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Posts posted by sonnysun

  1. So, during my initial consult, my doctor asked if I wanted to go ahead and get me psych consult. I agreed because I was sure I wanted to get the surgery.

    My psych consult consisted of me waiting for psych forever, and then her coming out and telling me she was really busy, so if possible, could I just fill out this quiz and just leave it on the table in the waiting room (privacy?) when I was done and she's pick it up and call me later. The quiz was one to check for depression and other mental issues (asked the same question 3-4 times in different ways to make sure you were honest).

    So she calls me later and we talk for maybe 10 minutes where she asks about my support system, etc. She asks me about 10-15 questions off a list and we are done. No, it wasn't thorough but it was a means to an end and I was approved.

    Well, the bill came yesterday. $575 dollars just for her. After insurance, around $400 out of pocket to her for that. My surgery only cost $1500! I'm debating calling and challenging the price---really, she did so little---but I wasn't sure if that was just part of it and I should just suck it up and pay. What do you think?

  2. Yes, I'm slow. Sorry.

    I had surgery September 28th. So, was week on the week of the 28th?

    September 29th- Week 1

    October 6th- Week 2

    October 13th- Week 3

    October 20th- Week 4

    October 27th- Week 5?

    I'm confused because my book says Week 1: Clear liquid. Week 2: full liquid: Weeks 3 and 4: soft foods Weeks 5 and 6: Start introducing a regular diet. So does that mean start this week because it's starting week 5, even though I'm only 4 full weeks out?

    I'm scared to death about starting real foods. I'm craving veggies so much but so scared to eat them!

  3. First, I am calling my general practioner today so I am seeking medical help. I just would like to know how common this is and if anyone has been there, done that.

    My surgery was 22 days ago. I was able to go to the restroom without any assistance on day 3. Since then, my body has given me no urge to go. Last Tuesday, I called my bariatric surgeon hoping go get some prescription laxatives, as milk of magnesia did not help. They told me they don't prescribe laxatives, but to go to the ER if I hadn't gone by Thursday and ask them to look for a blockage.

    Thursday came and no oral laxatives had worked. I used a Ducalax suppository and nothing. I used one more and got some relief, but there was not the amount I would have expected. Gross, I know, sorry.

    Sunday night, I used another Ducalax suppository and was able to go a tiny amount. I can pass gas but have no urge to go without assistance. Oral laxatives don't seem to do much but cause cramping.

    My husband wonders if it's perhaps normal and I am not pooping a lot because my input is so much lower and my body is using all that I take in as fuel?

    My weight loss is only 10 lbs in three weeks so I'm wondering if I'm not literally full of it.

    When I go to the dr, If they look for a blockage, is that via X-ray? This part is so not fun. :(

  4. Yes, maybe! That's actually a good possibility because the time it was the worst I was eating quickly. Thank you!

    Are you eating too fast? Air can get trapped between food bits if you at fast. I know I'm the worlds worst!

    No hernia repair, but good advice on the other. I have only been eating a few ounces at a time but I'm thinking it may be eating too fast.

    Did you have a hernia repair?

    I would slow down, take smaller bites, chew well, and make sure you are weighing and measuring everything.

  5. Yes, I believe I'm in the dreaded three week stall, so I'm putting that out there. I'm frustrated. But really, I am eating very little and I feel like if I ate what I am eating now before I had the surgery, I'd be losing weight pound over pound. Now, I'm staying the same day after day.

    My husband is eating low carb and the weight is falling off of him. I'm eating low carb and very little calories and it's just sticking to me.

    I know people will tell me the weight will come off, but I'm so frustrated right now because I'm dealing with the side effects of surgery (terrible potty issues) and not seeing any of the good things to come of it yet. I lost 10 lbs on the pre-op diet and 10 lbs since surgery, but only when I was on the liquid diet. Once I added real food, even this little amount, the weight loss stopped immediately. If I was going to stay fat, I would have been happier being fat and able to eat and potty. ;)

  6. When I eat certain foods, after I eat I will get a burning pain behind my left shoulder every time I swallow. It was so bad the other day I thought I was going to have to go to the hospital, but it finally subsided. Is it from either eating too much or eating something I'm not ready for? It feels much like the gas pain was described, although I never really experienced that after surgery.

  7. I am about 2 weeks out of surgery.

    My starting weight was 247. After the liquid diet, I was 236 the day of surgery. Two weeks later I am 225 for a weight loss of 22 lbs. However, it seems like since I started adding soft foods, I am stuck and have not lost anything in around 5-6 days. I think I'm staying around 700-800 calories a day. I don't have daily caloric goals but here is what I ate yesterday:

    Breakfast: 1 scrambled egg

    Lunch: less than 1/2 an avocado and some cheddar cheese

    Dinner: maybe 5 bites of pulled pork. This started to not settle well and I panicked a little thinking it was not soft enough so I just quit eating it.

    Snack: 5 bites of sugar free Jello, 1 Protein Drink (30 g)

    Other days have been similar. I am getting in my Water.< /p>

    I do understand the stall and I also may be retaining water because of my cycle. I also REALLY need to go to the restroom. I asked my nurse a week ago and she said take Milk of Magnesia which I have been with no success. Those could all be my issues but if I'm doing something wrong eating wise then I'd like to know about it now. At this point, it seems like it was easier to lose weight before the surgery!

  8. In response to a lot of the comments, I did very little research prior to my consultation. I wasn't really sure what the sleeve was and just thought I'd like some more information about it, so I made the consultation appointment.

    I was sleeved about six weeks later. In the time between the consult and the surgery, I did research quite a bit. I knew most people at low carb, but I figured there were just different plans from different doctors.

    I thought perhaps I had listened incorrectly (heard what I wanted to hear), but thinking back on it, on my pre-op visit, he said specifically, that in six weeks he wouldn't have to worry about us and we could eat what we wanted, in smaller sizes.

    Now that said, I'd like to lose about 60 lbs. I didn't eat terribly before--just too much. I didn't follow a strict diet, but it wasn't junk food all the time. So, eating regular meals that I prepare for my family, but smaller portions was appealing to me.

    So, explain to me this: If, say, I was eating 1900 calories a day presurgery and post surgery I eat 1000 calories a day, would I still lose (or maintain once at goal) even if the meals are not always strictly low carb, etc.? Say I eat half a burger for dinner, but don't go over the 1000 calories a day? I get that that shouldn't be a daily food choice, but I hear people saying they can't eat bread, etc.

    I am upset about the people saying they can not tolerate rice, noodles, or tortillas. I am quite sure that wasn't in my materials.

    Also, and off topic, but a woman in my group weighed in at 181 lbs before surgery. Is it responsible of a surgeon to perform WLS on a woman that weighs that? Surely that's not morbid obesity?

  9. I was sleeved late last month by a doctor that has several bariatric clinics and makes his living solely on bariatric surgeries. I believe he is considered an expert in his field.

    That said, the way he describes the surgery and experience just seems different than how I read it here. He basically told me that after six weeks, I could eat anything I wanted, I just wouldn't be able to eat very much of it. I visited a nutritionist who told me I'll need to eat my Protein off my plate first to make sure I have room for it.

    Nowhere did I hear about needing to stay on the low carb diet for life. Also, he really didn't speak about gaining weight back. He said you do with it what you want---some are happy to just lose weight, some want to chase athletic endeavors, etc. I was told I need to exercise regularly.

    I don't know. I'm not sorry I had the surgery but I just feel like the big picture is more than "you can eat whatever you want, you'll just eat less of it." Another thing he said was that after six weeks, he doesn't have to worry about sleeve patients. I guess there's no risk of complications after that?

  10. I'm on week 2 which says I can have Soups that are mainly creamed or strained. I can only eat three or four bites, so last night I got a delicious cup of chicken noodle Soup and intended to just get spoonfuls of the broth. Well, you guessed it, on one of my bites I accidentally got a small piece of noodle AND a small piece of chicken. I realize now it wasn't a good idea, but I also have anxiety and stressed all night that I was going to accidentally pop my sleeve. Can that happen with something like that or would it just make me sick?

    All ended up well and I was fine, but you know......worst case scenarios and all.

  11. Hi. Hope you're doing well.

    I'm okay. Never had any tubes in, so I'm not sure what you're referring to there, but I'm still extremely sore and extremely nauseous. Any and all Protein makes me sick. I'm light headed all the time. Doing okay with Water but that's it. Also, when I had preop labs done, my blood sugar was 51, which worried the nurse, but nobody else said anything about it. I wonder if I'm still having issues and if it's dangerous. I go for my follow up on Wesnesday. I feel really weak and discouraged.

    Sorry that's so negative. I am done 20 lbs since my first visit. I hope you've had a good experience.

  12. Thanks, all.

    I am only on Day 6, so they are off limits for now.

    Starting about 3 days before surgery, I quit tolerating all Protein. Since surgery, it's been even worse. I have a few more brands and ideas, but I'm quickly running out. It has all come right back up. I am so weak and thought maybe even a few bites of "real food" might help, but looks like I have several more days, and even then foods like mashed potatoes may not be ideal. (That's a good point I hadn't considered.). Does Week 3 begin on Day 15 or 21?

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