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Gastric Sleeve Patients
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Posts posted by ACutler

  1. Hi all.

    In October I will be 3 years post op. I have maintained my weight loss of 100 pounds, and still faithfully weigh my food when eating at home. I NEVER go above 4oz. When we go out occassionally (but not to often) I eyeball, and pay close attention to when that full feeling starts and promptly stop eating. I religiously take my B12, woman’s Multivitamin, and Biotin 10,000 every day. In the past 3 years, I could count on one hand the amount of times I’ve missed my pills. I knew going into this that it was extremely important to take these as other serious issues could arise if I didn’t. Sadly, I haven’t stayed current on getting my blood checked annually. That’s the background in a nutshell.

    Now, for the past 3+ weeks I’ve had these seriously (what I thought were extremely chapped lips) where they were cracked and bleeding especially in the corner of my mouth with some inflammation. No open sores or spots anywhere. Aside from the corner spot in my lips, it really isn’t noticeable but I can definitely feel a major difference. My lips feel really weird like sandpaper. I started researching on Google possible causes and tried several different home methods to help get rid of whatever this is. Then, I came across oral thrush which some pictures resemble my corner and chapness. I have never had a yeast infection let alone thrush, but everything I was reading said that it could be due to B12, Iron, or other deficiencies. Then I light bulb went off reminding of the Baratric doctor telling me deficiencies were a possibility. I finally broke down and went to a doctor (which I have no insurance). The doctor did diagnose as oral thrush and put me on diflucan 1 pill a day for 5 days. She also did a blood knowing about my weight loss. She did mention that she has seen this before in a deficient B12 after weight loss. Looking back I’ve been pretty fatigued easily, and cold oh so cold. I am probably the only Floridian that uses an electric blanket year round, and has a small heater under her work desk.

    Has anyone experienced anything like this nearly 3 years after post op? What can I expect? Any advice would be helpful.

  2. Just wanted to stop by and introduce myself. My name is April and I live in Florida. I am a 40-year-old mother to 3. I made the tough decision to proceed with the laparoscopic gastric sleeve. I elected to pay for my surgery as self-pay. I found a great doctor in Boca Raton, FL. The surgery is all-inclusive so that was a bonus. I opted for this route because I didn't want anymore hoops than I've dealt with during my 40 years. No 3, 6, 12 month structured diet which I've done and then some all on my own. No psych eval which was fricken awesome. So October 2, 2015 starts my rebirth. I am currently on my 2 week diet and have started actually vomiting from the shakes. Thank goodness my doctor's office said I could have 4 oz of grilled chicken and steamed veggies for the first week. I need ideas because the shakes taste good but they just sit in my stomach until I get sick. Anyhoo...hello!

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