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Gastric Sleeve Patients
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Posts posted by lauriev

  1. HI-Met with my doctor yesterday for my 90 day check in and he said that progress was right where it should be and to relax about the stalls and stop adding pressure to myself.

    He also said that there is no reason to avoid carbonation medically but that it may cause some upset when i drink it. Has anyone had anything carbonated since the surgery??

    I just bought a sprite zero from the soda machine at work. it is sitting here poured nicely over ice. But i am so scared to try it, looks delicious though, much rather this than water!!

    Curious if anyone has had any reactions when trying carbonated beverages?

    I have done some carbonation since surgery, like others have mentioned let it sit for a bit and allow bubbles to dissipate before you drink and sip slowly. It doesn't make me sick at my stomach; it just makes me feel like I need to burp and can't if I go to fast.

  2. My surgery is set for April 15th and I plan on being back at work the following Thursday. I too have a desk job so I'm hoping that everything will go smoothly. Still hasn't REALLY set in that this is happening but I'm sure it will soon enough.

    That is the exact same timeline I had, my surgery was on a Friday and I was back at work the following Thursday. I have two co-workers that both had bypass surgery, they could not believe I was back at work that fast and that I could work the whole day. One of my co-workers told me that she was absolutely worn out from pushing her chair back and forth at her desk....

  3. I had my surgery on a Friday and was back to work the following Thursday. Now, when I was at work that Thursday we didn't really do a whole lot (it was Christmas time and we had our company party that Thursday) then that Friday I flew to Florida for my college graduation ceremony. It was not too bad except that I had someone traveling with me that seemed to forget that I could not walk nearly as fast as they could so I always felt like I was 2 miles behind. After that I was back to work full time on the next Monday. I had an easy recovery so it was not a big deal for me.

  4. I went to Florida right after my surgery. I stopped and bought some of the low calorie muscle milk at a CVS on the way to the hotel. I sure wished I could have found a GNC or something similar where I could have gotten an Isopure or a better quality shake, but what I got worked. I can never get the darn powders to mix right for me unless I use my blender so taking my blender cup would have been useless. Of course the last day I was there I finally found a nutrition store and bought a bottle of Isopure....figures.....

  5. eggs are not my favorite anymore, but a couple of times my husband has made hamburgers and I tried to just eat the patty - absolutely no way was that happening. I ended up feeding mine to the dog. Like a few others, I do ok with shrimp, haven't tried any other fish. I can do salad in tiny quantities. So far only two things that have made me really sick, a grilled chicken pita from a local Greek restaurant, not sure why either - maybe the tatziki???? and some chicken parm from an Italian place by the office - I tried to scrape off the sauce and breading, but it was a no go...

  6. I was sleeved 12/31, sw 218 now 198 at one month. 20 pounds is good, but seem to have plateaud. Check out the Bariatric Pal Store and foods. I have tried Vitamins and foods and they are tasty. I like the pineapple orange Protein drink, and the hot chocolate Protein drink. Nice change from chocolate or vanilla shakes.

    Hey Beezy8, I have also gotten some of the chips off of the store. It was awesome to go grab a bag of chips for a snack one day, although I think I ate on it all day!!! who knew there would come a time when I couldn't finish a small bag of chips!

  7. Now, that said. I didn't have any complications and was back at work three days later. I went out and walked the dogs and was getting around with no issues. If you have any issues it may not be easy to keep things a secret. I can tell you that I went out to lunch with some co-workers at three weeks out and ate something that didn't agree with me - while I don't think it was super obvious, I had to high tail it to the bathroom!!!! You need to be prepared for situations like that if you keep this a secret.

    what will you do if later on you have any problems or other medical issues and they need to know you had sleeve?

    I guess I never really thought about that....and let me also add that when I didn't tell my husband, we are in the middle of a divorce and he would just judge saying I was getting surgery so I could get skinny and find a new man - NOT what I am doing at all....so while we are technically still married, we are not really in a relationship.

  8. I am with you Joymarie333. I was sleeved on 12/4 and I am also down 25-28 lbs. I thought I was moving too slowly as well, people at work that don't know I had surgery haven't even commented on what I have lost. Not sure if that is a good thing or a bad thing! I am not doing well on getting in my Protein and Water. I just can't bring myself to drink the darn shakes anymore (and of course I have a ton of them) I absolutely have to get on the program, I did not go through all of this to not follow the program!

  9. Like I said in my other post response to you, I was in your shoes. Out of the few people I told I was thinking about this, only two were supportive and they have both had gastric bypass with my same surgeon. They are my go-to people when I have questions, and when we have group luncheons we buddy up. I usually tell people "she can't eat all that and I don't need to" when we share a dish so no one thinks it is weird.

    I have found it funny that I guess I am losing weight slowly enough that no one has even mentioned my loss. They all think that it is all attributed to my not eating bread, Pasta and rice. I even had someone in the office ask me if I knew what another girl in my group was doing to lose weight because she had lost a "ton". I just kind of chuckled to myself - I have lost roughly 28 lbs and no one has noticed. Now that I have told you that, let me also say that I have not been great about getting in my Protein and Water. If I would work the program I would lose more and faster.....and obviously that is what I want to be doing so I MUST get off my butt and handle my business. Once I start losing faster, it might be a little harder to keep it a secret.

  10. I'm scheduled for the mini gastric sleeve procedure with Dr. Todd McCarty in Dallas in February. His approach involves using the Natural Orifice Trans-endoluminal Endoscopic Surgery ( NOTES) that basically involves a scope through a tube down your throat and a small incision around your belly button. The portion of the stomach is removed through the tube in your throat. The amount of stomach removed is a bit less than typical gastric sleeve surgery and this is designed for people with a lower BMI than typical sleeve surgery.

    It is supposed to have an easier recovery and less post-op pain, but with the same results as traditional gastric sleeve surgery.

    Has anyone had this type of procedure?

    Also, I'm not telling my family or boyfriend that I'm having this done. Is it possible to keep this a secret if you won't be seeing any of them for 2 weeks after your surgery?

    I do not have experience with the procedure you are having, but I have done my surgery and didn't even tell my husband. He went to Chili the week after I had my surgery and he still hasn't figured out what is going on in my world. I told a couple of people at work but that is it. I have been able to keep things at a minimum by telling people I had my gall bladder removed, just a minor omissioin as I did have my gall bladder removed. Most people think this is why I have given up bread, rice, Pasta, fat...etc and then I just tell them that the liquid diet I did right after surgery must have made my stomach smaller and that's why I don't hardly eat anything any more. I eat a lot of Soup at lunch when we go out and take my lunch if we don't have vendors in.

    Now, that said. I didn't have any complications and was back at work three days later. I went out and walked the dogs and was getting around with no issues. If you have any issues it may not be easy to keep things a secret. I can tell you that I went out to lunch with some co-workers at three weeks out and ate something that didn't agree with me - while I don't think it was super obvious, I had to high tail it to the bathroom!!!! You need to be prepared for situations like that if you keep this a secret.

  11. Watch the episodes of MY 600 LB LIFE, that should b a motivator,daily. When I watch them at night I tend to not snack and get up and start exercising.

    That's kind of funny, last night I caught that show "My diet is better than yours" and I caught myself thinking that I should get up and do some jumping jacks or something. I have never really been a fan of those kind of shows, but if it gets me up and moving I might could start watching!

  12. My surgeon's office has an insurance coordinator who met with me on my very first appointment. She was able to look up my insurance information then tell me what my deductible would be and any out-of-pocket expenses. I knew this information from the very beginning so it baffles me that you are two weeks away and nobody has told you.

    Well, she and I have the same surgeon, and I don't know what her experience was but I got the letter from the insurance company, called my insurance company to verify that it was an approval and then had to call the doctors office to tell them I had been approved so we could get the ball rolling. I don't know if they are just that busy or if they are slightly disorganized but the other thing I didn't know was that I got so many follow up visits as part of my surgery; I thought I would have to pay for those since they were all in the next insurance plan year and I was having to start my deductible all over.

    I had a little bit of an idea on mine because I had talked to the other surgeon that gave me all that information up front. The only things they couldn't give me super accurate data on was the cost of the psych visit and the sleep study if needed because they had several vendors that provided services and your out of pocket to them would vary depending on who you chose. So, I knew pretty much the max I was going to have to spend out of pocket. I just didn't realize that I would have to pay it all at once.

  13. I had my surgery on 12/4 and on 12/10 I went to Florida for a short four day trip. The only issues I ran into was getting Protein drinks. I don't really like the powder, I can never seem to get it blended well unless I use a blender and that was not an option to take along. I thought I would be real bright and find a GNC or something similar where I could pick up a few premixed Protein drinks or Isopure or something of that nature and absolutely couldn't find anything but a CVS that had the low cal muscle milk. Not my favorite, but it worked.

    Hotel provided bottled Water daily so I was covered there. I grabbed some of the powdered power aid to mix in because someone else suggested it was good to replace the electrolytes while flying so I stuck that in my back pack just in case. Not sure if it really did anything for me or not, but it didn't hurt me either.

    Went to a couple of different restaurants and found two of them served French Onion Soup - that worked out very well. In fact, I told the waitress at one of the restaurants that I had just had gastric surgery and could only have broth so when the Soup came out of the kitchen and was delivered to my table she came over and realized that it was LOADED with cheese and croutons, she picked up and took it back to the kitchen and brought me a bowl that and had more broth so I got enough to eat that was on my plan. Couldn't ask for more than that. I also told a couple of the other waitresses in places I went that I had just had surgery so they wouldn't think I didn't like the food they served. I am not one to broadcast my medical history, but I hate it when you only eat a teeny tiny portion of your food and the manager comes over thinking there is something wrong with it. I figure it is better to get that conversation out of the way early so it isn't awkward for them.

    Have fun on your trip - you will find things that you can eat and stick to your plan. Get started on that new you and buy yourself something nice to wear while you are there or as my friend talked me into in Florida, buy a "goal" shirt. I found a shirt there that I really liked but it was too small - she convinced me it wouldn't be for long and go ahead and splurge!

  14. I have learned a lot from this thread. Like so many of you, I would go to happy hour before my surgery, have three or four drinks and call it a good night. Since my surgery I have tried some things on special occasions and most of them didn't really bother me unless it was carbonated which I knew not to do, but had a sip of beer anyway....yes I am brilliant like that - think I was the same kid that had to touch the hot burner because I couldn't take anyone's word that it would hurt me....

    While nothing I have had particularly upset me, the the thing that seems to set best is red wine. I had a half a glass at Christmas with dinner and a half a glass when we celebrated my graduation; and a whole glass when I was out with the girls for bunco this week it didn't bother me at all. I had a glass of champagne at New Year's, but, I poured the glass around 11 and didn't drink it until 12 by that time most of the bubbles were gone and it was just sweet wine.

    My friend who had bypass surgery told me that she couldn't drink anything at all until she was about a year out after her surgery or she got sick and the slightest bit of alcohol made her drunk. So like so many others have said it all depends on the person.

  15. I had met my deductible, but not my maximum out of pocket. I had not heard anything on mine either until I went to do my pre-surgery sign in. I went and did blood work and all that one day, and went back the next day for paperwork (not sure why they couldn't do it all at one time since the hospital was an hour away from my house but oh well). When I was signing all the paperwork with the lady in the office she told me that my part was something along the lines of 1400.00. She could tell I was a little taken aback and she asked if anyone had told me. I told her no on had mentioned and I really just thought I would get a bill after everything was said and done for the balance. She then offered to take payments because she felt bad, but I went ahead and just put it on my credit card; I figured it will have to be paid one way or another and I can pay off the credit card with income tax refund.

    I would ask your surgeon's office to get that information for you. Before I settled on the surgeon I used I talked to another one and that was one of the first things they did was look at where I was on my deductible and max out of pocket and then did a break down of what I would end up paying by the time all was said and done. I thought that was a really nice touch.

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