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Rev Me Up!

LAP-BAND Patients
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Everything posted by Rev Me Up!

  1. Rev Me Up!

    Dr. Oz today

    The topic was weight loss surgery, but of course they only talked about lap-band. OMG. Seriously, I was so apalled at what I was hearing that I was driven to write them a letter, which is something I would never do. They had the smug lap-band surgeon laughingly say there was only 1% chance of any type of complication and that the surgery only takes 15 minutes. He was such a douche! They had a couple of success stories on there and everyone was so bowled over by how awesome everything is. There was one lady on there that was talking about complications, but they didn't really give her much time. Here is a copy of what I wrote - I wanted to share it with you all: ***** The lap band is a nightmare!!!!!! This is a direct quote from the Allergan web site regarding lap-band safety: "In the study, 25% of the patients had their band systems removed, two-thirds of which were following adverse events. " Reference: http://www.lapband.c...nformation/#top If the 600,000 patient count that was quoted on the show is accurate, that means up to 150,000 have probably had them removed and this should be represented in the discussion. Your lap-band "expert" surgeon downplayed the risks as if they didn't exist. I got the lap-band almost 4 years ago and I just had it removed a month ago. There are thousands of people like me out there. I'm not sure where the statistics are coming from, but I think there is a huge silent group of people out there having revision surgeries. There is not as much information out there regarding lap-band patients 5 years out from surgery, but there are so many that have the band removed because of problems eating (I couldn't eat chicken with my band AT ALL), Problems with chronic port site pain, port flipping, slipping, erosion, doctors that do port fills correctly, and much more. For the record, I did not have any major complications and I still had the band taken out. Go to a lap-band support forum on line and then look into the "complications" discussions. You will see it all there. And these complications are not because the patient failed, the equipment is problematic, period. Check out www.verticalsleevetalk.com and look into the "Band To SLeeve Revision" topic. Read through the stories and see what is REALLY happeneing out there. These are real people. Also, your surgeon said something about the removal of a band being "easy". I don't say this lightly, but this guy has no idea what he is talking about. I had an uncomplicated revision surgery and there was internal scarring from the band that needed to be removed. Please do your homework before you sell this surgery to the desperate overweight people out there. They will believe anything because they want so desperately to lose the weight - i know because I was one of them. Please, please, please - stop perpetuating this flawed surgical remedy. The marketing is out of control and people are being seriously hurt. There are other surgical options that have better long term results and less long term complications. Sincerely, <full name withheld on forum> ********** I had to get it off of my chest. Thanks- Lara
  2. Rev Me Up!

    how long were you off work?

    Hi, I am low BMI and I took 2 weeks off. I wish I would have taken 3. I am currently at 5 1/2 weeks out and I am still exhausted every day - if your job is stressful, take the time off. It does vary from person to person. The good news is, if you feel great after one week, you can take the next few weeks to focus on your eating and feeling better. My opinion, if you have the time, take it. Lara
  3. Get thee to eggface!!! This blog has fantastic ideas and recipes. http://theworldaccordingtoeggface.blogspot.com/ Don't give up, you'e doing great!!!!
  4. Rev Me Up!

    Going with VSG after Lapband slip

    Hi- You might want to check out the lapband to sleeve revision forum - its on the main page, scroll down a bit and you'll see it. Lots of other revision patients and interesting information. I am also a revision, 5 1/2 weeks ago with Dr Aceves. I can say without reservation (and without compensation) that he is fantastic. If you want a detailed blow-by-blow of my surgery experience with Dr. A, look at my profile - its there somewhere :-) I have had no complications from the surgery, and all the things I hated about my band are gone!!! No more port pain, no more food getting stuck, etc. The recovery is intense because of the immediate restriction with the sleeve, but it is worth it to get rid of that awful band. Good luck with your decision-- Lara
  5. Rev Me Up!

    2 1/2 Years out after Sleeve

    Wow!! Thank so much for sharing your story. I am a Dr. Aceves patient too and I second everything you said about him, his staff, and his facility. Most importantly, congratulations on your new life! It is wonderful to hear more stories from people who are further along down the road with respect the their surgery. Here's wishing you health and happiness in all your future endeavors! Lara
  6. Rev Me Up!

    Crying Every Day

    I cried off and on for the first 3 weeks. It was the fatigue, being tired of eating the same old thing, being tired of not feeling 100% - it just gets to you. I started to get a little better after the 4th week. Completely normal!
  7. For the first time since my surgery I was able to take in just over 600 calories yesterday!!! I am so excited! I can't stomach the Protein shakes so I am have been working so hard to get in quality calories. My medical paperwork from Kaiser says I should be striving for 600-800 cals per day and I was wondering if I would ever get there. I know for sure that I have a lot more energy since I started the mushies. One day at a time :-) Lara
  8. Rev Me Up!

    Portable Snacks

    I carry string cheese - it stays cold for a little while and is very yummy! Also, its easy to find at 7-11 just in case I get caught without it. I tried a Luna Protein bar over the weekend and I liked it - a little high cal/carb, but satisfying and definitely purse friendly.
  9. Rev Me Up!


    I eat basic low carb, but I have added a little bit of oatmeal (plain) every day. It seems to keep things moving, if you know what I mean :-) My personal guidelines: Protein first - usually meat or cheese. I don't pay any attention to fat content - that means regular cheese, 4% cottage cheese, regular cream cheese, etc. The only vegetable that I really get in occasionally is avocado and only a slice. I don't eat any bread, Pasta, rice, candy, sugar, or cake. Right now, I am pretty satisfied with my routine and have not had any overt craving for those things. To be honest, I'm scared that bread will give me a terrible stomach ache and I am trying to eat with comfort in mind, more than anything. The guidelines I got from my regular doc had me adding toast and bread pretty early and it just didn't make sense to me. Like other posters say above, you eat so little that once you have your protein, there isn't really room for anything else. Good luck-- Lara
  10. 20 pounds sounds great!! At my one month surgiversary, I have lost 16 pounds - and I am ecstatic about it! People lose at different paces. You can't compare yourself to anyone else. Besides, it's only been a month - you have the next year of weight loss to look forward to. Lara
  11. Rev Me Up!


    If you are getting your surgery through Kaiser then they have probably referred you to an outside surgeon. They outsource certain specialties. You do need to bring your Kaiser info so they know where to bill you, but as long as Kaiser is giving the green light, there should be no need for them to do any other verification. They just want to get paid :-) But, call the doctor and ask. Better to ease your concerns. Make sure you mention HIPPA as well - that will get their attention. Good luck- Lara
  12. Congrats on your date - you are going to be very happy with Dr Aceves and his team. Mexicali is very low key - not like a typical border town. Good luck! Lara
  13. Wow - I cooked my first eggface recipe last night (sort of). I used her tortilla pizza idea to use leftovers. Of course I only ate a quarter of it, but it was such a wonderful idea!! Tasty. Attractive on the plate. Went down just fine. Only down side - I had to restrain myself from eating more because it was so good. Eggface rules!!!!!!!!!
  14. Rev Me Up!

    First time eating out...over did it. :(

    Yikes!!! My frist outing was for Thai food and I had a couple of bites and then a bit of the creamy sauce - and I felt crappy afterwards. I don't think I ate too much, but the richness of the sauce is I think what got to me. Maybe it was the heaviness of the crab bisque (too much butter) that also made you feel a bit funky? That'll teach ya :-)
  15. Hi, My BMI was 31. I was a lap-band revision, so my situation was a little bit different. No way insurance would have covered my surgery - I wasn't sick enough, heavy enough, and I was not in imminenet danger from my band. In total, I had to lose 60 pounds from the day of surgery. I am one month out and have lost 16 pounds. It's hard for me to say if my experience has been any harder or easier than someone with a higher BMI - the recovery is tough no matter who you are. If you are trying to go through insurance, it will depend on their obesity guidelines. However, there are a lot of great surgeons who will do the surgery at your BMI - you won't be the first, and you won't have been the smallest! Lara
  16. It's like that for the first few weeks. Lots of noise, lots of bubbles, burping, farting - that is the experience for the first few weeks until you are healed and can get some normal food in there. I only weigh about once every 2 weeks. You will drive yourself crazy weighing every day. You are still processing Water from surgery. Your insides are swollen because they are not yet healed. Try to concentrate on hydration and the weight will figure itself out. Lara
  17. This is by far the hardest part!!! Even when you find full liquids that you like or can tolerate, they get old really quickly. Hang in there and you will be moving up to the glamourous world of cottage cheese and yogurt in no time. Drinkable yogurt got me over the hump in that stage - but everyone is different. Hang in there! Lara
  18. Rev Me Up!

    I'm out of Mexican Motrin

    I think they recommended liquid Tylenol - I bought kids tylenol chewables and never used them. Lara
  19. I saw a coupon for it and was wondering if anyone uses it for their regular PPI? Lara
  20. Rev Me Up!

    Am I eating Enough?

    Your eating volume sounds about right - I am 1 month out and I can eat 2 oz of food consistently. It may be more than 4 bites because I am taking really small bites and it takes about 20 minutes for me to eat that little bit of food. Everybody says we'll be able to eat more in a few months :-) I eat about 6 times a day to average about 700 calories. I can't stomach the Protein drinks, so I eat protein dense food several times a day. Hang in there-- Lara
  21. Rev Me Up!

    Leak Test Post-Surgery

    I am restating from someone else's comment, but I was with Dr Aceves and had 2 leak tests - the blue apple juice and the barium swallow. We had to "pass" the blue dye test before they would give us anything to drink and then the barium with pics on the day we were released. Not sure I can give advice, as I am not a medical professional and I have had zero complications. Lara
  22. Welcome! You will find there are quite a few of us former lap-band victims on this site. Be sure to look into the "Band To Sleeve Revision" topic on the main page, about half way down. We post everywhere, but there is a lot of information there. As Tiffykins said, the recovery is different - I am exactly one month out today and it has been more challenging from a diet perspective (its very strict), but I am so impressed with the consistent restriction. Once you get past the first couple of weeks, you can live more normally. Good luck with your decision and your procedure! I wouldn't want to say how much you could lose in that amout of time because it depends on how much you have to lose in the first place, how well you stick to the low carb guidelines, and if you have any other physical reasons you might be a slow loser. Like I said I am a month out and I have lost 26% of my excess weight. For me that is 16 pounds - for someone else, it may be different. Take care, Lara
  23. Hi, I seem to be suffering from fatigue for an extended amount of time. I did see an improvement when I moved to mushies, but it seems to go up and down randomly. I always have a hard time in the morning. I can't do much exercise - I try and do a SLOW walk in the evening, but there is no way I could do more. Last night and this morning, I was so fatigued, my muscles felt like mush. On days like this, I can't get ready for work without sitting down and taking a break for 20 minutes or so. I am a low BMI patient and I wonder if that is a factor? I almost get enough fluids in ( I can't seem to reach the goal - not enough time/space) I almost get enough Protein (close to the recommendation, but usually fall a little short, but not oo much) I am getting about 600 cals a day right now at 4 weeks out. I am eating every 3 hours to reach that mark. My question is: for those of you that have been fatigued for a long time, how long does it last? Are there any "magic bullets" that help you out? I want to know primarily because I might have to cut my hair into something that is more wash-and-wear because I haven't been able to blow dry or flat Iron since I came back from the hospital. Sounds trivial, but I work in a prefessional environment and the wet ponytail is not appropriate :-) Thanks- Lara
  24. Rev Me Up!

    Day 8. I'm bored.

    Yes, the first couple of weeks sucks for a myriad of reasons. Just gut your way through it - try to read some books, watch your favorite movies, do a little light housework. Going back to work after 2 weeks was great because I had somethign to do, but I was so exhausted, I couldn't concentrate. Week 4 is a shining light at the end of the tunnel - you'll feel better and start eating more interesting things. I shed a few tears over food boredom in my first couple of weeks. The first couple weeks is the hardest part for sure! Hang in there-- Lara
  25. Rev Me Up!

    F'd by lapband BIGTIME!

    There are a lot of revision lap-banders here and we all are so sorry to hear about the damage you sustained. I am also furious when I see lap-band ads or "medical" shows discussing lap-band. The real problems are never discussed with any sincerity - especially the reversable claim. I would also recommend that you get a second opinion on your damage and possibility for a sleeve - it seems that if they can do an RnY, they can do a sleeve? Take the time to heal and take care of yourself. You will get better!!! Lara

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