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LAP-BAND Patients
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Posts posted by Hedwig

  1. You know I think most people say to themselves in the begining "I hope I made the right choice, or did I make a mistake". You just got your band and it is a big change. Give it a chance. You will grow to love it. I was scared and nervous about the changes. Just know we all have had your thoughts in some way or another. The scars at first look bad over time the only one that really looks like anything is the port scar. It's not so bad. Once you stat seeing that weight come off you will start to love your band. Everyday gets better. The pain will go away. Keep with your liquids and read up on some of the things that can help you through. For me sugar free mints or flavor ice helped me through the liquid stage. Fills come 6 weeks later and you get them until you hit your sweet spot. I got 1 at 6 weeks and the next 4 weeks later then I got two more 4-6 weeks apart. I am at my sweet spot now at 3.25 cc's. You may only need 1. We are all different. I hope you feel better soon and if need to talk about anything just pm me. Good luck and get your rest.

  2. Good luck. I hope it works out for the best. I think it is a bad idea. Besides what everyone else mentioned. I just think if one can fill, one can unfill as well. The reason for the band is because we have problems with food. If we could unfill to eat what ever we wanted and then refill. What stopping us from over eating again. Again, I hope this works for you. I am only giving my opinion. I am not trying to be rude. Please be careful.

  3. I agree with both of you. If I really need a drink a tiny little sip. I am still learning. Today I was eating steak. Then I figured since it was my first tiny bite I could drink really fast. I hadn't before hand and was thirsty. BIG mistake. I had a quick visit to the bathroom. I didn't get to enjoy the first bite if you know what I mean. I try to be careful about drinking while eating. Sometimes I slip up. The previous two posters have it right. Although I have heard of people drinking with meals. It's not something I can do. Ouch!! is right.

  4. I looked at this site and was thinkin "no way this is real". I am sorry if anyone gets mad at me for writing this, but it was so pathetic. I laughed from the minute I looked at it. It is very fake. I am so glad you guys noticed. The las pic I have seen the women at a front view. It is not that women. Ok, sorry I am just annoyed that someone would make fun of death. I think this would be great in a research paper and good point on the bar job kjangraw.

  5. Thanks, I plan on it. I always though I should feel a restriction. At first I did but not anymore. So I guess I thought I shouldn't feel full. As silly as that sounds. I haven't felt a good full feeling so I assumed that this was it. I hope that makes sense.lol

  6. Hi all, It has been a bit since I have been on. I got my band on june 10th. I am scared because I think I am at a stand still. I am having problems eating only 1/2 a cup at a time. I try to keep my portions small, but I have to admit with the holidays I have eaten more than I should. My doctor felt I had enough fill about a month and a half ago. At first I felt the fill but now I feel like I did before the band. Except I can feel the restiction when I each dry type foods. Such as bread or a bit of cake. I don't eat cake often at all. I had a couple bday parties and had a small slice. What scares me is what if I don't need another fill? I am still battling with my love for food. I also feel I am losing so slow. Now I love my band. Wouldn't change a thing. I also knew it would be a challenge. I have lost 34lbs in 6months. I really thought I would atleast be down 50lbs by now. I work out 5 or six times a week. I should eat more Protein though. I know my band is in good shape. What I was wondering is if anyone else feels this struggle? Also does it sound like I can use another fill? I think I should. Although I know I will struggle with dryer foods. I have no problem with almost all foods. In fact other than a quick feeling of pressure for a second as the bread goes down I feel no restriction. I am not at all trying to put the band down I just need some friends. If you made it this far through this thanks for reading my book.lol

  7. Yeaaaaaaaaaa!!! Good luck. I hope your couple first days are a breeze. My recovery went well. I hope the same for you. Even though you may be on some good pain killers right now thing get better everyday. Get your rest and heres a big hug, avoiding your tummy of course. Get better soon.

  8. Hey, Congrats!!!!!!!!!! and welcome!!!!I know about the hunger. For me I wasn't hungry for a week and a half. My pain was bad but at the same time it was less painful than I expected. Thank goodness for good painkillers. I just wanted to let u know what helped me through my hunger. I would eat cream Soups thinned out with lots of skim milk or I would buy canned soups and drain out all the chunks, and drink the yummy broth. Now I am still only 3 months out and I am not sure of the diet the doctor gave u but it helped me bunches.So did warm tea and hot chocolate. Good luck drink those liquids and rest. You will feel like a million bucks soon. Big hugs, I am glad to have a new member of the family.

  9. I was really hoping someone has a clue as to what that weird feeling in the throat is, and if its normal for your port to still hurt some after 3 months. I love my band. No complaints just trying to figure out what the uncomfortablness is about. I will find out in a couple weeks when I get my fill. thanks again

  10. I think if anyone has read my last posts you all know about my problem. So heres the thing, my port is still tender and burns a bit. I am sure from all the other problems inside. Even so, It has always been tender. Is it normal? Also I have a weird feeling in my throat. Like a lump or kind of like when u push on your throat when u swollow. I have no fill yet. I am sure I am swollen inside from my being sick to my stomach for the past 2 weeks. Besides that is this normal? I mean is it common to feel that lump and have a sore port after being banded for 3 months. I am not to worried about it. just hope it hasn't slipped. I think I read somewhere that others have felt this. thanks again guys.

  11. thanks meg, trust me I was very vocal. They said my blood count was a bit low but nothing that caused them alarm. They still said there was alot of blood without a doubt but I wasn't bleeding enough for my blood count to reallly show danger. I think it's because they see that I haven't paid them yet that they are not willing to admit me. Really I am just going to get it done next week. It was the only time I could get in. Considering my blood count is ok.

  12. hey all, ok so I went to my doctor and she sent me straight to the er, again. I went to the er and they did the same tests. The new nurse I had said she couldn't believe how low my blood presure was. She kept taking it to see if it would go up a bit. It shifted here and there but stayed basically the same. She asked me what it was before and couldn't believe no one was concerned. so they did the same tests and this time gave me fluids. once again she couldn't believe that they didn't give me fluids before. She said it was obvious I was dehydrated because she had trouble with my veins. so then they gave me a cat scan. they said there was an object in my abdomen,lol. When my doctor came back she said I wasn't in any real danger. She said she didn't see any tears or anything cancerous. She then said I need to follow up with my doctor for a colonoscopy. No kidding. I was like I am in pain and I already went through this last week. I want a colonoscopy. She said she sees that I am in pain and that there is something taking place inside because of all the blood in my stool but she wasn't about to hospitalize me for a bowel prep and colonoscopy. I could prep at home. Hopefully the doctor could get me in sometime this week. I lost it. I was so angry. I told her been there done that. That I hope she is right and I am not in any danger because this is the third time I have been here for this and you guys send me out the door with nothing. She said she resented my attitude. I said I don't care. So back to the drawing board. I can't get in till next week. Nothing I can do. Just pay them more money for nothing. At least I am not dying. lol. So thats that. She thinks it is an ulcer that ripped open really fast or something like that, or crones disease. I think thats what she called it. I believe someone mentioned both these things on here. All my smart band friends have been of more help. Well that is were I stand now. love you all and thanks again for all the love.

  13. hey all, nancy rn thay is exactly how it is. It is diarrhea but all blood and mucus. no stool, and is heavy enough to sink to the bottom of the toilet. I am going to my doctor next week to get a refferal to get a colonoscopy. Nothing has changed one bit. Still cramping real bad and running to the toliet atleast 6-10 times a day. It seems to be getting worse. I am trying to take care of a major family problem involving 2 children. I am very close with one and she needs me 24/7 right now. It is a major situation, and a scary one. I can't leave to take care of this right now. She needs me and I love her so much I can't leave her side. I find out fri if she will be ok, so If all is good I am taking care of me next week. If things are bad I still will take care of me. But as of this week and weekend she really needs me. Lots of stress. I did go to er and they didn't want to admit me because my blood count was fine, and so was my blood pressure. Also no hemroids, or bacteria in urine. I know something is wrong with me. I am scared. I cancelled my fill to watch my niece, and I think I should wait to find out what is going on before I get a fill. I have lost 6 lbs in 2 days. I feel I can last till next week. Thanks for all the concern. You all mean so much to me. I will be back soon. If the post goes away I will find it. I won't be back this weekend because of the situation I mentioned earlier. thanks again, I know I will be ok.

  14. Sorry I didn't respond right away. I spent all day in ER and I came home and fell asleep. Well, they tested my urine, blood, stool, and The doctor ows me dinner and a movie for what he did back there:eek: . Unfortanatly I couldn't get a colonoscopy because it was sunday. I guess they would have to admit me as an inpatient for that and the doctor said he thinks I should go to my doctor and get a referral for that. He found blood in my stool and urine. He said because I have my period he expected to find blood in my urine. As for my blood count and the test as a whole he said it looked fine. Iwas so frustrated I was crying. This is the second time I've been there due to my stomach and they bame up with nothing. Trust me I don't go unless it's major. There was no bacteria or hemmroids either. (next sentence is very gross so I warn you) I had a tampon in when I bleed so I know it didn't come from my period. Plus it is still happening and my period is officially over. The blood is mixed with stool now. So atleast it is not just blood anymore. Being pregnant is not even possible. I haven't been in a relationship for a year, hint. Thanks for all the support. I really love you all for caring. I guess I have to get a colonoscopy after I go to my doctor. I have a feeling OneMoreTime is right. I am still scared and angry. Not to mention not feeling well. I keep getting strong contracting feelings and keep running to the bathroom. Oddly enough I haven't been able to eat much at all. My band feels real tight and my throat feels tight. I also feel some nausea. I know this isn't band related but I hope it hasn't affected it. I see my doctor for my band tue. for a fill. I am so overwhelmed with all this crap (pun not intended). I know myself and if I feel better I will let it go. I have so many other things on my plate right now. Today was my only chance to worry about me. Thanks again, and I am really gonna try to see my doctor some time this week.:) :) :)

  15. WARNING: Very Gross. Please be warned. I have had an upset stomach for about 10 hrs now. As in the runs. I have my period as well. About 1 hr ago I felt something weird so I looked down at the paper and there was blood on it. Alot. I figured it was just from my period. Just now I went again because I felt cramps. I decided to look directly in the toilet. It was full of blood and mucus at the bottom. When I wiped it was full of blood again. It looked like I just went blood, alot of it and thick. The blood is red not black. I am so scared. I never had it like this. I haven't been able to eat much the past 3 days. I've read here though and many women tighten up during that time of month. I thought nothing of it. has this happened to anyone. I don't have insurance, so if I go to emergency room I can't pay. I am so scared, please tell me what u think. If there are any nurses or doctors, if u have ever heard of anything like this. Thank you friends, and sorry about the details.

  16. thanks guys, I realize it wasn't a good choice. My doctor didn't say anything about not drinking. I should have asked. Thing is I am not a big drinker, so I didn't think to ask. Yes vines good point, I learned a lesson. I really didn't drink much. Well I am seeing my doc on 8th of aug. So I shall see. I really was comforted by u all. I was and still am nervous. I would hate to have abused my band. I hope after my fill my band and I will become better friends. I just need to be more kind to it. Thanks again.

  17. Sounds like u are doing a great job to me. I am 2 months out and only 14 lbs down. No fill yet. I am to blame. I haven't really stuck to a workout. I think when I start that it will really help. Give yourself a break. You are working out now and just keep up the good work.

  18. hi all, I went to a party the other day and I drank for the first time since being banded. It was fun up until the time I realized I drank to much. My tolerance isn't what it used to be. I ended up getting sick. The thing that scares me is I was gagging for almost an hour. Nothing would come up. There was alot of saliva and that was about it. I am scared that I slipped my band. My stomach feels uncomfortable. I haven't gotten sick for years. I am usually very good about how I drink. I very seldom do drink. Has anyone ever gotten sick after there banding? I am scarred to tell my doctor. I figure I have to. Please anyone that has any advice or has everbeen through this, please give me an idea of my chances of slippage. Or even share your story. I feel stupid but most of all upset I put my band at risk. thanks all.

  19. hi, kimmason. I was banded on june 10th, I am down 15lbs. I would like it to be more but I haven't been working out like I should. I haven't gotten my first fill yet. Next week, yeaaaaaaa!! I just want to bring u some comfort. Although granted it is different for everyone. Some have had there battles, I think we all do. I love my band and know once I start pulling my end of the deal I will really start losing. For me it isn't the food its the moving. I need to get moving. As far as food goes I love it, but eat less of it. I make healthier choices. I still take a little nibble of a cookie. That's it though, it's just one cookie. I would do it again. I'll get back to you in a year. haha. Seriously take a look at the before and afters, and get to know the family. It's a group of wonderful people, that are dealing with the same struggles. Good Luck and look around. Big hugs.

  20. I will join the sweaty club too. I do hair and it is not the most attractive thing, when u are doing hair and sweat is dripping off your face. The back of my hair gets soaked and it is so uncomfortable. I have had this problem before I was banded, and I still have this problem. I hope as I drop weight this stops a bit. It just doesn't look right when you are doing hair and you look like a wet cat.

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