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Posts posted by jdc121975

  1. I was 350 July last year PRE-OP.

    I'm now 196-199 give or take.

    I'm a 6'1" 40 year old male.

    My original "GW" was 250 (it was a number I wanted to see again)

    My next "GW" was 220 (a number I weighed when entering Freshman year of High School)

    My next "GW" was to drop below 200 (accomplished and holding below currently)

    Now I say all this because a "GW" can be a moving target if you ask me. I've hit 3 of my personal goal markers and when my surgeon and his staff ask me where I'd like to be I respond quite honestly with, "on a beach."

    I'm happy with where I'm at.

    BMI can use some work I suppose and I'll probably settle in around 170-185 in the end with summer coming around and thus the ability to get out and walk daily.

    Don't sweat the numbers.

    Sweat the Protein and the Water - count those numbers!

    Don't eat sugar don't eat bread and enriched flour products.

    And yup - too early to be worrying about it :-)

  2. My gas bubble ended up sitting on my diaphragm - talk about pain!

    Took me mind over matter to lay on my left side (side where the largest port was put in and the most staples were) but once I did and placed all my weight on the side the bubble moved and vanished in mere moments.

    My advice is this - take it day to day.

    Never give up.

    Never think you are in control, you are not.

    Follow directions from your NUT.

    Don't eat tortillas or breads of ANY KIND.

    Eat Protein and a lot of it - as much as u can fit before the full feeing.

    Protein Shakes, drinks, bars, etc when you reach solids.

    Muscle burns fat so long muscle works against us.

    Be happy!

    Your about to have your life changed for the better but your brain is going to go thru some serious mind fucks as you travel on this journey.

  3. Seems like your looking to blame a lot of people for allowing you the surgery from the psychologist who you saw for an hour or so to the surgeon whom never seems to be there when u are.

    Fact is we are adults.

    This was a major surgery for all of us and we all did our research and no one could have prepared any of us mentally for this type of surgery.

    You WILL get thru it.

    A reversal?

    You wouldn't think undergoing a major surgery to reverse a major surgery will be an option. In fact I can imagine it being a massive risk to preform it.

    I hope you seek some help psychologically and spiritually because there is nothing that can alter ones mind other than oneself.

    Choose to be happy and you will be happy.

    Choose to be angry and you will be angry.

    Your fulfilling your own prophecy though - eventually your going to push even your fiancé away by choosing to be so angry.

    Smile you WILL BE OKAY.

  4. Salivation is a sign of your pouch being over stuffed not dumping. Dumping is from my understanding a painful and disgusting diareah that is pretty much uncontrollable.

    1 tablespoon would probably be a smart choice.


    Then chew for 60 seconds.

    Then chew another 60 seconds.

    Then swallow half of what's in mouth.

    Then other half.

    Then repeat until you have turned 1 tablespoon into 4-6 bites.

    You'll be fine in time and you will learn to adjust.

  5. None of that is what u need right now. Ur filling ur pouch with the secondary stuff and u only get so much room.

    Try Syntrax Nectar Protein - it's sugar free and carb free and loaded with protein and chocolate truffle 2 scoops mixed with 16 oz of Water will give u 1/2 of ur needed daily protein.

    Try Quest bars and quest protein chips - also both easy to digest.

    DO NOT eat pita chips and hummus until u have gotten ur protein amounts.

    Your sabotaging yourself by doing so.

    You will be "burping" up meat at this rate because ur pouch is full up on pita. Sorry if this is harsh but you chose this route like we all did and u should hear that it's protein FIRST!

    Throw the chip crap away.

    6 months out maybe have one.

    Right now vegitables and fruit are not even something u need to be eating if u aren't getting protein amounts yet.

    Vitamin supplements are to take care of everything but protein.

  6. I guess I should have clarified more so that it's the enriched flour carbs I avoid completely or the straight up carbs coming from all those skittles and m&ms inused to eat by the bag.

    Beans and such I enjoy in reasonable amounts.

    And give those flavored tuna packs a try too - I used to mix tuna packs with a whipped up egg and divide it in two portions (one in fridge) and the other I'd heat up some oil in a pan (just a little) and I'd get a nice crispy like patty made with egg and tuna (tastes great and was easy to digest)

  7. Don't eat carbs! Not after 5 weeks. Number one.

    Number two is you will find many things that work and others that don't - so experiment. I was able to eat tilapia but not salmon, beef but not chicken, filet but not strip......

    But DO NOT EAT CARBS!!!!!

    Protein ONLY!

    Talk to your NUTT and surgeon about any physical issues though but be honest with them. This has to be a joint effort for us all and when we start thinking we control the weight loss because we have the surgery - we lose.

    We all got excessively fat over years of poor choices, make the right ones now and if you can't digest something then try something else next time. Come back to the original issue food in a month or so as it may change. May never change. (I can eat most anything now but I still choose ZERO carbs unless from Vegitables or some fruits) ZERO soda, ZERO sugary candy

  8. I found experimentation to be the best thing. An egg mixes well with tuna and makes a nice patty with a little olive oil. Sprinkle some salt on it and u have a crispy tuna patty - tons of Protein too.

    Maybe some crab meat? Shrimp sautéed in a little butter and seasoned well? Salmon patties? chicken salad?

    It's not the meat that won't sit well, it's the DRY meat.

    Add some moisture with butter, gravy, etc. make it more medium than well done.

    The point behind no corn or enriched flower the first couple months in the more successful programs is because our bodies NEED protein and theirs ZERO need for enriched flour and corn. Some of these programs around are nothing more than herding fat people thru a turnstile and knowing they will be back for revisions. Do some research. Don't eat enriched flour or corn. Don't drink alcohol, etc etc.

    Make smart decisions.

  9. I have tried the cheese chips and cheese shells. Problem I found was that with high Protein and low fat and low carbs my shits (as in frequent as they were) were even more solid and painful. Protein makes your shit hard and large. Add in cheese and u back that up further and it gets bigger and harder to get out. Want pain in the ass - have rny, eat 100+ grams of protein, and then add cheese crackers and cheese shells to the mix......you will find the bathroom wall, floor, and ceiling issues though since you'll be in there for quite sometime groaning over the excruciating pain of getting those infant sized turds out of your anus.

    Just my opinion.....oh and make sure to have a plunger near by ;-)

  10. Steve,

    I'm not sure that the best advice to give someone that recently had the surgery is to go back to the bad habits of consuming high starchy corn or flour shells.

    Instead the rule of thumb is to load Protein and try to avoid the crap we used to allow to rule our lives.

    I have a close friend who lost hundreds of pounds with the surgery and looked great until she slowly thought she could eat chips and candy and in a short time she's put on half of what she lost.

    So sure once in a while eat a taco if your a year or two out. But everyday on anything high starch is poor judgement.

  11. I'd call your surgeon. No way should you be able to eat a cup and a half of food at this point unless it's salad. Besides that advice if suggest easing denser foods, don't snack, eat 3 meals a day, 3oz per meal - WEIGHT IT OUT!!!!! Drink and drink and drink some more. Don't drink 30 minutes before or after a meal and don't drink during a meal. If your drinking anything with carbonation, STOP! No caffine at all. Try liquids only for a week to restrink pouch. Add a b-complex Vitamin with thiamin to your regiment (helps in the burning of food as fuel).

  12. I totally understand this feeling being just over 4 weeks out myself. And add to those feelings the feeling of baking or cooking for family and either taking a risk trying it as you cook or not even being able to eat what you make at all. Gets old gets old really fast and starts to hurt.

    But is it us or is it society? Society is the problem if you ask me. The way we all revolve around food for socializing. It's hard but we all have to figure it out and how to handle these changes - not going to be easy at all but nothing worth it ever is.

  13. Thank you. And yes the nuts are a little early I agree. I have an ability I have had since I was a child to basically do what birds do. To be a little more visual I can chew, swallow, and before food is down i can smoothly regurgitate the food which at that time has the feel of almost a lubricated ball but allows for further chewing and this lubrication adds to an extreme break down into a mush. Now I realize this is very detailed and visual and may seem disgusting but there's no different taste. Imagine a post nasal drip being pushed into your mouth from your throat. This process has allowed me to eat most whole foods like brats, chicken, etc non puréed as soon as I was off liquids. And yes with this process I actually showed my surgeon the consistency by giving him a quick 30 second "show"

  14. Omg everyone I was out of recovery in under 30 minutes and I forced myself to walk the moment I was put in room. I was walking the entire floor 12 times or more Before the evening of my RnY procedure. By day 2 I probably walked a good mile during the day before they pulled the drainage tube, IV, and released me on no diabetic meds at all.

    Since then I decided to buy a Fitbit (yeah no shit I was the guy that wouldn't turn of the video games or TV and only paused them to talk to kids from the couch or jump up to grab some food and by some I mean a portion suitable for King Aurthurs Knights - all of them)

    Well now I'm walking 10,000 plus steps a day and trying to bike about 4 miles a day. Holy shit right? I'm just over two weeks out now and my July 1st weight was a whopping 348 pounds, as of this morning my scale had me at 289.8!!!!!! I'm busting my ass, pushing limits the surgeon has told me I shouldn't be pushing, and I've had INSANE energy since I came out of recovery. The tell me that in itself is an anomaly because most all people are weak and tired after a major surgery like this, but I haven't felt weak or tired. In fact I wake up at about 7:30am and bed at midnight on average. I'm eating by the clock, I don't really care for food anymore. Wife makes pizza it doesn't bother me at all. Tacos, couldn't care less. I make kids pancakes and they seem like a waste of time to me. I eat a single egg made into a cheese with salsa, pepper jack cheese, salt, and pepper. Or a filet of tilapia. A couple slices of Deli meats makes a meal for me now. I use the half of the tilapia filet fork shedded and mix it with an egg the next day and that makes me two meals of a mock fish patty (tastes awesome). But food is boring now. I toss more on my plate than I eat. I've been drinking 100oz plus of fluids since a couple days after surgery which I've gone against the dietician guidelines and have a 16oz Protein Drink (syntax nectar chocolate truffle) which gives me 46 grams of Protein.

    It's not all great though. My wife and I are drifting apart. She sees it and I see it. I'm not the same lazy guy I was a few weeks ago. She isn't an active woman. She tries but I'm going for 4 mile bike rides with her and kids and then coming home and saying lets go for a walk I want to get in 6000 more steps......I'm becoming the guy who actually enjoys walking and basically beating my previous day's mark. It's sad really because no matter what she looks like I love her and am attracted to her. I just can't see it continuing like this and not having major issues down the line, I have to face it - she married the guy that was a home body not the get up and go for a walk guy. And especially not the guy who is going to walk miles and miles every night. My steri strips haven't even all fallen off my stitches and I'm going a mile a minute.

    Heading to six flags great America tomorrow with my son and his friend, their 5 so no major coasters (that's next week when we take our 8 year old and her friend) - season pass holders. I want to test myself under the worst possible conditions. At a theme park as a dining pass holder surrounded by fried and massive portions, junk foods galore, soda, and just about all the rest of the no no items possible......can I do it? Well I've got my Water bottles, my lemonade crystal light, a half dozen sergentto snack packs I found that are new to market (cheese nuts and dried fruits) not all of which I am supposed to hAve yet but under a dire situation they will be handy. I've also looked over the dining pass options and I can get a deli wrap (take out meats toss the rest) and they also have a chicken Caesar salad in a taco shell bowl (grilled chicken meat is doable) also for a buck extra charge I can get a turkey leg (not the best as far as two weeks out from surgery but I'll try it well chewed and see)......snacks will not work, free refills in our sports bottle will go filled with ice for me so I can have my crystal light ice cold. I'll manage because I'm preparing myself for success. And boy oh boy will I get the steps in lol. Even a fish taco is doable if i scoop thru the fried outside and scrape out the fish part lol toss the rest of the crap.

    And I'm gonna try some tester seats I couldn't dream of getting into a month ago and see if I am any closer to riding those coasters - I see surgeon a week from tomorrow (or today - Friday) depending on time zone. And hopefully he clears me for coasters so if I fit I can go on some with my daughter next week :-)

    All in all I'm doing GREAT!!!!

    And anyone that's got a Fitbit - I'm new there OBVIOUSLY but my email is jdc121975@gmail.com and I'd love to have some friends on that to keep me motivated and to motivate so add me!

    I hope everyone who is pre op takes this advice - push yourself! No one else can and it may hurt to push yourself but the pain in only temporary and in days you will be asked stuff like "did u really just have major surgery????"

    And to those of us that are post op my advice is - keep on track! Don't listen to the 1 and 2 and 8 year post op people who say "yeah I can eat a jimmy john unwich" fact is they have forgotten the whole reason we all gained weight to begin with - we pushed and pushed more and more in! Stay under 4oz of food people. Stay away from breads and crap. Processed food is a waste! Remember we all got fat not all at once but with that first bite of junk food.

    We were all given a a pair of die that were weighted for us to win, but we have to do the work with the winnings so we keep winning!

  15. Everyone that messaged me with email should be in private FB group now or have invites sitting there waiting for them to answer :-)

    Personally my wife is going through some stuff now as well though. She is my support and she takes on a lot too with no real dietician, surgeon, internist, or groups to help her cope or give ideas or even bounce thoughts off of.


    I decided to follow the lead idea of the July WLS private FB I was invited to and am a part of and I set up a private WLS group on FB for significant others, husbands, wives, etc to have a place and people to talk to that are going thru all this with us. I think they need each other as much as we need each other.

    So if anyone has a support person that's on FB and interested please feel free to message me with their email/FB name and mention support person group and I'll add them to that group. I think it'll be awesome as the are awesome in our journey and it affects them as well.

  16. Chrissy I never got an email to have you added to the July group on FB and there's no link in message to connect to any FB group, it's a private group by invite only so we have a close knit group of people all of which have or will have surgery this month. If youlD like message me your email and I will certainly get you invited to the group if your surgery date was or will be this month.

  17. There are some very nice people in a private fb group, we all have or are having surgery in July so we all support each other. It's a small group but always welcoming others that are having surgery in July 2015. Just message me your FB email and I will invite you. This is a private group on FB so no one your friends with will even know your in it or see posts no matter how your privacy setting are set.

    There are other groups for other months as well and I can refer you to the person who can add you to any group, but I can add to July.

  18. @@onestep I was thinking that same thing actually. 3 days in a controlled environment where I can get used to the amounts and feel safe that if there is an issue, it will be addressed. So many of you touched my heart just now, and with tears filling my eyes I click each virtual key on my iPad thinking how blessed we all are in this day and age when we can get a second chance to be the people we know inside we should be, can be, and want to be. I'm not really sure what stage in the emotional roller coast I am at, kinda feels like the stages of grief to be honest with a twist and turn here and there.

    Interesting story though, going to run off topic a bit, I ordered a stationary bike. Well it came in yesterday - Proform for $299 nothing special just something I wanted so I can exercise after surgery even if I can get outside due to weather. Wisconsin isn't Texas or Florida or even California - we get cold, freezing cold. And when it's not cold it's humid and when it's not humid it's well raining. We do get a good sunny day here and there but who's counting. Well here I am assembling this bike and come to find some issues with it, missing washer, etc. nothing I couldn't muscle thru if I had to. But I email the company to let them know. Guess what happened. I get an email and then a call and spoke to a very nice guy and I explained to him I just wanted to make sure I had this set up before my surgery. In a 30 minute conversation he came to the conclusion he couldn't fix the current bike since the biggest issue was a bent part where the seat post went. He also let me know the best bike for me now with back issues and being over their 250 limit for the bike I had would be a different bike. Well the final SAME DAY solution is they are sending me bike that retails for $1299 at no additional cost, I can keep the one I have since they don't take them back if damaged they just say use for parts or junk (so gonna have a friend grind post down, AND he said since it won't arrive until after my surgery he's notated I can call and they will send someone to assemble the new one for me!


    So I may be the most open person I know, talking to a complete stranger and talking about kids and surgery etc.....but people seem to listen.

    I wish everyone here the best - I'm less than a week away now, and things are "sane" for the moment.

PatchAid Vitamin Patches
