things ya take for granted!!

    I was sleeved on 9/1/15 and I'm a slow loser too. I'm at 60# since surgery. I thought I'd be further along too. But I'm not and I'm ok. As long as I'm losing and not gaining I'm ok. It's not an easy process or a quick one. So I keep plugging along. Stalls are a part of my process and I've accepted that. Good luck to you.

  2. Today I'm 184 and based on the BMI calculator I'm no longer Obese now is Overweight at 29.7 BMI, this is a big accomplishment! haven't seen this number for over a decade :) This last three months have been slow weight loss (11 pound loss in those 3 months), but I'm happy I could tell my clothes feels much better. Plus I know its not a race I know I will get to my goal weight, I just have to stay focus.

    Fantastic! I haven't checked my BMI. I need to do that and see where I am. Keep plugging along!

  3. @@lorri716 what do you attribute your weight loss improvement? it looks like your results are amazing this past two weeks. Did you did any changes to your diet or exercise? I'm really happy for you girl, keep it up!

    I have not been exercising at all at the gym, due to house hunting and getting ours ready to be on the market. I've been trying to just get in my Water and I just make sure to eat my Protein first. I still have carbs every now and again so I'm not sure why the big drop in the last 2 weeks. But I'll be glad to keep dropping like this if it's up to me lol. I bet a stall happens soon. It's my luck.

  4. Hi Lancaster folks! I am planning on going to the group meeting next Thursday. Anyone else going and we can all sit together?

    How will we know each other??? I'm Laura
    i would love to meet you. I usually sit in the back corner when you first come in.
    Ok. That sounds like a plan. The corner where the receptionist is or that little waiting area when you go in on the right?
    rhetoric corner off to the right just when you walk in the door. Across from the receptionist.
    How about we all get there at 530? You know that place gets jam packed the closer to 6 it gets. That way we can all be sure to sit together.

    I just found out I hate to work late Thursday night and won't be able to make the meeting. Sorry ladies maybe next month.

  5. Hi Lancaster folks! I am planning on going to the group meeting next Thursday. Anyone else going and we can all sit together?

    How will we know each other??? I'm Laura
    i would love to meet you. I usually sit in the back corner when you first come in.
    Ok. That sounds like a plan. The corner where the receptionist is or that little waiting area when you go in on the right?
    rhetoric corner off to the right just when you walk in the door. Across from the receptionist.

    How about we all get there at 530? You know that place gets jam packed the closer to 6 it gets. That way we can all be sure to sit together.

  6. I'm doing well still stuck at 193 it's been a week. It's seems to be my norm these last few weeks. I'm not stressing it. I've got enough to stress about with fixing this house, selling it, being in a bidding was on a new house, that sort of thing. The weight will come off its just slow. And I think it's soon time for my monthly friend.

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