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Gastric Bypass Patients
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Everything posted by SPettijo

  1. SPettijo

    2 Periods in 3 Weeks!

    I've had blood for the last seven weeks. I did go to my OB and he did extensive testing. I then went to my Bari Dr. and he assured me that this is normal. Results from OB were regular and not cancer he did put me on hormone which the Bari Dr. cleared. I have PCOS so it was very concerning for me as well. Hormones and surgery = Effed up periods.
  2. SPettijo

    Protein shakes

    I found a milk that is high Protein and lactose free at Dillions/Kroger it's carbmaster and it's 11g Protein/8oz and I drink a glass twice a day (I add ice to keep it cold{eww gross.... get over it}) The youtube channel 7bites has an episode about "yuck in a cup" that might help you. during stage one I ate a lot of beef broth with soy protein.
  3. SPettijo

    Fat heart rate & being nauseous

    I get nauseous frequently. I'm about 10 weeks post op. I take Meclizine before I eat and when I take my pain meds(back pain) I have a script for Zofran. Both help some but not completely. Sometimes eating a popsicle helps too. I prefer the bomb pops sugar free of course (cherry, lime, and raspberry flavor) They are softer than the other popsicles I've tried. I've also started waiting an hour before eating after taking my last sip of Water and that seems to help a little. If I'm doing okay after a meal I just wait 30 minutes to begin drinking again but otherwise I wait until I'm not nauseous. If it's been longer than an hour I take another dose of Meclizine to try and be able to drink sooner. I also try NOT to move after I eat because movement seems to upset my GI right after I eat.
  4. SPettijo

    Why does my mouth get so dryed

    I too have dry mouth. I am drinking all the Water I can but am using popsicles to help moisten my mouth in the morning before I eat Breakfast. One popsicle and glass of water, breakfast, two glasses of water, lunch, two glasses of water, dinner, two glasses of water, (did I get all my Protein in?) supplemental snack, glass of water. It's also how I check to make sure I am eating at the right time. If you can get more water in then great but that is 64oz and it's about all I can do.
  5. 1 Sell the good stuff on Ebay. I've gotten $80($150 original price) for a dress I wore on New Years. I've gotten more for old bridesmaid/prom dresses. Big clothes are hard to find. I never find anything at goodwill so I never look anymore. Once I get down to a size 24 then maybe. 2. Donate to goodwill/salvation army/shelter 3. (your city) Swap and Shop groups on facebook. No shipping, and you can get a few bucks for new clothes. 4. Save one or two items of your largest clothing for dramatic before and after pictures. Why not? It will be so much fun to go swimming in my old clothes I just don't want a closet full of stuff that will give me permission to gain weight back. That's what I do. Right now I have a pile of stuff that needs to be listed. I will probably see if anyone on the exchange forums wants any of the trickier to find items before I put it on ebay/swap and shop.
  6. I found that I could prop one side a little higher then the other so I wasn't sleeping on my side but I was cheated to one side or the other. I also bought a donut pillow from Amazon and had it in just a few days. I remember my tailbone hurting so bad because all I could do was sit and lay down. I kept a walker right next to the bed so I could have help getting up and down. I also used a footstool next to the bed to make lifting my legs on to the bed easier.
  7. :hugs: Yes, yes I did go through that. I was also really excited. Surgery is big step and it may not feel like it, but it's a positive thing you are this emotional before hand. If you were just treating it like a spa day then people would be worried. I lso went through 'buyers remorse' after surgery. I can tell you at the beginning of week nine I'm not where I's suppose to be food and Water intake wise but I've lost the weight and am incredibly happy with the progress. If you want to talk more feel free to message me.
  8. SPettijo


    I get colder in the evening and shake/shiver. I usually eat a little something and put on a heating pad or crawl under the covers.
  9. SPettijo

    No Appetite

    I'm starting week 9. I'm not hungry. I am getting low blood sugar nausea. I eat when I have to, but I'm not getting in my Protein :/ meat doesn't smell good, doesn't taste good, and doesn't sound good. Today for the first time I ate an Egg, cheese, and Bacon sandwich (1/4th). It tasted good because of the variety of flavors and textures but it's been 14 hours and I haven't eaten since... but I'm getting my Water in. I'm also eating a lot of popsicles to help with dry mouth. I've only vomited once but am terrified of vomiting again... Still, I know I need to eat.
  10. SPettijo

    Did you have PCOS prior to surgery?

    I have PCOS and at week three I had my first period in two and a half years. Unfortunately I am still having a period (maybe the same one) I saw an OBGYN today to run tests. The facial hair should be able to be removed when your hormones are back in balance. Hair does not magically stop growing. I had laser treatments when I was younger and it thinned out my chin hair quite a bit but because my hormones were out of balance new hair grew.
  11. SPettijo


    I had popcorn at 7 weeks (1 week early) It was pan popped with butter flavored salt. I ate three pieces then waited 10 minutes before continuing. I managed to eat a coffee cups worth and have enjoyed popcorn several times since. Just go slow and make sure you can handle it. I have avoided butter but have used a couple sprays of "I can't believe it's margarine"(ha ha)
  12. Never forget you can defeat the surgery. If you go back to old eating habits if you eat high calorie food and drink. Before I had surgery I went to a baby shower and one of the Aunts had WLS but she ate a piece of cake and a piece of cheesecake. You can't eat that stuff if you want to be successful. She was over a year out and it was a good lesson to learn before I had my own. As to why you can't lose weigh w/o surgery.. because there is sugar in EVERYTHING you eat. You can lose weight without surgery given enough lifestyle change but less than 5% of people who do it without surgery retain the healthy weight they achieved. I had surgery because I was like a lot of other people who have WLS I've tried. I've tried any other way. But I was up to 431 and I didn't want to die of a heart attack before my nephew graduates high school. I didn't want to be dependant on other people for personal care. I didn't want to live as a fat person anymore. Now I make my own everything. I make sure there is no sugar in my deli meat or cheese. I really enjoyed watching "Fed Up" on Netflix which is a documentary on the obesity rates world wide. It didn't have a positive view of WLS but the information in it on the food industry and the WHO was very interesting.
  13. SPettijo

    Left lower back pain

    If the pain is too much go to the ER.
  14. SPettijo

    Advice about which surgery

    I too wasn't sure which surgery to get so I asked my surgeon if it was his decision which he would choose for me. I ended up going with his suggestion after a big discussion with the people closest to me. He would have done whichever I chose.
  15. I have a similar experience with a someone who's been a friend for 15 years now. The day I had surgery Three friends showed up along with my family. Now I don't remember much of the day but I apparently started crying because My friend D didn't show up/call/text anything. It was three weeks later that I finally heard from her after asking one of her coworkers/another friend of mine if she was okay. Then I got a flurry of text messages and a 20 minute phone call that was nothing but excuses(it's the phone company's fault) and false promises. Obviously we're having problems beyond this incident. But it still hurts. We've undergone these massive life changing surgeries and to not have people ask if we're alright just feels like they don't care.
  16. SPettijo

    In need of 3x, 26/28

    I don't have anything for sale, but having been and getting back down to a size 26/28 I have never had luck at thrift stores. if you are going to go with an online retailer I have had a lot of luck with Ebay. Also some of these things like in the post above I've never heard of but will be bookmarking! Thanks for sharing The New Kim Also Walmart clearance section is a reasonable place to buy cheap (poor quality) clothing especially for t-shirts. I would also recomend wrap skirts from Earthbound. They have two sizes regular and plus. Buy one or two plus size ($30-$35 each) in colors you like and wear them with t-shirts or sweaters. (I wear leggings under in cooler weather) They are bright colored and the thrill or having a longer bow is amazing!
  17. So, I am technically in the soft foods stage and suppose to be working my water up from 30-40 to 64. I'm also supposed to be working on getting my protein up between 60 and 70 but everytime I try something new I just can't stand it. I'm not getting sick from food but the only thing that isn't making me want to swear off eating are sugar free bomb pops. I managed to get down a protein shake today so yeah 30g protein but I just can't seem to get down solid foods. I called the doc and he said I had an ulcer... I don't believe him because when I do manage to eat and drink things more then a sip an hour I don't feel nauseous. I am pretty sure the nausea I was experiencing was low blood sugar/hunger. So suggestions on how to get soft solids down?
  18. It's to early for me to try but I anticipate making my own pepperoni so I can enjoy the flavor without the fat. I saw someone else recommend it but the youtube channel 7bites has an episode about pizza. I can see myself making a "calzone" with a mama lupe's tortilla (7g carb 5g protein) with a spoonful of tomato sauce a sprinkle of cheese and some homemade pepperoni. I would stay away from pre made pizza sauce as it usually contains sugar. i wold just add italian seasoning, garlic and onion powders to tomato sauce, instant sugar free pizza sauce.
  19. SPettijo

    Left lower back pain

    Call your doctor. You might have a kidney stone, but I am not a doctor and have no idea.
  20. SPettijo

    back in the hospital

    All my best wishes for your speedy recovery!
  21. So, I had RNY three weeks ago on 7/15 and I am having a hard time drinking the Protein drink. I haven't had hard time until the last few days. I've tried brushing my teeth more and drinking more Water as I can but the Protein shake just taste gritty in a very unpleasant way. I have added an ounce or two of water to try and thin it out but I just would like to know if anyone else has experienced food taste changes that weren't immediate or if I'm just being weird and need to try something else. The milk isn't bad I'm just really disliking the texture of the shake.
  22. I need a size 30 swimsuit if you have one. I have paypal and can pay that way. If you have one I would like to know brand and maybe a pic as well as price.
  23. I was going through job training and I wouldn't do the physical activities required and was asked to leave training. I lost a job I really wanted before I got to do one hour of meaningful work because of my ballooning body.
  24. SPettijo

    Nothing fits

    Wrap skirts. I have several wrap skirts and have loved them. I buy mine from Earth Bound Trading Company they are fun and bright and can be worn in a number of ways when you buy two you get a free dvd showing you how to style the skirts in different ways including how to turn it into several different dresses. I don't know if you have Earth Bound in your area but you might be able to find plainer skirts from some other retailer. I wear them with plain colored t-shirts or sweaters(winter) Walmart and target have plain colored tshirts and tank tops for less then $10 each if you really don't want to do thrift shop.
  25. SPettijo

    Changing Taste delays

    My NUT plan includes shakes until you can eat 3oz Protein per meal. in the mean time I've developed an ulcer and am on a new four times a day med. I'm really trying not to be negative but I feel like I'm having several post op complications that I'm not prepared for. I'm feeling really down. I know once I get past all of this it will all have been worth it but right now I am really regretting having surgery.

PatchAid Vitamin Patches
