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LAP-BAND Patients
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Posts posted by deniseh

  1. Miss Irene: Hang in there. I'm struggling too at not losing any weight at all. I'm exercising every day and trying to eat at least 1200 calories. The biggest benefit is that I do feel better and, in the long run, that's all that matters.

    LillyAnn: You are so fortunate to be able to get plastic surgery. Good luck on finding the right doctor to do the work! I know you will come out just beautiful. :mad:

    Everyone take care and get back on track and stay there!

  2. Today is my weigh day and I finally had a good loss! Must have been that elliptical yesterday LOL. I really liked working out on it and it wasn't as hard as I thought it would be.

    At this point, just trying to eat as much Protein as I can - which is not very much. I'm so blessed to have you all for support on this site. Just think how difficult WW used to be without this band - hungry all the time!

    Have a good WW holiday.

  3. Way to go Miss Diva! The inches are really melting off you! That inspires me to to the gym and work out on the elliptical this afternoon!

    I think one of my problems is that my band is a little bit too tight for me to get enough Protein in. I'm never hungry and only can eat 4 or 5 small bites of Protein at a time. I bet I may not be getting enough to support my workouts like you pointed out.

    Tomorrow's my weigh day....hopefully a pound off would be very good! Everyone keep up the good work and be careful on the holiday tomorrow!

  4. Just checking in Ms. Diva. Today was my weigh day and I stayed the same. I've lost 4 lbs in 4 weeks. Not great, but I'll take it! I went to an exercise class last Wednesday that almost killed me. I'll go back this week for more punishment! My legs were so sore I could hardly walk.

    I ate all my points plus 5 per day in an effort to see if that would make me lose some weight. It didn't, but I still may not be out of the starvation mode yet. I got up this morning thinking I was going to eat less points, but at this point, I'm confused.

    Take care and everyone have a good Weight Watchers week!

  5. Kartman. There is so much that is not known about all this. I just wish I had started exercising from the beginning of this journey and I think my RMR wouldn't be so low. I want to cut my calories to below my RMR to lose some weight, but was told not to. I think there's more research needs to be done in this area! Good luck - seems like you are headed in the right direction.

  6. Kartman: Thanks for responding. Sounds like you really have it all figured out. However, once you know your RMR, "they" say not to let your calories fall below that number or you'll lose muscle. I noticed that you are eating considerably less than your RMR. I'm eating 100 calories above my RMR and not losing any weight. Do you think it's okay to eat less as long as you are exercising?

  7. Thanks for the running tip. Were you very heavy when you started out? I've never run before, but would like to get started. I'm 4 years out from the lap band surgery, but I'm just starting to excercise. That was a BIG mistake!

    I'm just afraid I'm too heavy to run. I've got about 35 pounds to goal. Any suggestions?

  8. Hi everyone. I've been out of town for the past four days, but stuck to the plan really well. I was fortunate enough to get a RHR metabolism check while I was gone. My neice brought the machine home from her clinic she works at. As I thought, my resting heart rate is low - probably from eating too few calories in the early days of my weight loss journey. I know how many calories I have to eat now to just keep my metabolism from shutting down. Now I must focus on gaining muscle to get my metabolism up. I did NOT exercise at all prior to the last few weeks on a consistent basis. I'm four years out from my lapband surgery. If I only knew then what I know now. EXERCISE and EAT right!!!! I didn't do either one of these things and my metabolism is paying for it.

    Lil Miss Diva - thanks so much for the Taco Soup recipe. I will make it soon.

    China - it does look like you are not eating enough to me! That makes your metabolism shut down from what I understand and makes it harder to lose weight.

    I really need to be counting calories instead of points to make sure I'm getting what I need. However, I love this WW plan and won't give it up! The problem I have is that I count for example a Lean Cuisine lunch for 5 points, but the truth is that I don't eat the whole thing so I'm not getting all the points I think I am.

    Enough rambling....keep up the good work.

  9. URRRRGH!!! I was so good with my eating and exercising this week. Today was my weigh day and I lost ZERO this week. I'm really not that discouraged because this is the first time in 5 years since I got my band that I've eaten a healthy diet and exercised at all. I did get in 6 days of walking 30-45 minutes and actually feel really good. My daily points were at or a little below my target point range except for one day when I used 9 of my extra points.

    Since I'm 50+ maybe I'm just going to lose a little bit at a time. I read the WW website this morning for encouragement and did run across another lady my age who would only lose 1/2 lb per week, but finally made it to goal after a year.

    Everyone here is doing a good job and are so encouraging to read their progress. Keep up the good work!

  10. I also used up some of my 35 extra points yesterday at our work potluck. I was trying so hard not to snack on the goodies, but ended up eating some chip & dip and a cookie. What is different this time is that I went straight to my WW point tracker and plugged in everything I ate instead of before throwing my hands up and saying "what the heck".

    I ended up using some of my extra points. I guess that's what they're there for! I was trying to stay as low as I could on points thinking that I would lose a little faster. Who knows! I've only been doing this 6 days so I don't know yet what point count I will be able to lose the most. I'm trying to get in shape for a cruise in November. I would like to lose 15 pounds before I go.

    Hope you all have a great WW weekend.

  11. After doing Weight Watchers for almost a week, I figured out that I was NOT eating healthy at all. I had lost weight with the band by eating junk food - just small amounts of it.

    I have been stalled like Diva for about a year. I'm ready to get to goal by exercising and eating healthier. It's about time that I wake up and get going again.

    I'm facing a Mexican potluck today at work, but I brought my Enchilada WW entree. I am determined not to eat what the others brought. It's not worth it. If I do eat something, I will sure count the points!

  12. Good job NurseMelly! I joined WW online last Saturday and already feel better. However, I get 22 points and am having a hard time eating all of that. Anyone else have that problem? Thank ya'll so much for starting this thread. This thread actually encouraged me to join WW online and I'm finding it so fun to keep track of my points.

    I've been stalled with weight loss for about 6 mos and I hope that this will get me back on the road again!

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