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Posts posted by Hedwig

  1. American beauty was a great film. I saw it in the theater. He truely pulled off that dirty daddy character. The ending was so intense. When you see a movie that starts out as one thing and everything comes together at the end just to throw u a kick like that ending can shake you. Great Film. How about Say Anything? I really loved that film when I was a kid and still do. The scene with the boom box. Wow! It always makes me love John Cusak more than I already do. Does anyone like Irish and British actors? Intermission is a great film. Colin Farrell and Cillian Murphy are both in this film. I have to say, I love Independent films, and am a sucker for a great director.

  2. I decided I would take a couple sips of a beer. Nope not gonna do that again.lol I gave up soda. Not a problem. I didn't plan on drinking beer either. Just figured a couple sips was no big deal. I was wrong. I feel like I have a gas ball in my chest. ok, note to self... no beer ever again.lol Anyone else get this feeling?

  3. Heck yeah I love that movie!!! I tell anyone to watch it, they can make of it what they want. lol. I found it meant alot to me. I like films that you really have to understand and find some kind of common ground with the character. Or films that really move you. John Cameron Mitchells acting in Hedwig was so moving. I couldn't take my eyes off him. If you liked Hedwig you should see Breakfast on Pluto. Cillian Murphy is hands down one of my favorite actors.

  4. Johnny Depp is one actor we can all be proud of:clap2: :clap2: :clap2: . His acting is amazing, he truely becomes those characters. When you see alot of mainstream film you find the actor is just acting out the emotion (I am not knocking mainstream:nervous ). Not the character actually being there. Johnny is always a complete package. I am a huge fan of John Waters. He is the director and writer of, crybaby. That was the first time I really saw him. Then of course Edward Scissorhand, Also one of my favs:D . My point is I also love him:o .lol

  5. This is a fun thread. My screen name comes from the film Hedwig and the angry inch. The character was such an inspiration to me. She is a tough woman that found out how to find love through accepting who she was and loving herself. I loved her and I took her name. Thats how I got mine.

  6. I am a movie maniac. Independent films are what help me breath. What are some of your favorite movies. Any of them actually move you or change the way you think? Maybe they just give you a great chuckle. Share with everone, maybe we can all end up finding new films we love. some of mine are

    Hedwig and the angry inch

    Breakfast on Pluto

    On the edge

    velvet goldmine

    party monster


  7. I fell ya. I am 4 weeks out and feeling good. I am sore in the port area but I don't feel anything else. You will be so happy. The process is fast. Before you know it you will be in the recovery room and it will be over. I was scared too. I wrote out letters to people and that brought me comfort. I 'm tellin ya everything will be A-OK. This is exciting. Once you are home in your own bed everything just seems safer. Atleast for me it did. Good Luck, this is safe, think happy thoughts and ask for the good drugs.lol

  8. Thanks Terry. I know I have to pay for my fills, I just didn't think about not getting the sweet spot the first try. Which is dumb because I have been here for a while. I have been reading for a whole year. I know I have read about it taking several times to reach the sweet spot. Ok, I really need to start using whats between my ears. I think they removed some of my brains during my banding. At least they did that for free. lol

  9. I hope the fills work, I really want this to work. I need to make an effort to workout. I was given a gift and I shouldn't let it go to waste. This may seem like a dumb question but if you get your first fill and it doesn't hit your sweet spot and u have to go back in a week for another. Do you have to keep paying for the doctors choice? I am positive you do but it kinda doesn't seem fair. If he unfills does he charge as well? I guess all doctors are different. I never asked that question.

  10. yep, I sure did. I had to give myself injections every 8 hours for 14 days. It was no big deal. Ask for the smallest gauge needles and pinch your skin while u do it. You hardly feel a thing. It is over in no time. The nurse will help u the first time to show u how to do it. Your thighs and lower stomach is the best place. If u get bruises from it they will go away in a week. Good luck with everything.

  11. I had my band put in 4 weeks ago. As far as the surgery went it was perfect:D . Believe me I sent out the same question as you. I was so scared. I wrote out letters to my loved ones and said I love u to my mom. When they put me under they didn't even tell me. They laid me down and I was crying quietly. The nurse smiled and said I would be fine. Then the happy medication man came and said he was gonna make me feel less nervous:nervous , then he told me to breath in to the mask, I did. Well the next thing I knew was I was in recovery. It was like seconds. Yes I was uncomfortable in the port area and scared. I just remember trying to raise my hands in the air and saying "drugs now!!!" and getting them,and falling asleep. Then saying "more drugs", then falling asleep again. Then saying "give me better drugs" and the nurse saying "I did honey, your gonna overdose" She was kidding I think. The point of this dragged out story my friend is before you know it your gonna have some great drugs:clap2: .lol. just kidding. The point is it is worth it and it is over before you know it. It really is safe. You will do fine.

  12. I was banded on the 10th of june. I am 11 lbs lighter. I am nervous because I can eat a cup of food at a time:nervous . Sometimes a little over that. I am only supposed to eat half a cup. I realize I am not filled but I am scared that I will still not lose weight. It goes down like always, even if I chew regularly, it doesn't get stuck at all, and I don't eat half as much as I used to. I have been at a stand still for 2 weeks now. For example for lunch I had two slices of wheat bread and 2 slices of ham with 1 slice of cheese (I call that sandwich:hungry: ), I had 2 slices of melon. Now That was filling but much more than my doc wants me to eat:speechles . I am scared for myself control. Because I have none:o . I just want to know if the first fill really does make a difference. Sorry about the rambling I just want this to workout. Also my port are still hurts and it is really hard. Is that normal? I know there is a port there but it feels like a hard muscle lump about the size of a tennis ball. Is the port that big? Ok now I know I sound like the brightest crayon in the box:confused: , but work with me people.lol

  13. I am three weeks out and I am gonna start to workout a bit today. I feel preety good. Still tender in the port area and can't sleep on my side but I feel pretty normal. My point is I Know I would be ready for rollercoasters in a couple months. I know were all different but I think you should be ready. Just watch your port area and make sure it doesn't get smashed. Then again you should be ok. Good luck on the band, and have a happy fealing. I am fresh out so if you have any questions about recovery or anything just reach me.

  14. oh sue, I am sorry your in pain. I am ten days out and not feeling so hot. I even made a post about yesterday. The weird thing is I woke up today and felt better, I did alot of walking around my house and sat up in a chair for a while and soooooooo much gas came out. I am sure you wanted to read that. Are you sure there isn't some kind of pain med that won't make you sick? Have you asked your doc? I can say I couldn't do it without them. There is adult liquid tylenol. That might work better. I am sure we all say what did I do. I know I did the first couple of days. I am only ten days in but I love my band even through all the pain. I really hope you feel the same in a couple more days. You can do it!!!! You will feel better soon. Once you feel better walking a bit really helps. big hugs and get some rest.

  15. I feel you. Now I now everyone felt this way. I was banded 10 days ago and had these very thoughts. Once your banded for the first couple of weeks I can speck for I haven't slipped up. I don't want to cause any harm to my band. Good Luck you do great. Stick with your high Protein if your gonna eat. Good advice pplqueen.

  16. I am 10 days post op and still not feeling hot. I will add that my aunt flo came to visit 2 days ago. The problem is I thought I would be up and about by now. Still real sore. My port area and the band incision still hurt. They look great and there is no infection, but It hurts when I cough, sneeze and get off my bed or out of a sitting position. It feels like real sharp pains. I am off pain meds as well. I usually have no problem with pain. The pain goes to my back as well. The gas isn't so bad. ok so here is my question, how long did it take for you guys to not be in pain or uncomfortable. I just want to sit up, sleep on my side, or laugh. All this said I love my band and wouldn't change a thing. please give me some of your experinces so I get an idea. thanks all. I hope to hear from some of you.

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