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LAP-BAND Patients
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Everything posted by Hedwig

  1. Hedwig

    What was I thinking?

    I know what you mean. I am not in the mood for people saying you only lost 5 lbs. expecting you to drop 20lbs in a month. I chose this band so I could have something to work with. I am not expecting a miracle. but others can't understand that. Congrats on the fill and the loss. your picture is very pretty. good luck.
  2. Hedwig

    Spring Ahead: Change Your Clocks

    I did. just in time almost missed the sopranos. lol
  3. Hedwig

    What was I thinking?

    I know what you mean I am not telling anyone in my family except for my mother. long story as well lol. Maryb that post was cute. it's amazing how big ones mouth can get:D . also ddiedre I know what you mean about how your mouth can betray you. That happens to me all the time. My brain is screaming SHUT UP! but my mouth is yack, yack, yackedy yack. and isn't it always three days later when you figure out a comeback and you are thinking take that! but they can't take it because it's over with:confused: . keep your comeback in your brain log it will come in handy eventually;) . lol.
  4. Hedwig

    Question for those who wear makeup

    I put on lipliner and fill my lips with the liner. then the lipstick then the gloss. If you want it to stay on all day you have to skip the gloss part and pat your lips with press powder after you apply the liner and stick:eek: . I know, not fun but it stays on most of the day. also drinking from a bottle and only putting your bottom lip helps. yes. I might have put a little to much thought into my lipstick/gloss:o . I go to school for hair and makeup so that is why I try to always keep my lipstick on. the director requires it. weird. I know. hope I helped
  5. Hedwig

    Bad Breathe

    well all I can say is "I never thought i would see the day when I wouldn't be intrested in a cheese ball. but the day has arrived. I say no thank you to that cheese ball.:yuck: "
  6. Hedwig

    What was I thinking?

    I hear you sister. lol. I am trying to figure out how I am going to explain that to all the girls at school.
  7. Hedwig

    Questions for group...

    I don't have to do it but I have to do an 8 week high protein and exercise everyday for 45 minutes diet:faint: . WOOHOO! that is hard. plus I am a smoker and had to quit smoking for the surgery:faint: . so I must admit I am having a hard time myself. My doctor actually said he thought making people give up food for two weeks was torture. but that being said you will be losing some extra poundage and that is always good. I know you can do it:clap2: . many others have. It sounds hard and I think you guys are all great for having the strength to do it. good luck to you.
  8. Hedwig

    Whats wrong with me?????????????

    I am 7 weeks away from banding and I asked the same question. this is what I've researched and wanted for a year. now that it is finally happening I am scared. It's becoming real. I keep thinking what am I doing? Is this crazy? I am afraid of passing away. But the truth is we are doing what we need to do so that our lives will be livable. at least thats why I am doing it. so I have a happier and healthier future.I am not sure what you are going through but I know what my mind has been going through. I hope you feel better and I am sorry you are crying. Everyone here has helped me and just reading the threads has gotten me through so much. Just keep reading and find some comfort from the others. big hugs .
  9. Hedwig

    What was I thinking?

    thanks eveyone for sharing your stories with me. I can't even begin to thank everyone here on this site for all the support and knowledge I've recieve. Kimbo you really brought me comfort. just knowing that you decided to share with everyone and everything went well for you. Yes I am the oldest girl in school but I have to say so far not one girl has been rude. maybe because I am a big girl and they may be afraid that I will smack them around. just kidding. I didn't mean for it to get around but I should have known better. at the same time I am excited and proud of my willingness to change my life. but am scared of others expectations. I think to much. Thats what my mom says. lol
  10. Hedwig

    What was I thinking?

    just want to let you know kat817 you have my big good luck to you :clap2: . I know what you mean about only telling two people and they told everyone. like I said as for my family only my mom knows but at school the new spread like wild fire:omg: . that is how it is in a salon envionment. a bunch girls in everyones buisness. you all had such great things to say. and all very true. people wanting to know is natural. fiveholts you are so right about over weight people having more empathy for others. one girl said to me that we are all flawed and that if anyone judges me for my choice they haven't looked at theirs. she is only 19 but a sweetheart. thanks for all your input guys. I love the support here.:eek:
  11. Hedwig

    What was I thinking?

    no one has these thoughts or experinces? anyone? anyone at all? Is this thing on? :eek:
  12. Hedwig

    Bad Breathe

    wow! well thanks for the info guys. I am going to be banded in 8 weeks and I have a list. I just added mini bottles of mouth wash to it. note to self: bad breath, gas and slimy tongue, check.
  13. Hedwig


    Great news! I am so happy for you.:clap2:
  14. Hedwig

    Good Thoughts Needed - PS Tomorrow

    Good luck:biggrin1: ! you will look wonderful and I will think happy thoughts for you. I hope your healing goes well. Sending big hugs :eek: and thoughts of your being more fabulous than ever:clap2: .
  15. Hedwig

    LAPBAND Questions to ask!!!!

    penni, thanks for all the questions. I asked my surgeon almost all of them and he was impressed that I took time to learn about the band. I love this site and even though I am scared out of my mind having all this information brings me comfort.
  16. Hedwig


    I asked questions about insurance because my mother was intrested in the band. I myself have 8 weeks before banding, so I can only tell you what my surgeon said. first like wheetsin stated it depends on your company. but my doctor said if you have a bmi of 32-39 you have to also have other morbilities, such as being diabetic, asthma, high blood pressure, or sleep apnea. other wise the insurance company requires a bmi of 40 and up. this is just what he told me. I am self pay so I am able to be banded with a bmi of 38. I am not sure what your company requires but I would say its a good time to write down all you questions and get them answered. I hope I helped. good luck and welcome to lapbandtalk.
  17. WHAT!!!:omg: I can't understand how a person thinks they have any right to talk done to someone. Just reading this made me so angry. It seems like people feel like a large person is less of a human. that they don't have to consider there feelings because they are over weight and they do it to themselves. I am not saying everyone feels this way but I do. I am sorry he talked to you that way. and the whole cake thing had fumes coming out of my ears. sorry if I sound angry. I am glad he apoligized to you. even if he was covering his ass. ok, I am done with my rant.
  18. well after researching for a year, and my endless struggle to find money for the band. It's happening:eek: . my mom suprised me and has been paying off a loan for a year since she found out this is what I wanted. turns out she paid it off and got the money for me:D . I went to my first appointment and had all the testing done. I have to do a 8 week diet and send my weekly menu to my doctors by email. I also have to workout everyday 45 minutes a day everyday for the next 8 weeks:faint: . if by my preop appointment I don't lose weight they will not give me my band:( . I am slightly scared about that. I am willing to do what is needed to get healthy, but I was thinking the band would be a tool to help motivate me and curb my hunger.so a strict diet, with no help for 8 weeks is not what I expected. But I am going to have to get used to a change with the band so this will be boot camp. I am also a smoker. 6 cigarettes a day. I was planning on quiting but turns out my doctor will not work on any smokers unless they quit smoking 30 days before sugery:omg: . I will admit giving up both at the same time is going to be hard and I was planning on having my crutch. WOW! I have a lot of work to do. but to be honest I never thought this was going to happen and now that it is I am so scared. I can't turn back because the testing costs 1400 dollars and I didn't know they were going to start all of it on the first visit. I figured it was going to be a simple consultation. I was there for four hours. when I got home I just broke down:cry . I wanted this so bad and reseached it for a year. I have been on this board for 6/7 months. I just lost it once it all started to happen. (by the way I wrote down alot of questions I learned from everyone on the board and the doctor was suprised I knew so much and he was shocked that I even asked alot about his patients and surgeries.) he said alot of people come in uninformed and are not prepared. I let him know I was part of this board and that you guys help each other through alot, before and after banding. I know this is long I just need to get all of this out because I am so confused. has anyone ever felt like they might be doing something crazy? I hate that I am thinking like this. I thought I was ready and excited to start a new life. now I am just worried about passing away trying to get a life. I am sorry for the long rant. thanks for reading. And thanks for just being a great band family.
  19. Hedwig

    I can't believe it's happening

    I know if you eat right you can eat more. but I have to admit I am a night eater. so to eat all day is hard. But it is something I will have to get used to.
  20. Hedwig

    I can't believe it's happening

    photonut, that was such a great message. I just feel so safe around here. when I am feeling confused and have a million questions I just pop on here and someone has answered them already. I am without a doubt scared. but just knowing someone is out there giving me some of there time and encouragment makes me feel better. As for the diet I have to eat 6 servings of protein a day. eck! I actually feel like I never ate so much before. of course I am drinking shakes as well, because eating protein 6 times a day is a bit much. I admit I am a carb freak. now why couldn't I eat carbs 6 times a day. lol. and yes I am about to fall over from the workouts. they want the 45 minutes done all at once because they want my heart rate up for at least 20 minutes. and its up there, around the ceiling I think.lol
  21. Hedwig

    I can't believe it's happening

    lol!! thanks jack that gave me a giggle.
  22. Hi everyone. I really love this site. I have learned so much and find so much comfort from all of you. thanks. what I was wondering is if anyone here has had their surgery at the illinois wish center? I am thinking that is where I want to get my band. I would like to know if it was a comfortable experience. hope someone has some info. thanks.
  23. Hedwig

    What should I do to prepare?

    I don't have a recliner and I can't buy a new one. I also don't know anyone with recliners. so my question is, does a bed with a lot of pillows work? I want to be as comfortable as possible. the best I can come up with is a bunch pillows.
  24. I live in Il. and I am going to the wish center. I still have to go to my appointment but I am wondering what you meant by testing costs. I am self pay so I need to keep all of this in mind. thanks so much, for bringing up the center because I posted it in another board and no one knew about the wish center.
  25. Hedwig

    Pre-Op Diet

    I am not banded yet. but I will have to go through the same thing. I was wondering if you can eat lemon? Because tomato and cucumbers with fresh lemon juice and a little dash of salt and pepper is a good snack. I don't like tomatoes but I love cucumbers. just an idea.

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