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Pre Op
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Posts posted by ms89

  1. Life is amazing after surgery! But I wish I would have known:

    1. You might have a 3 month long period after your surgery due to hormonal changes

    2. The liquid/soft food diet sucks the most before surgery, because afterwards eating is the last thing on your poor stomachs mind

    3. The surgery doesn't cure all of your issues with food. One year out and 80 lbs down, I still struggle with the desire to eat for comfort

    Good luck! It's most definitely worth it. Just say your goodbyes to food beforehand

    Sent from my iPhone using the BariatricPal App

  2. Here's what you should do in the mean time, slow down and enjoy those last few weeks with your nice, big stomach! I know it sounds crazy, but you'll never ever be able to enjoy food the way you do now.

    Don't get me wrong, I LOVE my sleeve and I love that I've lost 24 lbs in the past 2 weeks, but it's not an easy road ahead.

    Take some time and enjoy going to dinner with your friends, take some big bites and don't chew very well! Eat sharp things like chips and salsa and carby and rich things like pancakes. Do everything that I can't and enjoy yourself before your surgery!

    Don't go too crazy, but live it up while you're waiting because you're about to have the rest of your life to be sleeved. Have fun!

  3. From a fellow Disney World frequenter and recent sleever- go on your vacation before you have the surgery!!!!

    I have a Disney trip planned for late October and I rushed my surgery date and had it 2 weeks ago. I really wanted to get it over with and get started with my weight loss!!

    If I could do it over again, I would have waited, made the most of my vacation, and had it after I got back. You have the rest of your life to be sleeved! Your vacation will be much much much MUCH less enjoyable if you do it 4 weeks before you leave. My stomach is doing excellently, but still the hardest food I can tolerate is a tiny piece of deli turkey. Just think about having to find and eat only liquids in Disney- it would be really hard.

    Sorry that was so long, but since I just had the same decision to make and made the wrong one, I don't want the same thing for you! Good luck and have a great time on vacation! Let us know what you decide!

  4. I felt the EXACT same way before my surgery, and I only had 2 weeks from my 1st appointment to my surgery date to wait.

    My one regret is that I didn't slow down and enjoy those last few weeks with my nice, big stomach! I know it sounds crazy, but you'll never ever be able to enjoy food the way you do now.

    Don't get me wrong, I LOVE my sleeve and I love that I've lost 24 lbs in the past 2 weeks, but it's not an easy road ahead.

    Take some time and enjoy going to dinner with your friends while you're waiting, take some big bites and don't chew very well! Eat sharp things like chips and salsa and carby and rich things like pancakes. Do everything that I can't and enjoy yourself before your surgery!

    I was more than ready too, but live it up while you're waiting because you're about to have the rest of your life to be sleeved. Have fun!

  5. My doctor called back and said that I most likely pulled a muscle (which makes sense after having to be on the ground and on all fours for an active shooter drill at my school on Wednesday and then carrying my baby cousin around that night- who knew she weighed 15 lbs now?!)

    He prescribed me some pain Patches, I wore one today for 12 hours and it really really helped. I'm curious on how it will feel tonight. Anyone else still dealing with the pulling?

  6. I'm 26 and am 2 weeks post op today, I was really worried about the hospital stay for some reason too. Trust me, thats NOT the hard part, lol. The day after I got home I was wishing I could go back to IV pain meds and IV liquids!

    I've lost 21 lbs so far in these 2 weeks and I'm really happy about it! I eat around 400-500 calories a day, it's easy to do. Good luck!

  7. I love Cellucor-COR Performance whey, very low carb, high Protein, and the best flavors! My favorite are strawberry milkshake, Peanut Butter marshmallow, molten chocolate, and red velvet. It's really cheap on Amazon if you buy the 4 serving bags for $5- then you can have a lot of flavors on hand as well! Here's the link, it looks like it even on sale right now for $2!


  8. I'm 2 weeks post op today and I'm having some sharpish pain to the left of my belly button, since it's definitely not incision pain it worries me too! It's not crippling but just more bothersome. Any other ideas of what it could be? It feels really "deep" if that makes sense. I think I'll call my doctor tomorrow, I'll make sure to post what he says!

  9. I had my surgery on Thursday morning and even though it was tough, I came back to work on Tuesday. The first few days I moved a little slower than I usually do in the classroom, but I really didn't want to miss more than 2 days of school! Also, I didn't want my coworkers getting suspicious. I think that you can pretty much return to work a few days after surgery if you're determined to make it work!

PatchAid Vitamin Patches
