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Gastric Sleeve Patients
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Everything posted by trekker954

  1. trekker954

    Cold water hurts

    Everything is difficult the first few weeks, but it doesn't start returning to normal. Initially I couldn't drink plain Water at all, I had to play around, warm, room temp, cold, add tea or flavor; lots of testing. Now, I can drink anything, and especially water and honestly I prefer out of the refrigerator. But when I'm out, I order water with ice and have no issues. I was so afraid, I'd never be able to take a good swig, or gulp. No issues now. That sip, sip sip at first, I never thought I'd get my Fluid requirement in. Now I still have to work at, especially if I have a busy day.
  2. Yesterday travel and attended two pre wedding functions. I fell way below my Protein and Water levels but survived lots of temptations. I had a tiny bit of crab cake at one restaurant with some lobster bits and sauce. Yummy and tolerated but only a little. Then a little chicken francese, about 2 bites. Tonight I've heard my choices for main meal. Chilean sea bass; filet mignon, some chicken dish, two Pasta choices. Oh, I'm 31 days out. Phase 3, alot I rarely blend, do more with my teeth. I want to try and eat more fish but not a fan. Alot I'd be starving if not for my tuna fish. This will be an elegant wedding and the venue has excellent food. But will I like the bass? Or should I try the steak? I bet I couldn't get much down. Or just stick with chicken that I know my tummy tolerates. I'm assuming I will avoid all food and alcohol at the cocktail hour. Maybe a meatball if they have them How should I approach this. I'm sort of freaking out because I didn't have enough good choices yesterday and fell below. Sent from my SM-N910T using the BariatricPal App
  3. I'm planning on the fish then. At the garden city hotel. I'll report back tomorrow. Sent from my SM-N910T using the BariatricPal App
  4. My nephews wedding is in garden city, NY. Sent from my SM-N910T using the BariatricPal App
  5. I do like fish it's it's covered in yummy sauces. Lol. Last night the table ordered garlic lobster sauce bread, OMG it "looked" delicious. I had a 1/4 of a crab cake and did take some of the lobster sauce which had bits of lobster to moisten my crab cake and mashed it all up. I expected my tummy to reject but I took about a half hour to eat that little bit and was fine. Sent from my SM-N910T using the BariatricPal App
  6. I brought biotene mouth spray but the hospital had these tasty mouth swabs that I used. Totally wasted money on that mouth spray. Brought gasx strips, still haven't used one. Wore home what I wore there. Daughter kept my pillow in her car for the short ride home, it helped. Used my cell and charger. Used my credit card for copay. That's about it. Was in hospital overnight/one day. Sent from my SM-N910T using the BariatricPal App
  7. I'm a month out. I was cleared for soft and mushie foods from day 12. I'm not fond of Greek yogurt or cottage cheese. I guess I'm picky. I'm not cleared for vegetables or fruit yet. I can't wait so I can make the foods a little more tasty. I've been okay with eggs, cheese, tuna, chicken/turkey. This week I tried shrimp and deli roast beef. Neither worked for me. I just couldn't chew enough to get it liquid enough, nor did I enjoy the task - so quickly gave it to my dog (who I think is gaining weight). I had some liverwurst, which was easy to eat and delicious. Although my NUT said Okay, just not to eat too much because of the high fat. I'm not a big fish eater, but I think I have to take the plunge and try some recipes since my go to shell fish isn't working. I'm bored and I'm very hungry at times. I'm meeting my protein/water goals, supplementing Premier Protein, although some days I gag at the thought of drinking another one. I do like the ricotta bake, but add a little lite tomato sauce to it. If I could do more than one yolk a day, I'd be happy, but I stick to the plan. Since 6 weeks including my 2 week pre surgery diet, I'm down 25 pounds.
  8. trekker954

    Sleep Study

    It was one of the comorbidities that assisted in getting my insurance to approve my WLS. I've never stopped breathing that I am aware, but I did snore for sure. So I had the sleep study prior to my initial WLS meeting. I think I just paid about $150 copay. The sleep studies are sort of a joke. They hook you up with so many wires and such, its near impossible to sleep and I get up often to pee, I'd have to hit the call button and wait. I'm surprised they got any data from me. But it was enough to say I had mild sleep apnea and that helped too as I said with the WLS approval. BTW, a month out and my daughter reports she hasn't heard me snore at all.
  9. trekker954

    How many incisions?

    I had 8, one was a mistake (too far out). I'm told 7 is typical They are all very small and healing nicely. 3 are barely noticeable at all. Sent from my SM-N910T using the BariatricPal App
  10. trekker954

    Actual hunger pains

    4 weeks out, I feel hunger also. I'm getting in my Protein. Especially when I wake in the middle of the night. My tummy feels so empty. Sent from my SM-N910T using the BariatricPal App
  11. trekker954

    Sleeping positions and insomnia

    I'm 4 weeks out and still have severe insomnia. I was sleeping comfortably after a week so that isn't the issue. I don't know why. Sent from my SM-N910T using the BariatricPal App
  12. trekker954


    Sometimes, I find it exhausting just to eat a couple of ounces of food. the chewing, chewing, chewing, and more chewing......the conscious effort to eat slowly. My daughter sometimes laughs at me when I finish a meal, I give a big sigh. She use to ask whats that about and I'd say I'm exhausted. lol
  13. I assume the standard is no swimming pools for 6 weeks due to ewwwwwwwwwwwwwwwww, floating germs. But I have my OWN pool. No kiddies peeing or pooping in my pool. My incisions are healed, nothing open. I'm a month out. If I can take a bathe, why not wade in my pool. I do not have a lap pool, so I won't be swimming per se, but would like to use my Water gear resistance dumbells or at least walk. Also my pre surgery ritual was many evenings, my daughter and i would float and talk about our day. I can't eat with her anymore, I can't drink wine with her anymore, we miss the pool time. I've followed my surgeons instructions to a T; but wondering if I really risk infection cheating two weeks early.
  14. trekker954

    Gallbladder removal pain

    I am soooooo glad my doctor removed my gallbladder at the same time. Sent from my SM-N910T using the BariatricPal App
  15. Your closet looked like mine and I hope you use everything because I certainly did not. I bought so many different Proteins, $$$$$$$$$ and other products recommended that I just didn't use, grrrrr. I only use premiere Protein and GENEPRO powder that I did stick up on. Sent from my SM-N910T using the BariatricPal App
  16. I take my Omeprezole daily and I too often feel hunger from my belly, especially in the middle of the night. I ignore it, it's all I can do. Sent from my SM-N910T using the BariatricPal App
  17. trekker954

    2nd day out question

    Hate peppermint tea, but saved me first few days, mixed in GENEPRO. Had to put crystal lite, ice tea for Water. Could not handle regular water until nearly three weeks out I can drink water as before Sent from my SM-N910T using the BariatricPal App
  18. trekker954

    How many incisions?

    I had eight, but was told 7 is typica. They realized one of the incisions was too far out from where they had to reach, so they didn't really use it, but had to cut another one closer in.
  19. my incisions appeared totally closed after a few days. Even at my first post op appt 10 days out, I asked the surgeon about why 8 inciisons. He was having a hard time finding them all, they looked so good. I'm amazed.
  20. Thanks for the suggestions Sent from my SM-N910T using the BariatricPal App
  21. I don't know if I'm overly cautious about eating. I've been on mushie/soft 11 days now. I have never thrown up. I may get mild hiccups or burp a little. But when it comes to denser food, I just feel the need to not put that next bit of food in my mouth, or else. Is that the signal? its not a feeling of fullness, as much as it is in my chest/throat. I feel I'm not getting in the Protein from "food." Yes, I'm making it up in shakes/ protein powder; but it seems others and easily eating 3 and 4 ounces each meal, which is my goal; but no way. Should I push myself even if my mind is telling me to stop? What is the signal for you?
  22. Since I'm new, I pretty much only dole out 2 ounces thinking that is still below what is in my "handbook". But I rarely finish it. There isn't too much I'm enjoying to eat these days. So most everything I force myself to eat. I've decided I just can't force myself to eat greek yogurt or cottage cheese. It has always been disgusting to me. Oh wait, I do enjoy the Ricotta bake and I do enjoy my egg. I'm going to go have my second shake now.
  23. I put GENEPRO into my decaf coffee. I know it mixes well in Soups. I have put Genepro in my hummus, yogurt. it mixes pretty well. I'm still in the soft stage food, but really need to keep my Protein in. Can you mix it into recipes that you cook? I know it says never to microwave. I had made these ricotta puffs in muffin tins and while I reheated one, After reheating i did mix maybe half a serving of genepro into the center. So far I'm not sure on the whole cooking with it. Would love to hear other ideas.
  24. trekker954

    Gallbladder removal pain

    Did you have it done at the same time or separately. I had mine done at the same time, so I can't say. Overall my pain was minimal. Both my gallbladder and stomach was pulled thru the same incision. That incision took about a week to stop hurting.
  25. trekker954

    1st post=op visit complete!

    My phase 3 is called puree/soft and is strict, no vegetables, fruit and no Soups. It is suppose to last 6-8 weeks. It is extreme boring and hard. I found the real mushie and soft foods easy like eggs, hummas, refried Beans. Anything of substance whether I blenderize or use my teeth totally exhausting such as chicken or fish. My tummy can tolerate but no more than an ounce or two. Depending on Protein shakes to help me meet my daily requirements Sent from my SM-N910T using the BariatricPal App

PatchAid Vitamin Patches
