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LAP-BAND Patients
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Everything posted by mmh498

  1. Hello, I was banded on March 25th by Dr. Guillermo Alvarez and I could not have been treated better by him or his staff-they truly did their best to make me and my friend feel at ease. Dr. Alvarez took time to talk with me and make sure I was at ease with everything-showed me around the hospital-everything that could be done to make me feel good was done. I have had NO pain whatsoever from the band and his coordinators have been in contact with me since the surgery, asking how I am feeling, how I am doing, etc. Of course there are going to be people who have had a bad experience with Mexican doctors, just as there are people who have had bad experiences with every freaking doctor in every freaking country-but I have found, as a general rule, when you expect bad things to happen, they generally will-please don't let the paranoia of some people ruin what could be a wonderfully monumental experience for you. Some people are so unhappy with their life that the only pleasure they can get is to try to make someone else miserable. My doctor was great, I am losing weight and feeling good and I will keep on doing so, not going around making derogatory remarks about others and worrying about someone doing me in-geez, I almost feel sorry for the twit. But not quite.
  2. mmh498

    Exercise for the diasbled

    Hi, Not sure when you say you can't walk if you mean that you can't walk at all or you can't walk for exercise, so bear with me please. If you are able to use your legs some, I would suggest water exercise-it is a low impact form of exercise and you can use almost every muscle in your body by doing this. If you have a YWCA in your area, check them out-they are usually very reasonable for costs and have several programs that you can choose from. Good luck in your journey.
  3. mmh498

    the rudeness of others

    I am sorry the guys did that to you, but totally agree with the others that it was not really meant as a diss to you, but people bet on weird things. I don't think it was a "retarded" thing to do, as I have worked with special needs people for 28 years and have NEVER once known any of them to bet on anything or on purpose be rude to someone. It was not a nice thing to do, but maybe we should not throw out labels to degrade people, Lord knows we have had it done to us for years and we don't like it. That being said, I think turning the tables on the fellas like was suggested is a grand idea, one I will remember.
  4. mmh498

    Losing inches

    I was beginning to get depressed about my weight loss slowing down so much, but now I am just fine with it, lol. I started this journey wearing size 34 jeans, not waist size, mind you, but as in humongously fat, disgusting size 34 jeans. I tried on a pair of jeans this morning that are size 20-and MY GOD THEY FIT!!!!!!!! They are tight, but they fit and that is so awesome. Started doing a bit more exercise, but seriously finding time to do this is getting harder and harder and it is not an excuse-I need some time to myself and I don't want to get up even earlier than 5 a.m. or go to bed between 10 and 11 at night like I am doing now. I am feeling quite happy, in e3 months to go down that many sizes, patting myself on the back.
  5. mmh498

    Losing inches

    I was beginning to get depressed about my weight loss slowing down so much, but now I am just fine with it, lol. I started this journey wearing size 34 jeans, not waist size, mind you, but as in humongously fat, disgusting size 34 jeans. I tried on a pair of jeans this morning that are size 20-and MY GOD THEY FIT!!!!!!!! They are tight, but they fit and that is so awesome. Started doing a bit more exercise, but seriously finding time to do this is getting harder and harder and it is not an excuse-I need some time to myself and I don't want to get up even earlier than 5 a.m. or go to bed between 10 and 11 at night like I am doing now. I am feeling quite happy, in e3 months to go down that many sizes, patting myself on the back.
  6. I am sorry that things aren't going well for you-I have missed our talks!

  7. mmh498

    One more day of liquids!

    Ok, tomorrow is the last day of this liquid diet-thank goodness! I am so sick of diet jello and broth. Not quite 2 weeks post-op and I am down 66 pounds, so that is a good feeling. I have had absolutely no pain that I would associate with the surgery, lots of gas, but that was expected. Am wanting to get back into exercising, and swimming more, need to tighten up some of this skin.
  8. mmh498

    One more day of liquids!

    Ok, tomorrow is the last day of this liquid diet-thank goodness! I am so sick of diet jello and broth. Not quite 2 weeks post-op and I am down 66 pounds, so that is a good feeling. I have had absolutely no pain that I would associate with the surgery, lots of gas, but that was expected. Am wanting to get back into exercising, and swimming more, need to tighten up some of this skin.
  9. mmh498

    Why I did it

    Greg-My long lost computer friend!! Please please email me-I have went crazy trying to figure out why you quit talking to me--I am glad to know you are ok. Marcie-on Yahoo messenger-galpoolplayer_40_mo and same email addy at yahoo-I miss ya lots.
  10. Greg!! I have been emailing you for ages and ages and not heard jack squst-I hope you are ok, have been worried to death. Talk to me man! Marcie

  11. Shannon, I know this is a longshot, but I used to be good chatfriends with a woman from Southern Cal named Shannon-so just wondering, if by chance, you were the same lady? I am Marcie. I was just banded on March 25th and everything is going well.
  12. Hi, I was just banded by Dr. Alvarez on March 25th and I have nothing but good things to say about him and his staff. He went out of his way to make me feel comfortable, did not rush me out of the office before the surgery, showed me around the hospital, took time to answer all questions-I mean the man acted like he cared about me! He came to see me 2 or 3 times after the surgery and again the next day before I was released. His staff was also very friendly and made sure I was comfortable with everything. Also, his staff has been in touch with me since the surgery. I have complete confidence in this crew and would highly recommend them to anyone.
  13. mmh498

    New from Houston,TX

    Hi, I just got banded on March 25th and have another week to go of the liquid diet. What worked for me was the protein shakes, low sodium broth-the warmth of it made me feel good, and a lot of diet jello-you can eat a whole lot of that for very little calories and has some protein. If you find you are ready to eat a table leg or something, get up and do something-cleaning, etc., gets your mind off your stomach for a bit. Good luck!
  14. Thanks, but I am not having any solid foods-that is why I am confused about this "stuck" feeling. When I am sliming up protein water, something is wrong.
  15. Hi-I just got banded on March 25th and am having a lot of trouble today with PB-all I have had is protein water and diet jello-and I am sliming up every bit. What is going on?
  16. Hi Alice-I just had the surgery on March 25th and am very glad I did. I went through it with flying colors and have not had a bit of problem so far. I will be getting my first fill on May 9th and will post on here how things go. Dr. Alvarez in Mexico and his staff could not have nicer. They treated me as a pampered guest and looked after my every need. They also treated my friend who traveled with me with the same respect and courtesy. Dr. Alvarez even toted my luggage into the hospital-we about fell over in shock-there is not one thing he could have done to make me feel better.
  17. Hi, I was just banded in Mexico on March 25th and doing well. I had called a doctor in Kansas City before I went to Mexico to see if he would do the fills, and how long it would take to get in, etc. They gave me a time frame of 7-8 weeks. However, when I called today to set up the actual appointment, they are going to make me wait 3 months! Needless to say, I am not happy. That is a very long time to wait for restriction-please, if any of you have a doctor you use or have heard of who will do fills who lives in the Kansas/Mo area, please please email me with the number. I have paid a lot of money for this tool and it is making me crazy to think of waiting 3 months. Thanks again.
  18. Hi all, Well, this is day 12 of the pre-op diet, all liquids, and the only good thing I can say about it is I am losing an average of a pound a day. I won't change my stats down below until I come back from Mexico on Thursday, but as of this morning, I am down 60 pounds!! And I will be going where it is warm! We have had a very hard winter here and it snowed a little while ago, not alot, but still-ENOUGH! I am thinking good thoughts for everyone, an dhang in there, if I can do it, you can-it is all a mind game and my mind got tired of hauling around all this extra lard. Happy Easter.
  19. Hi Everyone, My band date is next Tuesday and I have to tell you I am not at all scared-I am so ready to commit to a new life and a healthier one. I have done everything I know how to do to help make this tool work in the right way for me and I will use it to be successful, happy and healthy-Best wishes to you all.
  20. mmh498

    How to deal

    Christal, Just like you-I have lost the weight and gained it back and this time it will not happen-I am getting banded next Tuesday in Mexicoand am quite proud to say I have lost close to a third of what I need to lose since Jan. 8th. This time I will not gain it back, I will lose all the extra weight and I don't give a good goddamn what anyone else thinks about it-I am self-pay, so obviously I have thought this out and I don't know of anything better to spend money on than your own health! Good luck to you.
  21. Hi-I am envious of all of you who get to eat actual food while on the pre-op diet. I am on liquids for 2 weeks before and then 2 weeks after, and it sucks big time. Still have to cook for the family and that is about to do me in. I won't cheat, but I could break down and cry real easy. How much freaking diet jello can a person eat and pretend it is real food? I don't understand why I can't have cottage cheese or yogurt. Ok, done bitching for now.
  22. mmh498

    1 week before surgery

    Got on the scales this morning-have lost 55 pounds! This liquid diet is at least helping with that, but geez, it sucks. And I have at least 3 weeks to go-that is a highly depressing thought. I do ok until I am fixing supper or putting the food on the plates for the kids-then it is real hard for me. Hopefully, the first week on liquids is the worst. Have not cheated at all, but Sunday night I think I could have eaten the whole roast. Have to quit swimming for awhile, worried that it might be contributing to my UTI.
  23. mmh498

    1 week before surgery

    Got on the scales this morning-have lost 55 pounds! This liquid diet is at least helping with that, but geez, it sucks. And I have at least 3 weeks to go-that is a highly depressing thought. I do ok until I am fixing supper or putting the food on the plates for the kids-then it is real hard for me. Hopefully, the first week on liquids is the worst. Have not cheated at all, but Sunday night I think I could have eaten the whole roast. Have to quit swimming for awhile, worried that it might be contributing to my UTI.
  24. Debbie, I am lucky to have totally supportive people in my corner, but if I had negative people around and they started asking questions about how I lost the weight, I would look them in the eye and tell them I have started eating better, exercising more, and thank them for noticing my loss and being so supportive. If you can say it with sincerity ( fake it if you must, lol) it usually throws them for a loop and they shut up. Best of luck to you.
  25. Hi Bee, Just wanted to say that I am glad you have your husband's support-it makes the journey so much smoother. I have all my friends and family's support, so am also lucky. I get banded a week from tomorrow, and will be using the same doctor. I am so hyped for it. Best of luck to you.

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