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Posts posted by Ceradad

  1. Great job Kagoscuba. I applaud your tenacity. I attempted a sprint tri last Aug. I found out I am just not a swimmer. No matter what, it just isn't in the cards for me.

    I am going to maybe try some duathlons. And, of course, running.

    But, I love the fact that you kept going no matter what. It's great to see how far some of us have come in such a short time.:unsure:

  2. No exercise over the weekend. Just too busy.

    Did upper body circuit training yesterday followed by 35 minutes on elliptical. Then, home to mow the backyard. Played fetch with my GSD. Then, tried to get him to go out running with me. Don't know if it was because of the fetch or his age, but he was only able to make it about 1/3 of a mile before lagging too much. Didn't want to kill him, so we walked the rest.

    This morning, I ran the loop bossman took me on last Thur. Bastard lied to me.:purplebananna: Said it was a just under 3 miles. Turns out it was 3.6 miles. He really did push me. Oh well, I survived last week and today was easier. Had my normal running partner and another Sgt. here at work with me this morning. Went at a nice pace. Have to do it again this week.

    Legs tonight.

  3. Ok, to update from my run with the boss man yesterday, he did exactly what I thought he would do: KICK MY ARSE!

    We did at least 3 miles. I do 5k's, so this should not have been a problem. However, I don't know if it was the softball the night before (very few beverages), or the pace, or the time of day, or the fact that he kept asking questions and making me talk, but I wanted to stop after only 1.25 miles. He kept me moving. Would allow me to slow the tempo down and then gradually ramp it up again.:) When we finished the run, we went up to the fitness ctr and proceeded to do sit ups (w/o anyone holding feet down), pushups, crunches, bicycle kicks, another ab exercise I don't know the name of, and then more pushups. He just racked them all out like it was nothing. I was able to do a little over 60% of what he was doing as far as reps.

    Joke is on him though. Got done with it and I immediately asked to do this routine once a week.:tt1: Just, not on the day after softball.

    After stretching out whatever soreness I had this morning, I ran 2.25 miles outside again. So, while it hurt yesterday, I was able to recover quickly.

  4. Im very active. I have a 2.5 year old son and a great dane puppy. so i get my workout daily.

    But i walk on the treadmile for 45 min. on level 6 at the highest incline it will go. Then since i had a c-section my muscle in my abs were cut i can do 200 crunches and feel nothing untill the next day. So i do that daily. I also have a bootcamp abs video i do everynight!

    I also play softball on Mondays & Tuesdays and go horse back riding on Saturdays.

    Holy Crap!:ohmy: We have a new leader.:smile2:

    Congrats on the job your doing. By way, I thought great dane young were supposed to be called "colt".:tt2:

  5. Thanks! And I didnt make it the full 10,000, but I did make it further than any other day, so i'm happy.

    And it sounds like maybe you may be the one pushing him to his limits on Thursday! I'm really impressed by what you've accomplished, and i'm hoping to be able to do well, too!

    Thank you for the support!

    Great job on making your goal!:tt2: Now, try to push a little more.

    And trust me, he will push me as hard as he can. He may be 13 yrs older, but has run marathons before. I'll be sucking wind, but won't quit unless I drop:cursing:

    ceradad is the resident bull dog in pushing us all!!!!

    you'll be amazed TKM how a little bit more each day will progress you!.

    SO - cast off ankle yesterday, spin class today w/hubby and i kicked his ass. he swore he was having a heart attack by the end of it and i just had to smile that even w/an injury i was able to still keep in shape - well somewhat.

    Good job lulu! Keep kicking his butt. It's tough to maintain any sort of cardio fitness with a wheel busted.

    Of course, now when I come down in Oct. you won't have any excuse for not kicking my butt in a run before we go for margaritas.:smile2::wub:

    just getting started but I am trying...

    I was able to do a little more than a mile this past Sunday but have been able to do half a mile and that is getting easier. I have to push myself to go for that other half mile and I am hoping to eventually get to where the rest of you guys are =)

    That is the 2nd step, pushing/convincing yourself to go just a little further. First step is getting started. You keep pushing yourself and you'll find it starts to get easier and easier to not only get out there, but to go a little further. Keep up the good work.:eek:

    I had a bad day yesterday so I did nothing, but I think I'll do Zumba before I go to bed tonight!

    Nothing wrong with a bad day. We've all had them. Don't know how many times I've gone into the gym to lift and immediately found I just could not do it. I had to learn that it's ok to just get up and walk away. Gotta give the body a rest once in awhile. It's ok to push it harder, but you also have to give it time to rest as well.

    As for me, my carpoolmate said he was not going to run outside if it was raining today. Little bastard lied to me. So, of course, I could not be shown up by him. If he was going to run in the mist/rain, I was going to. Instead of a light 1-1.5 mile run on the treadmill, we did 2.25 outside. At the end, I pushed him to go the extra .25 mile just to get one up on him.:ohmy:

  6. Hi All, just found this thread - today I want to get in 10,000 steps - I've been close before but today would be the first time - and will try to at least make 10,000 each day, or at least beat the previous day, from now on. I cant upload my BodyBugg at work, so won't see til tonight what i've done.

    TMS, great job. That is the best way to get into the habit of exercise as alot of us will tell you. We don't start at a run, we start off pushing ourselves a little further/harder/longer each day. That was what I did when I started this journey. If you didn't make it yesterday, push yourself a little more today. Then, a little more tomorrow. We'll be here for you.:mad2:

    As for me, my carpool mate/cardio partner/coworker talked me into going outside to run this morning rather than on the treadmill. Ran a loop along both sides of the Mississippi River for a total of 3 miles. Took it easy and did it in 30 min. Then walked to cooldown for about 15 min.

    New bossman is wanting to take me for a run with him on Thursday. As he is taking us one at a time and trying to push us to our limits, I am going to take it easy tomorrow and Thursday morning.

  7. good luck on your 5k tom ceradad!!!!

    Thanks. Had my best time yet btwn last year and this year. Ran the 3.1 miles in 27:17. I ran this course in 28:30 or so last year I believe, maybe 29, so I was very happy with it. Course is set for faster times. The hills aren't too demanding and the rest is a little more flat.

    yesterday - 30min bike, random hill level 7 - 9.2 miles - abs

    today - 30min bike, random hill level 8 - 9.25 miles - abs

    get my cast off tom am.....plan to do spinning while easing into walking.

    'Bout time. Now you can't use it as an excuse anymore.:thumbup:

    I ran 3 miles on the treadmill this morning in just under 29 min. on hill level 3. Followed that with 10 min. cooldown and 15 min. on elliptical.

    No lifting this week. gotta have a week off once in awhile.:frown:

  8. Had my first being stuck experience ever yesterday at lunch. Had a fill last Thur. and am tighter than ever before and lunch did not agree with me at all. So, no exercise yesterday pm.

    This morning, just did an easy 1.6 miles on the treadmill followed by 10 min. cooldown. Legs are feeling GOOD for tomorrow mornings 5k run.

    I'll get into the gym this afternoon for the upper body workout I was supposed to do yesterday.

  9. Ok, alarm went off at 0345 this morning. I immediately reset it for 0515. Just could not get out of bed.:cool2:

    Got softball tonight. Tomorrow I'll hit the gym for cardio in the morning and upper body in the afternoon. Friday will be light cardio in the morning and maybe light legs in the pm.. Want fresh legs for my 5k on Saturday.

  10. Sunday-started training with DD for a fun run 1 miler after the 5k I'm doing next month. Made it perhaps a total of 1/2 mile out of 1 mile running.

    Monday-Upper body circuit training. Followed that with 35 minutes on elliptical/1 mile run on treadmill/20 min. on ellpitcal.

    This morning-3.1 mile run on treadmill on hill setting/level 3. Hope to get in this afternoon for legs.

    2nd 5k of the year this coming Saturday. Going to be scaling back the running 1/2 mile each day this week to ensure fresh legs on Saturday.

  11. Esophagus (sp?) still a little too sore and swollen to want to try (plus a little lazy:redface:) some cardio this morning.

    Looks like I may have to be in as early as 2300 tonight to fill in, so tomorrow looks like a lost cause as well.:thumbdown:

    Oh well, I will get back at it on Monday at the latest.

  12. Deep-brain stimulation scares the poop out of me. I would have to have a terminal condition before I would consider it.

    Ok, I'll say what everyone is thinking.......You have to have a brain for Deep Brain Stimulation to work.:ohmy:

    Of course, I would fall into that category as well.:thumbup:

  13. Let's keep 'er rolling along. Same rules as always: none. All you have to do is list your exercises you are doing. Just a way of keeping us accountable to each other.

    As for me today, nada. Slept in after two nights of softball and a fill yesterday. Just didn't feel like my innards could take the jostling of running on the treadmill after the fill. I can still feel the swelling a bit.:thumbup:

    I'll get back to it tomorrow. If nothing else, I'll hit the elliptical.

  14. In that same vein -- did y'all notice how they manipulated the before/after medical pic angles to minimize the appearance of flabby skin? Everyone there is going to need surgery.

    I noticed that as well. They didn't do a great job on Mikes skin, you could see the fold going into his shorts. They go out of their way to not show the loose skin so we don't think about it when they show up to the finale I think.

    My question is: Did anyone else notice Alyson said they had started 152 days previously at the weigh in. If you do your math, that adds up to almost 22 wks, not 17. Curious? Was that a slip up and she exposed they are there longer? Or did she screw up her math?

  15. Ran 4.5 miles on the hill program on the treadmill this morning in 45 min. set @ level 3 for 1st 30 min and then lvl 2 to finish. Very tired at the end, but felt good. I figure I'll do the hill setting from now on to get more used to road work when not actually running on the road.

    Supposed to start softball tonight, but it's raining. Not looking good for that.

  16. :lol::tt2:

    like dh is a big help anyway..., dr wouldn't do it - i'd rather get it over & done w/.


    Then kick the dr's arse. Not like you can't do it now.:unsure:

    And, notice I refrained from calling you a "big" baby. That does not apply anymore.:ohmy:

  17. Last night was upper body as promised. Great workout:thumbup:. Been awhile since I came out of a lifting session feeling that good.

    This morning I did 2.5 miles in 25 minutes on the treadmill on the "Hill" setting. First time I've done this. Elevation ranged from 0-3.6%. Felt good, more like being on the road. Followed that with 10 min. cooldown and 25 minutes on elliptical. Tonight will be leg workout.

  18. Update time:

    Took Friday off as vacation and didn't do anything for exercise.:D Decided to rest up for my first 5k on Saturday.

    Saturday-ran my first 5k of the season. Only my 2nd time running on the road this year. And it kicked my arse.:tt2: Thought I was pushing a good time. Hit the finish line and it was 30 minutes.:thumbup: Felt it in my calves immediately afterwards. Have to hit it harder outside now that the weather is getting better. Have another one in 2 wks.

    This morning was on the treadmill upstairs. Did easy 2.4 miles @ 6.3-6.4 mph. Ranged incline from 1-2.5%. I'll do a little more of that when on the treadmill from now on. Followed that with 10 min. cooldown and 25 minutes on elliptical.

    Tonight will be upper body.

  19. Yesterday, nothing. Had a driving class for work yesterday. You haven't lived until you have driven a cruiser like you don't have a dime in it.:rolleyes2:

    This morning was only a 1.5 mile run in 13:25. I've got my first 5k on Saturday and I don't want to overdo it before that. Tonight will be upper body. Unless, I take a 1/2 day and go golfing today.:tongue:

  20. i get wkly updates from DH who passes by frequently.

    they are going to have to do something about the ticket prices however - just not realistic in this economy to shell out $2500 for a family of 4 for a single cowboy game.

    jerry jones has built a LOT Of corp suites - and they are still not all taken.

    i believe DH records the science channel on tivo - i'll have to go look at it .... it will be a beautiful stadium, home opener is against the gnats:)

    today - just called my neighbor, and plan on a slow walk. it's SO nice out this am - and i just need to move. will also do my weight training routine when i get back.

    Have to agree with you on the ticket prices. They even mentioned that a couple of times. It is on again at 4 pm this afternoon if he didn't tivo it.

    And, it's good to see you calling that NY team by it's real name.:crying:

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