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Posts posted by Renkoss

  1. All of you who have posted pictures look fantastic! I feel like I don't look any different, and I avoid cameras as much as possible. So, I really don't have any pictures to post.

    I did find out something very interesting at my last doctor visit with my Endocrinologist. Because I am diabetic (T2), and because I use insulin (not as much as I used to of course), my body is unable to get into ketosis to burn fat. Therefore, the stomach weight and roundness is due of course to the insulin, which I still require to avoid high blood sugars. I knew going into this that the longer you have been using insulin, the less likely you would completely be able to go off of it. I do not believe my pancreas produces much insulin on its own anymore, unfortunately. Because of past medications and such, my poor beta cells have burned out and died off. They do not reproduce once they die. So, I'm stuck between a rock and a hard place with my weight loss journey. I will never give up, and I've modified the bad stuff back out of my life again. All I can do is continue on with my journey and know that God has a master plan for me. I trust in Him and all I can do is try.

    I'm so happy for all of you who have reclaimed your journey and are succeeding! Cudos!

  2. Haven't been posting because I feel I've been sabotaging again in the evenings and I'm afraid to get on the scale. When I went to my last Endo appointment, I was down 5 lbs, and that was just coming off vacation and a cruise on top of it! My A1C was down to 6.7 (for those who are diabetic they will know what that represents, for the rest of you it is a 3 month average of where your blood sugars are at daily) which is the lowest it has been in over 20+ years! My cholesterol and triglycerides continue to lower as well. This was the real reason for surgery for me, but I still want to lose weight and feel better about myself. I've been working out again, and not always at the gym. My daughter and I have been doing some Water aerobics in the pool (in my yard!), and also visiting a nearby watershed conservancy that has hiking trails. We are going for about 40 minute walks and in the pool for at least 45 minutes. Great resistance in the water!

    Slim, weightlifting is going to add a few pounds to the scale because muscle weighs more than fat. Don't be discouraged and don't always go according to the scale; go according to how your clothes are fitting and how you feel.

    Chaquita, the scale is moving nicely for you! Keep up the great job!

  3. Fadstabora, don't beat yourself up. Being in perimenopause you will have fluctuating weight. It is difficult to lose during perimenopause; I know that from experience. Just stick to your plan and you will see results as time goes on. Remember you are not going to drop that weight like you did after surgery, so just be patient. It will come. You do not need to see a bariatric doctor for this. Just calm down and stay on track. Don't get discouraged.

    I myself feel defeated this week since I did not go back to the gym yet from vacation, and I've eaten some carby things I should have said no to. Mind you I did measure it out and stick to eating just that amount, but still need to get rid of the snacking at night. Always was my problem and still is. I need to occupy myself and quit thinking about food at night. I can honestly say I'm not hungry when I snack, so it is just mindless eating. Ugh. I'll get there. All I can do is shake my head at myself because nobody can do it for me.

  4. 7 hours ago, chiquitabananaz14 said:

    So I didn't do horrible today but could not resist my dads cheesecake and my sisters homemade macaroni and cheese. Back on track tomorrow.

    Hey, we are all human, and we were celebrating our Freedom, so a bit of cheesecake and homemade mac and cheese is, in my eyes, allowed. Sometimes if you deny yourself the stuff that you are craving, you end up binging on it. Better to satisfy that craving with a small taste rather than binging and feeling horrible. I myself indulge in a few goodies yesterday at the dessert table as well. However, I did literally take just a taste of some of the Desserts. I'm not a huge sweet eater; my problem was always the carbs and I think I did pretty good on that yesterday. I ate mostly Protein, so the few tastes I had at the dessert table wouldn't be so huge.

  5. I'd bow out of the pizza place. That, or you can always just eat the toppings from the pizza and leave the crust. See if they have a low carb option as well. I once ordered a deep dish pizza in Chicago, IL low carb and it came with a sausage crust instead of dough. Was really good too! If you don't do salad well, then I'd opt for the chicken tenders over any of the other stuff. Good Luck.

  6. Back from my crazy June schedule! Glad to be back on track. My husband and I went to Philadelphia earlier in the month for a long weekend via Amtrak train. Had lots of fun, saw some really great historical stuff, visited with both sides of family who live out that way, and of course dined out quite a bit. Fortunately my husband tends to be my food Nazi and everything was kept reasonable. I was allowed to indulge in one treat, and I picked a piece of Italian Creme Cake. It wasn't all that good. I have found that sweets just don't taste the same anymore to me. So giving them up is no big deal. Didn't lose, didn't gain that weekend.

    Next was a 1st birthday party for my cousin's son. Lots of stuff that I could not eat (such as cassata cake, Buns, Pasta salad), but I was able to do a bunless hamburger with fixings along with some veggies. I did have a bit of chocolate pudding, but just about 2 tblspns worth. It again wasn't what I thought it would be. Learning that the sweets are easily forgotten now. It's the crackers, pretzels, chips, etc. that I have to really stay away from.

    Last but not least was my week long trip to Orlando, Florida (Disney World) for a few days and then a 4 night Bahamian Cruise with my daughter. I am proud to say that I thoroughly enjoyed all of the festivities (within reason), and actually came home 4 lbs lighter (lots of walking...lots and lots). I think I probably sweated off at least 2 of those pounds. Man was it hot!

    So, vacations are over. I'm proud that I was able to really stay on track, and due to the extreme exercise, what I did eat was easily lost.

    I've been catching up on everyone who has posted. Stick with it! This is a Marathon, not a Sprint, and even though most of us are at least one year to many years out, I think that just owning up to the regain and being proactive in getting back to where we want to be is the biggest hurtle. We are all fabulous regardless and we will shine through and on. Hugs to all.

  7. Mariela, you also have to keep in mind that as you are working out, you may be losing fat and gaining muscle, and of course muscle weighs more than fat, so that could also be the reason for the increase in the scale. Just continue doing what you are doing; I know that circle of doom all too well myself, but I've been attempting to stay away from the carby stuff and go more for the real food; fresh fruits, veggies, and Protein. I haven't budged a pound yet, but I'm sticking to it. We are all here for each other. We have all been in this abusive relationship with food for way too long, and we've all gone through a major surgery to change our way with that relationship to undo it now.

  8. Liz210, Thank you for the welcome. I've been a part of Bariatric Pal for a while now. I just don't post that much. When I am in desperate need of inspiration and moral boosting, this is where I come. Everyone here seems to give me the confidence and positive attitude that I need to stay on track and stick to the plan.

    And I totally agree; all things through Christ who strengthens us!

  9. Thanks for this thread! I need some support from those who understand the struggle. I'm just over a year out and I've already regained 10 lbs. I did not lose all the weight I wanted to begin with and that disappointed me. I am a diabetic who uses insulin, and although I'm using much less insulin, I'm still using some and I think to some degree that makes it even harder for me to lose this weight. I too found that crackers, chips, pretzels were okay with my pouch, and I could actually eat a lot without feeling sick or dumping. I do find that if I eat something sweet (like cake, Cookies, etc.) I do not get diarrhea or sick per say, but it does cause huge amounts of gas and bloating. That can be quite embarrassing. So, I am beginning this trek with all of you too! I want to get back on track, and I want to at least get under 200 lbs by the end of this year. I will be happy with another 35 lbs if my body will allow it.

    So, reading through all these posts is quite inspiring, and you have all inspired me! I'm doing this. I just need to really cut those carbs back outta my life and concentrate on the Protein again. I drink quite a bit of Decaf coffee daily, and I drink crystal light iced tea. I'm not a huge Water person, and that is why I add the crystal light. I also love popsicles. So I know I'm getting my fluids in daily without a problem. It is the portion controls and carbs that I need to really concentrate on. I do workout at least 3-4 days a week.

    I'm with you all, so good luck to everyone, and thanks again to the OP on this! God Bless.

  10. Thanks for this thread. I'm just over one year out, and I did not get close to goal yet (I do think my insulin use is inhibiting me some) and I know that carby food has snuck back into my diet. I am exercising quite a bit, and doing both weights and cardio. I have gotten very discouraged as I've gained back about 10 lbs and I'm scared of gaining any more. I don't know what to do except really try to go back to basics. I just have to discipline myself to do this. I know I haven't stretched my pouch out, but I know I've relaxed way too much where food is concerned. Some of the same triggers that caused problems in the past are still there, and I don't really feel like those triggers were dealt with during the 6 month preparation for surgery. I feel very disgusted with myself, and I keep feeling like a huge failure. My diabetes did improve, but with more weight loss can come better control and less insulin, perhaps even no insulin at some point. I just feel like I have no where to turn to get it in my head that I can do this. Why is it so hard? Even after having surgery, it is still so hard. I'm not even hungry most times that I eat.

  11. I said I was going to reset my pouch so I can get back to weight loss, however I'm not quite sure how to get started? I did read that you go back to the diet after surgery, but in a shorter timeframe. So that first day of Clear liquids, that doesn't mean just Water does it? I wouldn't survive! After all, our stomaches are not tender like they were right after surgery. I'm assuming that means broths, Water, tea, Decaf coffee? I could survive on that for a day or two. Anyone who has reset their pouch, your suggestions and input would be greatly appreciated. I want to get back to what this tool is supposed to do for me! Thanks.

  12. I was on an insulin pump for both basal and bolus prior to my gastric bypass in April, 2016. I have only lost 50 lbs, but I have decreased my insulin by a lot and do not need to bolus anymore. My basal rate has decreased twice. However, I'm having a very difficult time getting past 50 lbs lost, but my diabetes is under great control. So, I am still using my pump only because I prefer the convenience of it over multiple shots a day. If I could lose another 50-75 lbs I think I could possibly come off insulin completely. Getting there is another story.

    I hope this helped you.

  13. Nymea, thanks for your post! Always nice to see someone winning the diabetic war! Little background on me; I've been diabetic for about the past 24 years. My diabetes began with my first pregnancy, went away, then came back with a vengence with my second pregnancy. After that one it just didn't go away again. I have been on metformin forever (2000 mg a day) and I've tried every drug out there over the past 24 years. None of the meds work for me. I've followed a low carb diet for the past 5 years. In the beginning of that my numbers did come down, but then it just became difficult to control again. Finally I had to face facts that my body was very messed up, the sugar was beginning to affect my kidneys and I went to my last resort which was surgery. Since then my blood sugar has substantially improved, and although I'm still taking insulin, I'm only using it for basal only, and I've already lowered the amount twice since surgery. I'm so glad this is working for you and again I thank you for your suggestions. As the saying goes, this too shall pass, and I'll get to goal eventually. I'll just keep working hard to get off the insulin and hope that will help! Continue with your success!

  14. @@heynowkc, I know I can do this, as well as you CAN do this too! We've been given the tool needed to decrease; the rest is up to us. I'm very displeased with myself for being so weak, but you know what, I quit smoking almost 3 years ago and if I can do that, I can definitely do this. Smoking was a huge part of my life. Everything revolved around my next smoke. I put them down and never looked back. That's what I have to do with this too. I'm going to start measuring my food and really paying attention to feeling full.

    I'm stronger than weaker, and I'm going to do this!

  15. Hon, insulin makes it harder to lose weight but...I don't want to sound mean, You are letting those things come between you and your goal. It isn't that you can never have those foods, My Surgeon and my Nutritionist both told me before my RNY that there are NO FORBIDDEN FOODS!! In time you can eat them but we have to learn to eat things in MODERATION! After you are at maintenance have some but only in moderation. Now I'm not saying that this is what your Surgeon's guidelines are but this is what my Surgeon has told me. Every Dr. has their own views on their programs. Good Luck

    Shedo82773, you are right. There are no forbidden foods; I've just found out sooner than I probably should have that this stuff is tolerable to a degree. I'm not necessarily eating this stuff in excess, but probably not in what the definition of "moderation" would be. I just have to get that stuff out of my life and forget about it. Even in maintenance. I'm sure my surgeon would not approve. I see my endo doc at the end of the month. I will talk to her about all this but I know what I have to do. Thanks for being honest with me. I appreciate it.

  16. Heynowkc, thanks for your post. I am only 8 months out from surgery. I've lost 50 lbs, but I haven't been able to budge beyond that. I was doing really well, then bam! The weight loss stopped. Now with that said, I am a diabetic, and I am still on some insulin. I'm wondering if my insulin is causing me to not lose further, or if I am just eating too much. I am very deflated to learn that I can actually eat crackers, pretzels, potato chips without getting sick, and I can eat what seems to be quite a bit at one time. candy also has snuck its way back into my life. The candy (chocolates) will cause me to have a lot of gas and have a lot of bowel movements. It is very tough around the holidays right now. I know I need to get back on track, because I'd really love to lose another 50-75 pounds. I would probably be able to come off the insulin if I can just achieve that goal. I've been very worried about eating beyond that 1 cup at each meal and stretching my pouch. You have definitely inspired me to really get back to the program and truly watch what I am eating and get back to the gym! Thank you.

  17. @@Renkoss I have basic as well and having my surgery at the Cleveland Clinic in a couple of weeks. Do you remember what your out of pocket costs where when all said and done?

    My out of pocket costs were minimal. Only thing I had to pay for were the copays for the visits with the Psychologist so far. I did not have any out of pocket costs on hospital because they use the Bariatric Institute floor for your stay in the hospital.

  18. So sorry for your loss. I know how difficult it is to lose a parent. My Mom passed 11 years ago, and I miss her every single day. My Dad is still here, and doing well. It will be very difficult when he goes because then they are both gone. But, I won't dwell on that and just enjoy the time we have here and now.

    I totally understand the struggle with stress eating. It seems like once you go back to regular foods, those old bad habits want to make their way back into your life. I've been the same weight now for at least the last month or so, and I'm 6 months out. I know weight loss begins to slow, but I'm not budging at all! Guess I need to reevaluate what I'm eating and the caloric intake.

    Anybody who thinks this is the "easy" way to get rid of weight only needs to go through it to understand there is nothing "easy" about it.

    Hang in there. We will all get through this.

  19. This thread is exactly what I've been looking for here and anywhere on the web. I've not had any regain, and I'm only going on 6 months out, but that ugly demon of hand to mouth disease that I had is rearing its ugly head again. I discovered there are foods I can eat and not really limit because they do not make my pouch feel overly full. Unfortunately the foods are things like crackers, pretzel thins, Goldfish crackers, popsicles...The popsicles are low calorie and low carb, but I eat alot of them at one time. I don't know what is wrong with me! I went through all this to improve my health and I'm falling into bad habits already! When I quit smoking 2-1/2 years ago, I put the cigarettes down after almost 40 years of smoking and never looked back. Why can I not do that with eating?

    So, today I've decided I've got to recommit myself to this new lifestyle and continue on with my journey. I have rid the house of all crackers, and pretzels and anything else that I know I should not eat or snack on. I have not gained weight, but I've also stalled for quite a while now and I need to continue with the weight loss. I have at least 50-70 more pounds to go, and I've lost 50 so far. I need to accomplish what I set out to do with this surgery, and by God, I'm going to achieve it.

    Any suggestions would be appreciated. I sometimes feel like I cannot control myself and find I fight inside my head about eating the foods that are there in the house even though I'm not hungry. This is the issue I had before as well. Fortuntely the major health issue I had was my uncontrollable diabetes that is now under great control. However, I'm still using some insulin and would like to get off that completely. I've backed way down on what I used to use, and am very pleased about that. If 50 lbs has me where I'm only using insulin for basal, and have lowered that amount twice, imagine if I lost another 50 lbs! I could quite possibly get off of insulin!

    I'm returning to basics this week; making sure I'm getting in the highest amount of Protein for me, drinking my liquids, and eating just Protein and veggies. I have been exercising most days, so I'm not too concerned about that. It's the eating that needs to be controlled. I need to get my mind off food!

    Really happy for this thread. Thanks for suggesting it mi75, and Thanks Alex for creating it!!!

  20. I was prescribed the same med and after taking it for a couple days I stopped because I had horrible horrible diarrhea from it (explosive and burned!). I told the doctor and he kind of blew me off on that and said it was best to take it to prevent gallstones than to get them and have to have surgery. At that rate, I'd rather do surgery! I am 3-1/2 months out and haven't taken them. So far so good (knocks on wood).

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