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LAP-BAND Patients
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Everything posted by bandayed

  1. bandayed

    Nontraditional Curse Words

    My new favorite expletive came out of effing but needed an abbreviation b/c of how fast life moves. Now I just exclaim "FNA" (instread of effing A)
  2. bandayed

    Ridiculous thing we?ve believed

    Going along with the ice cream truck thing -- we td our kids it was the trash truck (we have curbside pick up). Unfortunately trash day is also a big and exciting attraction to preschoolers. One summer evening when we heard the ice cream man coming my kids all ran out of the house yelling the trash guy! The trash guy! All the other kids in the neighborhood think my kids are psychotic now. We felt so bad, we broke the myth and bought them pops.............
  3. bandayed

    Expecting Too much

    OK I've tried my best to be a good bandster. I've eaten protein first, I work out whenever I can, I have kissed bread, steak, soda and beer goodbye. I have really learned to live peacefully with my band. My scales show 50 lbs gone. Yeah! Here's my problem: very few people have noticed this weight loss. Most of my clothes still fit too -- except the fattest of the fatty stuff. I feel like I have made the commitment, done alot of work, and the cosmetic results are not coming. I know I am healthier, I know I feel better. I'm not just fluffing those two MAJOR things off; but at the same time, I am waiting for the "looking good" part. Am I expecting too much? DH of course loves the way I am looking and frequently compliments me -- God Bless him -- he is so supportive. I am just wanting people on the street to be stopping me and saying I used to know someone who looked like you, but she was heavy........I kow I am still a big girl, but I've never lost this much weight before and I just thought the results would be a little more rewarding. Is anyone else in the same boat?
  4. bandayed

    Beware Of The Ides Of March.

    Napoleon Dynamite -- endlessly quotable! DH spouts The Holy Grail and Caddy Shack constantly! Sad, but due to our sudden in flux of children (4 in 5 years) we now mostly quote things like Shrek and El Dorado...............
  5. bandayed

    Expecting Too much

    I know you guys are of course right -- if I take even a second to think about it LOGICALLY I know what's going on. Emotionally though, I guess I just didn't expect to feel so mediocre about something that I've wanted to do for so long, and am finally doing.................
  6. bandayed

    Low Rise Jeans and Thong Panties

    Low riders aren't for me either -- if you are a square and your hips aren't wider than your waist, you feel like you're going to lose them all day -- best thong or not, I wanna keep my pants ON until I decide to take 'em off! And that muffin top thing -- I HATE it when I see girls that aren't even that heavy, but they have it just b/c they make the wrong jean choice! They look so bad...........
  7. bandayed

    Food no-no s

    chabutter -- you have forgotten the dreaded chocolate, peanutbutter and butter -- all of which LIQUIFY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  8. bandayed

    Pics Of My Boys

    SOOOOOOO cute!
  9. bandayed

    My New Battery Operated Cha-Cha Heels

    Don't do anything I wouldn't do.......HAHAHAHAHAH
  10. bandayed

    Embarassing Gas syptoms

    I too am familiar with this sound
  11. bandayed

    Calling all long time banders.

    Not sure I'm what you'd consider a long time bandster but I noticed after my first fill that I was extremely restricted for 3 weeks. After that I found I could eat alot too! i guess the point though is to NOT do this -- only eat what you need to and leave the rest. I am waiting on a second fill as well. I have had less & less restriction over the last few weeks and my weight loss has slowed way down (stopped) I had a pulling sensation at about 1.5 -2 months post op but it was closer to one of my upper incisions. Doc said it was a subcutaneous stitch he uses to "hold things in place" after a couple weeks of this feeling -- it was gone too. Not sure if it dissolved, or if fat loss made everything reposition or what, but it hasn't recurred................always check with your Doc though, especially if you think it is related to eating.
  12. bandayed

    NSV - Waistline is back

    Work it girl!
  13. bandayed

    Weight gain prior to menstrual cycle

    I just give up weighing during my friend -- it is discouraging! I never really had the weight gain with my period prior to banding. Everything is different now with my cycle -- including the 2X month frequency! But I have noticed that if I lose weight it is after the friend comes & goes -- definately not during! And cheri, don't feel bad, I had2 muffins yesterday since my friend is here......I PBd on one and still had another later -- how stong is that munchie urge!?!?!?
  14. bandayed

    Has anyone lost weight but not pant sizes?

    I have lost 52 pounds and only gone down 1 pants size. I try to console myself by saying I must be losing it elsewhere -- unfortunately I am only down 1 bra size and 1 shirt size too. I feel so much smaller, but honestly unless I'm naked I'm not even sure you can tell I've lost weight. Maybe with the next 50?????????????????
  15. Hi all -- just checking in to see if anyone's skin is changing with weight loss. I know that losing fat releases hormones from the fat stores (I know b/c I now get my monthly friend at least twice a month -- joy), but I was wondering if anyone knows if this same process of hormone release can cause breakouts? My skin right now looks like I'm waiting to go to the prom and did a moisturizing treatment that backfired! Anyone else all zitty like me?????????
  16. I have heard that Lexapro is better since it doesn't cause weight gain. I take celexa and I know it made me gain weight but I am not ready to go off it..............I am going to ask about lexapro at my next appt. I think the trauma going on with your body right now is MAJOR and there is a huge adjustment period following surgery. Try to bear with it and allow yourself to feel down for a while if it's not too too bad. Good luck with your testing & hang in there. Sorry you are going through this...................
  17. bandayed

    199!!! I Am In Onederland!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    Wow Wow Wow!!!!!! I am soooo happy for you -- you are like a model bandster! Congrats on the SV!!!!!!! Can't wait to join your ranks! Amazing job! Go out and treat yourself -- maybe a spa pedicure for those adorable piggies of yours!
  18. bandayed

    Fun thread: bonehead docs

    I was away on vacation with extended family. One of the "uncles" there is a Dr., I was having terrible allergies and my throat was bothering me. He said I should go to the ER to get a strep test. I said that I thought it was just post nasal drip from mildew etc by the shore and he said -- that's weird -- I never heard of post nasal drip causing a sore throat. I just stared at him -- Isn't that WHAT IT IS!?!?!?!?! Scary -- this guys is a big time Doc too!
  19. bandayed

    ok as we slip into March

    My program does not do a LD prior to surgery. I did liquids for 3 weeks post op and mushies for 3 weeks after that
  20. bandayed

    ok as we slip into March

    Hi Vickie -- good for you for starting to ask questions! I am finding that having a band is an ongoing changing situation so I cannot say that there are foods I cannot have. At certain times, however, I have had problems with: bread, meat, chicken, Pasta, raw veggies, pizza, tunafish. Other times I have been fine with these items. It just depends on how they are prepared, what you've eaten already, and if you've had any other PBs (food stuck & possible vomitting) in the last 24 hours. People also say their menstrual cycle makes a difference in their restriction level too. The band has been great for my marriage -- DH is very supportive and loves his new sassy wife! He is very supportive and I brought him to several meetings at the hospital prior to my surgery so he knew almost as much as I did going into it -- support is VERY important. I was scared of making the final decision just b/c there was so much unknown and I was afraid of any pain. I look back now though and think "why!?!?!" it is the best thing I have ever done for myself. It is not easy, you have to be committed to making it work. There will be times that are very hard, but on the other end there are some of the best rewards -- and only some of them have to do with being thinner! Read more more more!
  21. bandayed

    ok as we slip into March

    Welcome Vickie! Let us know if you have any questions!
  22. Margo -- Keep up the good work! Try not to let those self doubting devils get to you-- your #s look great! Plateaus are frustrating when you are working hard, but it's all part of it! I recently didn't loose a pound for about 6 weeks and I have been eating right and working out (hard) at the gym 4X week. All of a sudden this week, 2 more pounds off with no further change. It is OK to eat rice cakes and chex mix in moderation -- I think all of us bandsters are so programmed to be 100% focused on our weight loss and nutrition 100% of the time, we get the guilts if we eat anything aside from our PROTEIN! Everything happens in stages and remember if you're not losing pounds, you might be losing inches! Cut yourself some slack -- you're doing great!
  23. bandayed


    So weird -- last 2 pairs of shoes I bought were smaller -- the first pair I got a 9.5 down from a 10 and I thought it was a fluke but the second pair was a 9 hmmm I think I see a trend here. Maybe after another 50lbs I'll be back to my 8.5s!
  24. bandayed

    lossing hair.... helpme

    I am 4 months post op and starting taking biotin about a month ago -- my hair loss is definately slowing down. I am not sure if it's the biotin or if my shedding phase is over.........nothing ventured, nothing gained though -- the bariatric dietician told me to take 2 tablets daily. You can just buy it at the drugstore with the other vitamins........There's no way I could add more protein to my diet, but someone reccommended high protein shampoo -- haven't looked into that yet, but it may be worth a try. I think that once the hair is ear marked to be shed though there is not much you can do to stop it. You just have to prevent further loss.......break the cycle!
  25. bandayed

    Drinking with meals?

    I actually thought it ws b/c the liquid would cause foods in the pouch to blow up from absorbtion and have a hard time passing through the stoma (think of a wet piece of brea and how big it gets). My Doc told me on my last visit though that if you drink with meals it makes everything into a kind of soup and think of what is easiest to eat -- 2 cups of chicken soup, or 2 cups of chicken & veggies..........in other words the liquids enable too much eating. I think it is the combo of both factors...I have to admit though, I sometimes take small sips of water -- it is a very hard habit to break.....................

PatchAid Vitamin Patches
