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Everything posted by smileygal

  1. smileygal

    CrAnKy! With a capital B!

    My husband had the bypass in Jan and was really grumpy for a few months. Back to his sunny self now thank God. I'm 3 days post op sleeve and going to try really hard not to put the family through grumpy stage. ????
  2. Welcome Lozz! Would love to hear your journey! May? How many kilos/sizes are you down? Have you got more energy? What food is working well and what do you avoid? Btw, thanks for the encouragement Naomi
  3. Hi Jen. October will whizz up fast. Enjoy your last big meals but don't totally overdo it like I did - had an extra 4 kilos on between booking in and starting pre op diet. Anyway. Don't let the doubts win. The surgery is ok and it's wonderful not to feel hungry!
  4. Still all good. Home sweet home! Loved yogurt today! Still having occasional wind pains and can feel the gas running around my body. Some diarrhea today as well but guess that's expected after only fluids. A little disappointed I came out of hospital at same weight but it's only been 2 days after all!!
  5. Hey. It's all good news. I've been in one night and should be going home tomorrow. Think I tried to drink a bit too much today as feeling a bit gassy tonight but all the worst case scenarios I read about - vomiting blood, lots of pain- none of it happened. I feel so much better than I expected and reckon I'll only need a week off work not the 2 recommended. BUT I will wait till I get home and into kids and jobs and trying free fluids then purée. Will stay in touch on here!!
  6. Thanks Lizcan. I am in Sydney. Thanks for the encouragement too Books! Can't imagine what 30kg down will feel like! But already checking out online the sort of clothes I used to wear and can't wait to shop in the 'skinny girl' shops! To be able to buy underwear from Bras n Things! I can't believe it takes 30 mins to drink soup! But it tastes so good! Did anyone else keep it a secret from family?
  7. 24 hours on and I feel great. Tired from being woken hourly overnight but pain is minimal. Just showered myself and went for a big walk. Already managed 700ml fluid since midnight. Sip sip the way to go
  8. smileygal

    Today is the day!

    Thanks @@MINI-Me
  9. smileygal

    Today is the day!

    I was sleeved about 15 hours ago. It's the middle of the night and they keep waking me for more BP checks, more antibiotics, more IV drugs. The water feels like concrete going down but I'm getting it down. Shoulder tip pain bad at times. Can't wait to get Moving more tomorrow!! But it's the first day of the rest of my life so I'm happy????
  10. Hi. It's the middle of the night after. It's ok! Better than I expected. Nausea but no vomiting, shoulder tip pain worse at time than belly pain. Hot packs help. Got my button friend to help too. Can sip sip sip. Yay. Feeling glad I did it! Thanks for all the support!!
  11. Thanks girls! Today's the day!!
  12. smileygal

    Secret sleever

    Hi. I have also decided to keep my journey very secret. The reason that I just can't stand other people's opinions - uncalled for - on my life. Having been through infertility, IVF and a divorce that judgement and opinions from people who do not have a clue really is not welcome here! My husband of course knows - he is a fabulous support. I have told 2 girlfriends with a third finding out from an unguarded posting on a FB thread. I've told my boss I need some surgery but I don't want the rest of the office to know - lovely people but all have their strong opinions too. I'm telling all I'm starting to look after myself better with diet and exercise. I hope it will be that easy. Maybe I'll feel more confident to share my journey after. My only big worry is if something goes wrong and my parents and brothers didn't even know I was going into hospital....,
  13. smileygal

    Self Sabotage

    Thanks Rog for that regimented plan. I'm having my sleeve tomorrow and trying hard to plan for my life post op. I have 2 weeks off work to get organized then it's full steam back into my full time job with many other commitments around it, so I will need to be very prepared. Your post helped!
  14. Hey Kindofamiliar & Lizcan - or anyone else, what was your return to work like? When did you go back and how did you feel?
  15. Thanks all for info - especially those who have gone before. I've had 2 weeks of pre-op with 3 meal replacements per day with veggies only. I had two cheats one whole day and one packet of chips. I was wondering if I should be fluids only today - my surgery is Friday - it's Weds night but I just had a stuffed mushroom. And no one said fast for 24 hours. That would start in the am
  16. Great to hear from you Lizcan How's the weight loss and energy 3 months after? Of course I'm looking forward to the weight loss but more than anything I want energy!!
  17. Love love your blog! What a great idea
  18. I'm in Sydney too! I'll check out your blog. What's your pre-diet look like? Seems to be different around the world! Did you have to go through lots of pre appointments?
  19. Hey Shotochick?? I'm a bit nervous TBH. Not about the lifelong change - bring it on! Just surviving the surgery with no complications. I'm a nurse and know all the worse case scenarios!! You're very brave already if you've transitioned to living overseas. Do the ones at home know you're doing this?
  20. smileygal

    5 days post op.

    Thanks for the inspiration!!

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