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Gastric Sleeve Patients
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Everything posted by SassyNanny

  1. SassyNanny

    OK Ladies, kinda embarrasing question for you all

    Wow! Never heard of such a thing. I would be a little worried about having a surgeon who was doing something so archaic and unnecessary. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  2. SassyNanny

    Do You Log Your Food?

    I log every bite on SparkPeople.com I've just had a 3 week stall at 9 weeks out and without my log I would have second guessed my brain into pudding. I agree with the suggestions in JeanieboBeanie's post for suggestions. Thanks for writing it all down so concisely. I currently use Cron-o-meter, but have used MFP, Lose it, and some others attached to devices (like BodyMedia and Up.) Here's my wish list: Detailed micronutrient tracking. Cron-o-meter is FABULOUS at this and I appreciate it more and more as I transition to solid food. It tells me if/when I'll be ready to drop particular supplements. Along with this - a real blue-sky dream - an app that can suggest particular foods that will help me meet my goals. For example, if I'm not getting enough Iron, suggest liver or other foods that are super-dense in that particular nutrient(s) Goal ranges instead of discrete ceilings or floors A way to log my hunger at the beginning, middle, and end of a meal (a simple 1-10 scale would be fine) A place to keep notes on how I'm feeling (stressed, tired, bored, celebratory) and some way to mine that data back out (see reporting/exporting) A good recipe builder. One of the things I appreciate about Cron-o-meter (and I hated about My Fitness Pal) is the fact that it keeps a running weight log for any given recipe, so when I eat it, I can just weigh my portion and put that in (as opposed to determining set portions.) The ability to translate and move easily between measurement units (g v. ounces, volume) The ability to scan barcodes The ability to sync bi-directionally with my fitness apps (see: Jawbone, MapMyFitness, etc.) so I only have to log things like biometrics (weight, fat %) in a single place Robust reporting and exporting so you can see patterns and make connections (e.g. changes in macronutrient ratios when you're tired, etc.) I'm not a huge fan of crowdsourcing foods...UNLESS they include ingredient lists with amounts. Otherwise, how do I know what's in that chili, or if it's nutritionally similar to MY chili? That's my main beef with MFP (but not my only one.) I don't trust the data. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  3. SassyNanny

    Do You Log Your Food?

    Every bite. SparkPeople.com. I'm in a 3 week stall and at least know where I'm at nutritionally.
  4. SassyNanny

    Burning sensation

    Hope you went to the Dr. Let us know.
  5. SassyNanny

    Slow loser and stuck

    What are you eating in terms of calories, carbs and protein daily?
  6. SassyNanny

    Valentine's Day Weight Loss Challenge

    Sleeve date 11/18/15 Weight 324 SW 290. Week 1 Vacation. Week 2 CW 290.2 Week 3 I was visiting my grandkids for a week and didn't change my eating habits. I guess staying basically the same is a good thing, right? As I was typing in 290.2 and feeling a tiny bit sad I made a typo and put 390.2. It was a real wake up call. If I hadn't started this weight loss surgery journey, that number would have eventually been mine. Yikes! I looked at my Fitbit Aria wifi scale log and my weight has been the same since Jan 4 give or take a pound. Definitely a stall. More water. More movement. More protein. My calories are between 450 and 700 daily. I'm going to go back to a premier protein drink once a day to make sure my count stays up between 60 and 90 grams. Saturday January 23 is my 65th birthday. I did this so I could be around to see my grandkids(2&5) grow up. What's a little stall in the big picture? My clothes are getting baggy and my face is much thinner.
  7. SassyNanny

    September Sleevers

    Oh Des! Simply Spectacular!!
  8. SassyNanny

    Valentine's Day Weight Loss Challenge

    Hi Sarah I'm on vacation until 1/16 without a scale. I'll post when I get back. Thanks for doing this! So professional️ Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  9. SassyNanny

    September Sleevers

    Looking great!
  10. SassyNanny

    Valentine's Day Weight Loss Challenge

    Start as of 1/4 290 Goal for 2/15 260
  11. SassyNanny

    September Sleevers

    Well Des you have shed your polar bear suit. I've inky lost 29 so far and I'm cold too. It has dipped to near freezing here in California at night the last few days and I have jacked my heater up to over 80° for an hour or so. I finally brought the little space heater I used at work in from the garage and turned it in high next to my recliner. Now the house is set to 72° and I'm still toasty. Happy 2016 to Everyone
  12. SassyNanny

    September Sleevers

    Hi Des. Good work! I too am not following the siren call of food anymore. I'm still on the smoochy bits stage. Surgery was 11/18 and at 6 weeks out I've lost 30 ponds. Down from 324. For Christmas dinner I ate half of a skinless baked potato with a little butter and sour cream and a teensie sliver of cheesecake. I guess I had a "white Christmas". I wasn't ever tempted by the prime rib. The small of fresh baked cookies at a friend's was wonderful but I didn't feel like eating them. Who am I???? Love the change. Happy New Year!
  13. So glad to hear all went well. Congratulations on the walking. I'm having a hard time getting that in at 6 weeks post op I just started doing senior classes at the Y. At almost 65 I am the youngest one there!! I'm hoping that by tomorrow I will have lost 30lvs at my 6 week mark. I'm at 27 today. Close enough. It's starting to show and my clothes are fitting differently. Happy New Year!
  14. How are you doing since your surgery? Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  15. That is great updated info Winklie! Thanks for posting. Dallas please keep us posted about your progress in this matter. We are all rooting for you to have a very Happy and Healthy New Year.
  16. So you aren't taking anything now for nausea? You could ask your Dr to call in a prescription for the nausea med that dissolves under your tongue and some previcid. There is no reason to suffer unnecessarily.
  17. Sorry for your pain. I barely had any. We are all so different. I know my anesthesiologist also douses the surgery site with pain killer that lasts a bit while healing. Maybe yours didn't? You had laparoscopy? Whatever is happening just remember it is temporary. Try not to focus on it and it will fade faster. Take your pain meds as often as prescribed and don't miss a dose. With bad pain you have to break the cycle and intermittent dosages don't work as well. Every 3-4 hours as prescribed just take it even if it isn't bad right now. It will help block it and you will relax and heal faster. We are here if you need us.
  18. Again. So sorry this happened to you. Will your insurance pay for another surgery to correct? Will you get a by pass done like you originally wanted? Any lawsuit will take forever to resolve. I don't understand their ad about making the tummy hold 2 tablespoons. With the original swelling it holds very little but long term should hold 1-1.5 cups. Down from the preservers 4-6 cup capacity. Two tablespoons would not sustain life ongoing. Your Dr is a piece of work. I hope your GF gets a second opinion and gets a test done too. 50 lbs is a size able weight loss Stalls happen. I hope she visits the nutritionist and gives her food plan a tweak. It might but her weight loss back on track. Please keep us posted.
  19. Yay! Glad all went well. Having pain on your right side is supposed to be because that is where they extract the remnants is your old stomach. It's normal. I slept in the recliner for a couple of nights just so I wouldn't try to roll around in my sleep. After that the bed worked fine. My neck and shoulders hurt for a few days and I felt like I had done 100 sit-ups but after 4-5 days that was gone. I'm sorry you are weak and nauseous. Are you sipping tiny amounts? I had a prescription of dissolvable nausea medicine I took just in case and also Prilosec. He had me open the capsules and dump it in a little sip of water to take. I hope you feel better really soon!!!
  20. SassyNanny

    September Sleevers

    Oh Des! That's wonderful. What a great present to yourself this year.
  21. SassyNanny

    My painful experience in Mexico

    Maybe you should ask the dr when your due date is! Hope it's happened already.
  22. My plan says I can't have salad and raw crunchy vegetables until month 4 post op. They said that the stomach is healing and it needs time to heal properly to avoid complications. I thought there would be some consensus amongst Drs. and Nutritionists and have been very shocked to see people 1 and 2 weeks out talking about eating a portion of a hamburger. You would think there would be a protocol that they would all follow.
  23. My Dr. has me on liquids only for one month. Blended Soups are ok. I am supplementing the Soup and ff sf pudding with GENEPRO Protein powder and Premier Protein drinks to get to 90 grams a day. I am able to drink a cup of liquefied Progress chicken noodle soup before having signs of fullness. I am averaging about 800 calories a day. I have lost 18 pounds in 3.5 weeks. I have had a stall of about 3 days. Struggling to get all my Water in and I haven't really been walking a lot as advised. I live alone on a steep street and after getting a partially numb foot after hip replacement I use a cane so walking isn't easy. I'm meeting a friend at the Y on Monday so I am looking forward to starting a new trend. I see the Dr this coming week so I will get some more input. I haven't had any vomiting or gas or pain since surgery. When I get full it comes on all at once and I make sure I stopped. I was very sick of soup so I used my nutribullet on a Thai Chicken with peanut sauce 300 calorie Lean Cuisine and it blended down to less then a cup. I was full at the 3/4 mark. Ever since the 1st week I have been able to drink more then some who say they get sick if they have more then an ounce or two. I was a little worried and posted my concern and got feedback that helped. I was told that some people heal more rapidly and the liquids can start to move through the sleeve while you are drinking. They suggested it would change when I started to eat solid foods as the stomach holds onto it longer to digest. Hoping it is okay. I've followed directions about what to eat. Just hope the portions aren't messing me up. I'll find out Wednesday. Sorry for the long response. I guess I needed to vent a little.
  24. The Dr who owns the Surgi center called me twice to see how I was the first week. Neither the Surgeon nor his office has called me to check In the 3 weeks since my surgery. I thought it a little odd.

PatchAid Vitamin Patches
