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Gastric Sleeve Patients
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Posts posted by BairwithMe

  1. Hi all. I havent been here for a while. Which is sad- I found so much encouragement here-both before and after my surgery. I am just this morning heading into the 180 digits. My one year anniversary is coming up at the end of October. I have come so far..and have far to go.. but I wouldnt change it for the world. I am healthier and stronger and happier..good luck to all on here. you can do it. one day at a time. I am down 58 lbs..I am still nervous to post some before and afters..but I am getting there and I will. and am just so thankful..Happy Monday Ya'll .. peace out trouts!!



  2. This is a very sensitive thing. I did not tell anyone except my husband what was going on. I lied a little bit to my boss I told him I was having surgery to remove scar tissue from my stomach which the doctor actually did take care of while in there. I had colon cancer about 12 years ago and have had some trouble with scar tissue so it wasnt an all out lie but not the main reason for surgery. I just didnt want to hear that I was taking the easy way out. we all know this is not easy. I had internal bleeding and almost died from this surgery and had two blood transfusions. I did throw up for about 8 weeks after the surgery and I hinted that I was losing weight because I was sick from the surgery. It really is no ones business but your own. I agree with everyone that was very unprofessional. but sounds like she is young. but if she is in that position she should not pry like that. good luck sweetie.

  3. hi there. looks like I am a little late to this post..but slider foods for me are ..beer..ice cream.. caramels. Reese cups.. for me anyways it is food that goes down real easy and doesnt fill you up like Protein will. when I eat a steak or a chicken breast, I can only eat about a third of it. the protein is dense and sits in my stomach and I cant eat anything else. hope that helps. I just try to be very aware of these things and not indulge too often.

  4. HI all. I have not been here for a while. I had surgery the end of October . Had a sleeve done. I started at 247 and am now at 191. I had hoped I would be down more. But I also had surgery to have a tumor removed off of my arm. I also had pneumonia. Not to use those things as an excuse but I did have some set backs. I am looking forward now to getting back in the gym and getting more exercise in. I am doing good with food. Sticking to Proteins and avoiding Snacks. Snacks were my downfall. I have an office job so I really have to make myself move when I am off work so that I get my exercise in. Wanted to say hi and I look forward to being more active on the board. You all give me lots of encouragement and great ideas!! I made this before and after pic today. You guys/gals should do this -it helps me when I get discouraged or have a set back. We have to keep on keeping on!! This surgery was a blessing. I aint ready to stop my progress just yet. Hugs to you all!!


  5. Yep I totally get that. I even had a nurse on the second night I was at the hospital AFTER I had my sleeve done ask me-*so you tried all the other ways? you just had to do this??* I thought it was the drugs. I mean seriously she is questioning -a very serious decision I obviously made and just went through. Like what you couldn't do it like what everyone else does? oh wait they dont. It is annoying. That is why I didnt tell anyone except my husband. I dont need to be judged. good luck to you Lady!!

  6. I started this journey at 247 -My highest was 250. I had a goal by Feb 1 to be under 200. Had my sleeve done on Oct 19th 2015. Well I didnt make that goal yesterday. but today 2/2/16 it is happening. woot woot. I have not been under 200 since before my youngest was born- he is now 18. I thank God for this surgery. I have a better attitude in general- am happier-doing things that make me happy-making myself a priority. selfish much? ha. Wanted to share with the great people here who are so encouraging and so supportive. Hugs and mushy stuff to all of ya'll.

    feeling happy- feeling determined. My doctor has never given me a goal weight. I am still working on figuring that out. what is good for me. I still have more to lose. but it is happening.We can do this!!! Dont let a stall mess with your head. It will happen. Keep doing what you need to do. skipping off to work...ok not really but walking with a pep in my step.


  7. Mine was pretty easy. I did have to agree to get off of some anxiety meds..I had lost a son to cancer two years ago and was kind of dependent on them. so I got off of them. best thing every. it was hiding my good feelings along with my bad feelings. he wanted to know about my marriage and how it was doing. I have been married for the last 25 yrs.. he said 75 percent of all marriages fail after this kind of surgery. wow? My husband has been the only one I have told. he is very supportive. he is not in perfect shape but way better than I was. he just wants me healthy. he also wanted to know when I started gaining and I said after my last son was born he is 18 now.. he said sometimes women do that taking care of everyone else and not themselves.. pretty basic make sure you are strong mentally-if that makes sense-cause this is a big change and people see you differently.I have noticed a few looks here and there that I never got before..but there was no deep soul searching questions to see if I was crazy.. well I am but its a good crazy. I am sure they expect people to be nervous. He wanted to stress this is a tool. to help. but it wont fix everything. all the problems you had before this surgery you will still have..I am still NOT a morning person. I still have road rage.but I am a christian so I only cuss with the windows rolled up.. ha.. good luck with everything..hugs

  8. Amen sister!!! they are showing their true colors. always happens when something good happens to others..they either lift you up or try to pull you down with them.. stay strong!!

    . As I have said recently, people who talk about you that way are not telling you about who you are, they are telling you about who they are.

    Your husband is a gift. Too bad he comes with all that drama. So, let the little dogs bark and just go on with your pursuit of health and happiness.

  9. Ha what a title..No sleeves for My sleeve. Yippie.Yesterday at my Jazzercise class I actually wore a racer back- tank top? I don't know the name but it shows your arms. AND it was a size large. I havent worn something that shows my arms in over 15 years. except for a bathing suit maybe. I had a sweater over it at first till we got warmed up then I peeled it off. No one gasped or passed out looking at me..but I felt awesome. two months out and these things are magical to me. here is a pic. still high from this feeling.. So tired of hiding behind tents of clothes. feels good. I was up to a size 20 and moving comfortably into a 22.. So blessed that I was able to have this surgery. Happy new year to all. It will be a sweet 16!!! Here I am sweaty and happy after workout!!


  10. I work with Nurses and I have not told anyone about it. but I did tell them I was having scar tissue removed from a previous stomach surgery. and that they had to do it laproscopically pump it up with air and go in from all sides to get it all our. which he did take some scar tissue out. I had colon cancer before. so not sure if that helps. but the nurses have all seen my scars. I am always raising my shirt up..ha. had them checking on it and no one seems the wiser. I get what you are saying. I dont want anyone knowing. I am married so I did tell him but that is it. I dont want to be judged. I am two months out and enjoying losing the weight and want that to be my focus. getting healthier and not being judged. good luck!!

  11. Congratulations on making such great choices and NOTICING that you have. That is so important. Even though we were told by our nutritionist not to go to restaurants for the first six months- um I have..and it was not a good thing. all the smells and its all looking great. Then they bring out your food. and you see just HOW big the portions are. and you know there is no way you are even going to get more than three bites of that food down. And that is ok. I take mine home and have lunches for days ha. but I have noticed that I used to eat so much. some people might say um yeah duh. but it was such a habit. I am so glad I cant do that. And I don"t want to. Hopefully that makes sense. I find I am drinking more fluids when I get mind hunger. And I am doing more art when I am bored. It is like what else is there to me than eating. well a lot!! thank you for sharing this great post!! Keep up the great work.

  12. Hi you guys.. sorry I posted this and then got slammed at work. sounds like you are both doing well. I just had my month out phone call with my nutritionist . She said to try and get more Water in. Also to make sure I am eating my Protein first. I am so happy she said I could start taking Vitamins that are not chewable. the Multivitamins make me want to vomit. I have had some dumping as well. I had to learn that when I think I can eat one more bite that I CANT. I had to keep a roll of paper towels in my car just in case. Finally have that under control. I can only eat about 1/2 cup and sometimes not that. I dont try to push it. Good news is I have leftovers from lunch that last a couple of days. I feel better than I have in a long time. My incisions are still a bit sore and I feel them when I am exercising. I started back to jazzercise this week. and have had to slow down a bit and just march in place.

    thanks for checking in. Love to hear how everyone is doing. wishing you both well!!!

  13. Here are somethings that I was glad I packed-toothbrush and tooth paste, deodorant, phone and charger, I did pack my kindle fire for reading and I am glad I did because I ended up being there four days due to complications. I forgot to bring a pillow so hubby bought me a medium size sea lion stuffed animal to lay over my stomach for the ride home. that really helped with the bumping on the ride home. I wish I would have brought chap stick..ohh the dry lips after surgery was awful and I wish I would have brought a sleeping mask to block out the hospital lights from the hallway.. as usual it is hard to sleep in the hospital..but I think that would have helped. The nurse case manager told me to bring slippers to walk in and I never used them because they give you those non slip socks that are just fine for walking and when I left I wore the same clothes that I came in with. wishing you the best of luck=God bless. you will do fine!!!

  14. Hi all. Yesterday marked one month since I was sleeved. I was wearing a size 20 pants. They were feeling loose-but I was nervous about going down to the next size. Well I bought a size 18 last night and am wearing them today. So excited. feel good. This is the best thing I have ever done for myself. It was worth everything I had to go through and even the four days in the hospital that wasn't expected. Feeling great. More energy. Doing my happy down one pant size dance. So much to be Thankful for this Thanksgiving!!! Especially this encouraging web site. You guys are awesome!!! Peace to all.

  15. Hey there my fellow Oct 19th sleevers. how are you all doing? I am doing good. My sleeve must be pretty small. If i eat more than three bites of anything -well up it comes. So I am trying to be very mindful and pay attention to that. I don't necessarily feel full-but that one extra bite and blahhhh--uncomfortable then just up comes the last bite i took. Not so great when you are at work eating lunch. Everyone thinks I am sick. or pregnant! ha no way -tied that jump rope up a longgg time ago. Still trying to get on track with my Vitamins. I miss some here and there. Went back to work two weeks after the operation. Would have went back sooner but I had internal bleeding and had to have another surgery after about 4 hours of being in recovery. So yeah a little set back. incisions are healing up nicely. Just one is still a little tender. So how are you all doing?? Big hugs!!!

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