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Gastric Sleeve Patients
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Posts posted by curlychic32

  1. This is a bit of a vent and a lot of questions...

    I'm concerned I'm not eating enough. I'm 3 weeks out and on soft foods. I've just recently had my surgeon change my acid pills because I was having terrible heartburn that inflamed my sleeve. I'm a bit better now, but I don't think I'm eating enough, and I'm not sure I'm doing this right. Yesterday, I measured out 1/3 cup of cottage cheese with some crushed up pears for Breakfast. I try to eat only about 1 tsp a minute or so, but each one makes my sleeve contract in pain. By 5 tsp or so, I'm full and tired of the pain so I stop. I can't drink my Protein shakes because they are just too sweet. I'm going to try my GENEPRO unflavored in a bit of chocolate milk today. Anyway, I ate 3 ounces of refried Beans for lunch which took me 15 minutes or so because of the pain, and then dinner I had 1/2 cup of roast beef hash which went down nicely but was way too much by the end. I even tried to eat a pudding with GENEPRO in it to get my Protein in but I'm too full and uncomfortable after half of the snack pack. I totaled 545 calories yesterday and 50g of protein which I know is not enough.

    Should I just eat way slower and keep trying to get this food in, or is it ok to be this low? I'm having such a hard time telling "full" from the pain because every bite of food that isn't liquid makes my sleeve contract in pain, and it does this the whole time I eat. I don't really know when to stop because I know I can't be full from one small bite, so when am I supposed to stop?? I'm feeling so confused and discouraged. I'm losing weight, but I am not eating enough to have any energy, and I've been feeling terrible the last few days. I'm supposed to walk 2 miles a day, but how can I do that when I'm barely eating anything??

  2. I know this is a strange question. But we bought a house with a GIANT flower garden in the back yard that rims our pool. It is terribly overgrown and I planned to take a few days off in early May to cut down, dig out, re-plant etc. with the help of my husband. My plan was for 7 weeks after surgery because that is just before everything would start to get out of hand again.

    Is this too short of a healing time to be on my hands and knees, turning, twisting, shoveling, raking etc?

    Please don't say have my husband do it all, the man weed wacked my hostas last spring because he thought they were weeds.

  3. I used to have a fit bit one that I clipped to my bra but found that it was terrible at tracking my steps and calories. Now that I'm just about to have my surgery I'd like to get another one but I'm not sure which one to go for. I'd really like one that could accurately track the calories I burn in a day. What does everyone use? Does it seem to track well?

  4. Band aid makes this little stick that looks like a tiny deodorant, and it's called friction block or blister guard. It works great to rub on your feet if you have new shoes or ones that rub and give you problems, and it would also work well for the excess skin areas that are rubbing and getting irritated. It is dry and just a bit waxy and makes the skin area slippery.

  5. I took the advice of a poster on a different thread a while back. I have hard line absolutely not foods, and soft line foods that are in very small quantities and frequency. I determine a hard line food by if it leads me to eat more, crave more etc. My hard lines are Bagels, Cookies, pastries, candy or other things like that. If I have one, it never stops at one because I crave and crave and crave. This leads to justifying it, I already had one so I failed for the day, might as well have 3 more. Especially if it is readily accessible. I tell myself I'm sorry you can't have that, but you just can't. Other people call these trigger foods, something that you just have to accept is something you cannot have.

    My soft line foods are things that aren't the best for me but I won't crave them for days after like a small bit of Pasta, ice cream or a French fry or two from my sons plate. Something that is tasty and satisfying but not something that puts me over the edge.

  6. I've been super nervous about the GENEPRO. I just don't see how they get so much in such a small scoop! I hope it's true. I ordered unflavored piping rock and the scoop is HUGE :(

    Takes me a whole day to get in a scoop in my liquids. The matrix Nectars were very good (certain ones) preop but now even they are nasty. Guess I'm just roughing it out til food comes :)

    Go to YouTube and search for genpro. There is a genpro guy that discusses how they do it. They put the Protein through a chemical reaction that removes some enzymes that allows the molecules to shrink down, so you get all of the Protein but it is half it's size. I love it, I put it in everything and it really helps keep my protein quantity up.

  7. I'm not sleeved yet so I can't answer to my own experience. But search the site for hormones and acne and you'll see a ton of people who discuss the hormones that surge the first couple of weeks as your body breaks down the fat where they are stored. People break out for a few weeks, cry for no reason etc.

  8. I have pretty bad dust allergies so when I get any kind of phlegm in my stomach, it makes me very nauseous. I asked a doctor about it before and he said that there is a ton of bacteria and yucky stuff in the phlegm that our stomach wasn't designed to break down or deal with. This causes the upset or nauseous feeling at least in my case. I know you're drinking all of your Water like you should be :P but make sure you stay hydrated to dilute the yucky stuff in your tummy. Tea always helped me. I hope you fee better!

  9. I am 1.5 months pre-op, and for about 5 months now, I've been having terrible acne on my chin. I think they are stress/hormonal because they are cystic in nature, always in the same place and painful. I'm having a terrible time leaving them alone because they are so painful. My question is...although most people report an increase in acne after their surgery, did anyone have acne pre-op, and see an improvement after the surgery instead? I don't see the point in seeing a dermatologist at this point as my hormones are going to go bananas after my surgery anyway. If it's still terrible a few months post-op I will go. I'm just looking to see if anyone had a more positive change in acne after the surgery.

  10. I am scheduled for March 16th. I have been approved by insurance, endoscopy and hospital class are done. I have to wait until after 2/16/16 to have the gall bladder ultrasound, chest x-ray and blood work because my surgeon wants that all to be no more than 1 month old at time of surgery. On March 7th I start a restricted calorie high Protein diet and on March 13th I go on the liquid diet. I can't wait!! I'm so ready for this.

  11. About 5 months ago I injured one of my knees while doing some modified cross fit with my husband (I was on the 6 month medically supervised diet and exercise). It was a terrible pain on the side and back of my knee with very little swelling but my doctor just could not see anything. I had an xray done but it was normal, so she believes there's a bakers cyst and I would need to go to a sports medicine doctor for mri or treatment. It's finally tolerable after 5 months but it's definitely not "normal". I've spent so much money on all of my medical appointments leading up to my surgery that is planned for 3/16/16 and I just got my insurance approval that I just don't want to spend more money on a sports doctor if they will literally tell me that I need to lose weight to take pressure off of my knees. My question for you that have already had the surgery, is did you notice that dropping weight rapidly in the beginning took away any knee pain for you? Would you recommend that I still go see a sports medicine doctor or wait and see how it feels a few months after surgery?

  12. When I saw this thread I thought you meant you have a hard time tolerating the Water. The above advice is good. But are you having an OK time getting the Water down in the first place? That is the challenge most of us have at first.

    Lol, no I can tolerate the water just fine, it's the fact that I'm simply not thirsty. Before considering surgery I could go 2-3 days before I realized all I'd drank was 2 cups of coffee in the morning and that's it. I just don't get thirsty. So I sit it right by my elbow and try to drink it all day despite not having any desire to drink it. I add mio or crystal light to make it taste better, but I simply don't ever pick it up with the thought "gosh I'm thirsty". Plus it I have to go to the bathroom 50 times a day! From what I've read above my body will get more used to it so I'll keep drowning myself. Thanks everyone!

  13. I am having a terrible time with my Water. Ever since I was a little kid, I just don't really get thirsty. I can work out, walk several miles etc. and I don't get thirsty. The only time I was ever thirsty was when I was pregnant and as soon as my son was born, boom-not thirsty. When I had my ultrasounds back then, they even told me that my bladder was near bursting with the small amount of Water I was told to drink to get a clear ultrasound, and apparently I have an abnormally small bladder. Nothing serious at all, just kind of a "huh" moment. Now that I am being told by the nut to drink at least 64 oz of water a day, I'm drowning and literally peeing every 10 minutes. Just minutes after emptying my bladder, I feel like I have to go again and try to make myself wait at least 10 minutes. If I drink 64oz of water a day, I get up at least 3 times a night to pee! I have even had an MRI of my abdomen/bladder etc. to make sure it is all working correctly. Is this just how I'm going to have to live my life from now on? I'm sorry if it's TMI, but who really has time to pee this much? I feel like I live in the restroom!

  14. I'm currently pre-op just waiting on pins and needles for my approval to come through and I'm looking for ideas for lunch and Snacks once I'm fully healed. My mother bought me several bento boxes (she's had the surgery) because she knows I take my Breakfast, lunch and Snacks to the office every day, and if I didn't bring it, I don't eat it. What are some things that everyone eats? I'd like to have a large list to choose from so I don't eat the same things every day, because this causes me to cheat. I get bored with the same stuff and venture into the break room...

  15. I have my 5th appointment with my Dr. today (out of 7) for the 6 month medically supervised diet. My surgeons office told me that toward the end of my 6 months they'd schedule me for my nut classes and other pre-op testing while they wait for the insurance to approve. This takes place in months 6-7 and then surgery is scheduled. Maybe your surgeon has a lot of patients so it takes longer...

  16. My surgeon required me to contact my insurance at the beginning of the process and give them the diagnostic code for the sleeve. Based on that, the insurance company was able to tell me a MAX out of pocket that I would pay. This means that if all said and done, my 20% of the surgeon, anes, hospital etc went above that max, I would not be required to pay it. Mine also told me that could not tell me exactly up front what it would cost me, but they could definitely tell me the max for the procedure. Try that and see if they can tell you.

  17. I'm curious if anyone was diagnosed with Cushing's Syndrome while awaiting their sleeve surgery. I finally asked my pcp if any of my medicines would cause me to have frequent urination, especially at night and she told me NO, and to make an appointment sooner rather then later with her. I thought it was a bit dramatic, but then I did a few searches of some strange things I'd noticed lately like the fat face I suddenly have, frequent urination without increased thirst, headaches etc. and came up with Cushing's. I'm concerned that since I'm in month 4 of 6 of my medically supervised diet if I get diagnosed with Cushing's now it may delay my surgery. Has anyone else gone through anything like this?

  18. I'm about 4 months away from surgery and in therapy for ongoing issues from sexual abuse as a child. Over the years I have developed an unhealthy relationship with food, where I need to eat it as quickly as possible, just stuff it in before anyone can take it away from me (obviously connected to my abuse). I eat when I'm not hungry because it's something I can do for myself that no one can take away from me, and I often will overeat despite feeling full because what is on my plate is mine, and I can have it, so I do. Again, I'm IN THERAPY so telling me to get help isn't really helpful. I'm looking to see if anyone has dealt with something like this, and I'm curious how you overcame it or how you're doing post op. Thanks for the support!

  19. My goodness, thank you everyone for the nice responses. I chose the Protein shakes (premier) as a way to "shock" myself into reality as I have no willpower at all. I wanted something that could help me not have to make choices, just stick with the decision I've already made and that's that. Maybe I'll try something like chicken and broccoli for most meals, something that doesn't leave me feeling so deprived and down. I think the shakes make me fall of the wagon harder when I do fall. Thanks again everyone!

  20. I am three months into a 6 month medically supervised diet as required by my insurance. At my last weigh in I had actually gained 1lb. For the last 3 weeks I have tried really hard to eat only Protein shakes for Breakfast and lunch, have a health dinner, and only fruits or veggies as Snacks. I'm drinking Water and trying to work out, but I've injured my knee recently. I'm really frustrated that I have drastically reduced my calorie intake by drinking the gross shakes in place of food I'd rather be eating, and in 3 weeks I have lost NOTHING. I guess if I could lose weight like everyone else I wouldn't be planning on this surgery but does anyone have any advice for me? My surgeon and my insurance don't require me to lose any weight before surgery. I'm now torn between "living it up" for the next 4 months before surgery or should I continue to buckle down, suck it up and "break up" with bad food?

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