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Gastric Sleeve Patients
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Posts posted by KathyRS

  1. Thanks ttdish. I'm not doing particularly low fat, just what I have to. My stomach cramps painfully if I have too much. Example, I can usually fit 2 babybel mini-cheeses in there, but if they are both "original" my stomach starts cramping, if one is original and one is light, stomach is fine. I can fit 1/3 cup right now at the most. I do drink 2 Protein shakes/day. Each take a few hours. I usually eat about 1 oz of chicken. I like dark meat, but if the piece is too fatty, I'll get pain. I know I could never do Peanut Butter.

    As for the doc, it went well. She confirmed I was doing everything I was supposed to. She is having me do a complete panel of blood work, but she also told me for some people it's just like this. And that's OK. It's about the long run.

  2. I go to the doc today. If they tell me I just need to increase my calories, I'm going to scream. It is not possible to do that. If this is it OK, but please don't try to tell me is my fault because I'm not doing X, when X is impossible! If they run some blood work and find all is good and this is just it, well, 6 months of fatigue (even though honestly I deal with pain better than fatigue) is worth decades of more energy and movement. I might be expecting the worst because that sort of happened last time when I complained of fatigue. I'm the opposite of a whiner, but I've got shit to do. Don't we all?

  3. ttdish, I agree, but I can't get in more calories. I have been using fitnesspal this last week to see exactly how much it was. I'm getting 625 to 640 per day. Usually closer to 625. It's a little better than I thought, but I just can't get in more. There's not room. I also am active with lots of walking for my job on Tuesdays and Thursdays, and then walk over the weekend. But I often feel faint or in a cold sweat at work, and I drive with my son home, which is good, because I fall asleep. I can live with it if this is how it has to be until I get more energy, but if it isn't that world be great because this sucks. Upside, now down 47 lbs with 38 to go.

  4. Had surgery 2&1/2 months ago. I'm down 45 pounds with 40 to go. It's hard to get in all my Water and Protein and I have to work at it. I'm managing about 500 to 600 calories a day, and losing about 3 pounds a week. I have awful fatigue, and that's the biggest factor right now, but I have an appointment with my doc next week to look into that. If any of you have experience with fatigue and want to comment on that, great! I would love to hear it. I've now lost enough that I have a stomach flap, and sometimes it hurts. I've gotten it somewhat better by using some A & D ointment, but sometimes that itches. What have you guys used successfully to care for those skin flaps. I totally plan to get plastic surgery when the time is right, but obviously that's a ways away. Thanks for any advice you have!

  5. I'm going to answer this as a therapist and a college psychology teacher. I'm not going to even try to answer this as a sleeve expert, because I'm only 6 weeks out, and got nothing to say there. First let me say, Wow! You just don't quit Girl, do you?! I admire that! It sounds like you might be suffering from something called learned helplessness. It's that overwhelming give-up feeling when you try to control something that experience has shown you can't be controlled (or certainly seems like it can't). The solution is to have a lot of successes until that feeling recedes. Sounds impossible, right? It's easier than you think. You set some goals that you can achieve. They need to be goals that are easy, and completely under your control (NOT the scale). Then you congratulate the heck out of yourself each time you achieve them. So for instance, you might decide you are going to drink the minimum amount of Water each day for a week, and then do something you like (example, buy yourself flowers once a week) The next week you might want to add something else to it, like eating a good Breakfast, or taking your Vitamins daily. It's important that these are small goals. What your mind needs right now is tangible successes. Plenty of them. This helps build up your psychological strength to keep going with this, and to really problem solve until you get what you want. Also, when I read what you wrote, I read a story of strength and perseverance. Remind yourself of your past success in not giving up completely even when it was so hard not to.

  6. I was back at work part-time after 1 week (7 days, not 9). I'm a college teacher on a big campus, so lots of walking, and I move during lecture. Couldn't have done it without the wrap around binder/girdle thing, but it was HARD. Then was back at work full-time (my other job is therapist) after 3 weeks (last week), and again it was hard, but not as hard. I do feel like I might be dragging a little longer because of having pushed it so early. I wish I could've made 2 weeks work. No lifting, pulling a heavy bag up and down hills, but no lifting. Also, after 1 week I could not drive, which surprised the heck out of me. I drive with others so didn't need to that first week to get to work. One block of driving was super painful. Worse than walking miles. Go figure.

  7. I'm still having pain. It's mostly just soreness around one incision, and not a big deal, until today when without thinking, I sat straight up in bed using my ab muscles. I got intense pain around the spot that's sore, like shooting spider legs of pain. Youch! I wish the surgery related stuff would heal quicker. I was sleeved on Aug 25, I went back to work part time exactly one week later, and Monday start full time. I'm reading all kinds of people who are saying the surgery is nothing, but that's not my experience. I'm actually experiencing what I expected, but it isn't as great as a lot of people I read about. What about you other August 25 people? Anyone else experience this?

  8. Thanks Folly. I'm not un-calm, just surprised (at the rapid weight loss) and curious. I also think getting in what your supposed to get in, isn't always completely your choice. I have had to apply so many tricks in the last few days to have my Water and my Protein Drinks palatable. I added orange Crystal light to a vanilla Premier Protein, and had to have flavored water. Yesterday stuck at work with just water and Protein drinks, and I felt extra sick all day.

  9. Evil Tiny Tummy: Listen up! New rules! The shakes you have been drinking just fine? No longer allowed. Plain cool Water, you already knew was a no, but now I'm adding ice water to that list. Me: Um, what if I add different Crystal light flavors to the water and the Protein Drinks, I've heard adding orange to the vanilla is good. Wouldn't you like an orange Julius? Evil Tiny Tummy: OK, for now. But don't get used to it! I can change the rules anytime! Hear me? Anytime!

  10. That was hilarious. I actually have thought something very similar. I'm only 13 days out, but I'm pretty sure we've had this conversation. Me: Protein Shake, just like you have had every single day, so of course you will be fine with it today too. Evil Tiny Tummy: Surprise! Not easy anymore. I'm going to make you vomit. Wait. No I won't. Wait. Yes, I will. Wait, actually I won't. But NO MORE! Me: but our hair! Our gorgeous hair! Don't you want to me to still be cute? Evil Tiny Tummy: Truthfully, could care less.

  11. College teacher here. Exactly 1 week after surgery, I taught 4 hours of classes, 2 hours of meeting with students, and had to walk across our very large campus 5 times (we are also a nature preserve). It was brutal. It was painful, and I was exhausted. I couldn't have done it if I was a K-12 teacher because the next day I was off, and I was shot. The next time I taught the exhaustion lessened and pain had increased (my fault, left my keys across campus and fast walked first thing in the morning). Still the exhaustion lessened enough that I found myself getting lost in teaching, and loving it like normal. But again, day after, shot. I had planned to take it easy, but once I got in front of classes, I was as animated as usual. I couldn't seem to help it. It probably would have been better to plan more group work for those early days. I normally work my off days as a marriage and family therapist, and I'm taking 3 weeks off that. I overdid it, and paid the price in misery, but I did not do any damage. Who knows, the extra exercise might even be speeding things up. I was sleeved 13 days ago. My 3rd day back is tomorrow, and I'm feeling much better, so I expect it will be easier. People who aren't teachers just don't get how hard it is to leave your classes for any length of time, and how cognizant we are of what the students will miss. For me though, I just couldn't see myself waiting another 5 months for break to do the surgery.

  12. I was sleeved August 25th. Regrets? Hell yes! But I just ignore them, because this part sucks. If I have regrets in a year, then I will actually have regrets. It's like choosing to go to college and asking yourself during your first finals week if college was a good decision. Also, I have 5 kids, and had them all naturally. There was a point in labor for each one that if someone said, "Hey want to just forget the whole thing? We'll stop now, and labor will stop, but you won't get your kid," I would have said, F YES! That said, yesterday I was really discouraged, today I'm feeling pretty upbeat. Not even sure why. It hurts, and I would really like more than 3 swallows of water!

  13. I had pain meds about 7 days. I know I have a high tolerance for pain (5 kids natural childbirth, chronic back pain, shingles), and I know lots of people don't have much pain, but I did. I've been lucky with nausea, but it hurts like an SOB. Had mine last Tuesday (9 days out). Worked teaching at a Community College Tuesday and today, which from my Fitbit days I know involves 5 or 6 miles of walking. It hurt a lot. Today I had more pain than Tuesday, but also almost normal energy, and I think the pain was that I stressed it more. I left my classroom keys WAY across campus, and had to practically run for them. I was even worried enough to call the doc, but no warning signs. I couldn't wait to get home and on pain killer! When I got home I found just sitting back in my chair was enough and I didn't need the pain killer. I also hurt a lot in bed when I roll over or move around, so I have been sleeping in my chair. We are all really different. Some differences I noticed have been with nausea, pain, energy, and weight loss. I've lost a bunch, had no nausea, and more energy than I expected, so this is my particular price. When I think of it that way, it's really not bad.

  14. Wow! It looks like we are having a pretty big range of experiences. I have had more pain than most here are talking about, but no nausea. I had to go back to work yesterday, but only Tuesday and Thursday. I teach at a community college. Found out I just can't teach sitting, so I had a very active day, and today I'm both more tired and more sore. I lost 10 lbs, on the 10 day pre-surgery diet, and 7 lbs as of yesterday. So a pound a day, which is awesome! I really feel for the people who haven't lost! How frustrating!! I did think the post surgery diet would be easier. I had heard people talk about just not being interested in food, but I'm yearning for food and flavors.

  15. I'm on Water and Protein drinks. I'm concerned about walking. I'm also concerned about lecturing. It's typical for me (according to my fitbit) to walk a mile during one lecture. Obviously, I won't be doing that, but I how whatever I replace it with is decent teaching. The there's making your voice carry, having the energy to engage, and not totally forgetting to drink while teaching. I wish I had another week, but I've already taken one week out of a 16 week semester. There's too much I would have to drop taking another week, so this seems like the best decision. But ugh!

    I'm on Water and Protein Drinks.

    I'm concerned about walking. I'm also concerned about lecturing. It's typical for me (according to my fitbit) to walk a mile during one lecture. Obviously, I won't be doing that, but I how whatever I replace it with is decent teaching. The there's making your voice carry, having the energy to engage, and not totally forgetting to drink while teaching. I wish I had another week, but I've already taken one week out of a 16 week semester. There's too much I would have to drop taking another week, so this seems like the best decision. But ugh!

  16. Hello everyone, I just had the sleeve on Wednesday, August 26. Thank god, no complications, I have not had any pain, nausea, vomiting,etc. I do however, have discomfort when I drink, I think is gas, still bothers me a little, and My stomach makes noises when I drink Water or my shake. Is this normal? Other than that, I feel great.

    I have something I would describe as very much like that when I drink.

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