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LAP-BAND Patients
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Everything posted by Ceradad

  1. Ceradad

    This has been done to death

    And I will most likely get flamed on here for posting this. But, I have to get this off my chest before I go completely nuts over this issue. Plus, it is a rant and I am in the R&R section. Here goes, the closer I get to my one yr bandiversary, the more upset I get when reading about people complaining about being slow losers due to the band not working the "right way". The complain about how they can eat all the ice cream, sweets, fast food and fried food they want w/o feeling full right away. They can still eat full plates of food no matter how long they chew their bites. They then say that they don't exercise at all because they just never have done any sort of exercise and why should they now. :biggrin::cursing::cool2::cursing::w00t::cursing::tt2::cursing::svengo::cursing::nopity: Are you kidding me? This is not a cure all for people. It will not make it so you can feel full after two bites unless you are way too tight. In one yr I have had only 2 fills. And I didn't feel I needed the second one, I just went along with it because they had it on a "schedule". Now, I don't let them near my port unless I want it. I have never had great restriction, I just know what the portion sizes are that I should be eating. When I am done with that, I stop. After about 10-15 minutes, I feel full/satisfied. Even the other night, I finished my dinner and wanted more (my head was telling me a small portion more wouldn't hurt). I looked at DW, told her what was going on, stood up and walked away. I learned from past mistakes. Also, you NEED to exercise. You don't have to exercise like I do (6-7 mornings a week of cardio and 4 nights a week weight training), but you have to do something. Even if it is starting off walking down the block and back. Each week add a little more. Like the ads say: Do Something! Ok, I've got that off my chest. Hopefully, I can hold off the heart attack now.
  2. Ceradad

    August Exercise Challenge

    Yesterday: 15 minute run on treadmill for 1.5 miles 35 minutes on elliptical 1 mile run with DD at home. Today: Day off.
  3. Ceradad

    August Exercise Challenge

    Sure, I'd be in. Live or auto draft?
  4. Ceradad

    August Exercise Challenge

    No way can I associate myself with that team:biggrin:. I am completely jealous though. Not looking good for me getting down there this year. Money and time just don't appear to be there.
  5. Ceradad

    August Exercise Challenge

    Went back last night and did 35 minutes on elliptical. Today is early day shift, so I'll go in after work and do 65 minutes on elliptical
  6. Ceradad

    August Exercise Challenge

    I see Froggi is still around, but otherwise, it seems so. Yesterday: 20 minute/2 mile run on treadmill 65 minutes on elliptical Today: 35 minute/3.4 mile run on treadmill 35-45 minutes on elliptical tonight.
  7. Ceradad

    August Exercise Challenge

    Last night, as promised, I hit the gym for a 45 minute run on the treadmill. Covered 4.5 miles in that time. This morning, 35 minutes on elliptical. Working the early day shift today and had to be up at 0330 to get into the fitness center here at work. Gym doesn't open until 0500, so that was out. DW said I was crazy to get up that early to work out. I agreed at the time, still do.:crying:
  8. Ceradad

    August Exercise Challenge

    Saturday-ran my 6th 5k of the summer. Sub 29 minutes on a really hilly course. Then, in preparation of my next 5k that has a kids 1 miler afterwards, I went out in the afternoon with DD to get her used to running. Sunday-Decided to take a day off as it was nephews 2nd b-day. Today-overslept, will hit gym tonight for cardio. No lifting, week off for recouping from 6 wk cycle.
  9. Ceradad

    This has been done to death

    Leslie-you are right, I miss it if I don't get up in the morning. Sometimes, it's almost as if my body is moving out of bed w/o my mind really knowing what is going on yet. Long-that irks me almost as much, sometimes even more. I have walked in others "shoes" before. I know pretty much exactly what they have gone through. There are always variables that make our journey to the band unique. Just like we each have a unique journey after the band. If they don't want encouragement and advice, simply put that at the beginning. Something like: "WARNING! WARNING! WARNING! WARNING! WARNING! WARNING! I am looking for a pity party. I do not want advice/encouragement/exercise tips/etc. I simply want to complain and be heard for a little while. Let me get this off my chest and I should feel better. However, if you feel you must give advice, I will most likely try to tear you a new ARSE! :cursing::eek::cursing::cursing::cursing::cursing::cursing::cursing::cursing:" Now, if that started off a thread, I would know where I would stand with them and just what exactly they were looking to get out of the rant/rave.
  10. Ceradad

    in need of advice--thinking about surgery

    Dropit, you sound alot like me about 10 yrs ago. I wasn't as big then, but I was big. All my tests would come back about like yours and my bp was never outside of normal range. Even last summer when I reached my highest weight of 280. Now, 10 yrs older than you are, and 130 lbs down from last summer, I am extremely happy. I am with Canadagirl in that if you are looking to drop 200 lbs in a year, the lapband may not be for you. You can achieve some amazing results in one year, but you have to work for it. I'm in no way suggesting you are not willing to do that as I don't know you, just saying. Since about 2 wks post op, I have been in the gym 6-7 mornings a week for cardio and 4 nights a week lifting. This is important to remember. You must exercise to have the greatest results. Especially if you are planning on joining the Army (which if you do decide to do so, GREAT! We need more willing to make the sacrifice of their service). Wish you the best of luck in your journey. Keep asking questions to make sure you make the right decision.
  11. Ceradad

    This has been done to death

    Ok, gotta add on here with a side rant. My latest pet peeve is people complaining they want to exercise, understand they need to exercise, feel compelled to exercise, understand exercise is a major asset in the battle to lose (not loose) weight. But..............they are just too busy, not enough time, life is hectic. Um, mine is busy as well. I work full time as a police officer, go to school, pick up my daughter from either in laws or summer camp/school (depending on time of year), have said daughter, have a wife, play sports, keep up social life (what little there is) and everything else that comes with being a working adult in todays society. I still manage to get into the gym or walk the dog or do something pretty much every day. Ok, done for now.
  12. Ceradad

    August Exercise Challenge

    Today was leg workout. Finished up another 6 wk cycle of circuit training.:wink2: Now, a week off from lifting and then I'm going to try some pure strength training for about 3 wks. Followed up legs w/15 minutes on elliptical and 15 minutes on treadmill. Going back in tonight for about 30 minutes more of cardio. Then, fantasy football auction.:wink:
  13. Ceradad

    KNOCK! KNOCK! Lady with a Q for the men...

    I'm a police officer and can get into some interesting situations. I was given 4 wks off from duty to recover properly. My surgeon told me I could start to lift light weights after 2 wks, but no abs for the full 4 wks. Plain and I have had great success with this band. As for the "mans man" thing, tell him not to worry. I go out with the guys all the time after softball and to watch football. People understand.
  14. Ceradad

    What to try????

    I have yet to find a flavor of Muscle Milk that I do not like.:smile2:
  15. Ceradad

    August Exercise Challenge

    Great to hear luluc. Like I've heard many a time, you have to have the calories to burn the calories. Too big of a disparity btwn number of calories taken in vs burned, and you are not going to lose weight. It is almost as bad as too many calories taken in and no exercising.
  16. I'd have to agree with your assessment whole heartedly. I got that impression while I was talking with them about my denial before PNC got involved and talked to them. They basically want to see how far you are willing to take the fight. And, it honestly pisses me off. If you really need this surgery to make yourself healthy and have passed all the requirements THEY say you must, they need to approve. But, they don't. They don't look at the long term payouts they'll have for people morbidly obese. They look at the short term bottom line. It's f'ed up and they need to stop messing with people like this. :smile2: When I went in for my initial consultation and told the nurse who my insurance was through, she just made a face and said we were in for the long haul. She knew exactly what to expect and told me what to expect from them.
  17. Ceradad

    August Exercise Challenge

    Oh heck no! I couldn't do that, I'd starve. I just take a couple during the day to make sure I get enough protein. For the amount of exercise I do, my PA and I agreed that I can eat a little more than most bandsters. Plus, the nutritionist I dealt with pre band said due to my size and the amount of muscle I carried even be surgery, I needed more protein. Now, she did think I could get all of that with just diet alone, but I didn't think so. So, I "cheat" a little and use a Protein powder mixed w/water for my "snacks" instead of plain milk. Today's exercise: Upper body workout with 12 rep circuits. Damn near killed me.:smile2: Then, 65 minute on elliptical and 15 minute run on the treadmill. I had my 1 yr check up (actually 51 wks, but PA is on vacation next week) so I have to work the late day shift today. Figured I'd just do it all in one swoop. As mentioned, I had my early 1 yr checkup today and I've lost 103 lbs since the surgery date last Aug 28. I lost 23 lbs alone on the 10 day liquid pre op diet. So, I maintained a 2 lb/wk weight loss.:hurray: And that is with only losing about 5 lbs in the last 2 mos. I've been concentrating more on gaining muscle the last couple of months.:wub: And then, for an NSV, I had to take my new uniform shirts back in to Streichers to get them tailored. I actually had to get them "V"ed because they were too big in the abdomen area and just about right through the chest and lats/back.:cheers2:
  18. Ceradad

    This has been done to death

    Now, that one I just don't get. My dr never said anything about caffeine being off limits. In fact, when I was seeing the nutritionist prior to the surgery she encouraged me to start on this. Oh well, each dr is different I guess.
  19. Ceradad

    Fantasy Football Anyone?

    Just because the Gnats have been getting too much mention here, I thought I would throw this out: :biggrin::eek: Seriously, though, I respect the run the Giants went on last year and what they did to my 'Boys. If you still have room, I will check my schedule and see if I can make the draft on Saturday night. That is, if you will have a real football fan in the league.:cool2:
  20. Ceradad

    This has been done to death

    If they don't have the Crystal Light stuff, there is a generic brand that Walmart carries the is an energy drink as well. Usually in with Walmarts brand of single use packets. Taste is good, just not as good. But, very effective as well. Price is about the same as Crystal Light.
  21. Ceradad

    This has been done to death

    Leslie, no apologies needed for hijacking needed. As for the Crystal Light, I've only found it in Wild strawberry and it doesn't have a very overpowering taste to it. Just about right. I've found it in Cub Foods or Walmart. Here is what the box looks like You can find it online as well. Just google it and you'll get numerous hits.
  22. Ceradad

    Stay healthy Minnesota campaign

    Update: I have been asked to do a TV interview to air during the campaign this coming Tuesday with myself and one of PNC's surgeons. Apparently not my surgeon, but can't have everything. This thing has completely blown up since I was first asked to do this.
  23. Ceradad

    This has been done to death

    I try to get to bed by 9:30 at the latest. Doesn't always happen, and sometimes I'll toss and turn, but once I get up, I'm good to go. That and Crystal Lite has a great energy drink that I put two packets in to a liter bottle and drink that while doing cardio. The caffeine and the exercise wake me REAL good.
  24. Ceradad

    This has been done to death

    No apologies needed. Like I said in the OP, this was a rant that I had to either get off my chest or have a stroke keeping it in. You know what needs to be done. You've figured out exercise is important. Next step is simply make the effort. Go for a walk a few times a week. Make it a little longer each time. Eventually, if you skip a workout, you will physically miss it and then you know you have turned the corner. Believe me, there are about 4 mornings a week when the alarm goes off at 0430 that I want to shut it off and go back to sleep. Fortunately, my body decides to swing the legs out of bed before my mind can act on it. Most mornings, I'm glad I did.
  25. Ceradad

    August Exercise Challenge

    This morning, up bright and early at 0430 and in the gym by 0500. 55 minutes of interval training on elliptical. No lifting today.:thumbup: It's my off day to recoup. Plus, last nights leg workout kicked my arse. Learned my lessons from Monday night and minded when I took my Protein pre workout.

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