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Posts posted by Ceradad

  1. You know, I don't think I've had a margarita since my surgery. Love them, only has to be on the rocks. Blended is a little too girly for my tastes.:thumbup: Also, has to be regular, no foo foo flavors.:)

    So, question is, do you drink it on the rocks or blended? If it is blended, maybe there is something with the volume causing troubles. I drink chocolate milk from time to time and have no troubles with it. Not sure on that front.

  2. But you are probably like me that when you start to backslide, instead of reaching out, you freak out. I do that, and that is the one reason I'm afraid of sabotaging my weight loss too. I get to a certain point, realize I'm starting to look good, and totally freak out and do the exact opposite of what I should do. I too will likely deal with this very issue again in the future.

    I do this as well. Not just in weight loss either. When I sense things are going good, I tend to sabotage it somehow. I have backslid a little lately as well on the weight loss. I have started to get back into old habits of eating past satisfied and eating Snacks when I KNOW I'm not hungry. I broke down and called the PA for a fill. Can't get in for another couple of weeks, but I am going to buckle down and get back into the right way of thinking.

    Susan, don't beat yourself up. You are only human. You recognize things aren't as they are supposed to be. That is the first step. You know how to fix the problem, that is important. Good luck.

  3. Start of a new month and start of a new exercise challenge. How about getting some more new faces involved?

    I started off things right. In the work gym @ 0440 for 33 minutes on treadmill, including 5k run in just under 29 minutes. Into the real gym tonight for upper body and a little more cardio.

    LET'S GET IT ON!:thumbup:

  4. gee, really?? LOL:sneaky:

    Really. If you were to spend one day listening to actual conversations, your chemicals wouldn't touch the greys. Anywhere.:tt2:

    I don't even tell DW most of the things I hear each day. The conversations run that gammut.:blushing::crying::lol::scared2::cursing::eek::cursing::confused:

  5. Color me ignorant, but I thought a key culprit to being unable to lose weight was not exercising. I've never EVER heard of sleep deprivation as being an issue.

    And because I don't recall if it was mentioned, how sleep deprived is deprived? Getting only a few hours' sleep a day?

    OP is correct in one aspect. Studies have shown that sleep deprivation can curtail weightloss efforts.

    However, I feel they took it to an extreme by assuming that staying in bed and losing the weight are healthy. Most people, me included, are assuming that the weight lost came from losing the muscle gained after working out for awhile with a personal trainer.

  6. I figured Ceradad would find his way in here eventually. Welcome!

    Football, football, soooooo much football at my parents'! Go Ga Tech, Tide, Vols!

    Can't keep a....ahem....good man out forever. :wink2:

    Can never have too much football. Only drawback is there are no Cowboys playing tomorrow. I can't even cheer for the Gnats opponents as the Redskins are tied with my 'Boys.:thumbup:

  7. Thanks, you wrote what I was just about to write.

    Staying in bed like that sounds like the best way to get blood clots and lose muscle mass all at the same time!

    Didn't think about the blood clots. Makes sense though. Any time you lay in bed and do not move around, you are just inviting them into your life. Not good.

  8. One of my older sisters was at 250something this spring. She joined a gym, dieted, ran, worked really hard. Got a personal trainer...the weight started coming off. She dropped from a 22/24 to an 18. Well at around 215lbs she felt pain in her knee while running. Yep- stress fracture. Doc put her in a brace AND ordered her to not exercise or run...not even walk.

    She called me crying. This is what I told her to do:

    Put the tv in the bedroom, put the phone in the bedroom.

    Get tons of drinks, fav foods -diet foods though. Eat all you want and stay in bed! (except for work -she's a nurse)


    Btw, you said here yourself, you told her to stay in bed. Not her dr. Now, if you missed that point from her dr, that is one thing. However, do not accuse me of not reading your post thoroughly.

  9. Not to be an a$$, as I know I can be at times, but how is being on crutches putting pressure on your leg. I've had plenty of knee injuries due to sports. Including having both knees scoped, right twice left once. I've never, ever, been told to stay in bed the whole time.

    Not sure why they would tell her to stay off crutches and not to do anything at all.

  10. xt-that is a great idea.

    I started off with 2 wks of light walks on the treadmill. Prior to surgery, I talked with my surgeon and discussed what I could do and when I could do it. He said after 2 wks, I could start on light weights w/no ab works until after 4 wks. Nothing says you cannot lift heavy though. Just start off with lighter weights and then add weight as you gain your strength back.

    You may not ever get to the same weights as before, but compared to your new body weight, it will be more. I know when I was 380 lbs, I could never do 90% of my bw for 3 sets of 12 (90% of 380=342, 90% of 250=225) and that is what I am doing now. And, that is circuit training on top of that. Not 1 set, rest, another set, rest, another set. I do 8 other exercises btwn sets.

    You'll get there.

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