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LAP-BAND Patients
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Everything posted by bandayed

  1. bandayed

    OK,so now I feel really stupid..

    Cold Turkey is the Anti Christ. I PB'd & barfed by the side of the road over Thanksgiving weekend too -- maybe we should start a club! I ate steak the other night just fine though -- go figure!
  2. bandayed

    Female question....

    Just found this thread -- I have a related but kind of different situation -- too many periods!! I got banded 5 weeks ago and just finished having my THIRD separate and distict period -- ridiculous!! They all have a beginning middle & end just like a regular period and are just as heavy. The problem is they are only a few days apart from each other! I heard fat stores hormones and as you lose fat the homones are released making your cycle nutty. I have lost 30 lbs in the 5 weeks so maybe that's it..... I guess I'm not really worried -- just annoyed!
  3. bandayed

    I am walking the floors almost in tears.

    Don't forget that this site is largely for support and that people will seek support in BAD times -- sadly, not as much in good times. I think there are so many positive band experiences that go un mentioned and maybe you get a little bit of a distorted view on a site designed to support peole because people come here alot of times when they are needing help -- bad times. Be positive and make the best decision you can for you and you will just be fine. best wishes!
  4. bandayed

    2 NSV's in One day? Could it Be?!

    Don't stress about the money -- you deserve the treat for all your hard work and GREAT SUCCESS!! Better than a treat -trip to the ice cream parlor!
  5. I was cleared immediately for walking and fully cleared at 3 weeks for weights and everything else......I think it depends on your fitness level prior to surgery and your recovery rate. Ask your Doc. Even if you can't do your complete routine maybe there is something else you could do for a few weeks......
  6. bandayed

    I got my Date

    Congratulations! Try to start making small changes now so you are more ready -- drink lots of water and get excited! You are on your way!
  7. bandayed

    Brighams & Womens in Boston?

    My Friend was banded there and I know she had to attend support groups, the psych eval, a swallow test and obviously, meet with the surgeon. It took her about 3-4 months to go through the program and she loves it there. Sorry I can't be more specific, but thought some info may be better than none. I also remember that she had to pay a fee not covered by insurance -- maybe $300?????
  8. bandayed

    How long until the steril strips fall off?

    I had them for my surgery and 2 csections as well and they never really came off. I start by trimming the loose edges as they lift and eventually they mostly came off -- maybe 2 weeks though. There was one part that was stuck in a little scab where I had some leakage and when I removed it it took the scab too and now my scar is wider and bumpy there so BE CAREFUL. If it seems attached to the wound itself, I would keep the curling up edges trimmed back and just let it dry up and fall off itself........With my csections they never came off -- I removed them.
  9. I too work in child care and only part time. I went back after a week but if I worked longer hours, could not have done it. I think (depending on what age group you work with) you may want to reconsider. Aside from the lifting, the bending, getting on & off the floor, the sudden movements to intervene in situations, all caused soreness. I will say that I do not believe that it has caused any residual damage to my body (hernias, slower healing etc) but I was definately uncomfortable while at work....I think you should try it, but be sure to listen to what your body is telling you -- maybe work 1/2 time???? Good luck!
  10. Jini -- I am a committed side sleeper and at 4 weeks still find that if I sleep on my side I am sore in the AM -- even snugglin up with a body pillow is not much help. So I am (for now) a back sleeper. I will say that it is becoming less and less of a problem. I think everything in there just has to heal up and then sleeping on your tummy or side should be fine............Congrats on your surgery. Listen to your body.....get well soon!
  11. Not sure what you Doc considers liquid, but I stocked up on yogurt and tomatoe soup. It's nice to have something warm after all drinks. Also jello? Best wishes and try to make yourself the priority even if your business is busy....it will be busy when you're feeling better too, right? Best wishes!
  12. bandayed

    Your Reason

    For health, for family, for vanity. To be main stream again and not worry about fitting in the booth...
  13. bandayed

    Dec. 5th surgery date

    OK I have to say it -- don't bring your 1 year old in your bed. I am still trying to get my 4 1/2 year old twins OUT of my bed from a similar thing that happened 2 years ago!!! They were sick so I had them sleep with me now every night they come down to my room in the middle of the night and snuggle up....I love it and hate it all at once. If you have a few days help you should be able to lift your baby a little after that -- not carry him/her around but beware the co-bedding from a mom who regrets it............
  14. bandayed

    It's been a long year

    Jonathan I think your "coming home" is a sign that are ready to address your band status. It's time. With all the multitude of things you've had going on in the last year, maybe you just "knew" you didn't have weightloss in ya so you back burnered it! First things first, right? Now that things are calming down, you can rededicate yourself to getting down in the scale department. Since getting unfilled didn't help the problem it was supposed to, and you had subsequent weight gain, why not go get refilled and start again? Welcome back to LBT! Don't let the 13lbs discourage you, kick it it the *** (no, not the A- word, the F word -- F-A-T). Go get em!
  15. bandayed

    Help I need support.

    I was just reading about how MUCH those VG bands can hold! It sounds like yours is less than 1/2 full and you can still eat a large volume. If you're not happy, why not see if they'll move your fill up? I think one of the hardest things about the band is going through it all and not acheiving the benefit right away. Once you get the proper restriction, though, I'm sure you'll see the weight coming off........hang in there!
  16. bandayed

    Dec. 5th surgery date

    Welcome Cheri, and congrats on the positive decision you have made for yourself! Like NJ Chick said this is not just to look better, it is to BE better and to have a better quality of life for you AND your kids. As already mentioned, every Dr had different reccomendations regarding diet. I had some good advice before my surgery and that was (for the last 2 weeks) live as if I was banded -- I walked alot, drank tons of water, gave up caffeine and soda, and aside from a few "last suppers" ate a soft, bland diet (eggs, cream of wheat, yogurt, cottage cheese etc). It helped me get ready both physically as well as mentally for the changes that were to come. That way when my surgery rolled around I wasn't in for such a huge culture shock at the same time as trying to heal and deal with all the emotional changes going on. Everyone's recovery is different. I am in shock to hear about people going home from hospital the same day -- I stayed most of 2 days after. I also took a week off work, and if I worked full time would have had to take more as I needed to nap in the afternoon for several weeks after. Surgery affects everyone differently and I wish you a great recovery. As far as needing help around the house I say if you have people offering -- take it!! It can only help you recover faster, the less you HAVE to do! Best wishes!
  17. bandayed

    Regret and depressed

    You go girl! Back at 'em I'm glad to hear it! One day at a time IS all you can do. I've only been banded 3 weeks, but everyday is different so far and I just keep moving in a positive direction in both how I feel and how I now treat my body. Focus on healing and taking it easy. You're not supposed to be 100% right now so allow yourself the permission & space you need in this time that your body is going through such HUGE changes! Glad you're feeling better!
  18. Different Drs say different things. I had no pre op diet except to eat liquids only the night before -- including broth which would have protein.......you should check with your Dr though............
  19. bandayed

    Surgery Monday - HELP!!!

    I've had my period 2X in 3 weeks since I got banded but didn't have it on the actual day. I did ask my mom who is a nurse about your period & surgery just out of curiosity. She says they just give you a big granna pad and some mesh panties and remove them during the procedure for the catheter. Not sure about after with the catheter though. I think it's true though your body does it just from stress...........don't worry, I'm sure they've seen worse. If you think of it, 25% of women undergoing surgeries would probably have it...............
  20. I have been putting EVERYTHING in the blender -- chili, corn soup, soup with chicken etc I just add alittle water and blend it minimally (watch for the air as previously mentioned) I have had no problems, and I'm 3 weeks post op. Good luck, and it's not you, liquids is HARD AS HELL!
  21. bandayed

    soft food stage...(some questions)

    OK charlie and bandman -- here's one for you. I am technically on liquids too still but tomorrow marks 3 weeks with my band. I cannot look at anymore soup or jello and my last protein shake actually gagged me! I went to my favorite mexican restaurant, brought home chili and put it in the blender (with just a touch of water). I ate it topped with guacamole and sour cream. Probably not the best low fat or cholesterol choice, but I figure I eat so little and it's my big treat for the day. By the time my Dr appt rolls around it's almost 4 weeks on liquids. I just couldn't hack it anymore! I had no probs whatsoever. I tried tuna salad yesterday and got stuck though -- tuna is not very forgiving
  22. bandayed

    cough & cold

    Sorry about your cold....I am just on the tail end of a killer cough. To top it off, I have only had my band since 10/24 so everytime I cough I feel like I'm ripping apart all my stitches inside. I try not to cough which of course makes me feel worse. I can't take pills right now, so I've been existing on adult liquid tylenol and dimetapp. Drinking the stuff makes me feel like I'm drinking peppermint schnapps under the bleachers at a high school football game!!! LOL! Oh, well it helps, but it's no miracle cure! feel better soon
  23. bandayed

    BIDMC - Dr. Schiender patients!

    I got banded by Dr Schneider on Oct 24 and I think he's great. I wasn't crazy about my hospital care after as I had a crazy roommate, and was on a busy floor and somewhat self sufficient I got bumped to the back of the line alot. I love the whole bariatric program though and wish you all the best!
  24. bandayed

    Regret and depressed

    Please allow yourself the time your body and mind need. Like many others here, I support your decision either way, but know that how you feel is a completely normal reaction to what your body and mind are going through. I was very weepy for a week and have pulled it together somewhat but having a low # of calories, taking pain meds, possibly being caffeine free or reduced for the first time -- all play major roles in your feelings and stamina. Listen to your Dr, give your body some time. I had trouble swallowing the barium in the hospital, and some vomitting the first few days but I am now doing better entering week # 3. If you continue to have problems, maybe your Dr will check to be sure you areen't too restricted. It's might just post -op swelling that is complicating things for you. Take it day by day!
  25. bandayed


    Hey Tina -- had my first today -- 2 bites of tuna salad and I knew it was bad! Same thing, I tried to eat slowly and chew but I guess not slowly enough!!1 I walked around my house for 45 mins until it passed. Tried taking afew sips, but it def made it worse. I'm no pro, but I think you just have to wait it out. What alot of pain it was!!! Hopefully I've learned my lesson!

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