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Posts posted by LoseItKacy

  1. I think it's different. I just did the minimum that my program required. Tricare approved but they never said how many months they required. So my program just kinda guessed. Since they never gave an exact number our plan was if they denied me the first time they would have to say how many months they required in the reason for the denial and we would go from there. I don't think they care too much about numbers as long as they see you have made previous attempts at weight loss and meet the physical requirements to have the surgery.

    Sent from my iPhone using the BariatricPal App

  2. I had tricare for my surgery. I had a bypass tho. My program required 3 monthly weigh in visits before they would even send my stuff to tricare.... I got approved about a week after my stuff was submitted. Had my surgery 3 weeks later. I can't tell you how many times I freaked out worrying about if they would approve my surgery because they weren't specific, and everytime I called I got a different answer. Sometimes they said I don't need any monthly visits and one time I called and they said 9. I technically had 3 and tricare standard approved. So hopefully you have the same luck as I did. They pretty much covered everything.

    Sent from my iPhone using the BariatricPal App

  3. you look fine as is - I don't think you need to lose any more weight (unless you want a cushion in case you have some bounce back later). Don't forget that your bones might be dense from having to hold up 257 lbs in the past. In that case, you're probably going to look like you weigh a bit less than you do. You could always have your fat percentage checked - that's a more reliable indicator than a regular scale or a BMI chart. I'm betting it's completely normal. You look great!

    I did have a fat % check at my 6 month post op. They said I was pretty much allowed to get to 130 but they would rather me not get lower than 135. I'm 5'6 so I'm not super tall. I'm trying to find the sheet they gave me with my fat %. It was on the higher end of normal which is why I want to lose 10 more. I think it will give me a bit of a cushion and with as much as I run I think 10 pounds might make it a little easier. They said I technically don't have to lose more because I'm athletic and have a normal BMI but I just think I will feel better if I shed a little more. At least under 150, I'm not too worried about the number tho. I've been going off what feels good.

    Sent from my iPhone using the BariatricPal App

    Im at 26% body fat… As an athlete I want to be around 21%

  4. Im training for my first half marathon which is set for Sept 11th of this year! My 1 year post op is September 30th!

    Who woulda thought that in ONE year I went from "the fat girl who couldn't run" to "100 pounds down going 13.1"

    I am so excited for the challenge. I could barely walk a 27 minute mile before, now I can run almost 5 miles without having to stop. My fastest mile is 7:30 now :)

  5. You might also want to see if there are any OA groups in your area. They aren't exactly going to meet your WLS needs, but you are likely to find folks who are dealing with similar issues. The website, OA.org, has meeting lists and other resources.

    That's a great idea!

    And sorry if this sounds crazy!

    But OMG omg omg!

    It's so good to see a familiar name on here!

    You helped me through so much as a pre op and was/are a super huge role model to me.

    I remember joining bariatric pal and feeling so apprehensive about everything and you always have great advice!

    I just want to say thank you for all of your amazing support, it's people like you who motivated me to be where I am today and I hope I can inspire people half as much as you have me.

    Sent from my iPhone using the BariatricPal App

  6. So I was really active on Bariatric Pal as a pre op and immediately following.

    But now I'm 10 months out and I figured it was time for an update.

    My HW: 257

    Surgery Weight: 235

    Current Weight: 155

    Goal: 135-145

    I hit the 100 pound loss mark at around 6 months and I've maintained it since. This has been a terrible long stall but I workout a lot and I think my body is really happy at 155 even though I would like to lose at least 10 more.

    Since my surgery I've gone rock climbing. I went from a 27 minute mile to a 7:30. I am currently training for a half marathon on September 11th! Which is 15 days before my ONE YEAR ANNIVERSARY OF MY SURGERY!!

    So that is a HUGE goal that I want to accomplish. If I could lose the 10 pounds by then that would be cool to but I'm not going to go crazy over it.

    I moved from Minnesota to Montana. I started a pre med program. I want to be a bariatric surgeon one day

    I do have a restriction problem. A couple months ago they had to stretch the opening of my stomach a little bit because it was so small that food was getting painfully stuck. But I was told that I could have to have the procedure done a few times because scar tissue doesn't like to stretch. I can tell I'm due for it again because eating with a bra on hurts and I can feel food get backed up after a few bites.

    I'm extremely happy with my choice and my new life. My skin is doing amazing. I won't need skin surgery. I've lost over a foot and a half around my waist. 18 inches from around my hips, 10 from around each thigh, and went from bra size 42DDD to a 34B or C.

    I was a 3x in tops, 24 in pants.

    I am now a small on top and 3/4 in pants. It's pretty crazy how different my life is in just 9 months.

    Best decision I've ever made. I hope everyone else is doing well! I've missed you all!!! attachicon.gif ImageUploadedByBariatricPal1469148740.293429.jpgattachicon.gif ImageUploadedByBariatricPal1469148761.540978.jpgattachicon.gif ImageUploadedByBariatricPal1469148775.826542.jpg attachicon.gif ImageUploadedByBariatricPal1469148787.762563.jpgattachicon.gif ImageUploadedByBariatricPal1469148824.233068.jpg attachicon.gif ImageUploadedByBariatricPal1469148848.019684.jpgattachicon.gif ImageUploadedByBariatricPal1469148871.908491.jpgattachicon.gif ImageUploadedByBariatricPal1469148894.109364.jpgattachicon.gif ImageUploadedByBariatricPal1469148968.743335.jpgattachicon.gif ImageUploadedByBariatricPal1469149006.206824.jpgattachicon.gif ImageUploadedByBariatricPal1469149135.127738.jpgattachicon.gif ImageUploadedByBariatricPal1469149182.216192.jpgattachicon.gif ImageUploadedByBariatricPal1469149227.756339.jpgattachicon.gif ImageUploadedByBariatricPal1469149254.242161.jpgattachicon.gif ImageUploadedByBariatricPal1469149368.877925.jpg

    Sent from my iPhone using the BariatricPal App

    Girl you look amazing whats your excersize like did you do any weight lifting or just cardio?

    Sent from my SM-G935T using the BariatricPal App

    Thank you thank you thank you!!!

    I do everything. I love weight lifting. I run. I swim. I love yoga. The stair stepper and I have the greatest love/hate relationship ever.

    I haven't lifted weights as much as I use to just because I've been working really hard on these half marathons.

    When I first started working out I HATED cardio. But now I love it. When I work out I usually start with 10-15 minutes of intense cardio and then I lift for awhile. And then I end with more cardio, usually the stair stepper.

    Fitness is a hug part of my life now and I really enjoy it. It's a lot more fun when you can push yourself to do things you never thought you were capable of!

    Sent from my iPhone using the BariatricPal App

  7. I am currently 252 and 5'5" and haven't had surgery yet. I'm probably a lot older than you are but if I could look half that good I will be ecstatic !!

    Sent from my iPhone using the BariatricPal App

    You will do amazingly! And congrats on starting your journey! It's a long one, that's for sure! Some days are harder than others but when it boils down to it, I wouldn't trade this for anything! I hope everything goes smooth and easy for you on your journey!!!

    Best of luck!

    P.s. you are already gorgeous, don't ever forget that!

    Sent from my iPhone using the BariatricPal App

  8. You look amazing!!! What type of workouts do you do in the gym?

    Sent from my iPhone using the BariatricPal App

    I do lots of stuff and I think that helps.

    I like weight lifting. I use a lot of free weights and not the machines.

    I run, swim, and use the stair stepper (not all in one day of course).

    I usually start with 10-15 minutes of cardio, then lift for awhile, and then end with 10-20 more minutes of a different type of cardio (it's usually the stair stepper).

    I haven't lifted weights as much as I use to because I've been training for a half marathon.

    But I also do yoga and I've done a few spin classes too.

    The perks of living in the mountains is the outdoors are pretty much another gym. I love hiking.

    But thank you so much for all the compliments and support. I seriously appreciate it. It's been a long journey so far and I've realized that the journey never really ends. I will always be a work in progress and I will always be battling obesity, even if the scale says I'm a healthy weight.

    Sent from my iPhone using the BariatricPal App

  9. you look fine as is - I don't think you need to lose any more weight (unless you want a cushion in case you have some bounce back later). Don't forget that your bones might be dense from having to hold up 257 lbs in the past. In that case, you're probably going to look like you weigh a bit less than you do. You could always have your fat percentage checked - that's a more reliable indicator than a regular scale or a BMI chart. I'm betting it's completely normal. You look great!

    I did have a fat % check at my 6 month post op. They said I was pretty much allowed to get to 130 but they would rather me not get lower than 135. I'm 5'6 so I'm not super tall. I'm trying to find the sheet they gave me with my fat %. It was on the higher end of normal which is why I want to lose 10 more. I think it will give me a bit of a cushion and with as much as I run I think 10 pounds might make it a little easier. They said I technically don't have to lose more because I'm athletic and have a normal BMI but I just think I will feel better if I shed a little more. At least under 150, I'm not too worried about the number tho. I've been going off what feels good.

    Sent from my iPhone using the BariatricPal App

  10. So I was really active on Bariatric Pal as a pre op and immediately following.

    But now I'm 10 months out and I figured it was time for an update.

    My HW: 257

    Surgery Weight: 235

    Current Weight: 155

    Goal: 135-145

    I hit the 100 pound loss mark at around 6 months and I've maintained it since. This has been a terrible long stall but I workout a lot and I think my body is really happy at 155 even though I would like to lose at least 10 more.

    Since my surgery I've gone rock climbing. I went from a 27 minute mile to a 7:30. I am currently training for a half marathon on September 11th! Which is 15 days before my ONE YEAR ANNIVERSARY OF MY SURGERY!!

    So that is a HUGE goal that I want to accomplish. If I could lose the 10 pounds by then that would be cool to but I'm not going to go crazy over it.

    I moved from Minnesota to Montana. I started a pre med program. I want to be a bariatric surgeon one day

    I do have a restriction problem. A couple months ago they had to stretch the opening of my stomach a little bit because it was so small that food was getting painfully stuck. But I was told that I could have to have the procedure done a few times because scar tissue doesn't like to stretch. I can tell I'm due for it again because eating with a bra on hurts and I can feel food get backed up after a few bites.

    I'm extremely happy with my choice and my new life. My skin is doing amazing. I won't need skin surgery. I've lost over a foot and a half around my waist. 18 inches from around my hips, 10 from around each thigh, and went from bra size 42DDD to a 34B or C.

    I was a 3x in tops, 24 in pants.

    I am now a small on top and 3/4 in pants. It's pretty crazy how different my life is in just 9 months.

    Best decision I've ever made. I hope everyone else is doing well! I've missed you all!!! post-262421-14691487421817_thumb.jpg post-262421-14691487626573_thumb.jpg post-262421-14691487774_thumb.jpg post-262421-14691487892402_thumb.jpg post-262421-14691488289399_thumb.jpg post-262421-14691488499862_thumb.jpg post-262421-14691488737344_thumb.jpg post-262421-1469148896235_thumb.jpg post-262421-14691489749318_thumb.jpg post-262421-14691490131748_thumb.jpg post-262421-14691491418563_thumb.jpg post-262421-14691491840031_thumb.jpg post-262421-1469149230006_thumb.jpg post-262421-14691492558885_thumb.jpg post-262421-14691493732808_thumb.jpg

    Sent from my iPhone using the BariatricPal App

  11. Hahaha! It does doesn't it!

    Sooo the hospital that I live near doesn't do wls and there are only 2 cities in the state that have like one or two surgeons who do the surgery. I went into the ER a few weeks after I move here and they were like "do you have a way of getting ahold of your team in Minnesota cuz we have no idea what's wrong with you".... So it's going to be an interesting experience living here as a post op. I know there might be a group in billings which is like 3 hours away from where I live but it's honestly worth it to me to drive that every once in awhile. I love support groups

    Sent from my iPhone using the BariatricPal App

  12. So I'm 10 months post op and I recently moved halfway across the country to Montana (from Minnesota) and I was wondering if anyone knows of any support groups out here!

    Weight loss surgery is not a big thing here so I'm really hoping to meet some people who can meet up to talk. It's really strange to me not being surrounded by people who have had the surgery.

    Sent from my iPhone using the BariatricPal App

  13. Just want to give an update.

    I'm 10 weeks out now.

    At 7 weeks I hit Onederland.

    Today I'm 189 and doing awesome so I've lost 68 pounds overall! I hope everyone had a great thanksgiving and everyone who recently had surgery is recovering well!!!

    How are you doing?

    Sent from my SM-G900V using the BariatricPal App

    I'm doing amazing actually! I'm almost 6 months post op. I'm at 158 now, so I'm 1 pound away from 100 pound loss! I'm so grateful for everything I've experienced so far. Lately I've had a little bit of problems swallowing so I'm getting a camera put down my throat to check to make sure everything looks the way it should but other than that I'm doing amazing! I hope all is well with everyone!!! post-262421-14586262302323_thumb.jpg

    post-262421-14586262575836_thumb.jpg post-262421-14586262877376_thumb.jpg post-262421-14586263217386_thumb.jpg post-262421-14586269800415_thumb.jpg

  14. I just want to thank everyone for your feedback. I checked out all the stores that everyone mentioned and I will say my personal favorites were New York & Co, Rue 21, Macy's, and Old Navy. I am going to check TJ Max and Marshall's out soon.

    @@LoseItKacy could you tell me how tall you are if you don't mind? Our starting stats are very similar and I'm just curious. I loved your outfits by the way :)

    I'm 5'6 :)

  15. I REALLY appreciated this thread. Here's my shopping experience.

    I has bypass on 9/30/15. So less than 4 months ago. I was 257 at my highest. I LOVED Torrid. My go to store for sure. I was in sizes 22/24 and 3x.

    I lost 22 pounds as a preop so I was 235 on surgery day.

    Today I'm 173. So after losing over 85 pounds I've found shopping to be EXTREMELY overwhelming. I think it's cuz I lost weight SO fast that I wasn't prepared to be thrown into "normal" clothes THAT fast. In a matter of weeks. When u go from not fitting into anything and being limited to what you can wear to having SO many options I found that I stuck to what was comfortable. I definitely don't fit in Torrid anymore so I pretty much cling to Maurices.

    The only time I've ventured into other stores was Victoria's Secret lol.

    So I really appreciate the recommendations cuz I need ideas too. Especially cuz plus size is not even close to an option for me anymore. I'm pretty much in smalls in shirts and 9/10 in pants.

    Here's what I got at Maurices the other day :) and Victoria's Secret. post-262421-14522819269086_thumb.jpg post-262421-14522819494355_thumb.jpg post-262421-14522819674041_thumb.jpg

PatchAid Vitamin Patches
