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Everything posted by mngreeneyes

  1. mngreeneyes

    Down 55lbs

    Congrats on your loss! You look great!
  2. mngreeneyes


    I have given up diet coke several times in the past. Cold Turkey, weaning myself slowly, it never mattered. I always went back. To give you an idea of the depth of my addiction, I have a diet coke can and bottle collection from all over the world and a diet coke shower curtain in my bathroom! I was so concerned by the stories I heard on here about going through caffeine withdrawal and having post-op pain that I gave it up before I even had my first NUT appointment! I did it slowly. I had already been trying to cut down so my first step was to drink 2 and only 2 -20 oz. bottles a day. One in the morning and one in the afternoon. Then I went to two 16.9 oz bottles. Then 2 -12 oz. cans. Then finally one 12 oz. can and nothing. At each step if I was still thirsty I substituted with Water. It still took almost 3 weeks for the head aches to go away after I had my last can, but I have been Diet Coke-less since August 1. Every time I thought about cheating or quitting, I thought about the potential pain post-op and stood strong. (I had never had surgery before so the potential of the pain was enough to scare the Diet Coke out of me!) Good luck! You can do it. pam
  3. Hi Chad, I am a 44 y.o. female. I am just over 2 months out from RNY surgery. I am 5'5" and started my journey at 282. I am now down 43.2 pounds. On the date of surgery, I was diabetic, had high blood pressure, and sleep apnea. In two months I have been taken off my blood pressure medication (less than a month) and should be off the metformin in the next month. Had to wait for 3 months to get an entirely "post op" A1C. From my checks of my daily numbers, it is going to be really good. I am hoping to be off my cpap machine within the year, although I have always been an "epic snorer" even when I was much thinner so that may not happen. I have exercise induced asthma which only periodically was an issue, but I have started working on a Couch 2 5K running program and the asthma has not been an issue at all even without my inhaler. I had also just started having heartburn issues when I started this journey. When I go in for my A1C check, I will also ask about going off the heartburn med to check and see if I still need it. That would mean I would be off everything but my depression meds and those aren't going away anytime soon. I chose surgery now because I was starting to have knee issues and have had back issues for some time. I have scoliosis which is not helped by my weight. So far the knees issues have cleared up completely. (I was starting to have pain climbing the stairs to my apartment, but I can run up the stairs now without pain - I still breathe heavy but not like before!) My back has been considerably less of an issue. I hope that helps. I haven't felt this good in years and wish I had done it sooner. pam
  4. mngreeneyes

    OMG! An NSV!

    I am nearly 2 months post-op and nearly 40 pounds down. Today as I was walking toward a reflective glass door I noticed the most amazing thing! There were these two dark, shadowy areas on either side just below my neck! I had to squint to see what they were. I have hollows above my collar bones! I don't know if they just appeared today or if this sweater is just highlighting them, but either way, I don't remember the last time I had hollows anywhere let alone at my collar bones! Just had to share! pam
  5. mngreeneyes

    Sugar-free cough drops

    I was just sick with what sounds pretty similar. I am a HUGE fan of Ricola sugar free Lemon Mint cough drops. They were very helpful when I was sick last week. Although I was 6 weeks out from surgery. I hope you feel better soon! pam
  6. mngreeneyes

    OMG! An NSV!

    @@esskay77 and @James Marusek Thank you! pam
  7. mngreeneyes


    Hi All! I just found this post. I am in St. Paul and had RNY on November 18, 2015 at Fairview Southdale. I am on Medica. I have now lost more than 40 pounds in just under 2 months! I am feeling great and would love to have some more MN WLS friends. pam
  8. I also have had depression for many, many years. It had gotten so that my old wonderful med no longer worked alone and I had to go on a second med. I think being on those meds since surgery has helped even out the potential emotional roller coaster that seems to be a side effect/complication of WLS. I also wonder if my eight was part of why my meds weren't working quite as well. At one point I was worried that since malabsorbtion is a problem with RNY maybe my meds wouldn't absorb as well either, but I have felt great emotionally since the surgery (2 months). I don't think that is totally surgery related, although the weight loss had been a big boost. Additionally leading up to surgery I had started to develop some brain fog/lost words (a symptom of my depression getting worse). I wasn't on the 2 weeks of liquids or anything so it wasn't from that. Almost immediately after surgery that is gone too. I will probably never be off my meds for depression and I am okay with that because I never want to go back down that rabbit hole again. Its too hard to climb back out. All I know for sure is that the last two months have been extremely happy and emotionally healthy and although I attribute some of that to the weight loss, I can't help believing now that 40 lbs less and my meds are working better. All in all, I hope the study is right and my good outlook since surgery is a sign of the good things to come including keeping it all off. If anyone needs to vent or talk, I am in a good place now, but I remember. Just PM me. pam
  9. mngreeneyes

    Back to Running

    Congrats on getting back to running and the new house and everything that went with it. I started back to running on Tuesday. I am doing W1D2 tonight after work. Listen to your body. Starting at week 6 maybe physically possible for you, but your body may not be ready for the mileage jump. It can lead to injuries. I hope I am wrong. Just want to put it out there. Good luck and keep us posted! pam
  10. mngreeneyes

    Embrace the Stall

    @innersurfergirl Thank you for your helpful hints. I am nearly 2 months out from RNY surgery (November 19, 2015). I have had two "stalls" where I didn't lose anything for at least a week. The first at three weeks before I knew that that was a common place for a stall to happen. Now at 6 weeks, I have stalled again. I am 6 days into a stall. I lost a bunch over Christmas, including something like 5 pounds "overnight". Thanks to all the posts I keep reading, I am much more calm about this stall than the one at 3 weeks. I have kicked up the intensity of my exercise lately now that I am cleared to do more than walk. I am sure that is part of all the changes and nonchanges! I can also tell that my body is doing the work as my clothes have gotten bigger during this last week (i.e. my presurgery bra is now on the smallest set of hook and eyes!) and since I am working toward a new size dress for a wedding the first week in February, I'll take a stall as long as I keep shrinking! thanks, pam
  11. mngreeneyes

    How about some NSVs!?!?

    Nearly 2 months and nearly 40 lbs and my bra that was probably too small when I had surgery now fits on the smallest circumference! Thankfully the cups still fit just fine!
  12. mngreeneyes

    VERY Rumble-y Gut

    I found that when I cut out dairy products my rumbly gut went away. I now eat greek yogurt and occasionally cheese and they bring it back, but if I stick to just Fairlife milk, I have no rumbly gut problems. Perhaps that will help you too. pam
  13. You look fantastic. And I k now from reading your posts feel pretty good too! Keep it up. You are an inspiration! pam
  14. I have found this process to be easier than I expected, but that was because the surgery itself scared me. I had surgery November 18, 2015 and having never had any kind of surgery before, I was deifinitely expecting the worst. Fortunately, I have had no complications so that part went much easier. Lifestyle changes are another story. Although I am seldom hungry, I do have my moments. I have managed to make it through both Christmas and Thanksgiving with minimal issues. At Thanksgiving I was only a week out from surgery and on liquids so that was much easier. At Christmas, I allowed myself a bite of holiday treats, but only at meals with my family. I haven't had a lot of desire to eat Cookies and candies, which has been helpful. The big thing for me has been to focus on my Protein first and a taste of the other things so I don't feel completely denied. I even went to a friend's cookie baking day and helped bake cookies. I made sure I had eaten my food before I went and when I got hungry, I stopped and ate some chili she provided, and I helped back 4 or 5 batches of cookies and candies throughout the day. I didn't even try one. I also took a couple of plates home to take to work on Monday. Those cookies, etc. traveled in my car all weekend and they didn't even speak to me and all the homemade caramels that my coworkers never knew existed in previous years arrived safely at work on Monday! I think my key to success thus far has been the work I did before hand. I was a diet coke addict, but in preparation for the surgery, I gave up diet coke. Its been 5 + months. It was one of my go to comfort foods. just succeeding at giving it up gave me so much confidence that I could do this. After giving up Diet coke, I started drinking Water religiously. I was up around 100+ oz. a day before surgery. This was a habit I worked hard to create before surgery. I am drinking less now, but Its a habit that is already ingrained. I also was religious about following the 30/30 rule. I stopped drinking with mealsand for 30 minutes on either side in July and again, it became a habit before surgery. I also have learned to eat slower and chew carefully. When I haven't, I have had issues and the feeling of being stuck is horrible. I hate vomiting, but I don't mind so much when that stuck feeling goes away. Not to mention, I am MUCH more careful with my eating aftewards. I still struggle with head hunger, but so far what I have noticed is it has more to do with seeing a commercial on tv or hearing one on the radio and thinking, I could just go to X fast food place, and pick up Y and that would be so easy. So far the fear of dumping has prevented my following through, which I am okay with for the time being. It is giving me time to learn to talk myself out of head hunger cravings before I follow through. The longer I can hold out hte more of a habit that becomes too and the stronger I become. The other thing I have done to combat head hunger is to make sure that I don't allow any of my old treats into my apartment. I find that if I focus on protien at the grocery store, I am less likely to even enter those aisles that were my trip-ups before. For me this is easier because I am single and live alone so I have no reason to have to buy goodies for anyone else. I tip my hat to those who have families and find a way to fight the head hunger when its calling from the kitchen cupboard! Okay, that's enough from me. I wish you the best. pam
  15. mngreeneyes

    NSV goal for an article of clothing?

    I am only a month out from surgery, but I have been having a blast "shopping in my closet!" I have bought things that "I will get into later" for years as well as saving my favorite things from a variety of smaller sizes. I wore my leather jacket for the first time today! It came up around my ears when I sat in my car seat this morning. It was pretty stiff from years of hanging in my closet. I also am wearing a pair of pants that I bought second hand last winter when I needed black pants. I hate trying clothes on so when they didn't fit, I just kept them "until I fit into them". I bought them before I even started thinking about surgery! NOw they fit and are going towards too big! pam
  16. mngreeneyes

    Overall how have your moods changed?

    I am just over 1 month post op. I was tired a lot the first weeks after surgery, but I didn't have any trouble with my moods. I suffer from depression and am on antidepressants. I don't know if that equalized my moods or not, but ... I was really worried about the moods swings I had read about. I spent a week at home with my parents and was worried about how I would deal with my Dad's sometimes thoughtless comments. I enlisted my mom to help shut him down if needed and a couple of friends who I could call for reassurance, but Dad behaved! and I didn't have the mood swings. All I can tell you is that it all gets better. This too shall pass! Happy Holidays, pam
  17. mngreeneyes

    3 Days post-op!

    I am just over one month post op and I can assure you that it gets better. My best advice, which you will likely hear elsewhere, is WALK, WALK, WALK! I walked almost every time I woke up while I was in the hospital. I am a wimp about pain and having heard the stories about the gas pain, I was terrified of the gas pain so I was pushing the nurses to let me walk ASAP. I still had gas, but I think it was more manageable because of the walking. When I got home, I went for short walks 3 times a day building up a little more in length or time with each walk. Initially I then would go home and take a nap after each walk, but... You can do it. It will get better and this will all be but a memory! pam
  18. My family that I will see at Christmas have been great and they all saw me at Thanksgiving just a week after surgery. The event that I am most interested to see how it goes is my oldest nephew's wedding in February. I have only told my brother and my second nephew. I don't know who else they mentioned it to, but I specifically asked them not to tell my SIL. She is not the nicest person on the best of days and she has major hang ups about weight and has no problems sharing them with everyone. (She also is a size 2 after 4 C-sections!) For her weight loss is simply calories in calories out and anyone who is overweight is not putting enough effort in. I have been overweight the entire time I've known her. I still will be overweight in February, but I should be noticably smaller and the only clothes I intend to pay full price for in the next 6 months or so is the FABULOUS dress I plan to wear for the wedding! I don't know yet what that dress will look like, but I have the entire month of January to shop! I know she will be vicious, but I think I am ready for it and have learned many good lines from everybody here! pam
  19. mngreeneyes

    I won't regret this...right?

    I am 4 weeks post-op today! YEAH! I think I have had a charmed recovery because I have had NO issues. Except for the scars and eating less food, I sometimes wonder if they really did surgery or this is just a mind game! That being said, I wish I had done this sooner. I am 44 now and I can't believe all the things I didn't realize I was avoiding because of my weight. I've lost nearly 30 so far and am hoping to be cleared for exercise at my 4 week appointment tomorrow so I can keep this downward trajectory going. My goal is about half of my starting weight so I have some work to do! Just keep at everything the docs and nuts tell you and look for the positive. There's a line in Lion King that I always loved. Rafiki hits Simba over the head with a stick and Simba wants to know why. Rafiki wisely responds, "who cares? Its in the past!" Or something to that extent. I know it is still a couple of days in front of you, but soon it will be past and you can move forward. Always move forward! pam
  20. Surgery week is here! My surgery is Wednesday, November 18th. I've got most of my stuff packed. I am packing for the hospital and the weekend after as I am staying with a friend at her apartment that has an elevator! My kitchen is cleaned out except for post-surgery items. I have the rest of today and the morning tomorrow to work and then two weeks+ off for recovery. One more trip to the pharmacy to refill prescriptions and get a few things and I'm ready. This journey started when I was put on my first diet at the age of 6 because I wasn't thin. (I wasn't fat either, but I wasn't thin.) I've never been thin, but its only been the last 10-15 years that I've really put on the weight. Like everyone else, I have tried everything. In July I realized that I was sick and tired of being sick and tired. My knees were starting to hurt climbing stairs, my feet were starting to become a problem, my diabetes (A1c) and blood pressure were creeping up, my wardrobe was soon going to need to go up another size and that was getting harder to find, and I realized that I had reached the point that I was ready for surgery. I had exhausted my last option and was ready and willing to make this step. So here I am almost the eve of surgery excited, contemplative, and scared. Ready to just get on with it and not have to be anxious anymore. To everyone else have surgery this week! Best wishes! pam
  21. OMG! OMG! OMG! OMG! I got the letter from the insurance company on Saturday that they have approved me for RNY! I am waiting for the surgeon's scheduler to call and schedule my actual date!! I am having a hard time sitting still! I knew nothing would happen over the weekend so I kind of put it out of my mind, but now I think its really sinking in! This is really going to happen! OMG! OMG! OMG! OMG! pam
  22. I am 43 now, but I am hoping to have my surgery before my 44th birthday in December. I just got insurance approval letter on Saturday and am just waiting to schedule the surgery date! pam
  23. mngreeneyes

    Anyone from Minnesota

    I live in St. Paul. I was just approved by my insurance for my surgery! pam
  24. mngreeneyes

    surgery date

    OMG! OMG! OMG! OMG! I finally got my insurance approval on Saturday. Now I am waiting for my surgeon's scheduler to call and schedule the big day!! I am hoping for NOvember 18th otherwise it will be in December.
  25. I need a patience shot or something. This process has and continues to be a hurry up and wait kind of process. Hurry up and make an appointment and wait several weeks for the appointment to come. HUrry up and lose your weight, and wait for the next appointment to come. HUrry up and give up diet coke so you don't have to go through withdrawal and recover from surgery at the same time, and wait - Its been nearly 3 months since I had a Diet Coke!!!! I was an addict. I even have a Diet Coke Shower curtain! So I finally got cleared to see pick and meet my surgeon. I met him last Thursday. Now I have to wait until my insurance processes the paperwork. Dr. says 1-2 weeks. Well, get on with it. I have to be approved by insurance before I can schedule surgery. Now I have spent my time learning and also choosing my procedure, gastric bypass, which the Dr. said he would have recommended for me. So now I just need some patience. As one of my friends from WLS support group says, this does not come with brain surgery! I always hate waiting. Any suggestions on what I can be doing pre-surgery to make the time go faster at least in my own mind? I don't have anymore boxes to check off! There is NOTHING I can do to move things along! BTW These forums have been great to read during this journey so far! pam

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