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Gastric Bypass Patients
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Everything posted by gpmed

  1. gpmed

    Spices, Seasonings, Herbs, and Condiments

    I use a lot of olive oil, vinegars (basalmic, red wine, white wine, and rice), dill, parsley, rosemary and thyme. My spice collection has definitely grown since surgery!
  2. If you don't have a recliner, I'd suggest a bedrest pillow. I found it hard to lay flat on my back immediately after surgery. Also, if you plan to sleep in bed and it's high, a small stool to get up there.
  3. gpmed


    Oh yeah I've been having those moments! Most recently I've been loving my workout clothes. I never could have worn this stuff 70 pounds ago! I also just bought some leggings and am thinking of shopping for knee-high boots. I measured my calf circumference and I'm either ready or very close to ready for regular, not wide calf, boots. Exciting stuff!
  4. I haven't been too worried about fiber, honestly. After protein, I eat veggies, often spinach, kale, onion, carrots, sweet potato or purple potatoes. Some berries or nuts on occasion. No idea how much fiber I'm getting cause it's not a primary goal.
  5. My pain was gone for the most part but I was really run down and tired. A trip to the clinic was enough to wear me out. I had the same energy level I have with the flu. I felt better at week 6 and went back to work. At week 8 I had my pre-surgery energy level back. Now, I'm happy to report, it's higher than before surgery at five months.
  6. Thank you everyone for your posts! Good point about not feeling enslaved to the plan. So far I don't, but I'll watch out for that. And right now there's no way in hell I'd get upwards of 140g Protein a day, but good to know for future reference. I'm excited to do a little tweaking with the protein. I have the kitchen scale back out to weigh meat and I swung by the grocery store after my workout this afternoon for turkey slices, cheese slices, string cheese and cottage cheese. I'm ready to do this!
  7. @@Dub I would kill to have you cooking for me!
  8. Thank you guys for the advice! I can answer yes to @@Babbs questions so I think I'm on the right track, but doubling down on protein sounds like a good idea. I appreciate you guys pointing that out. I think I've been adding too much other stuff in, even veggies, to keep my diet "balanced." I bet more protein will keep me more satisfied and away from wanting snacks. Those of you rocking the protein, are you pretty much eating meat all day? Like 4 oz at each of three meals?
  9. gpmed

    Weight loss

    Like everyone said, it's very individualized. That said, I started out with about 100-110 to lose. I'm down 65 at close to 5 months. My surgeon said he expected me to lose 60 by 6 months, so I'm tracking slightly ahead of that. The closer you get to goal the harder it is to create the calorie deficit needed to lose. When you're really big, you naturally burn more calories each day (your basal metabolic rate is higher). So don't be discouraged if people with a lot more weight to lose are losing larger amounts than you. Just stick to the plan and you will get there!
  10. @@ByPassedGuy You've gotten good responses to your question. I'd just add a challenge to open yourself up to trying and enjoying new foods, flavors and spices after bypass. Things may be a little bland at first, especially during the liquid phase, but just remember it's temporary. I'm five months out and I enjoy occasional meals out at restaurants that use whole food ingredients and have dishes featuring Protein, veggies and whole grains. These meals are very enjoyable and satisfying. I'm a novice cook and I appreciate restaurants that use the same quality ingredients I do at home but can make dishes above my ability. I also enjoy that I no longer overeat and the way quality food gives me fuel for plenty of energy and physical activity throughout the day. Btw, your friends are right that hardly anyone regrets surgery in the long run. A lot of us had "what have I done to myself" thoughts immediately after while still in pain and on liquids. If that happens to you, it's normal and will pass. Best of luck with your surgery!
  11. Please forgive another thread about hair loss. I used the search function, but didn't find a thread answering my specific question: For those further out, when did your hair loss stop and the hair begin growing back? I know the loss is normal and I'm doing all the right things already. I think it would help to know when I can expect it to stop. Thanks in advance!
  12. Goodbye 220s!!

    1. Cervidae


      congrats! finally just said goodbye to the 280s myself. You're doing well. :)

    2. gpmed


      Thank you! And congrats to you too Cervidae!

    3. justme29
    4. Show next comments  18 more
  13. Goodbye 220s!!

    1. FrankyG


      Woot! Congrats!

  14. That's so awesome! I had a similar experience about a month ago. I went to a Talbots store with three entrances and sections — misses, petite and plus. I went in the plus entrance and the saleslady greeted me and asked if I was shopping for myself. I answered yes and she said, "Oh, well you're in the wrong section. This is plus size. The misses section is over there." And then I proceeded to buy regular sizes for the first time in eight years!
  15. gpmed

    Fit to Fat to Fit.

    Ugh! I haven't' seen the show, but your description reminds me of this beast who gained and lost 30 pounds to "prove fat people are lazy." http://www.telegraph.co.uk/foodanddrink/11317274/Katie-Hopkins-what-fat-people-need-is-a-kick-up-the-a-.html
  16. gpmed

    Water and Obesity Connection

    Quality water is absolutely important. I'm very fortunate that we have a spring water cooler at work. I fill my 22 oz. water bottle first thing at work and often once more in the afternoon. I live in an older home and occasionally the water coming out the tap has looked discolored, particularly after a rain. Maybe old pipes? I just don't trust it and I never liked the taste. I buy spring water to drink at home. Having great-tasting water available makes such a difference. I feel very fortunate that I have these sources as options.
  17. gpmed

    Sweet Tooth

    I just discovered a yummy snack called Nut Exactly. A coworker brought them in and I just tried them. They have a little chocolate and nuts and taste about as close as I can get to a Peanut Butter cup within my nut's sugar recommendations. A 10-piece serving has 7 grams of sugar and 9 grams of fat.
  18. gpmed


    Before going under, I remember someone telling me they were administering the anesthesia. After, I remember I was having a vivid dream and suddenly I became aware of rolling quickly down the hallway and people shouting my name. Maybe I was trying to sit up or something. When I realized where I was, I immediately asked if I was ok, if there were any complications. Thankfully the answers were you're fine and no complications.
  19. gpmed

    Hair Loss

    You're not alone! I'm five months out and have been shedding quite a bit for a month now. I take fish oil and work hard to meet my protein goals. I've heard biotin is unnecessary if you're taking B12, which I am. I tried collagen but it upset my stomach too much.
  20. gpmed

    Sweet Tooth

    How far out from surgery are you? I'm five months out and just had some low sugar hot chocolate. Such a wonderful treat after shoveling snow!
  21. gpmed

    Going back to work

    It usually takes people two months to regain energy. I'd suggest maybe six weeks off and two weeks working from home. Remember it's better to request more time than you need and go back earlier than not request enough and have to ask for more.
  22. I'm five months out and my stomach is super rumbly sometimes after eating or drinking. I honestly don't know why it's louder some days than others. I just ignore and so far my coworkers have been too polite to say anything if they've noticed.
  23. gpmed

    Food at work?

    I'm five months out. I either cook or stop by the Whole Foods hot bar on weekends for food for the week. I take some kind of protein (turkey burger, fish, chicken) and a few bites of veggies in individual Tupperware containers that I can heat in the microwave. I also keep quest bars and Morningstar farms black bean burgers at work for emergencies.
  24. I set really firm boundaries from the beginning. First, I limited the number of people I told. I started with my best friend, my dad and my boss, who I could expect to respond appropriately and be supportive. I was worried about the reaction I would get from my mom and sister, so I asked my dad to tell them and convey that I'd accept no inappropriate or negative comments of any kind. Concerned questions were ok. My boss told and primed the other people on my team I work closely with. The only person I got negativity from was my sister, but I shut that down really fast. So for me it worked to keep the circle small and put out the vibe I wouldn't accept any bullshit.
  25. I asked this same question of my surgeon and my OB/GYN. They both said either surgery would be fine and honestly, getting the weight off would be the most important factor for conceiving and having a safe pregnancy and delivery.

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