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Everything posted by bandayed

  1. bandayed

    ok as we slip into March

    Hey guys -- I'm waiting on spring too. The cold usually doesn't bother me, but I am bothered by it this winter. Not sure if it's losing weight, or having less fuel for the interior fires (food) but I have been FREEZING this winter! Recently hit the 50lb mark and I'm pretty excited -- we were at a hotel last week with a pool and I had to don the dreaded bathing suit....guess what -- it was too big! Not too noticealbe in jeans or sweaters, but a too big bathing suit -- not good. I rummaged up an old black tank I had and made do with that even though it was so old the elastic was crackling on the leg holes. I'll definately need to do the hideous bathing suit shopping before summer rolls around. Maybe it won't be as horrifying this time! Think spring everyone!
  2. bandayed

    I HATE flossing.

    I was just thinking how I've dropped off on the flossing. I feel like btw taking my calcium supplement, drinking my fiber powder, working out 1/2 hour a day, reading to each of my 4 children 20 minutes a day, mosturizing, cleansing and toning my face, let alone working, taking care of the family, commuting 1.5 hours, and sleeping 7 hours -- what else are we supposed to do DAILY ........and how many hours are in that day??????? Well I guess somethings gotta give!
  3. My hospital charges a $500 fee for the bariatric program. Brigham & Womes Hospital in Boston has a similar fee which I believe is $300. I thought it was pretty standard so I never questioned it !?!?!?!?!
  4. bandayed

    My DH's Birthday Cake.........crap

    cake freezes really well too..................
  5. Shortly before I was banded I was out to dinner with DH in a very quaint restaurant in the North End of Boston (Italian food). It is odd we get an evening out as we have 4 small children. We were having a great time being adults and the mood was very romantic. All that was about to change. All the places in the North End are small and homey and really cool. It would be odd for there to be more than 15 tables in a place. We got there early and ate a fabulous dinner. When it came time to leave I realized that the restaurant was so small, and since we had arrived they seated people all around us -- there was no way out. We had tickets to a hockey game so we had to get going (plus I had to pee -- too much wine). In the end, 4 separate couples had to get up from their dinners and move their chairs and tables to get me out. The restaurant hostess got involved and the place was so small, everyone was looking and turning to see what the commotion was. I felt like such a spectacle and will never go there again even if I'm thin -- it was so hurtful. Needless to say, the hockey game was not much fun! It was one of the final straws though that made my decision to seek banding so maybe it wasn't ALL bad.......................
  6. bandayed

    Fun Thread - Screen Names

    my last name is Day and I wanted to incorporate band into my name and since I have such high hopes my band will make me "better" it is like a bandaid hence bandayed (pronounce bandaid).....just came to me immediately!
  7. bandayed

    Post-op menstruation question for women

    There is NO WAY that I would use NFP right now. I was banded in Oct and have had my period at least 8 separate times. I am not sure that all of these periods are related to ovulation or not. One medical professional told me it is due to all the progesterone and estrogen being released from the fat your body is shedding as you lose weight. Either way, with 4 kids already, I would not take a chance. If I were you I would use another method if a pregnancy would be difficult for you right now. Everyone is different, but my periods are on the increase rather than the decline.........
  8. bandayed

    A Wow moment..

    That's so cool! See if Cosmo will pick up some of the cost :confused: You must be so excited -- public recognition of all your hard work!
  9. bandayed

    I Did It!!! (50 Pounds Gone Guys)

    WOOT! WOOT! How great is that!?!?!?!?!? Yipee! Good for YOU!
  10. bandayed

    Eating chips and dip in bed

    It is a bittersweet feeling when those old behaviors creep back. I know what you mean about "sad for the old you". Be happy for the new you though -- you realized the alternative and stopped yourself. I've said it before, and I'll say it again the biggest (and I think best) thing the band does for us is to slowly change us in the ways we may not even realize straight off the bat, but ways that really matter in the long term. Good for you Megan for bagging up those chips!
  11. bandayed

    I Ate The Paczki

    I had never heard of a packzi either -- looks like a krispy kreme though....I just had a similar traditional temtation -- drove by the local fried clam place and nearly got whiplash when I saw their "OPEN FOR THE SEASON" sign. I romped on the gas and sped by -- don't know how long I can resist -- that's a spring ritual round here -- stoppin at the Rosewood for a fried shrimp plate! Why oh why are all the traditions so naught? Anyone have a cultural/seasonal/family tradition that revolves around steamed broccoli?!?!?!?!?
  12. :clap2:Well, I'm pretty excited this morning and I know my lapband family will understand why -- my scale showed a 50 pound loss as of this morning! I feel like shouting it from the rooftops, but it's a pretty odd thing to bring up in conversation with passersby!!!! I knew this was the place to make my announcement. I couldn't wait to change my ticker! Going away on a ski trip for a few days tomorrow -- hopefully I'll keep those last few pounds off that I just lost!
  13. Work it girlfriend! Way to go! Love to change the ticker! Keep it up!
  14. Focus on healing right now, not weight loss -- don't beat yourself up over bad choices, just resolve to make better ones tomorrow. Healing now and setting the right patterns will help you in the coming months with weight loss. Don't try to test your band or push it to see what you CAN eat, try to eat only what you need to. If you are eating because you are HUNGY then eat protein --shakes, cottage cheese, yogurt if allowed. If you eat the softest and highest protein foods you can find, you will be doing your band good AND your body & hopefully mind will be more sated with the higher protein. My Dr allowed such things during liquid phase -- check with yours. I am sure your band is fine for now, but let your body heal and let everything settle in. Now is not a time to be pushing the limits.....you got the surgery because you wanted to change your old habits, right? Let the band help you do just that.
  15. bandayed

    Book 'em Dano! The big 5-0

    Thank you all SO MUCH!!!! I knew you guys would know how major this is for me!! I'm just glad we have this forum to get this kind of feedback otherwise it would be just a private victory and I am WAY too proud and have worked way too hard to keep quiet on this one!!!!Thanks guys for your support!
  16. bandayed

    Accidentally Ripped Off Steri Strip

    how long ago was your surgery? I would think it would be fine. Same thing happened to me, but I was about a week or more out. I will say that I have a thicker scar where that happened. I would keep bacitracin or antibiotic ointment on it to minimize scarring & infection. If it scabs up too much, the scar will be lumpier.............maybe you should call your Doc
  17. bandayed

    Book 'em Dano! The big 5-0

    I am one of the idiots who can't get pics onto the board. Penni had to do my avatar....if someone tells me how, I could send some. I have this really gross before pic -- I look like the Cheshire Cat in Alice in Wonderland!
  18. bandayed

    2006 January Chat

    Hey Sherry -- glad to hear you're doing better. Did you know that BIDMC considers liquids anything that will go through a straw? That means you can have yogurt, cottage cheese, blended soup, cream of wheat, liquidy mashed potatoes, applesauce etc..... It's much more lenient than most other Docs liquid phases. Hang in there -- it seems long now, but once it's done, it's like it never happened. The next stage isn't that much different -- 3 weeks on mushies which since our Doc is so lenient on liquids, is almost the same...........And do take it easy -- healing well now can make your band experience that much more successful!
  19. bandayed

    2006 January Chat

    Just wondering how all my fellow MA bandsters are doing -- especially the newbies....I am pretty plateaued right now -- no loss, but no gain. i went to the Dr and he said to wait on a fill until I am no longer losing. (I've lost 14lbs since my last appt in Dec, but nothing in about a month). He said to make sure I had stopped losing before getting a fill since I have restriction and my body might just be catching up...........and then show a loss again. He didn't want me over restricted. Better safe than sorry I guess, but I hate working so hard at it to have no reults............ check in when you can.....
  20. bandayed

    Insurance woes

    I, too have BCBS -- HMO Blue and my surgery was covered too. Did you speak directly to the company? Don't rely on what the medical center is telling you, call Blue Cross.. My only not covered expense was the psychiatrist and $500 program fee
  21. bandayed

    Protein Or Whey Protein????????

    I tryied a soy protein and it was yucky -- I only tried 1 though. Had much better luck with the whey types. I liked Designer protein the best.........
  22. bandayed

    Two Dogs dumped at my house...

    The mystery is driving me crazy! Aren't you dying to know their backgrounds?!??!?!? They are both adorable. I think the lab mix's name should have something to do with her white feet - like socks or boots or a shoe name like nike or something..............glad they checked out OK....keep us posted
  23. bandayed

    Things that got stuck in your orifices.

    OK, I'd have to strip down too -- that is bogus -- not just a bug, but a cockroach first of all AND a bug that's been inside someone's noggin -- I'm ALL set! I'm in the market for lightweight ear muffs.......
  24. bandayed

    Suckiest Birthday Of My Life!!!

    I have to say it too, all along I was thinking that you were in you late 20s too! I think it's funny how we all think we know what each other looks like based on a 1cm square picture! You look fab in any case! Sorry about your contracting woes I have to say that it is why I HATE home improvement. It NEVER goes as planned -- WHY!!????? My house was built in 1849 and just deciding to rewallpaper can turn into a month long odyssey into hell! Just pick a random day next week and have a do-over on your bday...treat yourself!
  25. bandayed

    Things that got stuck in your orifices.

    Ok besides being TOTALLY HILARIOUS! I am horrified by Lisa's mom's story -- how delusional is she -- I mean if a bug can actually get in your ear I am going to have to start wearing ear muffs -- DAILY! Did she imagine it, or can it happen!?!?!?!? Tell me true.............remember the Urban myth about the lady with the boil on her face that she lanced and spiders crawled out??? Let me tell you, I will NEVER forget it! I'm not really afraid of bugs, but this whole parasitic using us as a host thing totally bogs me out!

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