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Gastric Sleeve Patients
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Posts posted by tgorden1208

  1. I have had several people close to me who have had severe problems with lap band, my MIL had 2 both slipped and pinched off her esophagus and she was aspirating into her lungs, she almost died the last time, another friend had it was doing good then months later port got infected & she was in the hospital for days, I saw at my drs office yesterday that even when it's removed your stomach will stay that shape. I was sleeved on July 6th, I tried to do too much too soon and pulled my stitches (the 2 internal) now that really hurt but I'm down 28 lbs today I feel great, no swelling in my legs, just an overall well feeling. Good luck.

  2. Had my 6 weeks post op visit yesterday everything looking good, pulled labs interested to see how they are looking. I have lost 28 lbs I feel like that's pretty slow but dr says average is 3-5 lbs per week and I am in that range. Seems I am getting my Protein in any ideas to boost my weight loss? I faithfully take my Vitamins, drink my Water or crystal light, been walking although my knee limits that some, just any special food ideas or exercise ideas would be appreciated, don't think I'm in the stall phase it's just slow but I'm not complaining, still excited about my journey and committed to seeing this through. Thanks everyone!

  3. I was sleeved 7-6 on my third day I strained my abdominal muscles & was in serious pain, I called my dr he said I pulled the stitches in the ab wall, that was some major pain, I couldn't walk, stand, stretch, lean over, or barely get in bed, after laying on my back when I would first get up it would feel better for a very short time. This is my third wk post op I am better but sometimes certain moves make it hurt so bad, it has been tough for me & I like to think I have a high pain tolerance but this pain has been over my limit! I used Tylenol 3 & those salon pas pain Patches, I haven't had any pain meds in 2 days but when I feel like it's going to hurt I put a patch on, you can get them anywhere. Good luck hang in there each day gets better!

  4. I am 2 wks post op, I work from home, my surgery went great, first 2 days at home I feel fantastic, the 3rd day I strained & popped the 2 stitches inside my ab wall, my pain was extreme after that, hurt to move at all, yesterday & today have been a lot better for me, last night was my first night no pain meds. Still no regrets, no pain NO gain!!! It will pass, remember it's normal & rest, I kept an ice pack on the left side that actually helped more than the meds. Good luck to you.

  5. My sleeve was Monday, Monday I did super, Tuesday was a breeze, Wednesday I worked way too hard on a BM & felt something pull around my incision site on the left & it hurts so bad! Dr says it's probably the 2 stitches they put in & not to worry, haven't been walking like I should bc it hurts, guess I better up the meds & get moving. Thanks for all the posts I realize I'm not alone!

PatchAid Vitamin Patches
