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Gastric Sleeve Patients
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Everything posted by walkinggirl

  1. walkinggirl

    Liquid diet

    I was sleeved on 1/26 and had the same thoughts. I went from barely being able to drink a sip of a Protein shake on Thursday to being able to drink almost an entire one yesterday. From what I've read, you will not really feel the restriction in the liquid phase, so don't let it freak you out. Hopefully others more knowledgeable can chime in.
  2. walkinggirl

    What are you looking forward to?

    Oh man, so many things.... wearing riding boots. I carry most of my weight in my legs and have never found boots that will zip. I cannot wait to wear a pair! wearing skinny jeans - see above. I've never found a pair that looked good or fit me right. getting outside with my kids this summer and running, hiking, doing gymnastics. My daughter is a gymnast and i can still manage cartwheels and handstands. So fun Being able to wear tank tops and possibly shorts without feeling horrible?! I know I will have loose skin, but I will take it. Going zip lining. I've always exceeded the weight limit, lol.
  3. walkinggirl

    1 week post-op

    Keep up the good work! I am 4 days post op and really feeling the hunger pains too. I was told it could be acid, but I am on an acid reducer, so not sure. My arms have been going numb too! That is so weird. I thought it was just because I have been sleeping on the couch and propping myself up in strange ways though.
  4. walkinggirl

    Walking Girl's VSG Story :)

    Time to update: I went home on the evening after my surgery. I was going to stay in the hospital that night, but I started feeling better that evening, so I posted to be in the comfort of my own home. I was afraid of being dehydrated, but so far so good. Day 2 and 3 post op were BAD. So weak. So nauseated. Couldn't drink. WAs horrible. Day 4, I feel like I have turned the corner. I was able to get a shower today. Made some Protein pudding to eat (which was AMAZING). I am doing some laundry and going to take a walk in the sun in a bit. I can honestly say that I was regretting this decision, up until today. The only thing I can still complain about besides still feeling weak (which is to be expected), are these crazy hunger pain feelings. I have been told that they aren't really hunger pains, that it is acid. But I am on an acid reducer already, so not sure. Hopefully my body will adjust. Oh, and my weight. I weighed 268 this morning. Started at 288 first day of 2 week liquid pre-op.
  5. I am on one. Guess I will just ride it out. Thanks for the input guys!
  6. Yes, I am on a PPI. Every time I take a sip of something, my stomach just rumbles and growls. Like the painful growl when you haven't eaten for 24 hours. It is so unpleasant. Does this sound normal? Maybe my body will adjust eventually?
  7. walkinggirl

    Post op day two, help

    Oh I am so happy to hear this! I was sleeved on Tuesday the 26th and your thread and all the responses just described my life right now. Period and all!
  8. congrats, they approved mine very quickly too!
  9. I wish I had some advice for you. I am day 3 post op and feel the same way!
  10. walkinggirl

    2 days postop... How did you feel?

    I'm day 3 and still feel pretty crappy. Just nauseated and tired. Supposed to be on liquids, but the thought of a Protein shake makes me want to hurl.
  11. Surgery went well today but I am not doing too hot. Super nauseated/dry heaving every time I try to stand up. Not sure if it's anesthesia, pain meds or just the surgery itself. So there has been no walking. Hoping tomorrow is better. In quite a bit of pain too. Feel like there's a pit in my chest ????
  12. walkinggirl

    Surgery today. Miserable...any advice?

    Not doing great with fluids. They hurt going down and make my stomach rumble which makes me feel nauseated. They are going to let me stay another night to keep me on iv.
  13. walkinggirl

    Surgery today. Miserable...any advice?

    Thanks all. Feeling a tiny bit better this morning. Forcing myself to get up more. Pain still there which is to be expected. The nausea is what is kicking my butt. They're giving me nausea meds as often as they can but still feeling it. Nurses keep talking about me going home today but I can't fathom it at the moment.
  14. walkinggirl

    Walking Girl's VSG Story :)

    Surgery went well today but I am not doing too hot. Super nauseated/dry heaving every time I try to stand up. Not sure if it's anesthesia, pain meds or just the surgery itself. So there has been no walking. Hoping tomorrow is better. In quite a bit of pain too. Feel like there's a pit in my chest ????
  15. walkinggirl

    Walking Girl's VSG Story :)

    Well, it is Sleeve Eve. I am completely losing it...so nervous!!! I really didn't think I'd feel this way, but putting my kids to bed tonight really pushed me over the edge. I have faith that iI will be okay and I know I am doing this for the right reasons, but I can't help but think about all the "what ifs." AHHHHHH. On a happier note, I an down 14 lbs on the pre-op liquid diet. Will get my final weigh in tomorrow before surgery. See you on the flip side!
  16. walkinggirl

    Walking Girl's VSG Story :)

    Day 10 of pre-op diet and I am fully back on track. Over 11 lbs lost so far and I can definitely tell a difference in my body already. Specifically, my back fat seems to be melting away, lol! Weird, but I will take it. Made a trip to the grocery to stock up things I will need for after surgery, ie. soups, liquid Tylenol, sugar free jello and pudding. My surgeon does liquids only for 1 month post-op, so I'm going to have to get creative. Found a couple of good bariatric food blogs to get ideas from. Also, I made some creamy vegetable soup to freeze and have on hand starting next week. Can't believe the day is almost here!
  17. walkinggirl

    Post sleeve comfort foods -roll call!

    So, if I sprinkled nutritional yeast onto my cauliflower instead of parm. cheese, what would the taste be? What would be the benefits/drawbacks? Now you have my curiosity going! It is yummy! Here is a recipe with cauliflower and nutritional yeast that I have been making for years: http://www.delightedmomma.com/2013/01/cheesy-baked-cauliflower-poppers-dairy.html
  18. walkinggirl

    2 day liquid diet before surgery?!

    Yup, 2 week liquid diet here.
  19. walkinggirl

    Walking Girl's VSG Story :)

    1 week into pre-op diet update... One week down, one week to go! The pre-op diet hasn't been as horrible as I thought. My plan is all liquids...I can choose from Protein shakes, Meal Replacement Soups, broth or SF Jello. I get so sick of protein shakes! Broth and Soup are definitely getting me through. I have to admit that I did cheat a little this past weekend. We traveled out of town and I ate some roast beef off of an Arby's sandwich and some grilled chicken and salad. I am fully committed from here on out though. I am also happy to report that I am down 8 lbs from a week ago today. Starting to get a little nervous for the surgery next week, but still overall very excited for the process to begin!
  20. You read my mind in asking this question! I have surgery a week from today and was wondering this exact same thing.
  21. Pre-op diet Day 5...this isn't so bad! Totally do-able. And I'm down 7.5 lbs!

    1. Daisee68


      Great job! First 3 to 4 days is the hardest, so if you have survived that so well, you got this!!

  22. Day 1 pre-op diet...let's do this!

    1. jane13


      hold on tight!!! Its a wild ride!!!

    2. Daisee68


      You got this! Keep your eye on the prize! First 3 days are the roughest then it gets easier.

    3. Chrystee


      You can do it.


    4. Show next comments  6 more
  23. walkinggirl


    Hi everyone! I'm getting sleeved on 1/26. I started my liquid pre op diet today and...UGH. I am already sick of sweet things (I'm looking at you protein shakes!). The only thing that I can have that is savory is Nutrifast cream of chicken soup or broth. Man, this is going to be a long two weeks. Hoping tomorrow is better! And maybe it will get a little easier once I can see the scale moving down
  24. First off, I am only sharing info about my surgery with those very close to me. So my dilemma is whether or not to tell my children what I am doing (they are ages 8,6,4). On one hand, I don't want to lie to them. I do have to spend one night in the hospital, so there is no getting around that. And obviously they will know something is up when I get home. But on the other hand, I don't want to unnecessarily worry them. They will be in school during my surgery and my one daughter is especially sensitive about loved ones being sick, in the hospital, etc. If I tell them up front that I am having surgery, I am afraid that they will tell their teachers or others at school. We live in a small town and then my phone will be ringing off the hook with people asking me what is going on! I'm sure I'm probably overthinking this, but just curious what others have done. Thanks

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