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Gastric Bypass Patients
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Everything posted by Cervidae

  1. Cervidae

    One year surgiversary!

    What an uplifting post! Thanks for sharing. Congratulations on all your success, and good luck in the transition to maintenance.
  2. @@Dani302011 it's called body fortress, and I got it at Walmart for under $20 a container. http://www.walmart.com/ip/Body-Fortress-Super-Advanced-Banana-Creme-Whey-Protein-32-oz/49606961?wmlspartner=wlpa&selectedSellerId=0&adid=22222222228037947529&wl0=&wl1=g&wl2=m&wl3=90380008712&wl4=&wl5=pla&wl6=182530172912&veh=sem
  3. Cervidae

    Post Your Silly Rant

    I absolutely cannot stand clickbait articles. You know, the whole "she prayed all day and this ONE wacky thing happened! click here to find out!" It drives me completely bonkers. Want to know what the best way to make me flat-out refuse to read your stupid, pointless drivel and give your worthless, mindless site traffic? Give me a bullshit clickbait title! Irritating beyond belief!
  4. Cervidae

    Post your progress pics

    I wish we could have more posts in this thread. It's a good one!
  5. Cervidae

    I'm torn..

    @@hernewselfie when all is said and done, people have success with either surgery. It's up to you to decide if you want more accountability, longer weight loss period, no need to revise, or if you want safer, less restrictive, less surgery time, less long-term data. Realistically speaking, there isn't a huge discrepancy between the two surgeries concerning most of these things. "safer" means a fraction of 1% safer. "Less surgery time" means 30-60 minutes less surgery time. The main differences between them that matter in the end are a need to revise, the amount of restriction you want or feel you need to be successful, and whether you're willing to need to take a couple Vitamins a day for the rest of your life. Either way, you will be successful if you do what your plan requires of you. So you play it safe and get the sleeve if that is something that concerns you, or you take a risk and get the bypass, knowing that it is a step beyond the sleeve and wanting that extra step. Good luck to you!
  6. Cervidae

    I'm torn..

    I was 23 when I had the bypass and now, almost 10 months out, I'm doing really well. Just had another blood test, and everything is perfect. We'll see how I'm doing 5, 10, 20 years from now but really, though there is a higher chance of malabsorption, that in no way pre-determines that you will have malabsorption. I would be seeing deficiencies by now if I had them, especially since my vitamin/supplement-taking has been spotty recently as I'm trying to find a chewable Calcium that doesn't make me gag. I've never heard any doctor or patient talk about the sleeve being for younger patients and the bypass being for older patients. In fact, most of the younger people I know who have had wls chose bypass because they wanted the extra accountability, longer weight loss period, and not have to worry about wanting a revision as so many sleevers do down the road, while most of the older people in my support groups went with the sleeve.
  7. Cervidae

    Coming out as poly

    @@Sharon1964 we're also both poly. Unless you're the one doing the stalking, I'm gonna go with long-lost twin!
  8. what are you drinking for protein shakes? For the first several weeks post op, I drank two shakes a day, and as much water as I could stomach. My shakes were 30 grams of protein in one scoop plus the 13 grams of protein in the 8 ounces of milk. 43 grams per 8 ounces of liquid made it much easier to get in my protein every day.
  9. Cervidae

    Medifast 5 & 1

    Yeah, her mentor either doesn't know what he/she is talking about or has something to gain from getting you to buy it.
  10. Cervidae

    Small Appliances and Kitchen Gadgets

    My mainly-used appliances are: my nutribullet, my little food scale, and my crock pot. I also use measuring cups multiple times a day, so I would recommend getting a durable glass set, and plan to love them for a long time.
  11. Cervidae

    Coming out as poly

    I love fetlife! Been a member there for 6 years.
  12. I used a chocolate protein powder in 8 ounces of milk for the first month or so. Then I started drinking Premier Protein. I've never used an unflavored protein powder. I was even given a small chocolate and then vanilla protein shake in the hospital the day after surgery. Hope this helps!
  13. Cervidae

    Body Dysmorphia

    I have days where I feel amazing and proud of myself, and can really appreciate just how far I've come. Then I have days when I look in the mirror and feel gross and ugly, and like I look just as bad as I did a year ago when I was 170 pounds heavier. I've seriously lost almost 200 pounds and I STILL feel this way sometimes, it's ridiculous. Our bodies change rapidly during this process, but our minds are going to take some time and effort. If only the surgery could fix our self-esteem like it fixes our appetites.
  14. Cervidae

    I'm torn..

    I'm 9 months post op and I chose the bypass for a few reasons. First, I wanted the extra accountability. Second, a lot of people who get the sleeve end up wanting, getting, or wanting but not being able to afford the bypass. Why would I cut into my body and risk my life twice, when odds are, I would want the bypass eventually? Also, for people who start high like us, the bypass is often better because statistically, bypass patients lose more than sleeve patients. Not to mention, MUCH more data exists for the bypass than the sleeve. People who got the lapband before there was a lot of long term data often really regret it and the majority of them ended up getting revisions anyway (seeing a trend here? ). I decided once and for all that if I was going to go through the pain and difficulty and recovery of a major abdominal surgery, I was going to do get the most bang for my buck, the most accountability, the most weight loss, the highest chances of long term success, and only cut into once. For all of these reasons, the bypass was what I went with in the end. I can honestly say I have no regrets at all. I've lost over 150 pounds since surgery 9 months ago. I feel amazing, I've had no complications, and my life is pretty damn good. I'm finishing school in the fall and moving on with my life. My hunger has been returning now, but it's so incredibly manageable; when I eat a small amount of healthy food, the hunger is gone. This was my biggest dream: to be able to live a normal life out of the control of food and my extra weight. I've still got about 65 pounds to go (including skin. No idea how much extra skin I have). But I'm seeing visions of my goal as it approaches and I can say I would do this a thousand times more if it always resulted in this. highest weight: 442 weight when the bariatric program started: 402 day of surgery: 387 current weight: 235 goal weight: 170
  15. Cervidae

    PCOS question

    @nyteacher125oh yes, it helps with acne quite a bit. It's been very strange but wonderful to have strangers and loved ones alike raving about how clear and beautiful my skin is now. @@tpasun if you don't mind me asking, how much is it, roughly, for laser hair removal? Does it hurt? I really only care about my chin and mustache getting done, but I'm thinking it's going to be a loooong time before I can afford it.
  16. Cervidae

    PCOS question

    Hello! I have pretty severe pcos, and before surgery I had the whole gamut of problems. I rarely got my period, had terrible cramps even when not bleeding, skin tags, acne, excess hair growth, you name it. The darkened skin is called acathosis nigricans, if any of you here are interested in googling it for yourself. I am 9 months post RNY, and I can say that many of my pcos symptoms have improved. I get my period most months now, around the same time every month (is this what it feels like to have an actual cycle? I'm grudgingly grateful, I guess ). The skin tags I used to have at least 3-5 of all over my face are gone without a trace. The acanthosis nigricans is also gone, though if you touch my neck and chest where it used to be, the skin is very slightly rougher than the rest of me. You can't see it, though. The hair growth on my chin and upper lip have not really reduced at all, unfortunately, but overall, I would say the symptoms have greatly reduced. The only thing I've used that improved the hair growth is a med called spironolactone. I've been on it for like 3 years now, and when I stop taking it for a few days, it's like a forest pops up in the span of a few hours. It also clears my skin up. I would highly recommend it. Hope this helps!
  17. Cervidae

    Psych Eval...

    They are mostly concerned with your state of mind, your expectations, how well you understand what the surgery is all about and your roles and responsibilities. They want to know that you know the surgery is a tool, not a fix, and that you don't have any huge food-related issues. If you're in a good frame of mind and really know what this is all about and feel prepared for it, you should do just fine.
  18. Congratulations! Exciting times ahead.
  19. Cervidae

    Update my Profile

    are you on mobile or a pc?
  20. I actually stall out when I am off my birth control for whatever reason. Most people I've met actually have better results while on birth control. Then again, I and many of these women have PCOS just like @@SweetPotato so it may be different for you if you do not have any hormone issues.
  21. Cervidae

    No Energy

    I did! My first 6 months were horrible. Getting up out of bed and getting dressed was tiring enough to make me want a nap. Then suddenly everything was better and my body just sort of adjusted, and now I feel great. Some people are able to just spring right back like surgery never happened, but that was absolutely not the case for me. Sorry you're tired! It'll get better, hopefully soon.
  22. Cervidae


    even when I got in all my water, vitamins, and protein, I was still exhausted for the first 6 months post op. It really sucked, and I worried that I would feel like that forever. Now, at 9 months post op, I feel great! I feel like myself again. Like @@KristenLe said, if you're doing everything right, probably there is only time that can resolve this. Hang in there, it gets better.
  23. Cervidae

    Hard time drinking water?

    Changing temperatures helped me a lot too, but what helped me more with my Water nausea was switching to distilled water. Spring water is basically tap water, and tap water is.. well, I'm sure you know all the grossness that is in our tap water. I never really minded it before surgery, but after surgery, it tasted really gross and made me really nauseous, so I explored other ways to get my water in. Since switching to distilled water, I feel a lot better. It tastes like pure water with no other yuckies in it, and never bothers my stomach. That being said, it's possible that you may have some stomach cramping or nausea from food and liquids in general for a while. It became better when I switched to distilled, but didn't go away until about 6 months post op. Now I feel great. I hope you have similar improvements soon.
  24. I had a lot of family members telling me not to do it too. The complications! The drastic measures! Etc. Now I'm 9 months post op and down 150 pounds and healthier than every person who told me not to do it. Take that, well-meaning but utterly irrelevant loved ones! When it comes to a decision like this, no one but you has any right to tell you what to do. They still will try, or course, but if you know this is right for you, if you know you want to be healthier and live longer, and you know you've exhausted other methods of losing and keeping off the weight, then you're right where you need to be and doing what you need to do for you. This is one of the hardest parts of the surgery. You and only you can decide to take the leap for the possibility of a much better and longer future than you would have without surgery. Good luck to you! We're all here to support you, whatever you decide. Sounds like you already know what you want/need.
  25. Cervidae

    Week one rant

    @@Katrinakit there are 30 grams of Protein and 160 calories in Premier Protein, and only 1 gram of sugar. It also contains a lot of other Vitamins. I'm 9 months post op and I still drink them daily, especially when I'm having an "ew food" day. @@Alyssa Toner my first several weeks were friggin horrible. There were people who had the same surgery at the same time as me and were on the same floor and they were walking laps and feeling great by the night after we had surgery. I barely walked in the hospital compared to everyone else (maybe like 4 laps total in two days) not for lack of trying - I was in serious pain and could barely move. I was on prescribed pain meds for like two weeks, though I only took them at night and in the morning by the end of the two weeks, and then I moved to tylenol. I didn't begin feeling like myself until about 2-3 months ago, honestly. I felt exhausted, depressed, hormones were all over the place... it really sucked. This lasted pretty much the entire first 6 months. Now, I'm 9 months post-op and I can say with complete honesty and sincerity: IT WAS ALL WORTH IT. I would do it again 10 times over to have what I have now, and feel like I feel now. I've lost about 150 pounds since my RNY 9 months ago, and I feel great. I feel like I am normal, like I can do anything I want and be anything I want, and like I actually have a happy, healthy future ahead of me. I can move so much easier, and when I'm hungry, I can eat a small amount of healthy food and then I'm satiated until it's time to eat again. Is this what it feels like to be "normal"? Because it's amazing. And soon, you'll be there too. It's hard in the beginning for everyone, and some more than others have it really tough. But this is just a phase, like the pre-op diet. After all these phases (especially if you do them right and really try hard to take care of yourself and make good habits) you're going to have the rest of your life to be happy, healthy, and free to do and be whatever you want. Hang in there! It gets easier! Here's the progress picture I made just a couple hours ago. I hope it gives you a little hope and a little push to make it through this uncomfortable time. http://imgur.com/RxWZFMB

PatchAid Vitamin Patches
