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Pre Op
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Posts posted by Scout2014

  1. I lost almost a pound a day on my pre-op diet which was all liquid. Just follow instructions exactly as you were given. Do one meal/decision point at a time. Get to a cross road and think if I choose food x, I am risking complications and a life full of problems. If I choose food a, then I am following orders, reducing risk and taking a step towards a FAR better existence than I currently have. Good luck

  2. Hello all,

    I wonder why on earth are you all on liquid diets before operation. I did my operation 2 weeks ago, and before my operation I had a high Protein low carb meals, chicken and meet with salads with no limitation on quantity.

    Different doctors have different requirements for pre op. And mine has different requirements based on your BMI. I am on liquids for 2 weeks and Clear Liquids the day before. The objective is to shrink my liver.

  3. I don't think anyone can tell you what you are supposed to feel. You feel what you feel. I will admit that I have not gotten to that day yet, but I have gone through a range of emotions as I close in (my date is Sept 10). I have been angry with myself to being fearful to finally, I think acceptance that this is what is required.

    You can do this and I agree one of the things I like about this site is the level of support I feel from this community.

    So just add mine to the many well wishes you have received.

  4. Thank you all for being real enough to post your fears. I have realized that I am not afraid of dying, I am afraid of not being in control.

    They put me under for surgery and I no longer have any say as to what happens. Then what if something goes wrong and I don't wake up but I don't die either. The thought of living in a vegetative state is more than I can bear.

    Then I make it through surgery and how long will it take me to feel ok again? I know what others have said, but I am not everybody else, I am me.

    And so once I get through all of that and what happens if I fail again? I have tried everything. And what if this too doesn't work? I don't know if I can stand it.

    Then I reign myself in and realize that I purposefully have not set a goal weight. For me, this has to be about getting a healthy lifestyle. My body's response to that is its response. I have no control over that either. I can only control what I put in it and how I move it. Trying very hard to let go of outcomes I cannot do anything about.

  5. As mentioned above, I think a lot of us have struggled with similar issues. Not being enough. Not deserving to be thin. I too have struggled with this my whole life. I am currently scheduled for surgery for Sept 10.

    About 6 years ago, I started a journey of losing and actually lost over 180 lbs. I used a trainer and worked out for hours on end. At the bottom end of that journey, I was still not enough and now much of that weight is back.

    I realized that things had to be a little different this time and began working with a counselor. The answer for me is Jesus. The thing is I am not good enough, I have never been good enough and I never will be good enough. But (and that is a HUGE but) Jesus makes me all of those things. And in return he asks that I take are of this body that he has given to me.

    At the same time, we were made to live in community. And I cannot do this without the support of others. So, I am working on surrounding myself with people I trust to help me through. Not just the counselor, but I have found a small accountability group and now this forum full of people. People who are pulling for me and who I can pull for.

    You are not alone in your feelings and I will be praying for you.

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