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Rev Me Up!

LAP-BAND Patients
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Everything posted by Rev Me Up!

  1. going to Mexicali tomorrow - not the same doctor, but we are sleeve twins! Best of luck! Lara
  2. Rev Me Up!

    Scarred about my 1st after surgery psych appt.

    First of all, congratulations on your amazing weight loss! I'll agree with mini-me on this as well, we each have our own mental issues and past life experience that have led us to have a bad relationship with food. I, personally, am a control freak and I can see why limiting to 12 foods would be very comforting, especially when you are getting good results. The fact is, there probably is something else you need to explore psychologically. The best thing you can do is be honest with the therapist about it. Tell them if you feel panicked or cornered, or whatever. A good therapist will work with you on that, but you have to be honest with them. Also, asking them to help you with those feelings will minimize the "bad attitude" label they have put on you. In fact, you may want to consider changing to a new therapist if they are labeling you that way. My mother has a psychology degree and she said that a good therapist should never judge you in that way, only work with you to help explore your feelings and problems. Give the therapist a chance - be honest about your concerns. It will take more than one session to get to the bottom of what is going on, no matter what. Try to relax, and good luck! Lara
  3. Rev Me Up!

    what size are my pants

    Funny you mention this, I was thinking the same thing. At 5'6" I weighed 115 pounds through high school and up to age 22, I wore a size 6. I was thin, but not sickly. Size 0 did not exist up until about 10 years ago. I will say, though, that I have always worn bigger sizes than other women at my exact weight - not sure why. I guess I have one of those odd shapes :-) No matter what size you are, it must be a great feeling to make so much progress!
  4. Rev Me Up!

    Scared and anxious!

    Hi there- I am scheduled 3/8 - I think I was the most anxious when I made the decision and set the date. I was having panic attacks, the whole nine yards. Now I have really calmed down. Time is going by quicker. I am very well prepared (bought my Isopure, some giant pajamas for the hospital, travel size toothpaste, etc) because to-do lists actually make me feel better. I feel like I am exerting some control over the situation by being prepared for all possibilities - I guess we all have our own brand of crazy :-) I asked the coordinator if I could take valium in the week before surgery, just in case I start to get ridiculously anxious. She said it was OK, and since then, I haven't really needed it... I think it's completely normal to be nervous. This is a truly exciting adventure we are all going on!! Good luck to you next week and be sure to reach out to us as soon as you are able so we can all keep up with each other's progress. There are a ton of us March sleevers, there is a lot of support here. Lara
  5. Rev Me Up!

    Am I out of my mind.

    Hi, There is a lot of talk about whether this is the easy way out or not. In my opinion, it is the REALISTIC way out. What we really want it a way out, right? How you get there, as long as it is healthy, doesn't really matter. Only you can make the decision. Very best of luck to you--- Lara
  6. Rev Me Up!

    My new birthday

    Sorry to hear about your job :-( But, happy to hear about your sleeve :-) Good luck! Which doctor are you going to? I am seeing Dr Aceves next week. Lara
  7. Hi All, I am looking for experiences from low BMI Sleevers. When I got my band almost 4 years ago, I was considered a low BMI patient. I did lose some weight (and gain 50% of it back) and I am now considered a low BMI revision. My big struggle right now is really believing that the outcome will be better. Once you have WLS and it doesn't really work, it is hard to have hope for the next one. I almost feel like I am too vulnerable to have hope. Similar to how you feel dating someone for the first time - too vulnerable to admit that I really want it to work and that I will be crushed if I don't get a good result. With all that said, I was hoping to get some feedback from people who were low BMI sleeve patients - with or without revision. My BMI is 31 with my band - scheduled to sleeve in 8 days. My current weight is 195 and I would minimally like to get down to 145, but ultimate goal would be 130 - of course I am still too scared to hope that it is possible right now :-) I am expecting that my weight loss will not be as significant because I have less to lose. The major difference for this WLS compared to the last:: preparation! I am so prepared this time. I have the Isopure drinks, I have 4 different kinds of broth, I have glasses / bowls in 2 oz, 3 oz, and 4 oz sizes so I can get used to what those measurements look like, etc. I also have a much better support system. In short, I am really ready to do this the right way. Any low starting BMI folks out there that can give me some feedback? Thanks! Lara
  8. Rev Me Up!

    Low BMI Folks

    Thanks, everyone, for sharing your informaiton. I just want to make sure I don't set myself up for disappointment. I have also decided not to weight myself until I am at least one month out. The scale depresses me. Thanks again and good luck to all!
  9. Rev Me Up!

    Low BMI Folks

    Thanks for the replies! It is cool to see that everyone is at about 22 pounds loss at 6-8 weeks out. Honestly, I would be thrilled with losing 20 pounds :-) Thanks again!
  10. Rev Me Up!


    Hello! You're not the only lower BMI person on the board. Please keep us up to date with your experience! Lara
  11. Hello, Like a lot of people (I imagine) I am spending these last days saying goodbye to some of my friends - my favorite foods. Luckily, I don't eat much in the way of bread or pasta since I already have a lap band and they are hard to eat. However, my lap band did bring the sugar cravings, which is weird because I never liked sweet stuff before. Anyway, I digress... I am finding that none of these foods taste as great as I think they will - it's the mental attachment and craving that is the strongest. I know that will be my battle after the surgery. I think I am about 200% more prepared for this surgery than I was when I got my band. I also have a million times more support from my family this time around. I also know that I will be able to eat most of my favorite foods again, just less of them. I really love seafood, meat, etc - so the low carb rules are not usually a problem for me. This is my second chance and I am so ready! So, I continue to say goodbye to my friends, one favorite at a time - Knowing that some of us will meet again under better circumstances. I am looking forward to having a healthier relationship with my food and I am hoping that I have the grace and resources to make it last. Have a great day, everybody! Lara
  12. This is a tough one - when I first got my band, I didn't eat much but no one called me out on it. It really bothers me that someone would do that. Saying you aren't hungry or saying that you are on a strict diet per doctors instructions were my go-to excuses. Sometimes I would say I had a stomach ache. It is no one's business!!!!! I will most likely use the same excuses after my sleeve. I will probably not eat out for a long time. I was dating my boyfriend for 4 or 5 months before I told him I had the band. I had to make sure he was there for the long haul and wouldn't judge me. Good luck-- Lara
  13. Rev Me Up!

    Saying goodbye...

    Thansks for the confirmation - I really like cottage cheese and i imagine it will taste like the best thing ever after 20 days of liquids :-)
  14. Rev Me Up!

    March Role Call!!

    Hi All, Put me down for March 8 with Dr Aceves. Looking forward to meeting a coupe of folks down there! Lara
  15. Surgery deposit was sent today - no looking back! But, honestly, I am feeling great about everything now. I was terribly nervous at first, but I have gotten so much support from my family and from this board - it has really helped. Looking forward to meeting my fellow Dr Aceves sleevers in a couple of weeks!
  16. Rev Me Up!


    I had a spinal block with my scheduled C-section in 2004 - no general anesthesia, so I was awake and aware for the experience :-) If they put you to sleep first, you won't know the difference. If they don't, the only thing you feel are the 2 local anesthetic shots they use before the larger needle goes in. The block was 1 million times better than not having something for the pain, that's for sure. Also, they put in my catheter after the spinal block, so I didn't feel that either. Take advantage of any anti-anxiety meds they want to give you ahead of time - call your doctor and ask if you can have something to help you get through the process. Like any surgery, once they start, you will be out like a light and you won't feel a thing. Good luck! Lara
  17. Rev Me Up!

    March 10 is my surgery date.

    My partner will be with me for 2 nights and then will drive back home to take care of our daughter. He wanted to be there for the surgery - the rest of the time I am going to try and relax and take advantage of the no-kids time :-) It's nice to know we'll won't all be strangers! I just got back from Walmrt - bought my chewable Vitamins, gas-x strips, and a couple of HUGE pajamas. I don't want anything touching my stomach after surgery. I remember when I had my lap-band done, I couldn't wear a bra for weeks. See you there!
  18. Rev Me Up!

    March 10 is my surgery date.

    Mariah, Disney: See you in Mexicali!!!! I'l be arriving 3/7. Look forward to meeting you! Lara
  19. Rev Me Up!

    Laughing at myself

    Everyone has a different experience. Mine has been that it doesn;t work very well and the feeling of having the apparatus in me has been an ongoing source of angst. I can't bend over with pants on, I can't stretch backwards, I can only lay on my side for a few minutes, eating is very uncomfortable. Also, getting the adjustments is a pain. After 3.5 years, I can say that it does almost nothing for me and the nuisance of having it is not worth it at all. But, that was my experience... good luck!
  20. Hi All, I have read this forum so many times and I have seen so many people get nervous right before surgery. I have a lap-band so I am familiar with the Mexico surgery experience. I talked to the coordinator and they have offered me a date of March 7. Just over 2 weeks away. Dr Aceves - lots of glowing recommendations. Awesome, right? Now is where I laugh at myself because I am suddenly very nervous. My partner is 100% supportive, in fact, he can't wait until I get the band out because he is so nervous about the complications I have already had. We have the money, so that isn't a real problem. I have had other surgeries that were far more invasive. So funny that I have butterflies in my stomach over this. I am not going to let this stop me, though. I want the surgery. I can't wait to put my hand on my stomach and not feel the implant. That is really what I am after - the additional weight loss will be icing on the cake. I am going to wait to give my final decision until this afternoon. I also happen to have a meeting with the CIO of my company (I wonder if that is what is REALLY making me nervous?!?) After the meeting, I am hoping to have a clearer head. Thanks to everyone who writes on this forum. All the stories and information are invaluable!! Lara
  21. Rev Me Up!

    Laughing at myself

    Seriously, you all are the BOMB!!!! So supportive!! I wish I could give each of you a big hug... Over the weekend (after the big meeting and having a couple of good night's sleep) I am feeling much more relaxed. I even talked to my mom about it. She knew I had the band, but we never talked about it. I told her why the band sucks so much and she was shocked that haven't had it taken out earlier. I didn't really need her approval, but somehow it was nice to have it. So, it's official. I'm driving to Mexicali on 3/7 - which is also my 37th birthday. I can't wait!!!!!!!!!! Get this band OUT OF ME! I feel like I can't say thank you enough - you guys are great.
  22. Did anyone else see the news about lap-band being approved for lower BMI patients? Here is a link to one of the articles: http://www.stltoday.com/news/national/bf0ef1ec-62b7-5f8e-adec-5151c1de71b5.html I suppose it is good that BMI requirements are coming down for some weight loss surgery, but as a lap-band revision hopeful, I am really concerned about how the news media is covering all this. The article says there are only 2 weight loss surgery options: lap band and gastric bypass. I don't know, with all the lap-band billboards and this news coverage, I am really frustrated that there isn't more real information out there. I am so glad this board is here - it has given me hope of a better option. Have a great weekend, everybody!
  23. Hi All, I have Kaiser through my employer. I will be a lap-band revision. I am curious if anyone has experience with Kaiser in Southern California - specifically San Diego? I have thought that I would be self pay, but I have an appointment to explore my options with Kaiser. Any Kaiser approvals out there that can give me an idea what I am in for? Thanks! Lara
  24. Rev Me Up!

    So Cal Kaiser Permenente?

    Thank you so much for the information! Honestly, it didn't even occur to me that they would cover anything because I was banded elsewhere. But, I would like to have access to the support services post-op when I have the revision. Either way, I have an appointment next week to check out my options. It would be worth the wait to save the money, but I am not a very patient person :-) Thanks again!

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