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Gastric Sleeve Patients
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Posts posted by Crash2015

  1. Hi all!

    I had a band in 2006, revision to sleeve in 2015. Now having excrutiating nausea, GERD, heartburn, etc. Had the endoscopy PH study and am having reflux episodes/vomiting every 16 minutes!! Having an upper endoscopy tomorrow to rule out Barrett's. My doc gave me three options this morning.

    1. Fix hiatal hernia and hope that works,

    2. Revise sleeve to by pass and hope that works,

    3. Do nothing and live with it.

    I started at 234 pre band and have only lost 40 or so pounds and have lost and regained the weight many times over the past years. Considering taking all my records and getting a second opinion closer to home. My doc does not do a ds, so would like to hear what another surgeon may say about that.

    Any words of wisdom??

    Thank you!

  2. Good day! Saw my doc this am and with all my GERD/Nausea issues he gave me three choices:

    1. Have a bypass

    2. have the hiatal hernia fixed and see if that helps

    3. Do nothing. Gee, thanks!

    So he's ordered me to have an upper endoscopy tomorrow afternoon to see if I have Barrett's esophagus. My mom has that and he said it could be hereditary.

    Oh well. I asked it the DS would be better than a bypass, and he said he does not do those. My thoughts were if they reconnect the small intestine lower down then the stomach acid can't back up into the stomach causing GERD/REFLUX/Heartburn issues. He didn't say one way or the other. So after this test, I'm going to take my records and go for a second opinion. I really don't want to do all this over again but I'm at my wits end. I was up all night with reflux, vomit up my esophagus and wicked nausea.

    Thanks for listening/reading!

  3. I have Malcolm Robinson from Brigham and Women’s in Boston but live in RI. Am looking to switch to RI - maybe the University Surgical group. Do you know of any good docs there?

    I had a band in 2006, revisions to a sleeve in 2015, and now bad GERD. See Dr. Robinson tomorrow for results from several endoscopy tests and know he’ll recommend a by pass.

  4. @the 56 Bypass - I did not have an endoscopy before the sleeve as I didn't have any issues with reflux or gerd that TUMS couldn't take care of. I had a cast Iron stomach! But, not now. I'm just disgusted. I called my insurance company and if I want a second opinion I have to pay for that. They don't cover it. But, that's ok. It would be well worth it.

    The thing I do not want to do is more testing. I've been poked and prodded so much I'm done.

  5. I had the sleeve in 2015. Now he wants to do a RNY. He was supposed to call me Friday, I'm hoping to hear from him tomorrow.

    I did call his office and told them that the results were in. I was told he was out of town. At this point, I'm still very frustrated. The GERD is killing me.

    I'm not trying to freak anyone out. I think my experience with all this has just stunk. I think that the surgery can really be great, I just think that my anatomy stinks. :(

  6. @ Alexandro, I started at 234, lost 50+, then regained and relost several times. Stuck now in the low 190s.

    Got results back Monday on the Endcopy motility, and all is ok there, but they didn't put the tube far enough down to enter through the sphincter into the stomach. They want me to do the test AGAIN!!! Ahhhh, no! I live an hour away from my doc and had to take the entire day off work. Still kinda upset that they just didn't try harder to the get tube through. Still waiting on the second test results.

  7. I had a bandin 2006, removed in 2015 due to slippage and getting things stuck over and over and over and over again. Then kept developing gastritis and pancreatitis, now with reflux and GERD, nausea almost all the time. Had a CT scan a few weeks ago, showed umbilical, hiatal hernias and reflux, GERD damage. Waiting for endoscopy PH and Mobility tests results. Eating TUMS and pepto like they are going out of style, also taking omeperazole 40mg twice a day. Also took carafate which didn't help. Doc suggested if things don't get better to change over to a bypass.

    From what I've researched, the bypass is the best way to get rid of the reflux/GERD, but I'm hearing about a lot of folks not being able to get their fluids in and problems eating.

    Do your research, and good luck!!



  8. Guys, it's okay. How fast you lose just all depends on some things that are, quite frankly, out of our control. Age, gender, starting weight and BMI. I was right there with you. I think I had lost 19 pounds by 6 weeks. 50 some at 6 months.

    Did I look at other's results and get completely frustrated? YOU BET! But then I finally decided not to waste precious energy on worrying about how much weight I'm losing compared to others. It's not a race to be won. It's a lifestyle change that won't end just because we get to our goal weight. What's the hurry? Enjoy the journey and your new life!

    Now here I am, 10.5 months out, and am 10 pounds to my goal weight. Do I feel like a failure because of my perceived "slow weight loss?" ABSOLUTELY NOT. Because ultimately it's about getting there, not how long it took.

    Patience, persistence, and resilience. Stick to your plan, find some exercise you love to do, and you'll be there before you know it :)

    Thanks BAbbs! I'm with the others. 6 weeks out and only 20lbs lost.

    Thanks for the encouragement!!

  9. Hey Always Smiling!

    How's it going? I went back to work yesterday and only made it to 1:30. So freaking tired. Today I went back and left on purpose at 1:30. Still really tired and hoping I do better next week. Thank goodness my employer is very understanding!!

    I also tried the next stage of foods. Omg!! Cottage cheese is gross!!! Lmao!! So I'll stick with the Greek yogurt, not much better!

    Good luck to all!!!



  10. HI! My first post op check up is next Monday, the 21st. I had my revision 9/3/15, so I'm not sure about the shape of my sleeve. I'm going to add that to the list of questions I have for the doc though!

    How are you doing Always Smiling? Have you progressed to soft foods yet?



    Oh yes please ask! Curious as to other doctors take on it. Soft foods day on day 14, so two more days! I'm so excited that I went grocery shopping for such items! I'll be going back to work that day too!

    I get to start soft foods Thursday and back to work too!! I'm so bored, can't wait to get back to some normalcy! I get to add about 5 soft foods for one week, then additional soft foods for three weeks. After that I'm back to regular textured foods as tolerated. Though my head says, "gee, that pizza looks delicious", my tummy doesn't want it! LOL

    Go figure!!

    And to tsseimer - hopefully you've done your research on your doc and they will know just how much of the stomach to take. My doctor is the same one who did my band 8 years ago and I have a lot of faith in him! Good luck!!! :)

  11. Hi Willow!

    I had a band to sleeve revision. The band worked well for a short time, but then I kept getting obstructions and I'd have to start at square one. :(

    Yes, I'm thrilled at how well I'm doing. :)

    What are you going to have done? Best of luck to you! :)

    Dubaiboy - Good luck tomorrow!! I'm sure you'll do wonderfully!! :)

    Best to all,


  12. I think the weight gain was from the air installed in my tummy as well as the huge amounts of Fluid they infused in me. And last but not least, TMI - but being constipated by the pain meds.

    But all is well now. I'm pretty darn happy!

    The doc said that surgery would probably be 2 hours but I was done in an hour! Started walking around as soon as I got to my room later that evening and never stopped! The walking was key to being discharged and getting my body woken up from the anesthesia. I was discharged two days after surgery! In on Wednesday and out on Friday. :) Not too shabby!

    I've not had any issues keeping fluids down or drinking, and I've had to remind myself to take it slow. Pain has been minimal, but of course, if you move the wrong way too fast, you'll feel incisional pain. Not a big deal.

    I have had a "upset tummy" at times, but I think that is partially from drinking too much at a time. That subsides, and the Omeprozol helps.

    Happy to answer any other questions! :)

    Best wishes to all and I'm so glad I did this! :)

    Crash! :)

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