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Gastric Sleeve Patients
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Posts posted by Halfagain

  1. I assumed I was going to be seeing the office/team rather than the surgeon when it came to follow up. In reading reviews of one of the Seattle area surgeons (a different office than I went with), it became fairly clear this was common practice. Anyway I wasn't surprised when my assumption proven correct. However it would be nice if they somehow brought that up so others didn't have to wonder how things would happen.

    Edited to add I have been well served by my surgeon and his office :). I got to thinking I didn't come out and say it earlier. I have not been through any dramas or serious issues in my short sleeved life (knock on wood), but most of the group there have been through WLS, and/or seem to know their stuff.

  2. I'm giving my sister the benefit of the doubt that she really didn't mean this as it sounds. She told me she started dieting after hearing of my approval for the sleeve surgery, because she didn't want to be "the fat daughter". I guess my being at 350+ all this time made it okay for her to be morbidly obese as long as I weighed more than her. Oh well, I'll look at my sleeve as benefitting not only me but as a sister diet tool too I guess.

  3. The last huge loss I had with a low carb diet, I was comfortable with family telling them I'd lost one hundred pounds. However I found myself getting more and more uncomfortable as I lost more in divulging the total. I started just saying over one hundred pounds and trying to leave it at that. Although some people pressed for a more specific number.

    Currently, My sister is on weight watchers and it seems like family needs to just stay away from numbers and focus on health if they want to be encouraging for both of us. I want to support her, so I'll keep my numbers to myself.

  4. I also would like to join and this will be my first challenge. Although I'm still getting real foods back gradually after 12/16/15 surgery, so I really am at loss on what the realistic goal might be.

    I'm 322 now, let's just throw out there 305 as the goal.

    I know that's a lot, (especially as I'm seeing the 3 week lull in loses right now, which is expected) but with my BMI I'd like to give it a shot. I may need to revise the goal come February 1st, and I'm ok with that. Honestly any lose is the true goal, but setting the bar high for myself will help push fluids and Protein, and yep starting that thing called exercise.

    Thank you VSGSarah3 for taking this hosting on!

  5. New poster here, but have been reading for months. I was sleeved this afternoon,12/28. Still inpatient at the hospital, obviously. I've been tolerating ice chips well. I went for my first walk a few hours after the procedure and all was well. I've been sore, but nothing terrible and taking the pain medication through IV.

    Getting back into bed from my walk, my RN was assessing my incision sites and I felt sort of like a sharp sudden pain. Now for the last few hours, I've been dealing with tachycardia (my hr went to 170!), palpitations and pain on deep breathing. I've had an ekg and stat X-ray , so I know I'm in the right place for medical answers.

    My question for all of you, is, did this resemble any of your gas pains?

    Thanks so much for any input.

    No, I'm sorry it sure doesn't. I'm glad you are in the right place to help get this resolved.

    Let us know how you are doing.

  6. Not sure this is a recipe or where to put this. I've taken to heating my Roadside Lemonaid or Fuzzy Navel drinks as the weather has gotten colder, and due to just feeling yucky with a pre-cold. I mix it cold in my usual way, then microwave between 140 and 160 degrees. It's sort of like hot Tang, if any of you are old enough to remember that :)

  7. Hi Gigi,

    I made the revision from lap band to gastric sleeve recently. My doctor required a three month wait between band removal and sleeve surgery. He said a lot of the callous tissue that builds around the band will subside if given a waiting period. It made sense to me, and asking around in my area at seminars pre-decision to do this, all the doctors (under my medical coverage) in my local area were of the same opinion. They said simply, waiting was safer.

    The band removal was quick. I was in surgery and out same morning. The port site, removal, was the most painful area for a few days. The sleeve pain levels were less than the band removal, however new eating rules and such of course have been a much bigger event after the sleeve.

    Best wishes to your husband, and you. It's great to see your support already in this, as My husband has been terrific supporting me.

  8. Warm drinks like herbal tea, powders?utm_source=BariatricPal&utm_medium=Affiliate&utm_campaign=CommentLink" target="_ad" data-id="1" >unjury chicken Soup, or HealthSmart hot chocolate were my go to drinks to get my fluids in. Of course only the tea worked for clear fluids time, chicken broth was bland. Thankfully that was only three days to deal with. I wasn't hungry except when I was behind on fluids or not getting in my Protein in.

    I haven't found ice pops without aspartame. Maybe I need to make my own. Google "aspartame cravings" and that basically hits home with me. Took me years to figure out why I could have such mild cravings one day, and horrible cravings another. Usually turns out I ate food with aspartame in it when cravings are a raging.

    Physically, my incision wounds didn't become sore for a few days. The surgeon put something to numb them that lasted a while I hear. It made walking so much better than after my band removal in September. When they did start to feel tender, they weren't that bad at all.

    This is day 8 from surgery. I feel well enough to work at my desk job, but I'm tired still. Even without any prescription pain meds for five days now. I'm glad I don't have to return for 4 more days.

  9. I ended up with added oxygen while awake the first day. I didn't even try the bed as the recliner was very comfortable. So my Cpap was never used, the nasal cannula was on when I was in the chair. I was up every 2 hours peeing, then walking, so it wasn't like I could put my mask on and sleep the night. It was sort of an awkward night but I asked the nurses for their thoughts and we settled on managing the sleep apnea just sitting up more and adding oxygen.

    I'm sure it depends on severity of apnea how to best deal with it. Just don't plan on sleeping much that first night. ????

    Adding -my Cpap was ready to use if I wanted/needed it. We put it on a rolling table so it would have been fine in either bed or chair.

  10. Gradmaofone, you are a rock star. Never doubt yourself, if you are following the plan you have nothing at all to feel badly about.

    Example My doctor either misread my chart or someone told him wrong, but I was expecting a attaboy for being down 31 pounds from initial visit, but instead I saw a concerned surgeon saying I had gained 20 lbs. I was shocked and hurt he thought that when I'd was so happy with my progress. He just said he must have gotten mis-information. I happens but it sure put a bad feeling in place before I went into surgery. Oh well, I'll be seeing his nurse practitioner most likely and other staff ongoing (was planning on doing that before this instance anyway). And yes, I'll show him what a loser I am!

    We are in this to the best outcome we can have. I know I need to not dwell on my instance, and I'd suggest you let it go too. We just found some "stuff" on our journey and we scrape it off our mental replay list and move on.

    Big hugs ((((((HUG)))))

  11. My sleeve surgery was today. No surprises other than how much it hurt at first. It's under control now though with only low/medium pain levels. I feel much better than I did the first few hours. Water is going down better than it did at first as well. Then too I'm not dozing off at the drop of a hat.

    No catheter to deal with - but they measure "everything" in/out so it's just a part of getting thru this. I suppose it's to make sure all that water is really coming out instead of somewhere it should not be going today. Wearing my own PJ's after the surgery really makes me feel more like me here.

    Tomorrow is the leak test in the early morning hours, they must have something else up their sleeve for me as well. They are getting me up at 4AM! After whatever they have planned, I will be released for home.

    Pre-surgery I lost 31 pounds. 5 of it was before the pre-op diet. I've got a lot to lose - so it makes sense to have lost that much on a three week pre-op liquid diet (protein shakes with a small lean cuisine meal at the end of each day).

    Rock on December Sleevers, and to all the Sleevers out there, best wishes for a lighter tomorrow or whatever healthy desire you have in your plans.

  12. I'm starting to pack! Wednesday 12/16 I'm first up on the surgery roster. I am going to a center of excellence, and will there overnight.

    This should be different than past hospital stays, but I'm thinking in a good way. Less of that other stuff I don't really need, and more of this stuff (I can focus more on the sleeve recovery). Heck, they don't even have a TV :) but I find that is perfect. I figure I'll be walking, sipping, or sleeping.

    I have faith in God, in the surgeon, myself, my family support, and the timing of this. It's not going to be easy, but it will be worth it - I have no doubt.

  13. I discovered that some Protein Shakes cause diarrhea for me, others do not. Sadly, while I enjoyed the organic Protein Powder from costco, my system doesn't like it. Syntrax Nectar is no problem, nor is Unjury, or Bariatric Advantage.

    I used to like Premier Protein ready to drink, but after nearly three weeks of pre-op diet, I find it have a much longer after taste and so have stopped using it. 3 more days till surgery. My son and husband have come down with colds. I'm worried I will get one.

  14. 12/16/15 is my surgery date. 3week pre-op diet is still going well, but wrapping up work items so my backup is all set is stressful. My husband and adult son have been very supportive. My pre-op call to cover questions and confirm surgery etc. I found out I can change into my pj's after surgery, (yes many other more important items covered, but this news just made me happy for some reason). Hopefully nausea will be controlled well enough.

  15. I am guessing that diet alone has not worked for you to keep the weight off long term. For me, I know I can lose weight by dieting (I've done it dozens of times), but keeping it off has been the problem. The body fights back to return to the same or larger size. Statistically people with the surgery do far better long term than diet alone. I realize we still have to work for it, but my belief is the sleeve will help us with maintaining a lower set point.

    I would do the surgery if i were in your shoes, but that is based off of my history with dieting/exercise.

  16. My pre-op diet is for 3 weeks. It consists of 3 or 4 Protein shakes a day and one low cal dinner. Grand total per day calories not to exceed 870. I've been averaging 650 calories a day. I'm on day 12. I was hungry the first few days but since then not so much. I have struggled with head hunger (thinking of things that I really wanted to eat) a couple times. I have not given in.

    The main reasons I have stuck closely to this diet: it is required by my surgeon, it has a completion date (before I change to sleeve diet), and I felt (for me) if I can't do this for three weeks, maybe I ought to consider my readiness for the sleeve changes that will be for life. I see the sleeve as a tool to help with my new diet, and not the sleeve being the diet. This pre-op IS the start of the whole change, where the sleeve arrives a little later to help he get thru the rest of my life.

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