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LAP-BAND Patients
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Everything posted by bandayed

  1. bandayed

    Feel free to jump in here...

    If your hair is receding faster than your waistline, then you might be a bandster.......... If your favorite new home appliance is a blender, then you might be a bandster.......... If you are proud to announce to the world how much you weigh now (even if it is over 200 lbs) then you might be a bandster...............
  2. bandayed

    Road to Onederland Challenge!

    XANN77 LOL on the booze & on the Chinese food too-- I ate fried shrimp & onion rings this weekend hmmmmm wonder why I'm fat & not losing! It doesn't take a rocket scientist! At least I only ate a little bit of it......
  3. bandayed

    Road to Onederland Challenge!

    :whoo: :whoo: Go Tricia Go Tricia!!!!!:whoo::whoo:
  4. breakfast: egg salad or hot soy & flaxseed Cereal Lunch: chili with guacamole or soup or cottage cheese & wheat thins Dinner: scallops with pesto is a current fav or meatloaf & mashed potatoes. These are my favorites, but of course I don't eat just these
  5. bandayed

    Road to Onederland Challenge!

    One week down and absolutely zero loss for me -- how'd you guys do???????
  6. bandayed

    Nontraditional Curse Words

    If my kids catch me with a nasty word, they correct me and try to tell me to say tartar sauce too. LOL!
  7. bandayed

    Home Alone

    Hard call to make -- I agree it depends on the kids. But if 12 year olds can care for other kids, can't a 10 year old care for themselves for a few minutes? I think that knowing the rules -- what's allowed & not allowed, and not to leave the house or answer the door are important concepts as is how to use the phone to reach you & 911. If you can trust your child to do those things then I thinkI would do it........
  8. bandayed

    Happy Easter All hehe..

    I forgot about that-- it is just too cute & funny! BTW, thanks for inducing a major chocoalte craving!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  9. bandayed

    Regular Coffee

    I gave up caffeine prior to surgery, and I do think no caffeine helps with dieting (no yo yo metabolism). That having been said, I lasted about a month and switched back to having AM coffee with no problems. I love it!
  10. bandayed

    Road to Onederland Challenge!

    I am so mad!! I am trying to join y'all on the road to onderland and was eating an organic frozen enchilada lunch. 220 calories, 10g Protein -- soft & portable I was psyched b/c I don't usually like frozen Entrees and I loved it. So there I was enjoying my lunch and as I was cleaning up I stopped to read the box to see what OTHER varieties they make. Then I noticed IT -- serving size 1 enchilada --- there were 2 in the dish -- I ate them both! 440 calories grrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr it wasn't THAT good! That will teach me a lesson in reading the box!!! I'm going to be in twoderland forever!
  11. I LOVE your description of the slime vortex -- perfect! Hope you're feeling fine now.....................
  12. bandayed

    PS Pictures

    What a tiny wait you have, and those perky boobies!!!! -- I want perky boobies!!!! You are sooooo gonna cause trouble in that new hot bod! Enjoy it girlfried, you are a TRUE "after" now!!! Thanks for sharing!
  13. bandayed

    5 week post op eating anything and everything!

    These food are ones that commonly cause bandsters problems. I think that eating chicken is excellent if you can do so. The other things though are part of the evil white group that inhibits weight loss, and should be steered away from except in limited amounts. Kabeerah is right though. Just because you CAN eat them doesn't mean you SHOULD. You are finding where your band limits are, and that's OK, but if continue to test your band like that you are not really working WITH it, but AGAINST it. Until you get a fill, you will probably be able to eat alot more than you SHOULD eventually be able to. Try to find a happy medium and put protein first. This will satisfy your hunger the most. Good luck with your new band!
  14. Kimi-- I'm sure the dissappointment must be crushing since it is such a long road to get to the point you were at. I think the post above is a good one though, take your records, tests etc and try to find somewhwere that will let you use them. That way you aren't starting from square one. You're still in the same place you were, just slightly delayed! I know there are all kinds of financing options, and I'm not sure what your financial situation is, but lots of people here have self paid and done loans etc. Hang in there and let that other Doc just go out of your mind. I know how angry you must be at him, but it's not going to get you anywhere -- try to focus all that energy on finding a new road to bandland. We're all here to support you. Good luck!
  15. bandayed

    Worst Case Scenario--or Best???

    Just as a guide line, my Doctor looks at good loss to be a pound or two a week, and will use this guide line to help determine if you need a fill or not. Of course, you lose the most weight at first when you are recovering from surgery and on liquids etc and getting used to your new lifestyle. It slows after that but should continue at some rate (even though it can be VERY slow). I think that if your body shows a responsiveness prior to surgery to dieting like you mentioned then having the pound a week expectation should be fair.........Good luck on your journey!
  16. bandayed

    One year later

    if you contact photonut, she knows how to do all things photographic....maybe she could help out (hope you don't mind me volunteering you photonut)
  17. bandayed

    anyone survive first bite pain???

    Don't worry, you're not alone -- I have no additional word of wisdom, but I get it too...............what I try to do now is look at my plate and eat the least problematic food first (the softest). That way I know if I get a stuck situation not to even attempt the other foods...................
  18. tuna salad, egg salad yogurt, pudding all available at most delis & sub shops. Mexican food can have alot of options too -- refried beans, the meat inside of tacos, guacamole, chili. What about soups almost everyplace has a soup choice?
  19. bandayed

    Butternut Squash Soup

    I was so excited for squash soup but I tried it, and hated it -- no idea why I love squash! My mainstay in the mushy & liquid phase was pureed chili with a small dab of sour cream and guacamole on it............I did eat alot of squash though. Just not in soup form. Maybe I tried the wrong one......................
  20. bandayed

    Can I eat greens now?

    I think cooked greens like spinach etc might be OK, but salads are a sticking point (literally) for lots of bandsters -- I could JUST eat them at about 4 months post banding. Then I got my 2nd fill and now they are a no again for a while..................
  21. bandayed

    depression and lapband

    I think that the emotional sides of food restrictions (for over eaters) and calorie restriction (for anyone) play havoc with emotions. Raven & Jiliia what you are both experiencing & wondering about can be very legitimate problems for bandsters. Raven -- stick around and give your band some more time. It looks like you're a newbie if your dates are right, and remember, one of the "benefits" of the band is slower, healthier weight loss than with bypass. we're all here to support you in the difficult times. Maybe you need to rethink your expectations a little, but look at the weight loss you've acheived in a short time. If you keep it up, you'll be at goal by summer! Jillia....my Doc recommended keeping all meds at status quo following surgery as your bod has so many OTHER things to deal with. If it ain't broke, don't fix it! BUT, that having been said, if you are struggling post surgery I would call the Doc IMMEDIATELY. God made pharmaceuticals for a reason and if you're going to be taking them, there's no sense taking ones that aren't working correctly -- get them tweaked...........just try to listen to your body.......Good luck with your surgery and recovery!
  22. bandayed


    You guys rock! Can't wait to join you -- hopefully by the end of the road to onderland challenge on May 9th I'll be right there with ya! Keep up the good work -- and don't feel silly about sharing -- that is AMAZING news!
  23. bandayed

    What did you want to be when you grew up?

    I always wanted to be this high powered turbo bitch lady lawyer in NYC that worked all the time and only had chinese take out in her fridge and wore high heels and a black suit with a short skirt -- I thought that was soooo glamorous! Now that's the farthest thing from me, I am a Mom/teacher and my life is totally suburban -- just what I most despised as a pre-teen! A funny thing I used to believe is that all new foods fell into this category called scampi (yes, as in the shrimp variety). One time my parents were eating it and I must have loved the smell of the garlic so whenever my parents tried to get me to try something new, I wouldn't eat it until they would coax me with "you'll like it, it's scampi". I just thought everything that I had never tried was called scampi! Hard to explain -- it doesn't even make sense to me now when you think of all the different things parents ask their kids to try -- how could I think they all had the same name!?!?!?!?
  24. bandayed

    Haven't been around - my story

    Welcome back Sheryl, and good for you! Glad you are coming upon better times. I cannot believe you have been through such a hard time and still show up here to try to help support newbies! That's what I love about LBT
  25. bandayed

    Road to Onederland Challenge!

    OK -- Just saw this thread and it is where I NEED to be!! I have been 200-205 for MONTHS! Can't kick it -- you guys -- let's do this together! I am at 202.5 currently....if I can't reach 199.5 by May 9th I'm getting another fill.............

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