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LAP-BAND Patients
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Everything posted by taz

  1. It's funny you should say that about the detox. When I had my colonoscopy I felt the same. It was also like that with my gallbladder and being banded. Maybe the body is busy processing real pain instead of this pretend stuff it is determined to recognize. My doctor says many of her patience are treated in pain centers as well. Eighteen years is a very long time.
  2. I have a protein drink I enjoy. I use one cup non-fat plain yogurt, one cup frozen strawberries (not sweetened), 2-3 pkgs Equal, one scoop unflavered whey protein powder, 1/2 teaspoon vanilla extract. Blend in a blender until smooth. Very high in protein and low in calories. Just stick it in an insulated mug and you can sip or drink from it over the day. I find it very filling and the unflavored whey protein powder has a higher protein content than the flavored ones.
  3. What is a bipap machine?
  4. taz

    How Long?

    Hi. It took me three months from first meeting and getting banded. While having tests run, I found out I had gallstones so that was two months out and then I had to recover from that surgery. If you work consistently at it you can probably have it done within two months. Good luck!
  5. Hi Carla K. I have had quite a bit of trouble with this. Not just where my port is. I had my gallbladder out Jan 8th. I had lapband surgery Feb 8th. It seemed I had trouble with all my incisions. I tried to wear a bra 3 weeks after gallbladder surgery. This really irritated two of my puncture wounds. Then I tried using Neosporin on them and bandaids. Wrong. They wouldn't heal because they stayed moist. My doc was not pleased. He said they had to breath to dry up. However, when I woke from being banded I had thick layers of gauze over one wound. I guess he didn't think it neede to breath all the time. Anyway, after having to wash the blood out of my gowns constantly for the last two months this is what I found helpful. When showering I wash my tummy with Soft Soap using my hand. For me Neosporin has been helpful. I just put a thin layer over my wounds. If I need to have them covered because of needing to wear clothes and such silly things, I use a thick layer of gauze taped on with the tape that is used for that. I still have oozing 2 months out but not so much from infections. It has been an interesting road. Good luck with this. I appreciate it that this can be very frustrating.
  6. jam 265, have you tried Elavil. That is the one which helped me the most consistently. As with all meds, I built up a bit of a resistence to it. Also Zanaflex (muscle relaxer) really helps me at night so I can sleep. (Warning! It will make you snore which may bring complaints from your family! Nothing is perfect:). Hope this is helpful. Lyrica hasn't affected my weight.
  7. Wannadancesoon, I think fibromyalgia is different for each person. For me it means every time there is a cold front I will be hurting. I may hurt across my shoulders, it may be in my legs, it may be in my arms. It is my muscles and tendons which hurt. Sometimes I feel very depressed. Not necessarily because I am hurting. I just feel very depressed. Yesterday I was hurting so much all day I just burrowed into my chair and didn't move. And I went looking for comfort foods. Oh well. I also tried pain meds twice in the day. This usually helps but not yesterday. I hate to do this because I need them for sleeping at night. I have been blessed with a wonderful female doctor. She listens and tries to help. I have been going to acupuncture for almost two years now. I take Lyrica, Elavil and Zanaflex along with my pain meds. All seem to help a little so together I am able to becomfortable (or at least bearable) most days. I know a person doesn't really get a choice of which challenges we have to live with. Oh, well. And I love comfort foods at the best of times and crave them at the worst. I knew I could no longer resist them on my own. That's why I chose to be banded. Even now I am thinking about the homemade boiled custard left over from a meeting. It makes me think of the movie Lilo and Stitch when she first gets him and sprays him with the water and calls him a bad dog. I guess being banded is my negative reinforcement. I still need that first fill before I know more what I need. Anyway, Wannadancesoon, I hope this is helpful. Maybe some others would like to share what fibromyalgia feels like to them. It seems to make it easier knowing I am not alone. Thank you all for your posts.
  8. Thanks so much, Leah. I like to go walking. It's just the inertia. It can be so overwhelming to get dressed and go out the door as I am sure you know. The good thing is the next day is usually better and I wonder why I was so overwhelmed. I do have to find something comforting besides food. I am feeling better this evening. My husband says I can tell if there is a cold front anywhere in the world, lol. I am trying to get on line here often and that helps. A hot shower helps. I love to shop but I don't think that is very comforting long term (at least not to my husband). It has been a while since I have had acupuncture...he said that might be good too. Thanks again for your feedback. It also helps to know I amnot the only one dealing with this crazy stuff. Take care. Tina
  9. I'm hoping my pain will improve with weight loss. Today is a whole body day but mostly in my shoulders. I tried Ultram but it did not work for me. Elavil, Zanflex and lately Lyrica help. The Lyrica gives me a little trouble with memory recall but for me it is worth it. I also take pain meds at night so I can sleep. I have had it about 10 years. How about you? Do you get the munchies when you hurt? I dread having a fill for fear I will have trouble taking my meds. How is your restriction? I guess it is a new journey begun and we hope for the best. I hope you are doing okay.
  10. Thanks for your reply. I haven't found that the band has helped my fibromyalgia except right after my surgery. I also have acupuncture and I guess my body decided the surgery was a big acupuncture. I had no trouble for about two weeks. Now I am in that in between stage four weeks out. Too much room for everything to go through and two weeks away from my first fill. Do you take much medication. That's one of my fears about having a fill. It was really hard to get all the crused meds down (gagging all the way ). Oh well. It will work itself out someway.
  11. Great job on losing so well. I'm wondering if your afraid you'll just gain it back. Kind of like, I've done this before and gained it back so what will be different this time. I think depression is a very complex emotion. So many feelings and experiences. Maybe with time you can trust yourself to be happy again.
  12. taz

    In need of Encouragement!

    Is it very common to feel full for a couple weeks after banding and then feel like you can eat anything? I was banded Feb. 8. I have only started feeling good yesterday and today. It seems the better I feel the more I want to eat. Does this sound like a reduction of swelling after my band or head hungry? Thanks to anyone who can share there experience.
  13. Hi. I received my band Feb. 8th. Kind of rough these past two weeks but things are finally getting back to normal. I've been married to a great guy for 26 years. We have two daughters, (20 and 23 years old). I was a social worker in a former life but stopped working outside the home when my oldest daughter was 9 mo. Now I guess I am a professional volunteer. I'm glad to have found this sight. Hopefully I can keep it together and lose my weight. I was 236 before surgery, am 223 now and would LOVE to get to 135. Here's hoping.
  14. I guess I am a bit unusual. I was banded Feb 8. THe day after I felt pretty good. Two days out I felt worse but thought I'd just overdone it. Third day was horrible. It felt like I was being constantly stabbed in my stomach. I couldn't get out of bed or a chair without help it hurt so bad. If I did it over I would be calling for more meds. Iam now 8 days out and still hurting but not as bad. Hopefully tomorrow will be better. One thing I can say ... I haven't been very hungry yet.
  15. I was banded Friday (2-18-08). I felt good yesterday. I went for a ride with my family. I carried my purse,etc., myself. It wasn't causing any problems. Last night and today I have kind of stabbing pains around my band when I do anything where I use my stomach muscles. Is this normal?
  16. Thanks for the responses. It helps to hear from people with experience. I called my doc's office. They said the third day is the worst. I hope they are right. I've been wondering if this is the stupidest thing I've ever done.
  17. I don't think it is where my port. It is in the middle of my stomach. I guess I'll call my doctor if it isn't better in a couple of days.
  18. taz

    I m afraid I hurt?

    Hi. I had my surgery Friday. I felt pretty good yeasterday so I went riding in the van with my husband and kids.Last night and today I have had pain where I think the band must be when I do anything qhere I have to use my stomach muscles. I also hope I haven't done permanent damage. Has anyone else had this to happen?

PatchAid Vitamin Patches
