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Posts posted by tchilambe

  1. I grew up with a lot of food - but it was in Africa and most of it was organic, home grown and fresh. Its a culture where food production is close to home, unlike in the USA where everything has got to be transported. And also, in Africa, if its not season, you dont eat it!!! So you could eat whatever was in season and it was healthier. I walked a lot and did lots of chores around the household.

    But all that changed once I got in this country, I realized that to eat like I ate back home, I have to shop at expensive food stores like Whole Foods! My lifestyle became more sedetary - so the pounds kept pilling on. and also i went through some emotional trauma - and I dealt with it using food.

    So here I am - before I knew it, i had tipped the scale to 296LBS.... then I got scared -- now that I have embarked on the reversal journey - I am glad the scale if finally going backwards. But with that comes the realization that i had really allowed myself to get that BIG! I am just coming to terms with it, i really did not know how big I was because inspite of my weight, I was still a very physically active person. I carried my weight like it was nothing --- but i know that it is all a factor of age, so I got to deal with it now before I reach the other side of 35!

  2. Thanks for the support.... Its not that am impatient, its just that I am wondering what people with 2LB weight lost a week do! I have seen those TV shows and people loose 10LBS a week! how does one do that!!!!

    I am just taken aback that all the work that I am doing - it yields me 1LB a week which is alot considering where I am coming from.. but for those that loose 2LBS what do they do?

    I have a high BMI of 42 and over a 100 pounds to loose so I guess i can go faster. But dont know how.

  3. I dont understand how this thing work. I am sure my band is tight now!! I can bearly eat anything but yogurt in the morning. For the past month here is what I have been doing,

    Breakfast - Light and Fit Yogurt - 60 calories, a string of cheese -- and I am full, too full!

    lunch - a Kashi meal - 300 cals - bearly finishing it

    dinner - broiled Protein - fish/chicken -

    Fluids - 60 oz of Water or crystal lite

    Average total cal intake a day 1100 cals.

    Exercise - I walk 4 miles one day, Curves, four times a week, a bootcamp class three times a week ---- which I think is far much more that most folks are doing!!!

    Results of all this --- in the month of May I lost a total of FOUR pounds.... and three inches.. Thats it!! All that WORK yielded me that!! I am like WOW! so what do the people that loose 2 pounds a week do--- let alone those that loose 3 pounds a week!

    I really want to see what they do!!! Because I am puzzled! I am enjoying the workouts though!

  4. Here is my thing, if you are having problems getting motivated - take a class at the gymn. That will force you to obey the trainer for an hour, meet other people and get you going again. In terms of strength versus cardio - you need both.... choose the one you feel like doing that day. Trick is burning calories.

  5. biologically, my body needs 1800 calories to live - no gain, no loss!! So if I try to stick to 1400 cals (which my current diet sort of falters around) and in addition I burn about 700 cals a day - that kind of puts me at negative 4900 cals a week which indeed comes up to 1.4 LBS lost a week --------- hence my 4-5 LB lost a month!!!!!!! of I totally get it now!!!! DUH!

    Boy! I thought I was doing a lot compared to what I am hearing folks saying they are doing!!! Now I see that I am not doing as much as I thought I was doing --- come on!! what the heck are you guys doing to get your 10 LBs loss a month - for those that were banded in January, just like I did - am hearing folks reporting 40 LBS plus weight losses, while I am just at at 22 LBS!!!

    Are you guys starving yourselves and sleeping at the gymn???

  6. I have lost 22 pounds! nothing is loose on me so I wont bother post a picture. I still have a long way to go before I see any visible effects. I am still wearing the same clothes!! I was wearing pants size 22w while weighing 296LBS, I currentyl weigh 274LBS and I am still wearing the same pants - they are not even loose at all - not even extra comfortable... they are exactly the same..... so I wonder where the 22 pounds came from!!!

    I believe my weight crept up on me because I was able to maintain the same wardrobe through time, I can still fit in some of the stuff I wore when I was 250LBS!!

  7. I dont understand what folks mean when they say that they lost just from dieting, without incorporating any exercises.

    Let me give you an idea of what I do on a daily basis in order for me to loose five pounds a month!!!

    I have very minimal restriction in my band - which I only feel in the morning. So the food part is all willpower amidst a rumbling stomach!!

    Breakfast - Yogourt and cheese stick - to make my 20 oz Protein

    drink - 25 oz of Crystal light until lunch

    lunch - Lean Cuisine meal of about 340 cals

    drink - 25 oz of crystal light

    dinner - steamed vegetables and some broiled fish or chicken (kind of careless here - i think i take in about 800 cals of food)

    walk back and forth to work - 4 miles a day

    Curves - 30 minutes.

    Drink - 25 oz of Water - I am able to do that with exercising.

    Now doing all this, I have lost four pounds in the last month!!!! I need to loose 100+ pounds. and I really dont know what else to do to get there.

    What am I doing wrong that y'all seem to be dropping pounds and I have them sticking onto me like crazy!!!

  8. I have been working the program intensively in the last two weeks, am talking about doing CURVES and Calisthetics five times a week. Eating Lean Cuisine and drinking 70 oz of Water everyday ---- but when i weighed in last Tuesday, the scale told me that I had gained four pounds. I was so depressed!!

    Today, I had an appointment with my nutritionist, and scale at the hospital indicated that I had lost FIVE pounds in two weeks.

    Conclusion, GET RID OF YOUR BATHROOM SCALE..... its in the trash as I speak!!

  9. It looks like you have lost 50lbs in a year. and you have had 6 fills!! When does one know that this fill is working! I have had two fills in a 4cc band, and I thought I had it under control. I am exercising a whole lot but the scale is not budging. Which begs to tell me that I dont have the food thing under control. At my last weigh in at Curves, I gained TWO pounds back, but lost five inches overall. How are people getting the great drop down numbers? Am I a more compulsive eater than I thought I was? To the extent that I have a delusional image of what i am truly taking in. I think and feel I need help but dont know who and how to ask for it.

  10. you are worried about 20LBS in three months loss - that is great - I could do anything to have that THEN at least some of my clothes could be a little looser for on me. I HAVE ONLY LOST 8LBs since being banded on 01/21/08. That is almost shameful. Here is how I take it, I am at least in the right direction - at a snail's pace but in the right direction anyway.

    The last three months have been pretty stressful for me - child custody issues and everything that comes with that!! So I ate my troubles away and with no restriction to SAVE ME from MYSELF - It all went down.

    My custody issues are behind me now, I had my 3rd fill on 05/01/08. I am feeling some good restriction, the jury is still out on it being a 'the sweet spot'. I have incorporated four times a week CURVES. I am walking to and from work ( a total of 4 miles a day).... Lets see what two weeks of doing that will give me.

    So I may have been slow in starting in relation to the January 08 bandster --- but i am still in the race, and have every intention of making it to the finish line.

  11. I have had three fills in my 4cc band. I am beginning to fill some form of restriction because I can eat a lean cuisine and feel satisfied. I tried them because my local supermarket had them on sale. Yes I am concerned about how much sodium am taking in the process of living off lean cuisine. I not feeling the hunger growls if I time my three meals a day properly. Now that its warm in Boston (well you know our definition of warm is not like other places- a little sunshine goes a longway here:) ... I am plugging in a lot of outdoor walking plus my three times a week at Curves.

    I am hoping ALL THIS put together should pay off by my next nutritional visit on 05/14/08. I am feeling a bit hopeful now, I was otherwise getting discouraged because since my banding in January - I have lost JUST 8 pounds!!! Which is shameful - So I really need to rave it up.

    I hope this is my sweet restriction spot. How much weight have some of you bandsters lost since being banded?

  12. It looks like you have lost a considerable amount of weight in a year! how did you do it. I got banded in January 08 - as of today I have only lost 12pounds - I have just gotten some sort of restriction after my third fill which was on 05/01/08 - am exercising - but the weight is not just melting off to warrant the 100 pound weight loss in a year!!

    How did you do it!!!

  13. I love this MA thread...... I am Lahey clinic LP person too and I am glad to see that Lahey is represented effectively on the thread.

    I was banded on 01/21/08--- and I am just getting out of bandster hell ---- boy i could not get it right at that time. Was loosing weight really slowly --- but now I have finally gotten my much needed restriction after three fills --- and it feel damn good to be full!!!!!!!!

    I am exercising a whole lot because I totally enjoy it, it does not feel like a chore and since its spring, its pretty motivating. I am doing CURVES as well as walking four miles a day ( I am walking two miles to work and back) and it does not feel like a chore at all. I am looking forward to the day when I can start running like all the regular folks along the Charles River.... As am doing this my pounds will drop, but in the meantime I am focused on eating small amounts and exercising a lot.

    BANDSTER HELL WAS HELL INDEED!!!!!!! am glad its over.

  14. I totally hear you. But depending on where you are coming from weight wise. It does take a while. I have lost almost as much as you have and I dont feel any lighter, nothing is looser. Please also keep in mind that the first 20 pounds that one looses are mostly considered Water weight which means you have not really started breaking down what needs to be melted away. So long as the scale says you are going downwards - stay on course - it will show one day.

  15. nice. I did the same thing after i was banded- but after the healing - I regained some of the weight back... what a loss... I said to myself that I will loose once I get my band tightened. I have so far had two band fills --- and NO RESTRICTION .... I am loosing a pound a week or even half which is rather slow.

    So UNTIL the restriction thing get to me, I will up my exercise and diet like hell - which in a way defeats the whole thing around getting banded. I cant get full on half a cup --- so I am eating more that a cup of food at a time, but I am doing a variation of the South Beach diet............ UNTIL I UNDERSTANDS WHAT EVERYBODY ELSE SAYS ABOUT RESTRICTION --- I continue feeling like the whole surgery was a waste of time.

  16. What? Nine months please dont tell me!!! I have gotten one fill and NO restriction and I am still packing in food if I choose to --- but somehow I have to still stick to the calorie will power restricted diet plan which is what I FAILED TO DO BEFORE HENCE THE NEED FOR A LAPBAND. I want to hear from folk that are actually loosing weight on this --- what the heck --- when do I get the restriction I need

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