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LAP-BAND Patients
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Everything posted by Ceradad

  1. Ceradad

    Advice needed from weight lifters

    Just an update. I started the protein shakes up this past Saturday and have already seen improvement in the gym. While I decided to simply start a new 6 wk cycle of reps on the circuit training, meaning only 7 reps/exercise/circuit, I didn't feel "weak" at all. Hopefully, as I continue the protein and the workouts, my strength will increase as the reps do.
  2. Ceradad

    November Exercise Challenge

    Monday- a.m.-45 minutes of cardio on elliptical p.m.-35 minutes upper body workout. Tuesday- a.m.-too tired from staying up too late watching football for fantasy football results.:rolleyes2: p.m.-30 min, leg workout Wed- a.m.-65 minutes of cardio on elliptical. p.m.-non lifting day. P.S. started up Protein shakes again and already feel the difference in weight training. Hopefully, it will stick.
  3. Ceradad

    Building Muscle (new guy)

    If you check out my "advice from weightlifters" thread, I let my protein intake lapse and I suffered tremendously. I've started up the Protein shakes again and, after taking one week off, will start back up this coming Monday. However, I am able to bench 70 lbs over my weight now. I've NEVER been able to claim that. My all time max bench was 375 and I weighed approx 340 at that time.
  4. Ceradad

    Something to commemorate my decision

    Keep poking the bear.......:Dancing_sorry:
  5. Ceradad

    Something to commemorate my decision

    Nicely done Beth!:Dancing_wub: I got a couple new tat's last Oct. and this past January on both forearms. Neither had much to do with my lb, but I like them. I've got a total of 6 so far. DW hates them, but it is my body. She just has to look at it.:Dancing_sorry: Tattoos are a great way of expressing yourself and what means alot to you.
  6. Ceradad

    Advice needed from weight lifters

    mrboswell, to answer your question, it came extremely quick. Like you, I've lifted weights ever since hs and would start and stop all the time. I would get into the gym for maybe 6 mos straight and then something would happen and I would stop for a longer period of time. This cycle went on for YEARS! When I finally got the band, it was almost like a switch went on. I decided I would not let the band do all the work. I figured if I was going to go to the extreme of having my body cut open (small incisions, I know), I was going to make a lifestyle change. I never liked cardio, hated it even, but I decided I needed it. I started that before the lifting, per dr orders, and haven't looked back. I would imagine if you and your son were to do it together, and he showed enthusiasm, that will make it so much easier for you. Good luck.
  7. Ceradad

    November Exercise Challenge

    After a horrendous workout on Tues, I decided to take this week off completely. I plan on doing cardio tomorrow morning before work and then back to my routine next week.
  8. Ceradad

    Advice needed from weight lifters

    Thanks mrboswell, that is what I have been thinking for about a week or so. But, thought it could be that I have just done too much over a long period of time. Not looking to get huge. But, nothing wrong with bigger muscles, right?:thumbup: Ceradad=daughters name is Cera (pronounced like Sara) + I'm her dad. Something I came up with after she was born.:thumbup:
  9. Ceradad

    Advice needed from weight lifters

    I'm starting to think so too. You weren't born in Nebraska were you. Maybe we're related and don't know it. Of course, I'm not sure I want to be related to a damn Giants fan. :thumbup:
  10. Ceradad

    Advice needed from weight lifters

    Exactly what I was trying to do. Meals alone just aren't going to get it done I guess.
  11. Ceradad

    Advice needed from weight lifters

    Best part about Muscle Milk is they have so many great flavors. I love the chocolate, Chocolate Chip, and Cookies N Cream. I see a pattern here.:thumbup: However, if you mix it with Water, the calories aren't that bad.
  12. Ceradad

    Advice needed from weight lifters

    Have you ever tried Muscle Milk? That stuff is great. I can get about a 1 month supply for $30 at a place up here. RTD's are more expensive, but still great tasting.
  13. Ceradad

    Advice needed from weight lifters

    I would say that no I'm not getting enough protein just by diet alone. I just can't see that I am overworking out as I give myself weeks off btwn. So, I think it must be the protein. Nothing else has changed as dramatically as that in the last month or so.
  14. As some of you know, I have been a "workout warrior" since my banding in late Aug 2007. I haven't had many problems with my workouts. I've lost 135 lbs in that time period and cut my bf% from almost 34% to 17.5%. I circuit train mainly for my workouts. 3 circuits each workout, split upper body and legs and do each 2/wk. I start with 7 reps and increase by 1 rep each week until I get to 12 reps, a 6 wk cycle. Then, week off and start all over with increased weights and different exercises for each body part. Also, I do at least 50 minutes of cardio on days that I work and 65-95 minutes of cardio on days off. Lately, I've been giving myself 1 day off from exercise completely each week. Now, this 6 wk cycle has been different. I feel "weak" in the middle of my 2nd cycle. I'm at the tail end of this cycle and I failed on the bench during the 2nd cycle of 12 reps. As soon as I hit rep 7, I knew I was not going to see rep 12 w/o stopping. That has never happened before. My question is this: Has 15 mos straight of doing this been too much? Even though I have been taking a week off btwn cycles, have I overdone it? Am I reading too much into what happened? Is the fact that I am not taking Protein supplements during the day killing my workouts? I did stop the Protein shakes during the day to help out our home budget. Do I need to look at cutting something else out to make sure I can purchase the protein? Any advice would help.
  15. Ceradad

    November Exercise Challenge

    Eh....I was trying to cut out the cost from the budget. Now, my body is paying the price. I'll have to work something out. I can't really say that I love or hate oatmeal. I'll eat it, but don't have to have it. As for eating before working out, that I just can't do. I feel sick and usually throw up if I eat right before I work out.
  16. Ceradad

    November Exercise Challenge

    Well, after working until midnight Sunday and up again at 0530 on Monday, I was too tired last night to work out. :laugh: Made it in this morning, but workout was SH#T! I've been feeling "weak" the past 3 or 4 wks. I think it is because I stopped drinking my Protein shakes for Snacks btwn meals. Don't think I am getting enough protein for me to recover properly. I'll start it up again starting today. We'll see how it works out.
  17. Ceradad

    November Exercise Challenge

    Yesterday-leg workout and 35 minutes on elliptical. Today-too lazy to get to the gym before church. Got a call from work to come in for some O.T. So, I went home to catch some football and then came in to work. Going to be a bad/tough week for working out. Here until midnight, then back at 0800 tomorrow. Will have to workout tomorrow night after work, going to be TIRED! Double on Tuesday for the holiday (gotta love holiday OT:thumbup:) Off on Wednesday, but have to take truck in for brake work it looks like (there goes holiday OT). Back in for OT on Thursday, work on Friday and Saturday. Going to be a LONNNNNG week. Especially with DW going out of town Wed-Fri for work. Just me and DD.
  18. Ceradad

    November Exercise Challenge

    Had Monday off from work and took the time to soothe the wounds.:thumbs_up: Tues thru Thur hiding at EMT refresher class. You can save the teasing for later, I knew it was going to be ugly, but had hopes.:frown: As for exercise: Monday-upper body workout and 65 minutes of cardio. Tues-Leg workout and 65 min cardio Wed-65 min cardio Thur-had my practical exams for EMT and just couldn't do cardio and then those. After class, we had to unwind at the local beverage establishment. So, day off from working out. Today-55 min of cardio this morning. Tonight will be upper body again.
  19. Ceradad

    WHY are people voting for McCain?

    I hope you mean COWBOYS BLUE!!:biggrin: If not, then we are going to have some real animosity.:cool2:
  20. Ceradad

    WHY are people voting for McCain?

    And you know the feeling is mutual.:biggrin::wub::biggrin: And that I have given you some ribbing via PM's about your Obama vote (and your rooting for the Gnats today against my Cowboys:biggrin:). I do not lump all Obama supporters in one group. If I conveyed that, I apologize to those of you who are sensitive to such things. (it's a joke. but, if anyone was offended, I guess it just hit the mark:biggrin:). However, I do not agree with the policies Obama is saying he will implement if elected. Therefore, I cannot vote for him. I do like most of what McCain is saying, so I will vote for him. Why do people have to have such animosity due to contradicting opinions. We each place our votes and the one that gets the most electorate votes wins. Then, we have to deal with the repurcussions for the next 4 yrs. After that, we get to go through it again. Better or worse, we'll make it through.
  21. Ceradad

    WHY are people voting for McCain?

    Couldn't agree with you any more than I already do Beth. It's almost a shame to see it. But, those same men and women who fought and died would also say they fought for these people to have that right. They were PROUD of the fact they were fighting to ensure others would have freedom after them.
  22. Ceradad

    WHY are people voting for McCain?

    Are you kidding me? I may be getting into this conversation a little late, but what can be more important than a life? The economy? I don't think so. I am an adoptee, my sister was adopted, my daughter is adopted (due to infertility for DW and I), my daughters birthmother is adopted as was her brother. Adoption is always an option over abortion. Obviously, I am pro life. However, after all those reasons I give, I still cannot impinge on someone elses Constitutional rights when it comes to their bodies/privacy. Now, I am voting for McCain because I do not want to see the U.S.A. become the S.R.A. (Socialist Republic of America). The idea of "redistribution of wealth" screams of communism. How can you not see that? Obama wants to reimage the American Dream from working hard to make yourself and your family better off to let the government take care of you because you are inept. I'll take my chances that McCain will keep the dream as is. While growing up, my single mother raised 3 children by herself. For awhile, we were on welfare. However, she worked the program the way it was intended. She worked while on welfare and put herself through college. As soon as she was able to, she got off welfare. She may have had to work up to 3 jobs just to support us, but she had PRIDE. She didn't want to take any more money than was necessary to get her, and us, on back on track. PRIDE and RESPECT have been lost in America. Alot of people do not want to take responsibility for where they are in life right now. They don't want to work to make their lives better. They want to blame others and want to know what others are going to do to make their lives the way they dream it should be. Obama is catering to that feeling. So, yes, I am voting for McCain and Palin. I truly believe that when it is all said and done, I would rather have to work a little harder to make it through a tough economy (which is cyclical btw) than to demean myself to taking handouts from the govt.
  23. Ceradad

    November Exercise Challenge

    Way to go luluc!:biggrin: Unfortunately, I have been lazy again this weekend. Haven't made it to the gym at all.:biggrin: I'll make up for it this week though.:cool2:
  24. Ceradad

    October Exercise Challenge

    Will do, should be interesting. At least it won't be too cold tonight as it was last year. Who's going to take responsibililty and start up the November exercise challenge?
  25. I lost almost 90 lbs before my first fill. Of course, I didn't get a fill until I was 6 mos post op. Had my 2nd one the following month even though I didn't feel I needed it. Haven't had one since and I'm 15 mos post ops. Just relying more on exercise and watching what I eat more than relying on the restriction. Reached my initial goal of 130 lbs lost by 13 mos post op and have basically gone into maintenance mode.

PatchAid Vitamin Patches
