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LAP-BAND Patients
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Everything posted by bandayed

  1. bandayed

    Swallowing gum

    My doc too advised against gum -- but shhhh I chew it still. I wouldn't swallow it on purpose though. I think if I did I would be nervous, but at the same time, I feel like it would go through........do you mean to swallow it when you do, or do you do it by mistake?
  2. bandayed

    stinky breath after banding??

    The dietician I see told me that the weight we lose is burned as fuel for our hungry systems as well as exhaled. Just as our breath has water in it, solids or by products from them as our body uses our stores are exhaled as you are losing weight. I sometimes notice it when I drink water now. The first sip is gross, and I think it is actually not the water, but what it is rinsing off my tongue -- GROSS!
  3. bandayed

    Hello!!! I am Back!!!!!

    You have a gorgeaous smile and I'm glad your outlook is headed up -- you have alot and there's even more to come! It's all in how you look at things........greajob on the 40 keep it up!
  4. bandayed

    darn period.... wide open band!

    WAIT JUST A MINUTE! How did I miss this connection!?!?!? Tighter when you have your period ????? I will have to pay attention now since I've had my period like 5X in the 9 or 10 weeks I've been banded -- no wonder I'm losing weight LOL -- I thought I was a super bandster -- turns out I'm just a homone queen! What is the reasoning behind this -- water weight causing tightness around the band or something? I'm baffled!
  5. bandayed

    Christmas PB? Post here....

    one piece of shrimp with cocktail sauce OK.....2 pieces of shrimp with cocktail sauce: like I swallowed granite. And there it sat imitating a golf ball for most of the rest of the day......mushies today for me too!
  6. bandayed

    Where did I go wrong??

    I just answered a similar thread and will repeat myself here (sorry). If I even tried to eat too much, I could not. It is all due to my fill (which was tiny, but I have great restriction). I think that if you can eat like you used to, you aren't restricted properly. We all got the band for a reason -- to lose weight, and we all had food issues before that made the band the right choice for us, so I say if it's not working for you, get a fill (or two) and then let the band do it's work. Don't be disouraged now. Once it is properly tuned, your band will work for you instead of you TRYING to do all the work yoursefl!
  7. I think the rules are to help acheive MAXIMUM weight loss. I now have such restiction that even if I broke the rules I would still not gain weight. Even if I tried to overeat, I could not. Maybe you should talk to your Doc about a fill schedule and put that band to work for you! You had the surgery for a reason and if it's not doing it's job, I say get it adjusted so it can. Good luck!
  8. bandayed

    One year...time for endo?

    Good for you -- after reading Delara's posts about her endo and the results, I am glad you are going for one. Especially if you have port issues. How long since you have had a fill, maybe that's just what you need. Good luck with your upcoming appt!
  9. Congrats to all you will be Bandsters! Good for you for doing your research. There is an unbelievable wealth of knowlege here! As far as the "bad" things you may read here, please remember that this is a support forum and people tend to seek support in bad times. In other words, the info here may sometimes be skewed to the negative side of things just b/c people ask questions and seek advice when they are having problems rather than when things are going great! So take it with a grain of salt. Best wishes on your upcoming surgeries and welcome to LBT!
  10. bandayed

    Get an Endoscopy!

    You were right to listen to your body! Thank God you insisted on the endo before things became an emergency. I'm sorry to hear you'll be losing your band, but I'm glad you checked it out! I am definately going to mark my calendar to start pestering my Doc for an endo about a year from my surgery date. There's nothing they can do though if they see it beginning right? I mean there's no adjustment or anything that will stop it right? Best wishes Delara -- I hope you experience the phantom banding I've been reading about.........and hey, congrats on the 5,000 posts!
  11. bandayed

    3 months since surgery and still NO period

    Merry Christmas I guess!
  12. Delara-- don't you have ANYTHING to say about this??????
  13. bandayed

    3 months since surgery and still NO period

    I think weightloss wreaks havoc on your hormones. I got banded at the end of Oct, and I kid you not, I have had 4 or 5 complete periods since then (Believe me, I'm not gloating). I just think the changes, "trauma" and dietary differences our bodies are going through makes your whole cycle freak out! If the test says your not, then you're not -- try to relax. Maybe if you don't get it by the beginning of the new year, your Doc could put you on a quick cycle of progesterone to bump you up.....It will come (then you'll wish it didn't) :eek:
  14. I had pretty good restriction with NO fill -- had some difficulty with certain foods for example and could only eat a little at a time. I got a fill anyways -- only 1/2 cc and I can't believe the difference - it was immediate. I am pretty much still on liquids and some mushies and I got it over a week ago! Hey-- I've lost 3lbs so I guess I can't complain! I think that I'm an unusual case though....
  15. Vines -- I'm with Delara -- not one to be overly mushy so I have to say that it sux when you're doing the right stuff and it's not working. Just think of all those other issues & meds though-- they have to have an effect on your system right? And when you decided to get banded, wasn't it to be more healthry? Hello?!?!? You can friggin breathe now, and did I hear you say run? I have a vague recollection of that from my childhood! Hang in there, do something crazy and fun, and F the scale, you bought a large jacket! I haven't done tht since High School! Count you blessing and screw the scale!
  16. bandayed

    Feeling Pregnant

    I think that the no BM could definately make you feel bloated. Maybe start with colace or some metamucil......you are still just recovering though. I think that if you don't eat much, you can't go much but if it goes over a week I think you should call the Dr back. Welcome to band land!
  17. bandayed

    Is this Possible?????

    I have not had direct personal experience in my reaction to stress changing since I got my band, but I do know that when I am stressed out my whole chest is tighter. Paying attention to it and really stopping and taking a few deep breaths (simple as it sounds) makes a HUGE difference! I too was an emotional eater and now after a stressful busy day I find myself kind of at odds with what to do with myself since I used to settle down with a nice reward bowl of ice cream. Now I am sometimes restless. I have (corny as it sounds) learned to like this extra energy/figity feeling since I know it means that I am on my way to a thinner, healthier me!
  18. bandayed

    Do you take ibuprofen?

    I guess further proof that each Doc is different. I have no restriction on pan meds (including NSAIDS) but I am forbidden carbonation. My Doc also said NOT to rely on Birth Control pills -- to use another option. I guess the more you use something, the more you have to worry about the side effects/outcomes. I don't use pain relievers much , but I do miss Diet Coke!
  19. bandayed

    This is almost comical?almost

    Don't be discouraged -- it is definately a process. Not sure how the insurance plans vary state to state, but I live in MA and have BC/BS and had no prob getting approval. The policy says anyone with BMI 40+ is eligible, and I got my approval within a week of scheduling my surgery. Just lucky I guess. Getting in to the appts/program at my hospital was a little more tricky -- had to go to an info session first and then fill out an 11 page app! But once I was in it was easier to schedule subsequent appts.....Stick with it, the results are worth it!
  20. bandayed


    Ok everyone is concerned and sending you are best so that seems under control. Now for the big question, was your new suit OK?
  21. I had "regular food" right up to the day before my surgery. I think you are preparing your body for the changes ahead as well as trying to decrease the fattiness of the liver. Not all Docs even reccommend a pre op liquid regimen (mine didn't). The purpose of pre op diets is to reduce that puffy liver and decrease fat around your organs if possible. Whatever you do, don't cheat the day before your sugery. Follow your Dr's advice to the T for that day so as not to complicate the actual surgery other than that, put your guilt away and move forward.......you are not a bad bandster, liquid diet is HARD!
  22. bandayed

    Part 2 feeling even MORE Stupid...

    leave the turkey alone -- it's not that good anyways! Stick with the ground turkey and coldcuts to get your turkey fix. Listen to your body and JUST SAY NO to dark meat turkey!
  23. Hi Magic -- I got banded at BIDMC by Dr Schneider too and loved the program there. My insurance covered it as well (except the $500 fee). It is a great program. My friend was banded at the Brigham and she loves it there too. I think the 2 programs are very similar. I did hear someone at the desk at BIDMC say that the surgery was close to 35K if you were self paying..... Good luck with your decision! BIDMC has info sessions the 1st & 3rd thurs of the month in the evening that you can go check out the team as well as meet other bandsters there for the support group it is open to all...........
  24. How bad is the cold? I got a chest cold while I was recovering from my surgery and it was miserable. Everytime I coughed it felt like someone was stabbing me. I was so afraid of tearing stiches, dislodging my band, and popping my incisions open. I would not reccomend it to anyone. Be upfront with your Doc and see what he/she suggests. Good luck! You've come this far, a couple of days more may be worth it......................
  25. bandayed

    Food Stages

    How old are your twins? I'm a twin mom too to 4 1/2 year old boy girl twins

PatchAid Vitamin Patches
