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LAP-BAND Patients
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Everything posted by Ceradad

  1. Ceradad

    October Exercise Challenge

    Yesterday was cardio and upper body in the a.m. Today was 55 minutes of cardio in the a.m. and legs tonight prior to trick or treating with DD. Should be fun.
  2. Ceradad

    Has anyone ever discussed THIS with their DR

    The 2nd PA I saw had a tough time realizing that I needed a little extra than normal patients due to the amount of working out I do. The first one realized that right off the bat, but had to explain a couple of times to the 2nd one. Since, she has come around and has no problem with my portion sizes being about 1 1/2 cups as opposed to 1 cup
  3. Ceradad

    October Exercise Challenge

    luluc-hope you are feeling better soon. To update, worked out Monday morning, both upper body and 100 minutes of cardio. Tuesday a.m. was 55 minutes of cardio. P.M. was legs Today-alarm went off and I just didn't have the fight in me for cardio this morning. I'm off tomorrow so I'll try to make it up then.
  4. Ceradad

    October Exercise Challenge

    Here's how my day has gone: Up @ 0430 to hit gym @ 0500 for 55 minutes on elliptical machine. Bus into work. Spent 8 hrs on computer looking at Excel spreadsheets trying to figure out new 10 hr shift work week for the entire department. Mind fried. Bus back to P&R, back to gym for GREAT upper body circuit training. Best in about 4 wks.:thumbup: Drove back to work to get in 5 hrs of O.T. Will be back in to gym tomorrow morning for cardio and leg circuits. Have a great weekend everyone!
  5. Ceradad

    October Exercise Challenge

    Haven't checked in this week. Just too busy. But not too busy to hit the gym. Saturday and Sunday-Just didn't "feel it". Decided to take a couple days off. Monday a.m.-50 minutes cardio on elliptical. p.m.-45 minute circuit training on upper body. Tues a.m.-50 minutes cardio on elliptical. p.m.-35 minute circuit training on legs. Today a.m.-65 minutes on elliptical.
  6. Ceradad

    October Exercise Challenge

    As I worked 16 yesterday, I didn't get home until 0045. Up at 0800 and in the gym. Only able to get in upper body this morning. Tomorrow will be legs and extended cardio. Have a great weekend everyone!
  7. Ceradad

    October Exercise Challenge

    I feel your pain there luluc. I have been doing the same over the past month. Still working out, just not with the same intensity. And, eating a little too much. Working on getting better about that though. Good luck and keep at it. It will come back.
  8. Ceradad

    October Exercise Challenge

    Another 50 minutes on elliptical this morning. Working 16 hrs today, unplanned, so no workout tonight. I'll get two in tomorrow and Saturday.
  9. Ceradad

    October Exercise Challenge

    Pretty much my final number. I just don't want to look anorexic. I'm constantly told that my 245 looks more like 225, so I'm happy with that.:regular_smile:
  10. Ceradad

    How Much Exercise Do you Really Do

    I do cardio 6-7 mornings each week. Days I work are for 55 minutes at least. Days I'm off, I try to get in around 1 to 1.5 hrs. 4 nights a week, I am back at the gym lifting weights using circuit training.
  11. Ceradad

    October Exercise Challenge

    Yesterday was leg circuit training followed by 65 minutes on elliptical. Today, no lifting. 50 minutes on elliptical this morning.
  12. Ceradad

    October Exercise Challenge

    Ah, good, another true fan on here! luluc and I welcome you into our little club. As for yesterdays game, I only got to see the last drive in regulation for the Cards and then our last drive in reg. to tie it up. Missed OT and glad I did.:laugh: Could not believe it when I saw the replay of the blocked punt and the guy didn't even get touched:cursing:. Now, Romo out for about a month, McBriar on I/R I believe, Felix out for 2 wks, Hurd needing surgery and Ratliff hurt. Not looking good for the moment. Ok, rant over. Here was my workout today: Bench: 225 x 8 Asstd chin ups: set @ 90 x 8 Incl. Bench: 135 x 8 BB curls: 75 x 8 Cbl Tri pushdowns: 85 x 8 Mach ab crunches: 85 x 8 db military press: 50 x 8 back ext on roman chr: 75 x 8 BB shrugs: 225 x 8 3 circuits-kicked my ASS! Followed up with 15 minute run on treadmill and 50 minutes on elliptical. Then, off to DD's school to surprise her and had lunch with her. :smile2:
  13. Ceradad

    October Exercise Challenge

    Nice to see I wasn't the only slacker last week.:crying: Just couldn't get the motivation to hit the gym as much as normal. Of course, does only going to the gym for 7 times in a week count as slacking? So, rededicating myself this week. 55 minutes on the elliptical this morning. I work the afternoon shift tomorrow for the holiday (does Columbus Day really count as a holiday? I'll still take the O.T.:eek:). So, I'll hit the gym in the a.m. and do both circuit training and cardio for the day in one swoop.
  14. Ceradad

    October Exercise Challenge

    Why would you give your puppies coffee? Update time- Monday-Upper body circuit training. 3 circuits/9 exercises/7 reps. Followed up with 65 minutes of cardio. Tuesday-lower body in a.m. with 15 minutes of cardio. Was supposed to go back in afternoon for cardio, but kitchen sink went on the fritz over the weekend and had to go home for plumber to fix. Wed-45 minutes cardio in a.m., no lifting. Had to go home in pm due to Tuesdays plumber not being able to fix problem. He sent another guy out of Wed. Damn me for not being mechanically inclined.:wub: Thursday-upper body circuit in a.m. Had in service training Tues-Thurs (including defensive tactics on Thurs) and just did not have the energy to hit gym again for cardio. Fri-working early day shift and then 9 holes of golf afterwards. Depending on what time I get off the course, I may hit the gym for lower body circuit. Otherwise, I'll hit both tomorrow. Great to see everyone is doing so well on their exercise. Keep up the great work!:smile2:
  15. Ceradad


    I just took a closer look at this ad on the right hand side when it popped up on one of the arenas on here. We are giving ad space to an herbal supplement that promotes losing 44 lbs in just 3 mos? Doesn't that go against almost everything that we are trying to convey here? Seriously, we talk all the time about how there is no magic pill that will make you slim and fit. That you have to work in order to get the results you want with your body. Then, we have an ad on here that is promoting itself to be a "magic pill" of sorts, a fad diet. It does not make any sense to me. If someone comes on here looking for information about the lapband procedure and sees that ad, it looks to them as if it is a viable alternative to exercise, watching what you eat (it actually says "with no dieting") or even having the procedure done. I know the website either takes on ads to pay for itself or it becomes a subscription only basis, but don't the mods and administrators have some control over the ads being put on here. Can we take that one off of here? It goes against everything I thought this website stood for IMO.
  16. Ceradad

    October Exercise Challenge

    Oh yes, I am tatted up. They just strategically placed me so you couldn't see them. I'll list them off for you. Right shoulder-Timberwolves logo. Right forearm-Cowboys star with "There is only one star" in writing below. Got this one in Dallas last year when I went down for the Cowboys/Vikings game. Figured if I am going to get a Cowboys tat, may as well get it where they will have pride in doing it. Great place called Skin Voice. Hole in the wall, but great guys just down Airport Frwy from Texas Stadium. Left shoulder-Cross (kind of tribal art) Left upper arm (from just below elbow to the bottom of the cross)-Tribal art that has Ceras name above a heart and DW's initials inside all of it. Space for another addition to the family if we are so lucky. Left forearm-The letters "USA" scrolled down with the flag inside the lettering. Right thigh-Tigger dancing a jig. The left arm is one big collaboration. Together they mean: God, family, country. Which is very important to me as you can tell by my auto sig. I have more planned someday, but DW is putting the foot down a little bit. Says she doesn't want to be married to a circus freak. I keep telling her she was too late with that one when she agreed to marry me.
  17. Ceradad

    October Exercise Challenge

    True. But maybe, by saying that, I am actually encouraging kudos to be given. And, thank you. Not only cute, but VERY smart. Way smarter than me. I've been saying since the day she was born that I am the dummest one in our family. And, that includes the dog. :w00t:
  18. So, I get a call 2 weeks ago from Park Nicollet Clinics Bariatric clinic. The lady tells me they are in a partnership with the state of MN, a local paper and local tv channel for an ad campaign starting in October to endorse getting healthy. They wanted to do a write up on some of the success stories for lap band in the Twin Cities. She then tells me my name was the first to come up as one of their "Star" patients and would make a good story. They ask me if I would be willing to do a phone interview with a reporter or two for about an hour and maybe have my pic taken for an article or two. Well, you could have knocked me over with a feather. While I know I have been doing very well with the lb and my exercise, it's nice to hear your doctors office giving out respect as well. Of course, I agreed to it. I want to educate as many people as possible. Marketing person calls me back to verify that I am good to go and sets up appt. for interview. I was on the phone for almost an hour discussing everything that I have accomplished so far. Even did some history on me to give everyone an idea of what I went through before and after. I even put a plug in for LBT, hope it gets in the article as this place has been a HUGE resource for me. I'll see the article beforehand and will get a chance to make some revisions if needed. If LBT does not get in, I will make sure to put it in. Once the article comes out, I'll post it in the Magazine section. Just thought I would share this as I am looking forward to seeing some positive media attention given to the LB instead of all the negative stuff that gets said. More on this later.
  19. Ceradad

    Stay healthy Minnesota campaign

    Here are a couple of links to the website for PNC's campaign: Stay Healthy Minnesota - Joe and Tammy Padula Stay Healthy Minnesota - Your source for health information Just thought I would share with you all.
  20. Ceradad

    October Exercise Challenge

    Thank you very much. And, you are correct. I don't think they put it in there enough how lucky I feel that she has been there for me. Not once in the past 13 mos. has she complained about me exercising so much. That alone is worth more than words can say. Here is a link to all the photos they took of all the patients they are using for this campaign: http://nielsen-photography.com/PNBariatric/ I was also chosen, with my family, to do a poster for the clinics to put up.
  21. Ceradad

    October Exercise Challenge

    Great to see everyone going gangbusters to start off the new month! As for me, I had a class the last 3 days and was away from work. But, still at the exercise. Tues-65 minutes on elliptical. Wed-ran on the treadmill for 15 minutes for a total of 1.71 miles. Wanted to see if I could get the new SWAT team pt time of 8 minutes in. I did it in 7:45.:w00t:. Followed that with 45 minutes on the elliptical. Thur-65 minutes on elliptical. Today-working early day shift. In for cardio afterwards. Also, thought I would share a little ad campaign I'm involved with up here. The WLS clinic I went through is doing this in partnership with the state of MN. Check out these links: Bariatric Surgery Center - Bariatric Surgery | Park Nicollet Health Services Stay Healthy Minnesota - Joe and Tammy Padula There are a couple of TV commercials as well, but I only have those on my email. Can't find them online. Not looking for any kudos or anything. Just thought I would share with you guys.
  22. Well, due to the RNC being in town and my duties because of it, I have not been in the gym since Tuesday morning. Heck, I've barely been home due to working about 45 hrs from Tues through today. Just wondering if the monthly exercise challenges have fallen off completely. Once I get back to normal, I will be able to get back into my routine. Hope everyone is doing well. Btw, getting lots of walking in doing foot patrols, so I'm still getting some exercise in. Just not the "gym" type.
  23. Ceradad

    September exercise challenge?

    Last Friday during work, I started feeling really run down. Kept getting worse as the day wore on. No added cardio Friday night.:thumbup: Saturday, I did nothing except sit around the house with DD until DW came home and then did nothing with her as well. Gotta have one of those days once in awhile. Yesterday, up before church and did 70 minutes on the elliptical. This week is my non lifting week. So, working the early day shift today, will go into the gym after work and do about 65 minutes of cardio. Hopefully, I can mow the backyard after that.
  24. Ceradad


    Thanks alex. Much appreciated.
  25. Ceradad


    Aint that the truth.

PatchAid Vitamin Patches
