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Gastric Sleeve Patients
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Everything posted by walkinggirl

  1. Good luck!! I am 3 weeks out and it has been crazy, but worth it.
  2. walkinggirl

    January 22nd sleevers?

    I was 1/26. I'm doing well...still on liquids though until 2/26, that cannot come soon enough. Bring on the purees!
  3. walkinggirl

    Holy Naseua!

    Oh man, the nausea was HORRIBLE for me the first 2 days post op. Then it was like someone flipped a switch and it magically went away. The only thing I could do was sleep so I didn't feel the nausea. Now I feel great. Hang in there!
  4. I am 2.5 weeks post op. Feel free to PM me. I don't get on every single day, but I will try to get back to you
  5. Right there with you! Sleeved 1/26. I'm not too worried about it yet. Just keep following the plan and it will all fall into place.
  6. walkinggirl

    What Fitness Tracker do you use?

    Great question. I had a Fitbit One, which suddenly stopped working. I contacted their customer service, which I had heard was amazing, and they refused to replace it So I am on the hunt for something else. I am not sure that I am sold on something that I wear on my wrist. I always hated wearing watches and this seems like it would be a similar feel. (Although maybe when my wrists are skinnier it won't bother me as much?! lol)
  7. It will get better with time. At 4 days post op, it took me maybe 30 mins. And that was if I could even finish it. Now at 12 days post op, I can finish 8 oz in probably 10-15 mins.
  8. This is exactly what I did as well.
  9. I was in your shoes 2 weeks ago and I completely understand. I came so close to backing out, citing all the reasons that you listed above. But I knew I had to do this. For my health, my future, my kids, my family. For so many reasons. And now that the scary part is behind me, I really am glad that I did it. You've got this!!
  10. walkinggirl

    Walking Girl's VSG Story :)

    Not too terribly much to report. scale is still moving, slowly, but I will still take it. I start Couch to 5k yesterday on the treadmill. My goal after this surgery has always been to run a 5k. I was actually surprised that it wasn't harder for me. When I've tried to run outside, I felt like I was going to die. Maybe running on a treadmill is easier? And I was running at pretty much the slowest pace ever, lol. But hey, I still ran! I also started some resistance training with both bands and weights. This morning, I went for a short hike through the hilly woods to keep myself from getting sick of the treadmill. liquid diet is getting olllllldddddd. I made some Protein pudding out of avocado yesterday which was a nice change of pace. Dreading a Superbowl party that I have to go to tonight and seeing all the yummy food that I cannot have!
  11. Ditto shortyvel. I was sleeved on 1/26 and did the same thing. My doctor doesn't allow soft scrambled eggs until the 3rd month post op, which I think is insane, but still trying to stick to their guidelines.
  12. walkinggirl

    Transfer Addiction: Fashion

    No doubt in my mind that this will totally be me in a couple of months. It has been over 10 years since I have been able to shop in the non-plus size section. I absolutely cannot wait to have that world opened up again. I also cannot wait to be able to wear riding boots!
  13. I love Reeger. Her podcast has helped me so much!
  14. walkinggirl

    How long does pain last...

    That is exactly what I did and it worked out fine. Told my boss I had a stomach bug and was back to work the next week. I was still sore, but I have a desk job and it was totally do-able. I will be honest though, I was panicking the first 2-3 days after surgery because I was so nauseated and weak. But it quickly got better after the 3rd day.
  15. walkinggirl

    Walking Girl's VSG Story :)

    THE scale MOVED TODAY! That is all
  16. walkinggirl

    4 weeks post op...moody as can be!

    So right there with you. My poor kids and husband...hate that they have to deal with my moodiness!
  17. walkinggirl

    Walking Girl's VSG Story :)

    Just checking in! I am now 8 days post op. And guess what? The scale still hasn't moved since I got home from the hospital 6 days ago. Good grief, someone take this scale away from me! Surely it has to move some time! I am following the diet to a T, so it has to happen eventually. Keeping the faith Other than that, my stomach rumbles and grumbles are continuing. I *think* I have concluded that it isn't really hunger pains -- that it is a spasm of some sort. It seems to happen more when I am eating something a little thicker like yogurt vs. a liquid. That's all for now. Feeling really good and stomach soreness is all but gone, which is a huge help.
  18. I feel the same way! I was sleeved on 1.26
  19. Do you have anti-nausea meds you can take too? I am almost one week out and feeling pretty good, but still have a bout of nausea here and there. My pain is very minimal, but I'm sure everyone is different.
  20. I am 1 week post op and only told my husband and 3 other close family members. I don't plan on sharing it with anyone else. It's my body and it's personal and I just really don't feel like sharing the information. When I missed work last week, I told my boss and coworkers that I had a bad stomach bug.
  21. walkinggirl

    Help with protien

    The two things that have saved me are: 1. Isopure RTD Protein drinks available at GNC stores. Now, they don't taste the greatest, but they are much more palatable to me than Protein shakes right now. 2. Unflavored Protein powder (I have both Syntrax and Genepro). I add it to everything...broth, soup, pudding, etc. I would really like to try the Syntrax nectar drinks!
  22. walkinggirl

    Calories per day ?

    My 2 week pre-op had me do 5 shakes per day, so roughly 800 cal/day.
  23. walkinggirl

    Walking Girl's VSG Story :)

    Struggling, struggling today... Hunger. Is it head hunger? IDK. All I know is that my stomach rumbles and grumbles...painfully so. Like in the way I always attributed to hunger pains, you know...the ones when you haven't eaten all day and feel like you could eat a horse. Everyone says it's head hunger or acid. Well, I'm on acid medication, so....I just don't know. My appointment with my surgeon next week can't come soon enough. Trying to work through this, but today was just not a good day for me. Furthermore on that note, I seriously need to quit Facebook, because as I scroll through my newsfeed, it seems like 1/2 of the posts are pics of food. Food that I can't have. Food that makes me want to gnaw my arm off. The struggle is real y'all. Liquids. So apparently liquids go right through your sleeve and you don't feel restriction, which is where I'm at now. That's fine. It is just hard to not get a signal from your body that you're full. Combine that with my hunger issue above and, well, it is really hard. Just a little over three weeks until purees...it can't come soon enough! I just need to try to focus on letting my body heal right now. Weight. The scale hasn't moved since I got home from the hospital. Not freaking out...not reading anything into it. But just making note of that. Dear scale, please move soon Walking. On a happier note, I did get out and walk a mile today and it felt good! Gotta keep it up.
  24. walkinggirl

    January 25th sleeves?!

    Mine definitely feel like hunger pains (though I'm told they're probably not). It's like that deep, loud, painful rumble you have after you haven't eaten all day. Strangely, it seems to happen more when I take a drink or bite of something. IDK, plan to talk to my surgeon about it. I haven't seemed to struggle with head hunger too much other than the ham & cheese episode. How is everyone's pain? My stomach is obviously still tender. I walked around the grocery store today and might have overdone it a touch. I am occasionally getting some dull chest pains right around where my stomach would be. Assume that is just part of the healing process.
  25. walkinggirl

    January 25th sleeves?!

    I'll chime in...I was 1/26. I'm doing well overall. First two days were ROUGH. Dealing with crazy hunger pains, so trying to figure that out. Wasn't expecting to feel so hungry I made my daughter a ham and cheese sandwich for lunch all I wanted to do was lick the ham and cheese, but I resisted, lol.

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