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Everything posted by hilaryglynxo

  1. hilaryglynxo

    Hiatal Hernia and wishful thinking

    I am with nicholson clinic still waiting for a date .... Tick tock tick tock. Hopefully next week will be the week
  2. hilaryglynxo

    Hiatal Hernia and wishful thinking

    I'm calling tomorrow too! It's been a week since the lady told me she was ready to schedule me. I don't want to pester them but I'm on pins and needles
  3. hilaryglynxo

    Hiatal Hernia and wishful thinking

    Hope you have better luck I'm still waiting for a date nut appt tomorrow
  4. hilaryglynxo

    Hiatal Hernia and wishful thinking

    Not yet I have my nutrition appt on Thursday so hopefully something soon!
  5. hilaryglynxo

    Hiatal Hernia and wishful thinking

    I'm DYING to get a surgery date but the surgery coordinator will not call me back!!! Driving me crazy!!
  6. hilaryglynxo

    Sleep study

    They called me before my appt and told me so that after my appt i could take a machine
  7. Out of all my fears- going under the knife, the fear it won't "work" for me, the fear I will digress and gain the weight back - can I just tell you one of my biggest fears? I KNOW there will be a day in the beginning, maybe even several, when I think to myself "what have I done?", or perhaps I will have a pity party because a friend is doing or participating in something that I can't. Or maybe I will just MISS food. And I can't say a word to anyone for fear of the "I told you so's" ... And maybe the people in my life won't say I told you so, maybe they will give me a blank stare. Or they just won't even want to hear it because I put myself in this position. and so I won't express it. I will just hold it in. and I will get no support. I am afraid that every one around me is secretly waiting for me to fail. Which in my head that should totally be a reason to knock it out of the park right? But how long can one bob and weave the criticism before it messes with your head. The awkward part is, when I expressed this to my cousin she said I don't think any one would say I told you so, Hilary. But I think since you have a fear that they would, you will hold it all in and seclude yourself. Does anyone have a similar fear? That people are waiting for you to fail so they can be right that this was the wrong choice for you. Even if they don't say it out loud? The fear of being unable to express myself or having no body to talk to just kind of eats away at me. Like can I really do this? how many of you have had the "What Have I Done Day?"
  8. hilaryglynxo

    Can I just be real with you?

    So much good advice here! Thanks ya'll, appreciate the encouragement!
  9. hilaryglynxo

    Sleep study

    Well I had my study last night. Did not enjoy it lol They gave me 3 diff masks to try one that just had to little holes for your nose but didn't cover it (nasal pillows she called it), one that covered just the whole nose itself, and one that covered nose and mouth. I chose the middle one because the one for the nostrils was too much and I didn't want the one over my mouth either but the head strap was very uncomfortable and I hated it. The mask was tight and put a lot of pressure on my cheek bones. Where as I typically don't wake up at all during the night I woke up several times tugging at that thing. And normally I dream ALOT every night and I don't remember dreaming at all so I don't know if I ever got that deep sleep. I do feel like it's something I could get used to if I was maybe in my own bed and didn't have 1000 other cords coming from my head and body. I can't tell if I feel more rested today than usual. I wasn't able to take a machine home with me this time due to the cost but I definitely am taking it seriously and will work to get one. Hopefully I can find a mask that works for me.
  10. hilaryglynxo

    Hiatal Hernia and wishful thinking

    I had biopsy too! Was confused glad it sounds pretty standard and wasn't just me
  11. hilaryglynxo

    Hiatal Hernia and wishful thinking

    Me also! Probably will be around the same time I'm a little nervous about the 2 week lover shrinking diet but I know I can do this and once I get a surgery date it is going to be so real
  12. hilaryglynxo

    Hiatal Hernia and wishful thinking

    Hoooray that's great news and why in the world did you have to be awake that sounds terrible!
  13. hilaryglynxo

    Hiatal Hernia and wishful thinking

    Not sure yet! Talk to my surgeon Wednesday hopefully we will know then! Can't wait!
  14. hilaryglynxo

    Hiatal Hernia and wishful thinking

    It was a breeze don't know what I was worried about! And I have the hernia. It's small but it will do they said!
  15. hilaryglynxo

    Sleep study

    ok ya'll. My EGD was no big deal. I don't know why I was freaked out. It was actually kind of fun. I have never had any kind of anesthesia before, they said have a good nap and that's the last thing I remembered. I am glad to experience that because now I kind of know what surgery will be like. I have my 2nd sleep study this weekend, then a follow up with my Dr on Wednesday and I should be good to go to get my surgery scheduled. I can't wait! I am ready ready ready to get this over with. I am worried about the cost of the CPAP, is it like a monthly charge? Or a one time? I hope I wont need it for long, but am excited to get good rest. 9/9 will be here before you know it!!! good luck!
  16. hilaryglynxo

    Hiatal Hernia and wishful thinking

    I got lucky my employer offers a secondary insurance through kempton premier providers and as long as I go to one of their providers my work waives any copays co insurances and deductibles so I pay nothing out of pocket. I got to have the procedure in Oklahoma instead kf driving to TX and my appt is tomorrow so I'm praying for a hernia and I'll let you all know!
  17. hilaryglynxo

    Sleep study

    Haven't had my Nut appts yet I think I only have to do one but I did just get scheduled for my EGD they had an appt open up for TOMORROW .... Wow hello nerves! I'm nervous- anything anyone want to tell me about that procedure? Lol
  18. hilaryglynxo

    Sleep study

    i don't have a surgery date yet. Waiting on the endoscopy center to schedule my EGD - and they are taking their time. I want this all DONE asap. I am already over the pre-tests I am ready to do my 2 week of liquid hell diet and get the surgery over with before I chicken out. just kidding kind of. I don't think I will chicken out at this point but numerous friends have criticized me for my decision and even though I KNOW in my heart this is right for me, the conversation always leaves me feeling defeated like maybe they're right and I can't do this. But I know they are wrong and uneducated and I have more supporters then non so I'm just going to keep trucking along I am just ready for it to be done. do you have your surgery date yet?
  19. hilaryglynxo

    Sleep study

    Yes I was not prepared for the goop! At all! But I had so many cords coming out of me I felt like a science project
  20. hilaryglynxo

    Sleep study

    It's not so bad! I'm more nervous about EGD! Sleeping is easy! Lol I can't wait til that day! More energy and less fatigue I am all about that
  21. I had my consult on Friday! I have to get an EGD since my insurance doesn't cover bariatric I am having a Hiatal Hernia repair and while they're in there doing that they will also do my sleeve. Any way they were suppose to call me within 2 days and i haven't heard from them yet so hopefully today! I have never been put under either, no major procedures not even a filling so I am with you on the nervous! I don't have a pre-op diet but am just trying to stay under 1400 calories right now just to lose some weight before surgery. Good Luck to you!!! Have you told many people? I have told a lot of people, my work and church people and my close friends. I am a pretty open person though so that is why I elected to tell. I had my first critic a few nights ago from a friend I told who I had been putting off telling but knew she had already heard. She was very negative and made me feel extremely stupid but I know in my heart this is what I need to do. It bothered me but I am grateful for her response because I know it will not be the last time I receive criticism for my decision.

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