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Posts posted by travel_anna

  1. I don't do the flip turn at the end - it takes so much energy that I find it makes me go slower and feel more out of breath. Also, half of the time I do it, I get Water up my nose, end up sputtering like an idiot and either have to put my feet down or tread water in the deep end until I catch my breath.

  2. I am soooo proud of myself.

    I have been swimming in the pool to get ready for a triathlon this summer (big challenge for myself).

    Anyway, typically, I do 50 meter repeats and rest one minute between sets and I swim for 30 minutes.

    Well, the training schedule said to step it up to 200 meter repeats (YIKES) and swim for 40 minutes, taking 1 minute rests between sets.

    I thought...no way am I going to be able to do that. I'll just do 100 meter repeats.

    Well, I decided to push myself a little and I was able to do the whole workout swimming 200 meter repeats! I am SOOOOOOO proud of myself. Truely, didn't think I could do it, and I did!!!

  3. Tap -

    I don't know about variety being the key to life, but it certainly is the key to getting me to the gym. I like it when I can do something different.

    And meeting my friends at the gym is probably the reason I go as much as I do.

    The wind here is crazy too, I'm sure bumping the temp close to freezing. Hence, I am still working out in the gym, and not outside.

  4. I'm working from home today, so I'm heading to the gym at 2pm to run on the treadmill. Plan to do 2 - 3 miles, depending on how I feel.

    Tomorrow, I'll be swimming for 45 minutes in the morning and then meeting a friend in the late afternoon for a walk.

    Thursday, I'm meeting friends for a spinning class.

    So...it should be a good week!!!

  5. I love coming here and seeing what everyone is doing. I've been stuck inside all weekend at work (one of my coworkers who had gastric bypass had a major complication requiring a second surgery) and so I ended up covering her 24hr shift and mine, back to back. But...happy to say...I'll be leaving at 4pm and heading to the pool. Have to get in another swim workout today.

  6. Today is my day to rest - no planned workout today.

    But, I got to admit, I almost want to go to the gym.

    But...keeping to the training program - I know a day of rest is important to prevent injuries.

    I'll be back at spinning class on Thursday and on the treadmill Friday, and in the pool Sunday.

  7. I agree with both of you here - I hate it when I PB and then have to do liquids. It has only happened a few times in the last 6 months, but it is what keeps me eating slowly and chewing a ton.

    About the "cold and phlegm" issue - I got a cold in December, and I had to go on liquids for a few days - for some reason, all that phlegm that went into my stomach made things not pass through as well. After the cold was gone, I was back to fine.

  8. I'm in...

    I'll check in and see how things are going for you and give you both a kick in the butt and a hug for keeping going.

    I agree with ReadySteady - when I track the workouts I do, it keeps me going to the gym. I like to see that I can do more miles in less time than I could a few months ago...

    Even though progress is sometimes slow.

  9. Hi everyone -

    Glad to see everyone getting their workouts in.

    I did 3 miles in just over 40 minutes on the treadmill yesterday. Eventually, I want to get it down to 10 minute miles, but I'm not there yet.

    Today, I did 30 minutes of swimming - just starting to incorporate that twice a week - boy, I need to improve before August...oh well...

    Davia - As for starting to run, I liked the "couch potato to 5K" plan that is on the coolrunning.com website -

    Cool Running :: The Couch-to-5K Running Plan

    You need to be able to walk for 30 minutes before starting this. Then, you alternate walking and running for 30 minutes, gradually increasing the time you run and decreasing the time you walk. I actually still do this, running for 4 minutes and walking for 1 minutes. Now I'm trying to increase my running speed, but still do the walking recovery.

    Good luck!

  10. Hello all -

    I'm so excited for spring!

    I found this great new website - Running in the USA - Welcome to Running in the USA - where they list all the races that are happening. You search by state and then the races are listed by month.

    I'm training for a triathlon and duathlon this summer/fall, and I'm hoping to do 1 - 2 races a month (just 5K or 10K) to help me get used to racing.

    I used to do these races about 6 years ago and always had a blast. Plus, now, I'm recruiting some of my friends to do them with me.

    The first 5K is on April 19th - it is called the Maple Syrup Run, and they serve a pancake Breakfast afterwards. Although, I know from experience that pancakes don't work well for me with my band. But, it is working to get my friends out to the race.

    And, while I'm posting, I'll post a NSV - I was cleaning my townhouse and getting it ready to go on the market (I am relocating to another state for work). Anyway, someone was taking pictures, and in one of the pictures (taken from the back) I hardly recognize myself. In the picture, I don't think "that person" looks fat...but "that person" is me. Quite the revelation!

    Happy spring to all of you!


  11. I drink them about 5 days a week. I don't use them as a Meal Replacement (although sometimes I do have it for Breakfast if I am running late and can't take 30 minutes to eat oatmeal or yogurt).

    I use them to up my Protein intake. I noticed quite a bit of Hair loss from about 8 - 12 months out. Once I started drinking the Protein Shake daily (after a workout or as an afternoon "snack") and taking Biotin, my hair stopped shedding as much.

    I figure I'll continue to have them on days I work out to up my protein.

  12. Ready -

    The most important thing in that list is #5...as long as you keep trying, you can be successful. Even if it takes time.

    Although, looking at your numbers, you are down nearly 70 pounds from your high weight to your current weight. That is something to be very proud of.


  13. Yea - I can relate about feeling tight in the morning. Typically, I try to eat Breakfast after I get to work so that I've been up for an hour or so before trying to eat. On my recent vacation, it was difficult to get stuff in because we were always in a hurry. I only get in about 1/2 of a yogurt or oatmeal in 30 minutes if I am very patient...

  14. Melissa -

    I'll take you up on the recommendations. I don't know any surgeons in the Denver area...

    I took a job at P/SL in downtown Denver, so I figure I'll be close to a lot of hospitals and docs. Any recs appreciated.

    Where are you thinking of moving to?

  15. In one year I.....


    1. 60 pounds (253 to 193) and went from size 22 to a loose 16

    2. All the pain I had in my knees when exercising

    3. Most (not all) of my self loathing thoughts

    4. Over half of the clothes in my closet (not lost, just donated!)

    5. My "skinny backup closet" - all of those clothes fit! Now, if I get any smaller, I don't have any clothes to "shrink into" already hiding at the bottom of my closet

    6. My ability to hide from the camera - I love having my picture taken now (one year shots coming as soon as my aunt can come and take them)


    1. My sense of self back

    2. Better Self Esteem

    3. Pride in my appearance

    4. The ability to run on the treadmill and participate in a spinning class without feeling like the fattest and slowest in the room.

    5. The ability to get dressed in 5 minutes because EVERYTHING in my closet either fits or is slightly too big

    6. A tremendous amount of confidence

    7. My smile and dimples back


    1. I truly am addicted to chocolate (it is the reason I haven't lost more). it is my biggest comfort food. And...it slips right through a band, no matter how tight it is.

    2. No matter how much weight I lose, I still hate my inner thighs and my stomach...oh well, we can't all be perfect!

    3. I can sign up for and train for both a duathlon (run, bike, run total 26 miles in Sept) and triathlon (swim, bike, run in August) because I have gained the confidence to know I will finish!

    An amazing year. I would do it again in a heartbeat. Even though my weight loss has been slow, slower than most here on this site, I am happy. Very happy.

    As for the upcoming year, I am moving to Denver this summer for a new job, and I can't wait to start again - where people will meet the "new, fit, happy" me without knowing the "slow, fat, unhappy" me of the last few years. Hopefully, I can lose another 20-30 pounds before I move in August and truly "start over"... as the person I always wanted to be, but never really believed I could be.


  16. Hi all -

    I'm in California this weekend (well, Thurs to Sun) to give a presentation at a regional meeting. Just gave it this morning, and glad it is behind me.

    As for working out, there is only B&Bs in this town, so no hotel with an exercise room. So I'm been "forced" to walk on the beach - did 2 hours walking on the beach the last two days and plan on it again this afternoon. Wish this was my regular way to work out! So nice!!!

    Will be back at the gym once I get home to the "Land of the Perpetually Frozen"!

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